<br />l~®RT~AGE . ~~ _
<br />or+~~~
<br />This tnortgagc ,Wade and entered into this 8th day of __ ~~~~
<br />t9_g~_, by and between Ri.ctard G. and Beverly J. Gowlovec8t Hueband ate 9aife
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor} asst Comtttercial Natitsnat Batnk and Trttst Company
<br />(h~rtie~ll#ttr'rrtPetrdd tb ari;
<br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and place of bnsittess at 42d W. Third gt ia'Grttttd tshtrttt,
<br />i•iatl County, Nebraska.
<br />WtYNessETtt, that far the consideration hereinafter stared, receipt of whi_.". is tterebp sekt~nw4,-she mortgagor: _
<br />does hereby mortgage. sttt» grant, assign, and' convey ttttto the mortgagee, its sttcxs a~ ~ alt ~ `.be fal-
<br />lowing described property situated and being in the Connty of Hail
<br />State of Ptebraska. _
<br />iat Ttieive (12} in Block One (11 in Pleasant view Seventh SttYadivisionr
<br />City of Grand Islarxt, Ha11 Caurtty, Nebraska
<br />tCxgethrr with alt the tcnrrnents and appurtcnancc thercta nriengine, ail ti±r rents, issue. and prohts thereaf, and all
<br />easencents, rights, royaina, meererat, Earl and gas right; and rtrutits, water, water rights, and water stock, attdinctnding
<br />alt hea[ing» piumtnng, rctngerauun, ?_!gh;!ng, ey;r;p,nent and ail Fisturrs o' everq description belonging Eo the
<br />rstvr€gagor now ur herraitcr a?€achrv [hcrrtc3 c:c er~d ,n .;7tznett€on w!ttr the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereat the tuilaw:ng dekrihrd pru^eru~ +hech :.err .tnu -l;a3l ,_ arr€nrd to t*r ;tatnr~ and a pars trt the realty, and
<br />are a par?tun ut the ~eiur€ty iur she !ndrh?rdnr+t hrre€€t ua?c~i. Y f f ttonr. ,?ate "none"t bone
<br />To have and to hold the ;ante tttttu rhr '<ttxtst.tger, a; hrrc!n pros.dtil:
<br />the rsnx[gagor !s lawittiiv ;ri~rd .tnd tna,3rs;rti vt and has the ngit[ to ;ell and cunses~ said property; that the
<br />same is tree trurn ati crnuntbran<<~; except as hrteinabttLr recited; and that :Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the [rtk alorrsard thrretct stni every ~n thrteoi aga[nvt the clarnt> nt ail per:on5 whomsoever.
<br />This invtr;rrrxnt !s given ro secure the pasrtaen€ ~t a promissory note dated __~Sanuazy at 19fr1
<br />:n the trtci cum of S .34.OR4_._`?L! . .____ -____~
<br />pr ~ _______-_____. iigned F,y _Ricttazd G. and Beverly_J. Bowlovech
<br />in txiaslf of -_. -.._ - --__t~~elves
<br />atsxt, as such npte tx notes ma> frcxr! time to time tae modified, renewed ar edStetrded in w€iting.
<br />trt €he event the ;ilk to said rest estate is €raast`err~, nr coatracted to tae transftreed, from the atn#Crsigtted for any
<br />reastm or by any tnetttud whstsetever, the entire principal sum sad stt'rtted. in[ectsi shall at once betomt due and
<br />paysbk at the election of the httidet hereof. Failure to exereise this option btsause of transfer of tick as above Stated
<br />nt lase irtstarae shalt t+ot constitute a wailer-of the rim to exercise-the sattte_io the evr-tt of any sutasegttcat transfer.
<br />t , 1`he €uortpaguT crnaeaaats and aart*es as fothaw~
<br />a. Tn prorttptly pay the itacte6isdt~s tsritk, by _ Wort: ~ the tip attd .ti~ttttar
<br />€bert:in ptovidsd. _
<br />b. 7o twy all texas, asserts, wafer rtttea. tsiher grx+erweaertts}'cx mt:n+t-i flrtos, or
<br />itttjx3sitions, far wh pr~isiota leas Wert basin 1r-acte ltsrentaaiore, and wilt Pr~Ptly d~ rye ~E t'c+eepts
<br />t~rcior eta ttte std trrurtg+r.
<br />c, t`ra tit swh extarrtstx atxt tt'~ ~s rrksy b~ itx'atrecd'tg tite nra€ec*mn 3qd mr€#~tn;ltttt~ isf said Pf 3tsertp.
<br />tssit»g €hc fees. cat stay t€ttwnea emglpyrd lty the trrtntgttgiee fr:r <hr t<~ai~aiort ~tf anp or all of the iadttKesSterix
<br />iaertts~ st:~ red_ s~ s:~r~6>c;tcrautr lay ttt!:utgtAg;r6't sak, ~ ~ttf prtttn~.. o€- itt it4S ta!lfcr titiga#ic'nt ttr tNO:e€clit~j
<br />sdtt^sr=;~~ ~~«aau.; t`dvgx€tw. -
<br />