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r <br />8~~- `.~i~~4~~~. <br />or provide at their expezxse the fallowing improvements:- <br />- 1. 5tr~ets. The S-ubdivid~rs waive the right to object to <br />any paving or repaving district of Rarrison Street. <br />2. Water. The Subdividers agree to connect all Structures <br />constructed in the subdivision to the existing adjacent water main- <br />after paying the agprogriate connection fees. <br />3. Sanitary Sewer. The Subdividers agree to petition for <br />the cangrruction of sanitary sewer to serve the subdivision prior. <br />to requesting any occupancy permit for any structure in said sub- <br />division. <br />4. Drainage. The Subdividers agree to grade the subdivision <br />9.n conjunction with the structures thereon so that storm water drains <br />to the public right-of-way, or to the adjacent lake, by a method <br />apgroved by the City's director of gublic works. <br />5. Sidewalks. The Subdividers, if still the owners of the <br />land in the proposed subdivision, or if the Subdividers shall have <br />transferred-title to the property, then the various grantees thereof, <br />will install, at their own expense, all public sidewalks required <br />by the Grand Island City Code when the adjacent lot is built upon, <br />and sidewalks shall he regulated and required with the building permit <br />for each such lat. <br />6. Warranty. The undersigned owners, as Subdividers, warrant <br />that they acre the owners in fee simple of the land described and. <br />proposed to be lmown as Engelhsupt Subdivision, and that an abstract <br />of title ~i~.i be submitted for examination, if necessary, upon request <br />of-the Gity of Grand Island. <br />7. This agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding <br />upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their successors, <br />assigne, heirs, devisees, and legatees,. <br />Where the term "Subdividers" is used in this agreement, <br />the subsequent owners of any lots in the subdivision shall be <br /> <br />- 2 - <br />