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_.. , <br />S UB DI VIS Z©N AGREEMENT. ~,~ ~... (l Ci ~ 4'~ 1 <br />ENGELHAT3PT ,SUBDIVISION <br />Zn the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />The undersigned, A. E. Van Wie and Connie 3. Van Wie,. husband <br />and wife, hereinafter called the Subdividers, as owners of a tract <br />of land being part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />(NWwSW~) of Section Twenty-one (21}, Township Eleven (11) North, <br />Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.NI., Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northwest <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW~SW~} of Section <br />Twenty-one (ZI); thence S 00° 00' 00" E for 807.95 <br />feet along the East line of the Northwest Quarter of <br />the Southwest Quarter (NW~SW~} of said Section 21; <br />thence S 90° 00' 00" W for 33 feet to the true point <br />of beginning; thence S 00° 00' 00" E for 90 feet along <br />the westerly ri ht-of-way line of Harrison Street; <br />thence S 90° 00~ 00" W for 109.92 feet; thence N <br />00° 00' QO" W for $9.95 feet; thence N 90° 00' 00" E <br />for 109.90 feet to the point of beginning, said tract <br />containing 0.23 acre, more or less; the Line accepted <br />as tine East line °f the NorthwesC Quarter of the South- <br />west Q~.iarter (NW}SW~) also being the center line of <br />Harrison Street right-of-way as established by County <br />Surveyor Bladwin in 1890 and since recognised and used <br />as such is ass~ed as the North/South direction for <br />this survey; <br />desire to have subdivided as a subdivision the above described tract <br />of land which is located within ttte corporate Limits of the City of <br />Grand Island. Nebraska, and hereby submit t° the City Council of such <br />City for acceptance as provided by Law an accurate map and plat of <br />such proposed subdivision to be known as ENGELHAUPT SUBDIVISION, <br />designating explicitly the land to be laid out and particularly <br />describing the Lots and easements belonging to such subdivision, with <br />lots designated by numbers and easements by dimensions, and progose <br />t° cause the plat of such subdivision when finally approved by the <br />Regional Planning Commissi°n and the City Council to be acknowledged <br />by such owners, certified as to accuracy of survey by a registered <br />land surveyor, and to contain a dedication of the easements to the use <br />4f public utilities. In consideration of the acceptance of the plat <br />of said Engelhaupt Subdivision, the Subdividers hereby consent and <br />agree with the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, that they will install <br />~£~~,~ <br />~~ ~.,~ <br />