<br />F' ,
<br />. 8I --~) f i t3 ? S8
<br />133attoate Covautrrrs. Borrower soil t.snder covenant sail agree as foibtvs:
<br />!. ~ N trot laleeart. Borroasr aftaJi prompt[y-pay when due the psettcipal of attd intecett tm tits
<br />evidetseesl fly the Note, prepaymteul-and lam charges as pruvtdnd in Efce Nate, and fhe principal of s~d`inietr.~
<br />eta ~S $orture Advance a«xued by Ibis tt3origage•
<br />'.. ~ its ~:~.~ to applies l~ or to a isrittes stsiver by Lzts~r, B€nxower :shall- pug
<br />_ tb L~ader art the day matnt~y it~tallt~ents of pttituipal arm interest are payable nndeo tltelVcste~ until the hole is paid in frill.
<br />a ats~s (herein "Ftr^} equal is tano~tsvetftb of the yearly taxes and astaemenu which may attain priority over thy'
<br />ffiiatgfgs. and gtrnmd tutu on the pr'oPcrtY• if arty, plus oaotwelfth of vttatriy premitw instatlme+tffi for hazard inst~auca;
<br />l sera-twei£th ~ y~riy ptrent#~t ~ {ctr sttortga~ ittstrratux. if slay; all-as t~tnaDiy e>etitnaud itutiaiEy sail fran-
<br />tirrte m time by Leader ins itx-basis of a>ammwtx and bills acrd reasonatsk euiroatea thereof.
<br />'tots PtrAds Shall lx ix~s! iA an iAStitution the depmtffi or accounts of which are insured or gttarastred by a Ft~eral ~
<br />z agency 4 ioctirding Lender if Lender is stash an institutes #. Ixuder shall apply the Funds W pay Said taxes, assemrttertle.
<br />iatp>raace peniuats sad gramsd terns. [.ender titay not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, attriyzing said aocormt
<br />~ vtri€yiag sad rnmpititig said assessmeou and bills, tmkas Leader pays BoRAwer iMq[ea! t)O the Fitndn soil appiica~ .'-"..
<br />pismgu Lender to rnalte str3i a charge. Borrower srtd Lender may agree in writing at the time of txecutian of this
<br />ts4artpBe that interest oA the Frurds shall tx paid to Borrower, and uttkas such agteearetit u mado or applicable law
<br />r+etpaira ~'+ intcrrrzi to be paid, Letter shall not be required to pay Borrtswer any irnerest or earoiuBs oa lire Ftmd:. Leader
<br />>dtaH give to Borrower, without charge. an amittal accounting of tlx Funds showing credits asd debits to the Fttads a~ the
<br />pttrpsxe for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additittaal security for rite stana secured
<br />hp rim PrlortdaSo•
<br />tf ttte attmsrnt of the Fimtl: hdd by Lender, together with the ftsitrrc monthly instaBmeaffi of Funds payable prier to
<br />lire due dazes of taxes, assewtiems, itraraarice premitura acid grtannd rents, shaft utxrd the attsamt required to pay said tsar.
<br />aaaeipmcAts, inaauraatm prtmtitttns atul ground rents as they fail due, such excess shall be, at Borrowers option, either
<br />ps>empsiv repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly mstaiftixnu of Funds. !f the amount of the Fttnth
<br />hdd try Lrnder shalt rte be sif~iatt to pay taxes, assessrrxnts. ;nsusarice premsums and ground reMS as they fa11 dne,
<br />Borrowu shat! pay to Lxasder aAy anrount necessary [a make up the deBcsencc wsthsn 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by L.endc: to llorroarer requcattng payrtxnt tisereo(.
<br />tJprnr payrosmt in ftriI of all stern secured by this Mortgage. Lender shall promptly rcftmd [a Borrower arty Fatten
<br />hdd by Lender. tf under paragraph E fi hereof ±tse Frispetty ss sale! ar ?he Property a otherwise aequsred by Larder, Leader
<br />tit appsy, tit ta~ then itAttety prix to the +ak of ?ire Property or sts acqui-<•tirsn lay Lender, ar~y Funm held by
<br />Modes at the tie of ap~icatleA as a credit against the sums scoured by rhss Mortgage.
