i y`
<br />d. For better setvrdty of the indebtetdtieas hereby scoured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its sit~sstus
<br />of assigns, tIlBrtgagor snail execute gad ddivex a supplemental mortgage or mortgages covsring any a
<br />improveasunts, ~ betterments made to the property hereimbcrve tkaixdbed atul all property actiuitjad ~ it afisr
<br />1 the date hereof {ail is form sati~ardary to mesttgagix). Rtuluratore, sltoukl taottgagor_ t'tal d~a tatre any. detavlt
<br />~„ in the payment of a prior or iaferiiw cs>cutr on the propatg dexeribcd by this: iastrtt,-mortgagor hcre-
<br />.,~.; by hgt*s~ m permit to Cv-cure such defatdt, but msHtgagee is ntx obdi~ted to do so; and.:sitcti adtrauces- -
<br />{^ shad lse+c~~ art of tit€' sccttred by tip ittstrutt, sgt~ect to-tire waste terrsts arm iitio~.
<br />e. T'lu ri~ss txtate~ by this conveyamx shall remain in full &rrix sari effect dtuvrg asry pnstponemesst or
<br />- [ut of't~ tiflre of the imyrumt ~-tire istilcisterissess evidestt~ by said ply ttott ~ nom: araay; -
<br />part t#ieteof segued hereby.
<br />f. To continuosniy maintain hazard inattr
<br />once, of suds type or types and in such aurmamts as the.rnartt~ee
<br />~y frimt time to tune raqudre on the improveaxttts now or hereafter oa said property. atttl wiII ptry pswnfitly
<br />when dtx say prearitmts therefor. AU iasuraace shed) be carried is companies acceptable to -attd she
<br />pokes attd re:tewats theezaf shah be held by rreartgsgee and have attached thereto lass payable clarues itt fttvca
<br />of amt in farm acceptable to the mortgagee, in event of loss, mortgagor will give immediate muiee in mitirag
<br />to , sad mortgagee may make proof o#' foss if oat made promptly by mortgagor, oral each ieatrr~e
<br />company eotiexrmd is hereby authorized and diresxed to moire paycncmt for such ions directly to mortgagee
<br />instead of to mortgagor and mtaigagee jointly, gad the insurance proceeds, or gay part thereof, may br applied
<br />bq maitg~ee at its option either to the reduction of the indzbtedaess hereby sexurad or to thr re~ircation ~
<br />repair of rite property daatagod or destroyed. In event of foredostire of this asottgage, or other transfer of tick
<br />to aerie) property in extittgstishmem of the 'strdebtedrtss secured hereby, all right, title, and intetrst of the
<br />tortgagor in and to any insurance policirs then in farce shah pass to the purchaser ~ mortgagee or, at the
<br />optiem of the tniutgagee, may be surrcadered for a refurtd_
<br />g. To ku~ all bnildiatfs gad other improvements on said property in good repair and condition; to
<br />permit, coftmrit. or suffer no waste, impsirraertt, deterioration of said property or arty part thereof; in the event
<br />of faihrrc of tiro rtxortgagor to kelp the buildings on said premises and those erer:ted as said premiss, or
<br />improvetnettts thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make snob repairs as in its discretion it may deem
<br />txccssary for tax proper pteservatian thereof; and the full amount of each and every such payment shall be
<br />irntixdiately due amt payable; arm shall be sauced by the Lein of this trrortgage_
<br />t
<br />S
<br />,` h. To not vo#trntarily ~eate or permit to be created against the property subject to this mortgage any lien
<br />mortgage gagee; and futtter, that mort-
<br />or liens inferior to the 1~ of this without writtt~t consent of the trtOrt
<br />will keep sari maintain tax same free from the claim of all persons supplying tabor or materiaks for con-
<br />~ion of any atui all btrildittgts or improvements now being crate! or to ~ erected on said premiss.
