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'g° ,~ ;J3~r~;"gYsAaCaA~AD1"? €~.?rr','I'F3~33 C't?Vl:NAi+i'TS ANl) AGRisk:Ei: ~# ~ ~ ~~~~ d <br />1 trot thx* SvrortP,agor w'if# pay the mdehtednattt3 ns herriatretbre pnmidert. <br />That tf.e 19nrtga>•;ar is fire rFwner of ::aid pr:tp+'rti• in fee simple and has Karsd right and lawful out hnrity to .sell and <br />€'?n+•ey the soma and 4hat the is frea and cierxr of any lien 6r enrurnbrana•; and that M1Sorigage,r will warrant. and defend the <br />bite fa said prerrs€aas again:5k the ctaitns of ail geevana whoracoeve r. <br />~ Tr. vq:i i. „.-,~;s;~gt.}Y - h. 3 xr and payable all gc^nerzt# taxes, s;;c^sai Laxf-s spe ial as..s: rr of-s, wz«ter t'harges sewe* serv- <br />~ i<'A charge; arzd oth r rs ~ a d C§ r vs - 3 n. said ;}pm;te--r3Y and '+11 taxs _ !e rd -n h lebt d hereby, and u_ to n sh " <br />- _e - 't'h. 4i._ f ace e rv that them shalt br a7dr=dz 4a <br />~>3ri,=,ogee- ut-nn sryire:.t. w'Lt, the nrt„sna, or uupih - ~.'- s - <br />e.vch mo~tidy payment reyutr d hereunder or under th. d tc s de t -rc aced h h~ asa rr .m estimated by rh !4forkgagze <br />-, i~ eau€~;e~ 4- ira e~~ie the_ S4orfg~gee flr i>ay . ~ .hey bec ,m. dtse, atz taxes, aaseasments an ] similar charges upon the prem~ <br />:z s anh3xt tiserrto; ary dePteiency Sroauxr of tixe insu&5ciency of su.h additional paymen#s shall he fortfiwith dept~tted hp the <br />,~,o ~-;th t1tP v#ortgagee upon demand f,}~ 1hµ \i«rrt>;agee- AnY '1+-€a>zli un,t+'r this. paragraph shall be deemed a default in <br />paynlent~rft Eaxt4, a_s..;smenL:, nr similar CharKes required hereu ndvr. <br />'Thf= tl origagnr agrees chat therF -ci;atl aka }rr added t~~ !•ach m~.nthly paymf•nt. of principal and tote rest required here- <br />1 r. t 1 1 ti t \9 4g3g_s « -off i i i - at 1 • tt t1 1 _- pa - t becnmo-c due, the msuranrr <br />amour t r the• m f i lency of snob additional pay- <br />r, -€1 „r any -n..- r pc h ~ -i.1 e d - L} ~ \1-. fra6 - .t 1 fi. --: - c. €. <br />Sa h f rtnats, ,tc pr,-f d 4 h :Ni as r th .t 1 rt, ng C t -rr nd } - tc \l utgagee Anv default under thin <br />~- r:.f r -ttal3 lr uremed a .e taut, In tt - ; t n<r f r.. n ` „ t „vunra if :h p 1`- , -,. t -t€Ci x depusrted am such :n M±me~ <br />Ih,• ,-ntrr.• rem ut., the 1~1„rt„ager man attfrly the deposit tr, <br />„_,,,.- -.. ._-_ risk zndscu~s- dnd thc• depnva- s, .".-u tiler nt ~ i +_ p <br />_ r --,,.,,,,. ""n rtsk.a reyuir~d m he mcurrd by thie mortgage <br />t a ~ t. m is t :a to r s .