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{ <br />j <br /> <br />Lsader's wtittea agncerment or appiicabY Iaw. Htsrmwtt shall pay the amount of all mortgage inwrana premiums in the <br />mm~ner ptorided urger paragraph 2 hsaestf. <br />Asy amounts drabtrrsed by LentYr pursuant to the paragraph 7, with interest titeteon, shalt became additiooat <br />ittdetnetirsg9s. ~ Harrower aecrrred by this Mtxtgags. Unless Borrower artd Lender agree w other terms of payment, stx}t <br />amou»ta shsEf be payable upon t~~ ftxfm Lender to Horrmver requesting payment the:saf, and shall best interest from the <br />da4ic of ~ ttse tale Iavahte frtmt time to tune ~ twtstanding nrirtcipal tattler the Note unless psyaae~tt of <br />irsttsast at usch rate wtnild Lte ~ to applieabie Iaw. in which event such amounts shalt bear itstet>at at the highest rate <br />pQUtitaz~a ut~u t[pplica~ Iaw. Biotaittg ccmtaettece in imis paragraph 'r shalt rar{trste LerttYr to tarot any expeme Or tape <br />asp tECtir~ ixxsrmder. <br />L - Lender mmy melee or cause ba be made t>:asonabte entries upon attd insperliorrs of the Property, provi~l <br />that I.ertdtr shall give HofSt7srat ;~,,,~` z prior to any such itespectinn specifying reasonable eastse .herefor related to t:.endar's <br />interest in th6 Property. <br />3 Crr~etlea. The proeu~ of arty award or claim for damages, ditt;ct or comequenRial. in rnnnectfat with any <br />eatdemnation or othtt takiefg of the Property. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of conthmnation, are hereby araigned <br />artd be paid ro Lander. <br />In the errant of a total salting of the Propetty, the pra~sech shall bs applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />wldf the corals, if any. paid to Hanawsr_ In the event of a partial taking of the Property, artless Borrower and Lertder <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shat! ~ a}splied to the sums secured M this Mortgagt such proportion of the proee~ <br />as is aqua! tv that proportion which the amount csf the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date ~ <br />taking beats to the fair market vsttm of the Pregtem immediately prior to thr date of taking. with Yht ttaisnce o€ the proceeds <br />paid ~)iarrests. <br />If the Property is abarf~ned by Borrower, or if. after ncxice by t.errder to Harrower that the condemaor ofl'trs to matte <br />art award or sclera a claim #ar damages, Borrowrr faits [o rsspnnd to Lender within 30 days after t)x date such natit.Y is <br />mailed. Lender is arKhoai~d to collect and apply the proceeds. ar L.ettder's option. either to restoration or rspair of the <br />Property er to rife sutrfs tecttrad by this Mortgage. <br />Ua-ms Lender amf Borrower orhtrsFis~ egret in writing, env such application of proceeds LO }mncipal shall not estettd <br />or ptxftpone the due date of the rtxartthly imtallmertts refrrrrd io in paragrai?!ts 1 and 2 herextf or chatfge the amount of <br />such tmraltttfstrts. <br />i$. B9rtosrer ~iei tiNnee~ Extension of the ttmr Far pavrrunt or mcdifl:-arion of arrrnrtization of the sutra secured <br />hp thts M<trtgsge granted Ay letx~r to any successor ,n interest of Borrower shad rot operate to release. in any manner, <br />the liabrhty ctf t!x otiainal Borrowtt atsd Bower"s s:recessars in interrat. I_endar shall :rot he reovired to ctxnatetfce <br />prog~ agatmA such tuccesttx nr reftns to e+etetul time for pavttxnt :x otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by fhis Mortgage by reason ctf any demand mask br the original Borrower slot &+rcowers urcc-essson in interest. <br />ti. tFrritasrtttra !