<br />
<br />
<br />utat C.ttv~rurn. HtnrQtver acrd Larder txwettaat oral agree as follusrt:
<br />2: l!!I,}nsat otf atd.dgri rsi Hortawer strap promptly p:y when due the psirtefps! of snd intettai oa the
<br />etridt by the Note, pmpagtamt and )ate cfiargca ~ provided iv the Nom, at¢d the priacipad d acrd itttereu
<br />as sap Ftttma Ad+aaoa wctaed by this IiBottgag~e.
<br />?, ~-~':~ tip-" .. w ~ ~ a:- is a 5r: itton ~ ~ :.sr;~, °.. ~. "- t~~-
<br />ta Lmdn ou the day trseathiy insta$mettts ~ ptiacipat antd aatetest are payabk ua~r the Note, tsffii1 the Note is paid et fttB:
<br />a ~ fireTeatt "F~ds') equal trr ones of the yearly taxes acrd attessrrtenes which may attain prita'dty ester
<br />sad gmtmd rtems on tree Property, if arty, ptmt orte•ts~fth of yearly prrntittm imtdlmeets fte haaard ittataatttx,
<br />erf` y~rpy psi-~ for atmtsrwrrstua, if attp, aB as ta.=~tatabkj eat iaatiafly- a~ ft+em
<br />tfine m tdtse ftS I.mder ~ the tea of and acrd teasortabk estimatta thy.
<br />34ps Ftanb ate rte Ix~ in as ir~ista~rt e<t¢ daptaits or at~ttnm of aitictt ate ittaaaed or gttataateed hY a Fedessi cr
<br />-agestey fiacltalhtg S.eadu if Larder it suelt as itsstistaian) • I.ettder shall ably the Ftmda to pay said taxes, ssses;atema,
<br />iaau3aoea prertd~a and gtomd ttras. Lmtdet rosy rtes dtarge for so holding and apptyiag the Funds; analyaag said atwtmt,
<br />or ratPyiag and txmpBlttg a~ its a>~ 6d1Is, tmdtas Leatltr pays 13orrouer ir.:etsat tm fhe Ftm~ std appficahte law
<br />permits Lender to mane adt a clnr9e. Borrower a»d I`ttder troy agax in writsng at the time of execution of this
<br />that f oa the Fatter than he paid fo Btsrrcxer• sod utskss sac6 agtea7ma a made of appiicahfe laws
<br />L3tt~9aR ~-its-to 6e pad, L t~td t~ be tegttired to pay Borrower arty interest ttr earttinHt ~ the Ftmds. Lender
<br />give Oo Horrvwer, wtthout charge. ao anasud acrnuming of the Furtds showing crodin sad debits to the Ftttttb and the
<br />p®rpose fay which mrb dtDit to the Fv~ waa made. Che Fttrtds are piodged as additional security for the starts secured
<br />by t!~ Morigar~-
<br />If efts amount of the Ftatde hdd by Lender, together with the future matthly irnaalitaeats of Funds payable prior Yo
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessraaata, iaptraace prerrtirtms •aad ground rents, steal! ~trmd the amount required to pxiy said taxes,
<br />aaatssoasg, iasstrsax premitana sad grottrtd reacts as they fall due. such excess shall be. at Borrower's option, either
<br />psotagrdy repaid to Harrower or credited to &srrnwu oa rnomhly tttstalltoents of Fonder. If the ataomt of the Ftmds
<br />hold b! L~der amfl trot bs to pay raze. asseasmenn. insurance pratttursts and grotend rents as they faH due,
<br />u`~i 7tatmr shall lay to Lender any aatount nrstsaary to maica up •be drficiencv within 36 days from the date tmtice is mailed
<br />tsy famipr m Barrowv tequapiag payment tttermf.
<br />Ltpsta papramtt sa full of all wutu xecured M th€s Mortgage. Lender shell promptly refund to 8arrower arty Futtda
<br />h~ h'Y leader. It trader parttgrr~ 1fi hereof ttx Prw:.~rty zs sold or t~ Propert} is otherwise acquired by Lender. Larder
<br />apply, tea later thur tmettediately prior ro the .ak of ttte Property err its ere~utsition by Lender. soy FettuL lrld by
<br />Latttder at tfse race of ap~fcmioet a a credit agatrot the sums stcttrcd by thee Mortgage.
<br />3. Agtpisallaa ei hgmanlt. Unku applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under the
<br />:dote and paragraphs t sad Z beraM shah be appiced by Leader first m payment of anwtmts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />[rider paragaph Z hsrrep[, rhea to taterest paysbfe as the '.+late, tttett to the principal of [he Noe. and rhea to inetest and
<br />priswifeal utt say Future Advances.
<br />4. ~ fleas. Borrower shall pay all vexes, asst~unrnts artd otltcr ~hargex, fines sad rmpasttiaas attributable to
<br />the Property which maVp anaut a prtarity aver thee Mortgage, aru! leasetsalti payments or ground rents. if say. in ilte meaner
<br />ptoveded under paragnp!lt Z hereof err. if tart pod m such mars~r, by t3arrawer makrng payment, wlmt dtx, dieectly to tlx
<br />fral"m thereof. Bmrasver dealt promptly fttrotsh iG t_cncf<r ail swtsces of aaurimts ,itu under this paragraph. and in the event
<br />Hoatva,er xlsall ttttdta puyeaaa directly. Borrasvcr shall promptly furatsh to i.entfer receipts evidem--lag such paymeais.
<br />Btarrawer shall pttoeaptdy diechange say lien ah~lS has prearrty ,net this Mortgage; provided. that Borrower shalt trot be
<br />eegtri;ed ttt discharge say staff cirri so long as ~rmwer stroll aaree in +rtrcng tc, the payment ut the ob)i2arion securai try
<br />catch Yiea to a taattnu ara~ta~e to [.coder, cn shall sn gt+od fanfs contest ,uc#t ixn !n, err defrnd eaforement of suit liras ia,
<br />which oparaic to prevent ttte enfarcemerte of the tten .'r ',otfesture- rf the Prapertv err any part thereof.
<br />S IBasstrd ;ie..t..m. Harrower shah t;oep the smpraiements saw ezssting :u txreafur erected an the Property insured
<br />agtias[ lass by fi7u, ttarstds iacMded within the term "cxtendnt ~:ererage". and such cxhcr harards as Lcttder ma}' require
<br />asd to such amounts acrd tar ttx3t perrads as Leader may require: pravs~rt• that I.ettsftr shall not require that ttte amount of
<br />sneit aBe exceed then aasotatt ttf coverage requued to pay the surrts =cured try this Mortgage.
<br />Ty1a ire carrier ptuviddag rite tasruattce Mall ha chorea lsy Borrower subject to approval hY I.ettder, provided,
<br />that torch apptom~ oat be uasesamiasbty withheld. All pterasums era irtssrrancc policies shalt fx paid in the manner
<br />pr>N+ibd tender paragraph 2 hared ar. tf ant pasd in wch moaner, b}' Borrower tnatiag payment, when due. directly to the
<br />itrsaraoce .
<br />AB iaurraace p error reacw~ thereof Stroll fx en form ~cxpsats~ [o Lctater sad shall ineitrde a standard mortgage
<br />;frasre in favor of sad is from acmpt to Leader. I Herder stub have the right to lwld the pair and renewals therrnf,
<br />sad H s~ p+rump$y faraeslt to I.atder all reswwai notaxs amf al[ receipts of paid premiums. is the evem of loss.
<br />>'> Mali give p tt to t.~ tt~ea~ camp a~ Le~rt. I..en;;,,r assay ,^take proof of toss if tart made xtr,°tptly
<br />try ldartztsata.
<br />UttMts Leader and Htatower atlterwtse agree to wnisag, tasrsrattce proccedx shall be app#wd to restoration of repair of
<br />tlae Pro~sty dams~d, ptovidetl such rttuotattao or rt:patr ;s ecatat:t,salty feastbic atul the secttcity of this Mortgage ce
<br />oat tbesby impacted. If restoration +x repast is :xrt econorarcaf)y feasifrte or tf the xcurtry of this Mortgage would
<br />bs itt~ed, the ituttrstace proceeds shall be applimd to ttu stuns ~ttred by thex Mortgage, with the ezcros, if any. paid
<br />m Betraner. It tlfe $mpm't}• is by Bcsrrawer, err ai Borrower fails to reapttad to [xntter wtthia 3{l days from the
<br />data is by Leader m Basraweer !hat the tawram7e arrxr otters to settle a claim far ittsttratace 1>e, L ~mder
<br />d -ter + a>d apply the tastuaraec ptoo~da at lender's option cttha ut restoration or repair of the Property
<br />~ to tClte sums secutai by tleic lldart~e.
<br />t)aisas Lander a~ Hoimme~ atlserrrac ageee ;n writitsg, am stxh appfieation of pteccnda to pritaapt<l shalt rim es[ead
<br />ere pmtpavsa the due dam d the tnoathiy irtataflateats refereed to in paragraphs t sad 2 tserettf or change the amrnmt of
<br />. If emdps ptttxgtstpds 18 Est ttx Property is acquired by Leader. aIC right, title sad interest of Borrower
<br />it amd.to , ice p''`"'°' an;3 is a~ tb rtes procoeds thereof resultrag from damage to the Property prior to the sale
<br />o: . , , slealf pma tri to :!t rztatt of tlse staff recuttti lsp this Mortgage ittY liar tmstutt sate err
<br />~ lYaalrtraMtra atl Awe et i~regeaty; I,eaaelalttlsz Coadattaidaaq PWramd tfatll Deve{~wteass. Borrower
<br />itaap "she ~ is i r aced s~ am amt waa3c err permit ttttpatrtaepr s>T detetiaratioa of the Property
<br />sad the p~ d any l if tfls §9e:-tg es un a teaxltold. if that ?Aa;xt is :rn a ureic in a
<br />< err a plaeaed trait Harrower slsall perfcvtn aA of Borrower's obkigauwss utsdtr the declaratiaa
<br />~ seas t err LtsF rztaabtist€n err ps~;ttt~ uatt dev~oPmeat. the by-Iaves ate tegtsiatiarrs of tfte
<br />~ ~ u~ ~. and c'smstituent aoesataenae, if a e-exsdosninium err piano rat ~vefapmetat
<br />tt~ M dl ~` llbrrower sad rid ta~hC7F vetch Fh34 ~• the Ca5'eflariffi atui ]gteUAlCOts t?f 5uch 1'ider
<br />#fafE lsE ieaae~os'aasd uao sad sisld aasead tend ~ [he ~veaarsts oast agteetrtetsta of tuts Mortgage as tf the rider
<br />tooter a poet litifttOf
<br />7 lledatlise of Lttadath l~saad!!» It Barrow®r task tb prrfarm the covenants assd agrr~dttenn cotttaittcd is this
<br />err ~' aa+p setiaa or prtetwrsdiag is eommerasd which nsueriafty ,selects [.cttder`s trtlmeat is site Pr,perty.
<br />Otte sal #ad fe4 staWtaeat , icy, vents eafoet'asteat, or arraageateats or preys involstiag a
<br />o+r daea~agE, slim l aF Lt's , opera ~ to a.,tnrtrrer. may mah$ stsclt appaaranem. disbtc€sa such
<br />saau ssd ~ at~aa m B >~ t^ prvloct Leasler`x ietaru, itseft.tdirrg. trio not linteted fo. disl+utsameat of
<br />estsatvtiaitls away"r toss a'd easry u~an t}se iRvperta° to +s~a t~stttrs. tf C.essdar r~uit~d ttsastg~ ittsursasrs as a
<br />saaatlilatss of rtes loos- sltaai bas cirri h4nrt;aa, tinrttrwzr- x#tsl# peen ttte prewriart~ requited to maintain taa'h
<br />iluansrias le us6ft as the t for sues is ~ w9ih per's and
<br />