-- ! t at.l . t ri,r ,.pt r.,n ° tt T'rtgfsFCn ix~ held by ,t and <br />un,t- -. , th" i,avmt n. - C u t .t: m_.., rt: .uflR -, :,F P' +r. ;tat menu :arc hereto, <br />. -,i; 3 ,-h r nI~ ,.. . <br />t t,,dti~ . - - , ,r -.t. € , u. •r .. t ,,,, ~ r t. •r b•ht,.tfroes <br />t - t .s "+rt 1 n 1:: I t _. "r - 3 II •ti :tn~t <br />'t r - ! _ n«. .: ` - .1 1 " 1 r . € _ nn h r 'n urabi«r <br />vat r- f -j h d a 1 <br />.,=ds, •:-uanises. anc« ,'ont nr<_..:r.rj a, the „Sort,;aF. m,> ,=Y#wxe, sn ~:-r:s - t.x# th - dcbtcdneR-3 _ectrred by khia <br />t t Yls t t ._ \9t"ergo <br />z1 ,rt{;ag -. n -+ ~ mn. t - ar ite~- t ~ t .," - -. - <br />-ns t- -r 1 f fa r 1 .tit la r ruC•,m the <br />. t t a - _ 1- t i .. s, -st -st h ata• .et <br />1 _ r -h .art _ .sent h-ush ~newais <br />k ~ Ydt.t ., ,t+ lSF+1 r ~r .itt d 1~ t' ~ t , <br />- ." r r 1 _ tF ~ ~ ~1 tr at, - -n~Y Y to € !e(aalt <br />a_ a.c 'n ,• .n -~wred ,r yeti t .u,y x s .> - ' n r su, . - <br />ttnder the *ean~ of this rru,rtF sti-. Chr ee L_- r; „t s.. ..-_ "•+" - =n t ~... 1 - n,it~uL an i clgnm_nt ,- the u^ <br />Berntwt premium. <br />t ~ h 7 e <br />wm r. i ~l .r ~ - ., _ .. -!s. t at. ~ rt acre <br />'+n 1f, a ~s t n~ t Ci t !ty "a m <br />i .~ ar,F adri t i t i ul .# - I- .,r soy <br />~- 6 l ni' 7 Al # - 1" 1 t" -1~ } - ~ f -~~ _ x_r t, 1 .,• 1 <[Urt <br />dfi tat .i tr tl,e- \ti~rt 4.t~,. -itii~ .., i ec.l, _ - .. -> q <br />...:.r pw sr t..s_et _ <br />he hero. ~.ccn paYrneot =•-z. ..,_•.kri!iaCc <br />r,to r• _ ,•s t- r rru.. 4 1 1. r. a>,~ be- <br />, pr nn ptly r<~F~.:c r -- X11 rt ~ ,r , z+nl. , ,-r ~ r-..- ,~n •,r <br />z- ~ maK 1 , i 1 r„ ssi I,n <br />~4nim u, ticn tre_:p e ~-utsor:}i.tater t [L-c 1 i..+ • <br />acs p-'s =c _ ,o-, r [n €.r rnn rl r~ o., ~ uE nn su e _ . ., ,_r s- M _ 1 ay t « t? 1 n , vl td ~hal~ s"errome <br />ee.`< ;'a#u~ote. ns,: is dasrzt•1 i:.i. -,. ", <br />ka ihr rna:fgageri : tem,sas un;i th.- one therr<,. <br />rs ssa - • ~ ~~ - l .mpr,nrn,rnt ~ n t-n Uon <br />T'ha+ ,hc,utd th< Yrr `z ~ - t nt~tk-d ;r" c I rn rt <br />F ~erchny, •,r ounce the ,zg + - - t r <br />a.vatds and arty •xLhrr P „¢ ., n"i .n« «( r tr... c=-.3?-ra nv, r. t - ,=•1 ap;rc•ar n; and t s ~u1- n xLs <br />;: r - _ _ -, -- _ tt ,uz t t k K "r i n ~ Kr.:•il .uch <br />cwt. nanw~ ~+v ae t pr LnF n 41 d rgee }o my aCt-r deducting <br />t ;u r star <br />Campenaatton, awar s.- ~oGrziag r€ght s iz r •,w <br />.h.+rrft-cyr if itc p rz~•a r J-ate arty n n - s t -! t 1. n tr s , n-i tt dne.~5 ~: r. nerd hereby. The t1ort- <br />. "; „t, • _ .€„ .r.,,t,. ,,. ,. .,,_! ~. ,... _.z~..-. - rd +FStn vt action and proceeds a the <br />gagoE agaa3^: ttt f._!