~ Easf/er Naa a Rtaivtr. Anv Ferttearancc by I.rndtr is esrrcis~ng env right ar remedy hetsundtt, or <br />odfersise aftardsd by appBCabk taw. shaft nett he a waivrr .+f .>r prxctuck :hr esercise of am• such right or rerraedy. <br />The p~-«rstftent :?€ ;nsuraascs ~' the payment of rases nr «hrr [xns cr charges by i_ander shall ntx he a waivrr of Lendtt's <br />right to acre?--ate the maturity of the rnsktnedness rccurrd by thn Mottgagr. <br />1Z tisatAae C~I-e. A!i remedies pros,ded ;n thn Me.rty_tatce am distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />rssrtnly under this i6atgage nr a8orded rnr Eaw or rqu[n•, anti may *te tserc;srd ccxxurrcntly, independently :x succes:ivtiy. <br />ia. 'Sseceresm ~ .4~ipu ttiewN Dirt sat 5rersi Lfabgirp: i-aaMatat. The .t»enants and agreements herein <br />'~ . ~rtest s#t~l hhnt. err! thr rigists !xreustder strait inure t^. ttx rrspertts~e and assigns of L.errier and Horntwtt, <br />st~fiec~t td'thr ptttvisxxfs of paragraph ?' fiarcof .All ;-avraartts and sgrerrrsenis -zf Borrower shat[ be joirri attd several. <br />T~ c~ amt he~itrip of the r,.t>raagraphs «t tfiis M~~rtgagrt ar=_ fe; :;smrn,rrttr imtp and ors ~t to be u~ to <br />snrerirM. or aeRee the provtsians hereof. <br />tit. Facs'tpt far anp rwrxx rsquired under apt+licaRic law ra be g:vrn in atutrher rtranrter, ta} any notice to <br />Berrawer prrnided far =n this Mortgage shall be grvrn by rnatfiag su;h m~xtcr Ely cenc6ed mar? addressed to Borrower ai <br />tf~ Property A.ddrns or a[ such ether a€idrefc as Herm+.rr may deugratr tw rnxice to t_enakr as provided herein. anti <br />th} wry notit.•s to Lrruier stfazi tse pycn hp certifxd mall. return ;ecr,tx re'greesierl, tr. Lendtt's address stated herein ar to <br />such uthtt addttsr as Lender map cAesignats by tpaicr tr+ Barrsrrtt ss prendnE ;tettrn, Anv notics providEv' f in this <br />tdsxtgt~r strait be desrntd tc have been given .o Sarnnvrr sx Eettr'.er whsn porn m ;he trtantter designated herein. <br />23. VsYwrea lMasOgaBet GwmiaB Eaw: 3tsersiifet. T?:rs f:+rm ,tf merttttaae canrhirtes uniform cttverfants for ttationat <br />:~ ~' esrs~t~-ks w #t Ii~ted .ar-=ata.xr. `r~ ;u:rssf;st to ,fetut,~ a um#`€:rm u~~unty it~€rutr~rtt e-.r~ring <br />red property. Tans Mortgage shalt tfe governed by [he Eaw :>f [hc ~urrsdtctton :n wEykh the tRoperty is iocatad. In the <br />avant that anp prtn+sian or cla+rse flt this Mcmgage ~*r the v per cfM.flicss ++nh applikahk Eaw, such conflict shall ram affect <br />sXher prvviilgRts ,~ this Mortgtge or t7x tare whRh can tse i'+en c~i'a t w+thtxrt t!ce :ronilrctirtg provision, and to tits <br />std the provisittua ci rite Martga~ and ttx !acxs are ekciared m hr temrra#tlr. <br />if. fisneamer's CNf, Borroaet tluell rte fxrrntahed a ctmfc:rmed :upy of the Note and of this Mortgage ar the tittx <br />of eaecation or after reeardastttn hereof. <br />i9. i'arefip of tie Ptspely::~aariy/ioa if ail ~x arty par. of tits Pnryfstty