<br />~. A~fgmtlsn sf !'afaotrls. linkss appficabic law pruvstiea ntherwisc. ail payments received by Leader under the
<br />Note sad paragraphs t and Z hereof shall !k appfscd by tinder first in payment nt amounu payable to tinder by Honower
<br />ua8er paragrapls 2 hweof. tlteA to intueu payable un the ~3otr. then to ttx prttictpal a( the Note, and then ro interest and
<br />prricspa! isn any Future Mva~a.
<br />~ G"assytr, l3ua. Borrower stiafl pay all axes. assessrtsenis aril :stzser c}sarges. arses anti zmposiiians attributable to
<br />the t'rnpeaty which waY attain a prrority over than "Mortgage. and :caseho4d payments cr ground rents. if any, in the t»naner
<br />pasevts&d under puagraph Z iuereoi or. sE nsY paid ?n stab manrxr. by lis?rrvwet maksng payrAent, whet due, dit>xtly to the
<br />payee thereof'. Horrawer shall promptly ftirnrsri to Lender sit anuses s+t airtaunts Sue ursslcr th,s paragaph, slid in the event
<br />B~tower stunt snake paYttunt ttirxttiy. Burrower shall promptly tumssls zo Lensier rcceipis rvidencing such payments.
<br />Brsrrlssntg staff praatptly discharge aey Tien which hss prinnty :>ver €has Mortgage: pravsdert, [hat Borrower shaft not be
<br />,..n.~r«s to +tiacbar~ arty suc#a inn sa long as Basror.~u snarl agree ors ~+-ruing to rise aawmen[ ai the csMigadon sceured by
<br />such ii+m in a sttanAer ssxeps>bis zn t.cudtr, ar stsatt sn good faith contest ssxb lean by, ur ckfeod enforcement of such first in,
<br />IttgrJ proceedcngs which operate to prevent the eaxfurccrisent of ;fie trcn car fosiriiure at the Property ar any part thtrrxtf.
<br />~ lLlaN taste Burrower sftati lecp tie,; smpruventents new a'tistsng ear herealttt erected ten she Proptrty insured
<br />agaitnt Ia~s L'Y lee, Itstaatds in+:itedest within the €erm ~-extendtat ~~avs:rage" and sexh settler hazards as Lessder may require
<br />aatd ie such amaxensa and far such perts>ds as Letsder may ; equsrc; prnvideil. that Lcrder shall not require that the amount of
<br />s3ch coveratpe exceed that sirnotnit of ccrveesge tequsred to pay the sums ,ecured t>y ihs5 'sortgage.
<br />71st iostiraace csrriet provxtitag zhe insurance shalt Ise cixisen by Iiurruwar subiect to approwai by Letikr, pruvded,
<br />tits! such apptovad shall rya! $e urtatasattistMy wtthiteid. .its prcrmuats an iissisrarn:c pultcip shat[ be paid sn the manner
<br />pmvtdad tender puagrapb ' tsercot ar, 9f ~>t paaat zn suds manner, by Borrower snaksng paymrnt, where due, directly to ttx
<br />i catrtsr.
<br />:4lt aAtiirate potic~ aer! tanewa}s thcrec+f shai4 lac sn form se=ep€abke to l~nsicr and snail nuiuck a standard mortgage
<br />clatp~e sn €avsx of rend sn farm acceptatsft to Len+ier. Lesder shaltna<e the right tci hold rite psatMirs anal renewals thereof,
<br />a~ Borrower sitatl promptly [tiroah so Letxier at} reixwal txaticas and ail secupts of paid prensiutns. in the event of loss,
<br />!~ shalt gt:e presgt~ r. :s a to ism rrtsuram:e :arrxr acid Leer. I,en;kr may make presuf of lass if not made promptly.
<br />~~
<br />L'3iast it:sdet and Bonawet otlr¢rsstx agrsx an wrststig, tnstuaixe pros-tads shall be appfierl zu resWraticm ur repair of
<br />six Prstperry SatsagC.i, pranded strn:h resWratiun ur repair is ecotsnmiwtly fesisibie aril the security of this Mortgage rs
<br />net tiaHeby itttpaitad. If stab res4xatsam .x repa,r ss rhat eccm:unresiiy 1castbk ar ri the security of thss Mortgage would
<br />be tmpatrad, the imtscanc:e prak'9p1~ shall be appiie:f w the sums ses:ureat by this Mortgage, with the excess, if arty, paid
<br />tfr Bortowea. if tits Prtaparty ss absatds-..raf by 8ortewer_ c=r si Borrower fazfs *.ta respessd to Leackr within 3ti days Irom ttta
<br />dsss6 notice is rrsasled t% la,sder to Btxnraru ?hat zhe ststuassce causer oilers zo oak a =taim for snwraACe beticfits; Lender
<br />is authorised to collect sued apptt rise ettwtarw.e proms at Ixackr"s option other so rsawcation or repair of the Property
<br />sa the soars sscutad by then alortgage.
<br />tttsless Lender sail Barcmer a'+theravtse ague ~n wrtpng, an.y such application of proeeeds to prsncipal shall nw extend
<br />- or pasywrm the slue a1346 of the stuastidy is»+taiimetsts ;eferrad to sn paragraptu 1 end ? hers~f or change the amuuni of
<br />- sgczti i tt twdsr tsatag:-apls #!} isctevf rise Property is ac:iuued by Leader, ai[ right, title aril snterest of Borrower
<br />W and txt anw iii~{gi(rC ptatxrta ARd tD seat !a theifri.LeC.db tilC(W3 itaulitag cram damage to the Property prior l0 thG sale
<br />or s}iaB p~ to i_eedrr to the extcut .. rho 3ursis sa:tusxi ny zhss Mortgage imtiteriiateiy prier to sur:h sale or
<br />L !'asswaalitts aoi of 1-sat~ux}. Leaas~ai~ C liataatetl U~ Dewstlopaesp. 8orruwer
<br />snarl keep rite Rapstrtg m good rcltatr sail slsati not cortsaat w3atC cr permit ,uspairtoerit sTr tieteiiotalion of the Property
<br />~~ •~• r,av:~.~ ,~ ~. of tb a :n_,ta~ :s ;sn a S>:a~h~. If this Murtg do is uzs a unit in a
<br />ax a ptasurat matt cleveicipsssc=st, Borrower shall perftarm ail of Iltsrrower s :aiisgattons under the atatarataun
<br />~ crx3Nrrg ~ gaiverns`ng the cc.•sdtrrrixttunt as pdatirwai esntt dewe3opnsent, six by-laws aril regulasia.__ =~f the
<br />eu piaaaett tutu client, aril =anstittrxcat akxutncnts. if a cusidaminwutt ar planned unit deve}apntent
<br />Cider is caasutrd Izy 8osrma^er sail racrordod ts+gsatser wsth true fttoctystye, rite covenants and agreosixnts of such rater
<br />alstttl hs tAOxtratod lam artd shill arnaod atul sttppkrneru rite covenants and agreeasenta of zhss Mosrtgage as rt ztte rider
<br />arn#!e a pats herttt~.
<br />i, tt'sxMSSiltris ail £.ntiss°s '• !f Baxrowsr tabs to perform the covenants and agreeatents casntained in this
<br />Aiai[tgage, ozz if airy at.'tion ur ~ rs cutnAiettacd which matuietty sifters I_en.kr's ssrtarsst in the P~aperiy,
<br />bsnl nqt ~ to, etaiosrn drrgraut. ir~alwasrb;y, =ode crstottetnent. ar ar€angesrtetus cat prac-eeditigs involving a
<br />'~trarpt era dot, l.eadta at Lan:tar`s aipitaRx, ttpuA ritHtaY t:. Bmtuwet, may mike su=b app+ssarattu~, dts.tnirs€ suc~3t
<br />stf~a ~ ladle asacls aCtitJn is h neecc+tsary to ~a#tst t.cttcler's ~ntcrs-ra, ;rtthtGSSty`, brat nut timsicd tu. r#tsburaenieatt cal
<br />ataunayi itat aatd eatery np(jrt tIn Prvpcrty to retake ropa.rs. tf i..eridet reyuitmi mxsttgage insuratxe as a
<br />of tnatetttg ohs loan sacssrat by stets Mortgage, Borrower snarl pay the psrnsiuttrs sequirarf as suaintam such
<br />ie~taous le sBsct trstt# welt stars as the r~rztrcrasru fw watt ts>sisrrtnsx ts=rtrttnates :n acaordattee wash Borwawer's and
<br />