`C:ttiC cASCh itq thrt e,ai?,ninc rtt. _ <br />.~sOrtaagt`v may te'Qnire <br />,, "„ „€,... th 'Mortgagor's behalf everything <br />T#tat sn c.isr of Fad t n, t <br />r - hereo[, that the R1nr(gagor will <br />;.~:.evr;ttutFt+t; that the \1 s.rtgat, n€a - - ~ rt a « s? t: - 1 4 cw--. 2nd cueh moneys toRetlier with <br />repay upon dernand ary rn-> s v ~ ;•ard r € -t _ <br />i tt, tit mess nerabs ~erured and may tm €n- <br />irterest ih•~reos: at tl€e rate c>r:n idt':i s ~3 rt:rz h 1 'rcK .. _' _ „ .zi, tt ~a,e t,f a+d premises If not ntherw ire <br />eluded In any dec tee for...:l er h,: , ~ .~ .. <br />~idt ttaak st shall nut Ire ubtsga ory aE r ~. ~ \i is r r ' aa- -t t any Irerr encumbrances. or claim 1^ ad- <br />-t-a a~ a'avva &!:thv,riarel. nu - -, -~ - - - ~ 1i ,-'n-t i a~ reyusrrnK the \lnrtgager to advance any <br />coneys far any ouch pur;wsr nor eu d< .us. a. t, i..:reun,xr. s--d tt,at '-".artga~rn sna+ n t !rtcur any personal liebelity M•causr c:t any <br />khing it may do or omit to do tter-rundtc. <br />s,y +, - °}ar t:.avrzrrnt .+~ tin, ~nstahmrnt. a~ te.,uireri h; it c rvotr +ecured herehy. ar <br />In tha event of th tcfa- s .'~-- - <br />tn the prrtf<~..:nar,Cr~ of the c{ ~ .,n ,,. ., ~ 1 : .- t- -<- ~:- tor:.-6y. tht 3inrtga K«•c =hall h<• r~ntstled tr. declare the <br />debt ,ecar~ hereby due jf ! { uv Yrr ~~ 1 .,,:gager ~h:,i, ha -aitit d at m -.p4nn, •.. ithuut nutsce either by ttselt <br />ur °i+y a receiver Et, Fee appovtt<Kj by ffty court thet .,. y, , -•art regard ko the a..vq'~cy [any seatri[l for the rodebtedness se- <br />cured hereby'. fa enter up+in an.? tska- tkr~.:sr~-io1+- of ^hc a--_: __ rszci pramtses. and to CuEles~t anti rereive fhe«renis, s.sues and Profits <br />fher~ , a=id apFly zhe vanxr. ;ems :xtsLS •,( '>3h'ration and r<,tlrctian, upon the indebterinrs-_ securers by this mortgage: said rents, <br />iaaaee,: and Ps'rdi'-t+ ~+ng herefry z.: xsam•d r.:, im• M<,rtF;ngr•v as [nether security for the paymerf of a!1 indehtednrss vecured hereby. <br />_..,:.J,.A!1 a,ak,. th,• nnv:er tr; app«,int any agent nr agent,, i[ may desire for Fhe per;ruz:e Ilf rrpasring seid pre•m- <br />;~s. rcnteng the ~sarse, zv~tterun- thx r n Irv-nue5 :Ird rncome e~id It may F-7 tit f card utcame ai! rz#xns ' n-u tact ::-. <br />ing ara3i mA,tag:ag .~ '*-d g '..t#ea ling the rentals tf€e ref tom The fiatant e xnv, shall tm f>f lied toward t~ <br />sf:er~hrarge' r>t ih6• €r"_rrtga~e ^ixuie6t-:dr:cv:,a. T#lis ~ax~ignn€rnt is .,+ ic~rmsnat«• and trctcom<~ null and t.,id utxnt rrlr~2sc' tC thtn r, rrtRa~a~ <br />.:s <br />'tom.... 4 <br /> <br />