yr an interest tlferein is sold or trsaaferred <br />by Borrsnvsr withoert I.eridar's prux written eatrxm, ess!udi:tg tat =.he creation of a )kit or axttntbrance subar«finau to <br />ttNS it2artgage, {bl Tits CfLlilrJR trf a puKhue tnatts~ vecuhtY ~nterss[ far hottsehaid ippiiances, (t:} 3 kranaftt try devise. <br />descent or by aparasitm of law open the dpth of a tarot rrnant cr sdi rpTy. gram of anp leasehold intatrst of three years or less <br />oat s'[~taM an opaiaa to purchase. L.asrSer may, st Censer"s cpu<m. declare all the sutrts secured by thra Mortgage to be <br />due and payt~tia, L-seder sit Et:ye watvcd such aptttn to ;tcceksate if. prior to tfte sale or trarufer. Lcttder <br />sad tie ptnsatt w wham the terapertp ~ m be soles or ttat~terred reach agreerrsertt in writing that the crsdst of such ptrsort <br />estYfsetory to Lcstder sad that the interest payable on tht sums securod by tEtis Mortgage shaft Ete at such rate as Leader <br />sils8 rterlemt.. Ii l.ertder b~ ttrraved rite aptisxt to accsleraer Ixcwided :n this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's xtu:ce>Mtr in <br />>efN ~ eascu~d • wit aaaamgtic+r_ agnetmfent aw°ept~rd in writing by I~ersdsr, 1_ender shall release Harrower from alt <br />ttadst ~ ~ a~ ttx 'row. <br />tf l.endse etttrcittaa sari[ etttitm so aecYlerate. Lendrr shall mail Harrower lorries of att'eteration in accordance with <br />pastes L< htsscrf. Stab shalt pravtda a testiocf .>f rte[ less then 3tl data from the dots the notice ss mailed witMn <br />w~$t ltei€ester map pay the sum dse}at+ed dtaa. Ef & tads xv pap such sttttts prior to ttx expiation of sttcit petio$, <br />I.etrder +, suithsptt Itnther notice or dt~rtd on Borrower. ,ovate anp rrttroadies permitted frp paragtaptt t Q hereof. <br />![laic-ilta€rtirttr CtPVEnterata. Btxrttaror and Lattdtr fetrther covevaex and agree ss #atMvs <br />+`..~+~--..s ;rti pi~~i tit i lT tiaai~'., itpartt 3aesasrntr~ isttae:,i is iti3 awstarrtTi etT <br />> sf ttf is ~ ~g ass as*erasu m trry win ise stet attar saetttet Ay Nit . <br />E~amRlte t sr ~ stet tt as liawaes~ ski ! >i psa,geagit li insef yeei$irp tit dr tttftaeit <br />€~ ~ etlett wpiMa N ~ ass! trts~e8s <A a tWe. eel lass fires 38 ~ ftes tie iota tit .Mica i ttsiMd h lerttsrae, <br />igr +e1tMN sraet- ttt~ sett[ is sesr# anti ##1 Nett [itiiste N stela t~ retests as sr isfrt: die tale spatNacl ie the esedss <br />ttt~ tEtlt}J~ ~ aE Ns ergs steas'Rt i3 tiY ~a~r fg t ass sde aR Mrs ~S. <br />Tlite tnYts tiro McJttr Yistts B[SSrswes at use ~ r atitrlre ads asctdesatiaw errs ehr tisltt m ttsstM,ie tie hassitwes <br />!L its ~ d a itiiattii w oaf rNb tehsee ~ Barsowrs tr ree+datstiss ,ut [omAaraa. g Na base! <br />Y ell unsB w a ingstr eMt ittlt tps~si let Yte asMeat Eestier aP tartisFYt ~ teat; tacit: ay ei tie ass:. restani Af <br />Yt(aliiNtdtKtt 4 i1a ~ tae trti s[fiMdattt fseNsa tttrterai tstt sing dassclseit ~ iaesea~rg. [.sates <br />t~t15s t:d la sit eQ ~ tttra rat ~aC~ a. erte rE teragtestart <br />_-.tom. aileba5r aei his ram. <br />~. ~atCatiraaPs ~ itt tsiresMw '+itftsritifttaishrtg l.snrisr's arxsrfarapstts tit rite sstms sectrtstd ~ this Msatgage_ <br />Baassttttttt sl1aH totals ®ifr ~ #t irsas alt p~ ttgtgt Hg T.ettdst to enforce tiro Mott;ay+r dixatttinuod rat anp tittle <br />