<br />i. To tttx rent or assign any part of rite rent of said mattgaged in'oPcrtY ttr demolish. or remove. or
<br />substaniiaily aher any building without xhe written consrnt of rite mortgagee.
<br />j. Ala awards of damages in caanection with aaY corr~mnatton for ,public use of or injury to any of the
<br />property subjext to this r>mrtga$t are hereby assigned and shall be paid to mortgages, who may app#y tht same to
<br />payment o6 the Ertsxalltncnts last due utxler said note, grad mortgagee is herebp sudroriacd, in the Dame of the
<br />~. to exavu sari deliver valid atx#uittaatts tixreoC ate to appeal from gay such award.
<br />k. The ntext~gee shall have the tight to itrtgect the mortgagee) premises at any reesonabie tii~.
<br />i, To comply with the provisions of any base if this Mortgage ii oa a kasdtald. ff this Mortgage is on a
<br />uitf is a ctsiaium or a pltusned unit devclooastertt, &rrrower shall pexform all of &trrower's obligations
<br />tattler the aratitxt or asv~aats creatit~ or governing the cottdominiuta or planned unit dtwebpmetit,ihe
<br />by-laws anti ~ of the ainittm ~ planned unit developtnettt, sod crr~tituent doeumeats.
<br />2. Default in any of tht srovenaats or coaditiotts of this imttvmertt err of the mire or )Dail ageerrtent sxured hereby
<br />tote the mvrtgdtttsrr"s tilt to posscssioa, use, a~ esejoyment of iht property. at tau. option of the
<br />~e or atstgits tai being agrexd that the for shalt have cerch >~ ttatii default). Upon arty such
<br />dS~, the t~ shall 6es.'oetie the ownQ of all of the masts and praftra 8ccurirtg after iled'ault 85 sectrrity far
<br />the secured hereby, with the right to enter upon said property for tht lmrpo9e of coikcting such
<br />redo arid prtsfrts. TAB i~trm~aent shall opaate is art assignment of any retatals ttn said property to that extent.
<br />]. if the ~ eleftedta. and fails to rnas:e arty paytturtts whit dsu or to conform to arrd ci><nplY with any of
<br />rite cit~einma or aat~e~ents coittairxd is trills tnartgsgs err the notes wttic# it seatres, chsvt tine entire principal
<br />std aml aesrteed itu+.ei'etE slmtll u Dace becerxne due atxl payable, arm draw * per cent { 7 A - tt N.) interest
<br />thera~fiar t paid at site clecti~ of trite mortg and this mortgitgc nsay thereupon be forectos>:d iramedistely
<br />for. the w erf the iure6ry secured, including tits cost of eattexsdang the abstract of tide from the
<br />t~ to the lilac of suit. *Eiglsteen Peircertt
<br />d.. #tt:~e oC s fps. ~ elefaatk ~ preivn3ed herein. trite mextgaga shall at esaee ~ etsdtiad to the pos-
<br />apt- of the teal Nate a#e3 gad xa ttte relit. issues, royaltis, a ~of'sis tlre»setf,
<br />fib ~e-at~tttiitg~' snprh rs and dsvitr;-the peaderscy of iorr~iosure ptaexecliags atul sue:h f»loas, etc.,
<br />at Does tre ~ tea the ~ upvat rt~eat, upon failure such dclitnxy of sterls P~ may be
<br />_ eH,iOrc~d bdr by asty ~' rtt# l~ Qt'G'F~e IrlClttdif)$, a Ie~"1:tkCT-for tllE` arty.
<br />~_ 'floe i~ of of seat pixsi>erty in aoeor with tier prex+eding partupsphs sd+all be applled first to
<br />W4Y Ruts s~htti mod- ~ attitt stalEt, the t aaprrrad-by idle mort~te for the p+up~ of protaxting ar
<br />?taMd-t7r, , to WsY tkse ' scsxrred lirrrby„ artd thisdty, to pay any surld+o err
<br />.ua -ar p~sesns liegaliY eetiided thrusts,
<br />