<br />
<br />~~----U(i~J3~~
<br />L,mdcr's writPen agttreemmt a applicable law. Borrowrs shall pay the amount of atl mtntgage ittsttrattce premitttm in the
<br />tnamer pt'oveded tinder pangraph 2 hereof.
<br />Rag at~uats tTiebt~ed By Letttlet: ptnauaat to ihffi paragraph T, with itttetssi thereon, shall Become additional
<br />irtdebtts of °~rouvgr sec,metl by this Mortgage, Unless Borrower and Linder agree to other terms of payment, srsch
<br />uttottrti shall ~ paYai2le upon notice from Ltxtder to Borrower requesting payrneni thereof. acrd shat! 6tar irtttxest from the
<br />lisle tsf ar tr`ro t~ paya[de iron tiax to tiax ~ otttstartdhtg prandpal under the Nye ttttkx peymaet ~
<br />h=,.r~ ~~--it u w ~"v3rr to app Iaw. in t~rdch i;~t sucfr asrot~a ah`aI[ ~r in#c:~s at tlt~ ftig~`t~
<br />pertttras%ie tmdx ~ taw. N~Mg cotttaitxd in this paragraph 7 shaft requere IxeMar to itxttr any tsxpense ~-take
<br />airy action herter.
<br />i. )mss. Leader may make or cause to be trade reasatable entairs upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lter~ -give lTomawer notice prior to any such inspection specifying teasombk catme therefor related to Ltadez'a
<br />interest eo-the Isnoperty.
<br />f. Catdesttaappa. The proceeds ~ any award or claim for damages, direr or consequential, in tbnnection with arty
<br />otxrrTem~tiort or tttl~ tailing ~ the Property, or part thereof, of for conveyance in Irctt of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and sbsl9 be paid to Lender.
<br />Ta tlx event of a total taking of the °roPerty. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured bq this Mortgage.
<br />wept the eztxas, if arty, paid ro 9orrower. In the event of a partial taklag of the Property, unless Borrower and Letttier
<br />otherwise agrtx in wr'stirtg, there shah be applied to the sums sxutrd by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as ea e~ to dtai proportiot whicft the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage imnxdia[eiy prior to tlx date of
<br />taking bean to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balantx of the proceeds
<br />paid to Horstrarer.
<br />It the Property is abanuorted by Borrower, ar if, after notice by ixntter to Borrower that the covdemnssr trk4eers to mate
<br />an award or sNtle a dorm for damages, Borrower fails ro respond to Lender wi[hin 2U days after the date such rwtiee ea
<br />tmitad, under is aerptoried to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's optetm. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Presperty or m six smets secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Uttk~ Linder arm 13orronzr otherwise agree in writing, am such appfiution of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or porapotx the dtx slate of the matthty installmrnu referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such ittsta[Itttenta.
<br />1Q. >gareosrer Not Eztenaitm of the titrx for payrttertt ar modifkation of amortization of the sums secured
<br />trp this Mortgage grastied by Lender #a any sutxuaor in imerest of Borrower shall nix operate to release, in any manner.
<br />the liability ttf six original Harrower arm Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shalt not 6e required to comtnentx
<br />proceedittga agair~ s[reh successor or refuse to extend time for payment nr otherwise modify amortization of the earns
<br />seetued by that Mortgage By reason of arty demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />t i. FaOtasaarrea i7 [fir ?rat a Waiver. Any farbearantt By Ixn~r in exercising am right ar remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherariae afforded By applicable law, shall not he a waiver of or prtxlttde the exercise of arty such right or remedy.
<br />The procurement ~ imtmtt~ or the psvmtnt of taxes er ether liens or charges by Lender shall not Ire a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accekrax the maturity of the indebttdrtr_cs secured by this Mortgage.
<br />[~ Crrseds/lse. Rtl remedies provided in Phis Afortgagc are distinct and ~vmulative to any ether right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage or aHtxded by law or equity. and may he exercised concurrently, indeprnttentty or successive#Y.
<br />13. attd Asa~s 60~ IoM[ sad Severer [.; t:aptloss. The covenants oral agreements herein
<br />coaraitted shatl lead, atad the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective aucctxson and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />auBitxt to the provise~ of paragraph i 7 hereof. Ali ,-ovenants and agreements of Eorrawer shalt be joint amt several.
<br />T'ne captions aim htxdiags of six paragraphs of this atongage are for convmicrrce only and are not to be used to
<br />inMrpret or dnpne the provisions hereof.
<br />1+. Ntstiee. Fsrrpt for any ttotitt required under applicablet law to be given in another manner. {a} any notice to
<br />Borrower pmvidtd for in this Mottgage shalt be girm by mailing strc6 notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />tlai= Property Rdt#re~ or at stilt other address as Bornrcvcr may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />{b) arty notice to Lender sttatl Ix givrn by ttrtifted mail, return receipt requested. to Lenders address stated herein or io
<br />suds other adt[ress as Lender may designate by rtctfce to Borrower as provided herein. Anq notice provided for in this
<br />Mortgage shall be deeawd to have Gem given to llorrawer or Lender where given in the manner designated herein.
<br />[S. Ltts~ara ~ LR~: ~. ?Iris form of mortgage eombina uniform covenants for naiiona!
