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<br />7:.(7oademsatiors. , In-the stmt the Progeny, of acy part thereof, shill be taken by eminent domain, the Morryagee <br />iaeaapowe®d ~ tmQect assd mpt~a a9 epatipspetlim vlhiah may be paid for any property taken' or for damages to property <br />nut~tiei~n, smdld ahaA agpty.weh e~tperrsatioa, at its- apttou, either tea reductirsT of the indebtedness-secured <br />hasgby mr3o;re~md reatoea. property ao drmegad~ <br />6. PMastamnee by`Nettp~Ca. 6forkgepre may, but shall: h no o~tlon, to do any act which the Martgnilor <br />bar a~ree~i bus airs iu do; m'~s~ea may ~s ~ ~q +~t ;r- - se~war tc protect, the !Sere hereof. i~.ori.~.gti; <br />awees to xeeray, aeon dtam~aod,"_an$_oasma ao ap6~dad bS the Morte faF the abo`e purposes, and any aware w expanded' <br />6y the a~ ,bear be addv! to kite lnde6tednrs secured hereby and become subject to the lien hereof. Moetgagee <br />dmA hot iscosr any personal ICrbiHtybe®use of anythtn~it may do or ante to do hereunder. <br />-. - <br />8. i?opsiit; Aaaig~t ~ .ant: Time 4 of the eacence herseot, and upon Mortgtgor's default it any covenant <br />ort of kite! ldortyage, indu~at eavenaa~ to pay when due the sums ceeured by this Mortga~, tie Mortgegoe atid- <br />be enili~d, it im sde option' and vriRltaat Mice, to dedace aN stun eecueed by this Mortgage to 6e immediately due and <br />pegibto sail mss eomaaen~ (orsdaaare of this Mortgage by jadiciat Proaedinps: and, provided further, that aeon such <br />demerit the ~aatpgae, or. a receiver-appointed bq a etrttrt, may at its option and withart reBed to Ehe adegaacy of the <br />bweity, eogr ttpoa'and ialce passmsion of the Property sad collect the rents, iswe sad profits therefrom and apply them <br />tl~ tp-the.assit of mUSefion sett 9penttoa of the Property and tbeo upon the iIIdebtednesa secrasd by this Mattgagee; <br />, utd [estr+ iasws snd-profit being as~gced to the Mortgagce ae flather aecrttity to the payment of the S <br />assusari tiaeeby. <br />26 Teae[da of may. H aU a any part of the Property b sold or transtened without the eapreas written con- <br />sent of the Mnttgtgse, Mottgagee may at its sole option, declare ai! sums secured by :his Mort®sge to be immediately sue <br />sad payatrie: <br />lI. Fa are Adeceree. Upan reeprest of Mortgagor, Moet~ee msy make additionffi and future advance to <br />Mort~Dr Such advances, with interest therecm, shall be second by this Mortgage when evidenced by ptomfoory-note <br />ffiat said notes are secured hereby: At no-time shalt the princ:lu! amount of the indebtedaes secuiedb-y this <br />bortgage, not including soma advanced to protect the security of this Mortgage, exceed the original Nola. <br />12. M Pmvidons. <br />(al Any forebeaunce in rzercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver thereof. <br />(b) AU nmediea prorided herein are diatinet and cumulative to any other right afforded by law or equity,. <br />and msy be-ezardsed cenearrentiy, {ndependentiy or successively. <br />(e) The covenants and agreements contained herein shall bind, and the eights inure to, the respective <br />succeraoas and assigns of the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee. <br />(d) Art covenants and agteemetata of the Mortgagor are joint and assert!. <br />(a) The heading; of the peagraphc at this Mottgae are for convenience Duty suet shah sot be aced to ~ater- <br />prat or deBme the provia{ona henot_ <br />13. Release: Upon payment of ell sums second by this Martgsge, Mortgagee shalt discharge this Mortgatge and <br />shW v=acate sail detivera satisfactory releace therefor. <br />IN WPtNF.&S WHERE-OF, Mortgagor has e=ecuted this Mortgage on the. of Ta~„flr3~ ,1981._. <br />~ 7 <br />~ , <br />~'~ '~~• <br />- ' .,'r~. --. a tiger- sarao.r.c <br />PaEricia A. Encinger B0QO1° <br />i of .Naheadrt, HaII Gounty as: <br />pu tide 9orh day of T„ny+arF 19.81 - befae me, the undenigsed, a Notary Public <br />- -~ ddy- and gaa6Red for skid county, penoaallp came Mi.-l,ncl T Fnrinoar and Petri rice <br />e F i oia A, hanrT anti 4iife , to me known to be the <br />Pelson{s) srhofa ease(s) are sub~ib«i to the t irotrometet snd ackoewtedgsd fire eacewtioa thenot <br /> t0 68 .fit' ice. r-_ vdtsntary set sad deed. <br /> WtBSaamy hand sail notareel seat at Graced Island. Nebraska ;o tad may, t>re <br /> d~dd.: <br /> ~~ <br />,~-,; <br />~~ <br />~ ~~ilMetiUetit~ ~-~ iI ~ <br />U Met~rr lublle <br /> _ ~~`'~ ta'~2' <br />. <br />~'' - taa+ee. sins Y!Y $tat attettat Pat ~ Yd Hteaedx) <br /> <br /> <br />w ~~ <br />~ _ '* <br />~ <br />ok { ~ ~ <br />f <br />~ ~ ~ <br />- ~, <br />' <br />... > ~ ~ Ks <br />ppf ~~ <br />~v~ ri, <br />~ ~ t\ <br /> k... , i6 , '„ <br />-`- <br />it 49~ <br />~ <br />7 ~.~ <br />s - <br />{-. <br />' <br />- r#aaia-tertt~ --%i~ <br />- - - - - <br /> <br />ia <br />a ._ <br />