r W.
<br />1t~~1~TC~~~E
<br />This- neortgage [Wade and entesxd into this 9tb dgy of Tanuary
<br />19 R7 _ by and between Orville W, ~tttmtinq -and Patricia A. Cmmtirtg, Htisltand
<br />and Fii€e _ -
<br />(hereinafter inferred to as trwrtga~t arsd %.e~trns. cY~t( ~tit~t ~attk and =t~t;st-~c°J;
<br />tefer~ed taa9
<br />mssrtgagce), maintains aft office atxl phxe ofbusirtess at 424- W~ Third strsset is Gt~td -s
<br />Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />WtrNESSETH, that fix the consideration htreenafta stated, raxipt of which is hereby aCknOwlP.i~'$, -the t>1f
<br />does hereby mortgage. sell, grant, assign, and convey tmta the tnssetgagee, its sttctixssots ~ as e1G Of t~ fttl-
<br />isrwirtg dtscribat property situates! aad being in the Cotmry of Hall
<br />Stott of Nebtaska.
<br />a
<br />A tract of land cost rising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SStNs} of Section-•~iseven
<br />(il), Torrttshig Eleven (11) North, Rarxge Ten (10) West of the 5tit P.M.,- it1--$s11.
<br />County, Nebraska, [tare particularly described as fal2ows: Begitaning at a.prxint.
<br />an Che west line of said Section Eleven (11), said point being-Four Sitmdred' RYrerity-
<br />Bight (428.0) feet south of the Northwest corner of said Southtest Quarter.(},
<br />also being tite southwest earner of Western Heights Subdivision; thence soutt~riy
<br />aiang the rest line of said Section Eleven (11), a distance of Four-Httudred-Sec*eaty-
<br />Eight and Seventy-Five H'srtdredths t4T8_75) feet: thence deflecting left ~0Q` a~
<br />running P-asterly a 3istarce of Six Hundred Seventy and Fifteen Wunsiredths (670.15}
<br />,.~,~ t ~rce °outherly ~rallel to the west li.^.e of said Section Eleven (11) a
<br />distance ai Fatsz Aundzed Sixteen and Twenty-Three hundredths (416.23) feet;- thence
<br />rurtning easterly a distance of Six Hundred Forty-Tma and Forth-Six Hundredths
<br />(642.461 feat, to the sout<~~ast cornier of the torthwest ~~itarter of Lhe Southwest
<br />Quarter (4'W1tSStd41, thence nor*_heely aiang the east iitte of said Northwest ¢uarter
<br />of the Southwest Quarter (NWT SWtt) a distance of Eight Hundred Ninety and Fifty°
<br />Nine Hu:tdre3ths t89Ct.591 .`net, to the southeast corner. of said Western Heights
<br />Subdivision: theree westerly •slong ':te south :ine of said western Heights Sttb-
<br />divisron, a :t:stat:ce of 3ne ;".aousand fihree Hundred µleven and Eight Tenths (1,311.8}
<br />feet to the i:iacc of aegit.2irtg.
<br />tognher wuh a!1 the tenements and appurtenance thereto ;xtnnging, ali the rents. issues and profits thereof, and atI
<br />easements, rsghta, roysiues. mineral, oii and gas rights and profits. water. water rights. and water stock, and including
<br />all ;ts~titrr, ptusrtbtng, ret7igcratton, lighting, c~utptttent attd :t11 t:xtures c>f t-vm• descrip*.ian t~longing to the
<br />mortgagor nstw car hereafter atuched therno ar used to connection with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />tttereta the foUowmg dcscribcei properties which arc and ~hait he deemed to he ttztures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a psxtson of the security for the indebtedtsess tteretn uatesf. !if none, state "Wane") None
<br />To have and to hold thr same unto the ?vtortgagee, as herrn prcn°tded:
<br />The mortgagor is lawfully seized asxi possessed of and has the rigttt to sell and Canvey said properly: that the
<br />same is free front all enivmbrattces except as hcreinabssve recittd: and that ortgagor covestants to warrant and
<br />deferni the title aforesaid thereto attsi evm~ part thereof against the claims of a!t persons whomsoever.
<br />This ituanmetst is given to setvre the paytttestt of a promissory nsue dated January 9, 1981
<br />is flu Arita-ipai sum of S ?S • 2stg • ?~ ,signed by Orville W. Cutr®ina an3 Patricia A.
<br />in behalf of _. t?xetase~,yes C,rttmtin4
<br />ado, as smelt tt~ ar t tnty frtnn that to time lie t3stdifud, t'enesvet! ~ extended in writing.
<br />[ri the eaettt the tide to tairi real retort is transfsaTed,. or esmtratrmed t4 be U~amftrred, iram the utdersigtued for any
<br />reasoat ~ by any ttaMtrud sslt~aever, flu sanire t sum. and a~rttmdstt~:ttaa tthR}i at. oatYx boetsote due aetd
<br />Drttyatt}e at tbs eiestiett of the bst~tr beeeof. paik~e tr> exsrdtt ~ bed e~ trattd$t of iit}e as abtfYQ stated
<br />in one irmLatta ttt~ trot t:ott~tu€e a waiver oi~.ri~ W e~t~ #~tl_~ ~ t3lc:etreed t~IZtsy f trussfar.
<br />Tlx covetttntt and a u fee
<br />a. 30 qty Doty thtc 1 caciderate_ ~ sesid Pry rreaee at thr tiro esd is the tttatmDr
<br />tbtsreitt ptYrrxisd.
<br />lt. To pray ail woes. mss: water rte: tusd-_i>daer mwe~nentgd tttr dai~oF, frAta, tH
<br />ta~eaiti+atm. fstt wAt~ft ~ hms+ tort taaatf`tt~afR ~P~ aAd w~ dY~Fr~ tAE a~'fk~sat rEOeip~
<br />theretc+r its ttu said ttuat~tagee.
<br />c., i`o Da> txtusattee arx4 f+Gea as rosy=be iruuise~d lit ~e p trs+d_tm9tnafa~ssce of sgkd protpctty,.
<br />esttt« ttte fttea of atts~-t€ttt ~-by.tha ~ fttr-t~s-stiaB~:t~ etty t1e aN t>#=tbt~i-
<br />hetctw taa°ur~^d., <w forcetasurc lay rrturtlutgsr's sale, tr csxsrt +ar iii aggr other lIti~tfott sar pstirxr~t
<br />sfticcttAq cant t,rt~rx': t#-
<br />