<br />Mortgageis edtared iitt0 6etweetr ~ Mi Anpl T F.,n i«.,.e: .,.,.i Pn t+i r i n A Fnr
<br />Y.sa~~l amt cif°,..__ (herein"Mortgagor"}sad
<br />F~tvd Ftfi93ths Fsfta~ ~ -- ,(herein-"Mort~yre"}..
<br />Y~tiggrrr is nskbted to Mortga(Aee is the principal-sum of $ t 7t nn__y__n___,__.- nnnA ,evidenced 6y Mort~or's note
<br />~d tA>, ?gam lgR t (herein "i~fote") ptovidhtg tot payrnentc of principal sad interest; with the balance o[.tha
<br />ice, if notaoearec paid; due:as8.payabie oft ~S?3.3t~ 1481 -
<br />Toaesarre ~pirymettto[ the Note; with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other atrms, with interest,
<br />advanced by Martgl~ee to probeei the setsrdty of this 1Nortgege, and the performance of the covenanft and agreements of
<br />tbe:' ~ cmrtaiaed herein; Morigmgbr does hereby mortgage sad conxy to Martgtgee the following described
<br />_- _
<br />property dotwted in H t_~? (%ounty. Nebraska:
<br />Lot Eight (8), in Block Eight ,(B), in the original town, now-City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Togveher with art buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easemenes, rights, ptirleges and
<br />louced theresm or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the ants issues and profits, reversiom and remainders
<br />thereof; ineltrrBng, but not limited to, heating and croaling equipment and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />improtevtenft so ~ to tbrrstitute a fixture: ail of which, including replacements and additions ttrereto; is hereby declared
<br />to be a part of the teat carafe secured by the flea of tris iviorrgage and nit o[ the foregoing being referred Lo herein as the
<br />"Property"•
<br />` fortifier conveaanta and agrees, with Mortgagee. as [ottows:
<br />1. Payment To pay the indebterinecs and ttte mterest thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note_
<br />Y. Tito. Mortgagor is the owner of ttm Property°, has the nght and authority to mortgage the Property, and
<br />wa[ralrls that 41re lien orrated hereby is a first and prior lien an thr Property, rxcvpt as may otherwise be set tortlt herein.
<br />>~ The Property is subject to a M wherein __ Bive POini~Bauk.----------
<br />~*cttmeat AIo. 74-OQb964
<br />is the ![art;agee, accorded atiYgdt __._ , ._.._ .. o[ .he Mortgage Keeords of ~_ ~ l1 ~ County,
<br />Nabtaaln, which Mrxtgage i& a lien prior to We lien created hereby.
<br />O Other prior Ism or encumbrances; -----_4-- _ ~- . _ . _ .._ . _ -- __.--- ------
<br />3. Tesxv, its. Ta pay when dnr all taxes, special. assessments sad all attter charges against the-Property
<br />sad, rr$oia4 written demmd by ~, to add is the peyorenta required under the Nate secured hereby, such amount as
<br />,mfg he mat to enable-the 36ioR.pdse to pay such fatten, assessments at other charges as they became due.
<br />#,. ia~atraee. To keep the impraremen~ Dora or hereafter located on the rcal.estste described herein insured-
<br />.. -- ag• damage ~ &e ~suei+ ot3rer its?$rds az ~ may rewire. in amounts and with companies aareptable to ehr
<br />. - - tS[4+rt~e, and with 1a4s payable m she MortgiFyre.. !n farce a[+asr undee such policies iJte Rlartgagee.ts-aatirarjaed-to~
<br />ate, oaiieat and ~, in its dtioa,. nit eWaas there+mdrr at its sok oplioa, authorised ts~4iifterappiythe
<br />pituagada Ca tLa raatetathrn of the .Aeipatty rx upon the indebtertness secsrred hereby, but t~'meats heraiudas a4at1 ton-
<br />ttnae iii tix soma aerated besebY are paid io ttdi.
<br />x: Cl Far Tsaas aqi trortrloes. NotwitfrstaaiBaganything contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 hetrof to the
<br />may. sfa~ pay -w fire ~ si the tirtte of paying the menthiy irrstatimeata of principd sad iatetest,
<br />aae~ailtt- #,the .yearly tarter, atae~enta, hazsrd issuance premiuan, sad groead rests (if any) which m4y attain a
<br />tY onet, t#ps-llost~ye, a6i at rtipsraatEriy eatimaied h+oas tirtre w time by 'fie ~'. The arnortals so paid abaft be
<br />held by :t1w ~, rritllnsrt inffreat and appiiad to the payment at the itetos in reapvct to w such aawuak were
<br />~a~ata# -?19ye gyp. pia to ~f~tt~mre hereunder ate pteaRed as addut3mrrd recrrrsty fcrr the inaehsadeiaas aaevrea by thts
<br />~: 3ipetps~-,ltaatyr~st~pii pay to alorta' the amount of any defk~artcy between the acwat taxes, araasmenta, iisuteatr•
<br />pr~rrarer. aa! gport¢d n~ and: the d%!posits hereunder wFtttin i8 dogs after deter ~ nfiadr ogee t regttestiag
<br />ppyaaaat tbvvtot., .
<br />~, lia~aii,: Nal 1tM~ 'fa prortl{rtiu tepntc. resWra or re~ritd wry brtttdingr ar improveuteeta now to
<br />~pp~K+aa thtr Pragrtyi. to i t{~ _Avpertg in t-cioa and repair. wittwrtt warde, tad tree tram tic a e#
<br />- -.. e~ tiotta{y-~e!d~t+a tilt ~tka $anof; nett Lo emdty; su[tt.r or perat4 nay nutamoe ea txkt, nor to dltAirt- -_
<br />ea igrprlc tlsa ati~va ut~ tiw ~ by nay net or metifis~t t,a aEa; and to comply wiur aU requirearavn~ of law with
<br />arageat-tit tAte lhaptr;
<br />