<br />tree and oar-ttrtifotm caventents with limited variatiom sty iurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument coverirsg
<br />rpl Prcp'u#Y. This Mortga~ shall be governed by the €aw of the jurisdictiwt in which the Property is Iowted. fn the
<br />event that :rty provision or clause of this Martgatte or the Note conflit:ts with applicable taw, such catflict shag not atTeM
<br />outer provisieos of this Mosttage ar the Note whis~}t can be given effect without the rnoflicting provision. acrd to this
<br />cad the provisions od the: Mortgage acrd the Ntxe are tleclared to be sttvttrable.
<br />[i. iiiarsowt~s dap. i[orttraer shall be famished a :vnforrrted copy of the Noe and of this Mortgage at the time
<br />of ctayttian or after retnrdariart Berevf.
<br />i?. Tifae[er M Bee Mgesty; .+lsoaptisa If all or any part of the Property or ae interest thertart is sold or trsatsferted
<br />by Barmier wh)sttrn Lttndtx'a prior estrum consent, ezclttdirtg fa} tlse ctxatioa of a rim or encumbrance sttlstxtlinate to
<br />this Mortgage, fb) the creation ~ a purchase money sootily ioiereat far htxtxhold app}iattces, {c) a ttamfer try devise.
<br />Arneaat m By operation of l:w ttpou the tseath of a joittt lessor or td) the gram of any leasehold ittttnat of three yeah a less
<br />tut cxatauaiesg as op;fosn to p-trtdnse, I.ettder troy, at Len~r`a option, tkclare all the sorts: secsrrtrd by thi Mortgage m be
<br />immediatdy due sad payable. Loader shstl have waived such option to atxxlera0e if, prior to the sale or transfer. Lender
<br />and the pmatm to whom the Ptopa~ty is to be sold ar transferred teach agreentent in writitg drat the credit of such person
<br />is stMSfactary to I coder sad flat[ the ittteresZ paysBk on the surer secured by this M shall be at attch rate as i,estder
<br />slYtl ro4~- u I-alder has waived dta option to aocelerattc provided in this paragraph f T, a>~ if Borrower's atscemor in
<br />i in! ezaeused a wsitffit 3greaaettt atxepted in writing By Lender, Leader shall rtkaae Burrower from alt
<br />ab~ests rtoder eMs tkot and the Note.
<br />Tf Leatder eaeacistx wch option to atneteratt, Lanier shall mail Borrower rwtice of atxelrrafioa in accordance with
<br />pmaga+tpb 1{ htywf. Suds nt#iet stroll preside a period ~ >~ less thaw 3t1 days fry the dai,c the notice is mnled widiin
<br />which liarrowea any pay der strtm ticfsreti that. If Borrower fails ro pay nxh sums prior to six expiration of sttc6 period,
<br />Lsodsv easy. witipW [tatther tsotiee or sietnaetd tin Barrtwer, inva7te any rte permitted by paragraph I8 htxeof.
<br />P[ot+t~lLltrsM Caaaa. Htaztxeer aml l.tatder furtlxr euverraa[ aril agrex as fotlasra:
<br />tR lltsrdMa. li5asopre s lao~ M paer~spi !7 Msesl, spa ioeretrets Mead e[ asr , a
<br />aE iissasaxa ~ ills a ~ ~e cora~aah se pep wins roe +ssy its staeased mq iii Martpge,
<br />1LwtMir gadar to emadeeaYas sMtt sal tssiee os Bossawar m pssrviiri M gtentpa[tlr 19 Mstosd ~ t[I tie Mradu
<br />~ gMaattiue s.gtti.i+ks ezl.a.ri ittostit fr1 a titttl4 trot lase eMr 3~ tugs ire. MK tia0e des ,.tie i serer ~ 6aar star.
<br />llg *s~ t~ ~ 8e ~ att~ ~ ~ ee ~e seer i~ti is or l~sae dos dr®e M tie esatlee
<br />raW tnlt ie aee~lsotiitx od Aa arras saessod iy rile MarlgteBt, ftsredsoara ig f~ !~i art axle a< pea ttslst9•
<br />f1Ma aalisa aia! fls~gs ltttafts 1-aasans: i! qtr s[ptt a rr[etaar nisr am~alftss sad Mrs s3gltt b resat it Hn fosaeiase
<br />lira nMrRMMM~sss d a itttail ar assy oHss dslsaa o[ lrassstar is secdwsMaa seed [oasdaistra. [t tie Mead
<br />l~ a#at aaataR aw ar it~tae Nr. tip sg.el[ttt M #ie tsodss. TJsaior tr [aadsa'a o~aa tsaetr tisslsre ai ~ tie eeess sotered iy
<br />ta#t 11th ral~ dsa twl i rr[[dsast i+:sMtar tlsatnnd and sera fesatdaoe iy jrtiidN [.codas
<br />aiNl be+Yfl~# 4ee ~ melt pnasrC9it; all >n st s~elamwe. IncMditg: i.t oat ~d ts, error .t docoaury
<br />wi~sttino. ttiMtntrttnttiti[la -
<br />M 61gi1Mbsln b I.snr9a°s accalertaxsa of the errors socurtd by tiffs Mort;age.
<br />sittB httw ~a tigln hr hates taffy proosr btfgtm by Lender to atrfarcr this Mwtgas• e#ist,•onsintral at any titre
<br />