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ic~ther uitPe all tenements, hereditamenES and appuetenanccu belunking thereto <br />.Y} Hk`./& AND TO HCDLD Nye above described premisex wilh all the privileges and -appurtenances therctankn helortgtng including <br />iii rents, issues :and pro,its thereof unto hlorttager, tirseser. And ~9ortgagor hereby covenants that t~lartgagor is wets and truly seised of <br />a good title to ih^ premises abnve cc:nveyed in the law, in fee sirnple, and has good ril;lot and lawful authority to cvnvcy the same, and <br />that the title sa conveyed is clear, free and unincvmbered exr p? as otL•erudse noted and thaf M9ortgaorsr Qvitl forever warrant and de- <br />fend the same to Itiortga;;ae against all clsims whatsoever. <br />This av9or?g~~ge is given by r9ortgagars to secure the perforrnanee of esr:h agreement contained herein, and to secure the payment <br />of a lc;xn in the am,-~rnt of the Total of f ayments s}town above, which loan being evidenced "by a promissory note bea_nng amen date <br />herewith and which is fuether described above. <br />PRC)tft>3 AL ~lA~`S, and !base presents are neon-the expressed condiiron, that if tfie Mortgagors sltail pay in full to the Mort- <br />gagee apromissory note hearing even date herewith in the art,ount set fo> <h above, payable in install; ant; ace wing to the ter;,r there- <br />of tcgetlter wi?h interest as set forth therein, and shall pay all taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate before the same be- <br />carnes deLnquent, and keep the httiidings an said premises insured for a sum equal to the indebtedness secured'herehy, loss, if any, pay- <br />aiite in the said Mortgagee, then these presents to be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS AiSO TO BE , AND CONTii~UE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR TEIE PAYMENt <br />OF SUCH SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM'f1ME TO TIME 9N THE FU"I'UAE AD9rAl+iCE TO THE <br />PryisicTGAGOR, AI`:D EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLE:tENTAL NOTE OR NOTErz, BUT NOT TO SXCEEn THE TOTAL. OP <br />S~^8,501. Fb******'~***EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE TO ?'ROTE.C?' THE SECURITY 1N AC- <br />CORDANCE WITH THE TER,i9S OF THIS S90RTGAGE. <br />~'#ddiliona] Terms and Conditions on the revere of this agreement sre made a part hereof and incorporated herein. <br />~°'~°' Ifld Wr17^lESS WEIEREOF, the said !+Aortgagors have executed these__pre~~sent~~s the day and year first abode writt~e~n. <br />~ Mortgagor ~ <br />Rr <br />e ' /r <br />^~ <br />orEgagor <br />.; t <br />S9'~'fE OF NE~t3ASICA ) <br />q ) SS <br />,. COLrI`ITY CIF ~L ) <br />C2n ~1ti53i'd day of _~RUArtY l U 81 ,before me, the undersigned a Notary Public, duly <br />cnmraisstoned and, qualified for and in said state and county, personalty came _ ICK L. MCCURRY At"TB J!?NET E. MCCURRY, <br />. %iiSB~tJ~ND td7 F OF EACH OTHER AND EACH IN HIS AND I;J;R OWN RIGHT <br />to nte, known to be she iriCniieai peron cr parorrs wl.cse nu,,._ •~ ..• •...•.•__ _._ affixed to the foreeoing instrument and acknowledged <br />the execution tfrereof to be his, her ar their voluntary^ act and deed. <br />Wit,Kessiin~t~i6~pnd aria) Seal the day and year last above written. '~ T ~ <br />.. H~ •~ RY <br />~reAt <br />`" ~ ~`-'~`~`'"~ NOTARY PUBLlC <br />F:~iy carrunission e;.ptres th~~~-. e _ ~ day of ,~d~'L°'i~~"~ _ , ! 9 ~f <br />1i(~"f i±'l_ Sbf_ i~"li}I K SiG'~~ i;OR llll! f30\.11. TEKl1S A;tD CQ\UtTIONS <br />:seta. a.E- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />