<br />i
<br />d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its successors
<br />- or assigns, mortgagor-shall execute and deliver a supplerrerttal mortgage or mortgages coveting any additions,
<br />impruverrtextts, or betterments made to the property htteinabove described and all property acquired by it after
<br />the date hereof {ail in form satisfactory to mortgagee). Futhttmore, should mortgagor fail to cure any defatde
<br />in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrument, mortgagor here
<br />by agrees to permit mongagex to cure such default, but mortgagee is not obligrted tc des so; and such advancers
<br />shall become pan of the indebtedness secured by this ittsttvment, subject to the same terms and conditions.
<br />e. The rights cseattd by this conveyance shall remain in foil force and effect during any Postponement or
<br />""` arension of the tune of tht payment of ttu indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or times; or any.
<br />r-a pttt thereof secured hereby.
<br />.-.
<br />ra f. To cattinuously maintain haaard insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee
<br />may from tirtaG to tithe :equine on the improvements novv or hereafter on said property, and will pay PromPdY
<br />~: when dtx any premitmxs therefor. All insuratue shall Pte catr'ed in companies acceptable to mortgagee attd the
<br />s~ policies and reeewals thtteof shall be held by martgtxgee and have attached thereto Foss payable clauses is favor
<br />of and in ftxm acceptable to the mortgagee. [n event of loss, mortgagor will give immediate twtice in writing
<br />to nortgagee, and tttottgagre may make proof of Lass if not made promptly by mortgagor, and eadt insurance
<br />competny concerned is hereby authorized and directed to matte payment for such Toss directly to mortgagee
<br />instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointty, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, may be applied
<br />by mortgagee az its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or
<br />repair of the property damaged or destroyed. in eve~rit of forectosure of this mortgage, or other transftt of title
<br />to said property in extinguishment of [he indebtedness sa-ured hereby, alt right, title, and interest of ttK
<br />mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in :`once shall pats to the purchaser or martgageY or, az the
<br />option of the mortgagee, may be surcendered far a refund.
<br />g. To keep at1 bttilditrgs and athtt improvements on said property in good repair and condition; to
<br />permit, commit, or suffer rto waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or any pan thereoF in the event
<br />of failure of [lu naorigagor to keep the buildings cxt said premises and those erected an said premises. or
<br />improvements thereon, in aaad rt~tr, the mortgagee may make such repairs as in its discretion it tnav deem
<br />necessary for tht proper preservation thereof: attd the foil amount of each and every such payment shall be
<br />imrnexEstttefy dtx axn3 payable; attd shall ix secured by the Coin of this mortgage.
<br />h. To not .criutttartiy .•reaxc err ;+errnu to he created against the property subject to this mortgage any lien
<br />err firns infttttx to rite Cten of [lira mortgage wuhout written .ansent of the mortgagee; attd futhtt, that mort-
<br />gagu~ will kcr~+ arxt ntsrtttarn the sasnc ,"r2r #rom the claim o4 :u[ persons suppt}~ing Cabor or materials for con-
<br />serurtum of an, and a-1 buiiditt~ or pmprovemextcs now being erected or to be erected on said premixes.
<br />~. To not rent or assign any part of chc rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove, err
<br />wbstantktEly niter any huilding without t"sx written consent of the mortgagee.
<br />i~ All awards of dartsages :n :.oxtnectitm with any condemnation Far public use of or injury to any of the
<br />property subject to this m~tgage arc hereby assigned and shall be paid to mortgagee, who may apply the same to
<br />payttunt of the instalIrtrettts :act due under >a>d note, and mortgagee is hereby authorised, in the name of the
<br />t~rtga~r, to mute amt haver value acgtrittat~-zs ttcereaf anct to appeal frorrx any such award.
<br />k. The ttsortga~ce shall have the right to inspect the motgaged premises ere any reasombk tixae.
<br />L To comply with the provisions of arty :eau if this :~fangage is on a leasehold. If €hg MartgaYe is on a
<br />unit in a condominium err a planted unit dcveloptrtene, Borrowex shall pttform all of Borrower's obligations
<br />user the dalarazion or covenarus creatirxg or govttning the condornituum or plaaaeded unit development the
<br />by-lays and regtxlatiorts of the eondoettinium err plartuett unit develofanen4 and constituent documents.
<br />2. Default in any of the covenants or conditions of this irtsuununt err of the nae err loan ageemrnt secured hereby
<br />shall termix the mortgagor's right to pa>~, ux, attd enjoytt~tt of the propttty, at tht option of the
<br />mortgagee ~ asaigas fit bei~ agreed theses the tstortgagor shall have such right until defaultl. Upon any such
<br />defauk, the mortgagee xtwll become rbe owns of all of the renu and profits assuring after default as security for
<br />the itrdebtedrxss accrued htteby, with the right to enter upon said property for the purpose of coile~flttg. such
<br />rents attd profits. This irtstrustuxrt shall operau as an as~gnmcnt of any rentals on said property to that cxtegti.
<br />3. If the tnartgagor defaults, ate fails to make any paymettis when due err to wnform to artd c©mpfy witft anY of
<br />tfx condition ~ agretsnerrts contained in this mtmgagc or the Hates which it stcures, then the entire principal
<br />sum attd ~ ftttttpt shaft ai once bcconxc due and payable, and draw ` ptt cent (17.SAehj interest
<br />ihtxeatf~r omit paid at the election of tht mandagee; and this ~ tray thtteupon be foreclosed immediately
<br />w;'~ of tb; is~bt~ ra:r--eEiy attuned, including fire cost of extending the abstract of title frwa the
<br />dine of fps mortgage is tllt tittle of corntnetxcing such wit. *Seventeen and One-tla2f Percent
<br />4. 1n ttte etielH of a forrcitamrr err default as provixkd herein, tlx mortgaggee shat! at once be entitled to the pos-
<br />use, and ertjoytrtaxt of the real estate aforesaid a~ to the rent, iE~ttes, royalties, and profits thereof,
<br />from the aocruieffi of such rights and during the Pemskrtc7 of foreclosure proceedings and such possefsions, esc.,
<br />sity~ ai Dace tae delivered to the mortga~x upon rex}u~tt, upon failure such delivery of such possession may be
<br />e~or"~d h7" ~, ~` ~ ~e ~ proexedittgs, including a roceivtt for cite property.
<br />!. l'ha ~aueada of any xale of sand property in accordaetx with the preccdirtg paragraphs shall be applied first to
<br />tta3' the tr~cs and eaptnesa of said sad, the ettpcttces incarrre:d try the tttartgagee For the purpose oof protecting err
<br />+ aatd prY, ~$, tq Pgy the ~ secured hereb>; and thirdly, to pay any surplus or
<br />ter sAet pexax-n m Aa!rsstas ~ltatlY entltlesd thereto.
<br />