t .. ~ .,~.~,_
<br />fur's written agrttatmt or sPplicalfYe taw. Horrower aitaN pey the etnount of cep mortgage insuraflcs premiums in the
<br />mainet ptbvfded under p 2 hereof.
<br />_ Atry aiwtsnta ~abuesad by Leader purstufnt to the paragraph 7, wiefi interest theraorf, shaft became additional
<br />~t~ of Borrower aeefttiti by this Mortgage. 1Jnlesa Borrawtr and tender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />•~^~+• .t~.i k ~~~- ~~%^- t fx to ~~_- .~t~ting ,~yttt~-;,t tE~f, s;~ shaft Ear 9ntzr~t ft+tsa !Ex
<br />d~ of - ~ th+e rase payable fraat tints to time on amtiarfdhtg principal under the t3ote tnfkas payment of
<br />itsa6nmtt.fisuth tale woaad Le eatdtttry ro appl6cabie law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highesa rate
<br />P its~er ap~ieabie-taw. tontaleed in this 7 shaft cite fender to ioettr
<br />Nothimg paragra}fit req attq ertpm~ or take
<br />asy tt ham:
<br />t, Leader may riate or caux ro be made reasafahie entries upon and inspxtions of the Property, provided
<br />f Lettdsr shaA give Burtower notice prtor to any such inapectian specifying rcaronabk cause therefor related to Lmdera
<br />intete# is flits Propeaty.
<br />!• r The proceeds of atfy award err claim for damages, direct err consegt~miat, in'connectitm with any
<br />c~tt or othher takatg ~ tfie PropaYy, or part thereof, or forconveyaruae in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby assigned
<br />and ahaB be paid fo Lerner.
<br />la rite ewetu of a total tatting t,f the Property, the proceats shalE bs spatted to the sorrts secured bq thix Mortgage.
<br />rriHf the ezcets, if any, paid to Horrawer. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Horrower and Lender
<br />oahsrwire agree in writing, there shaft be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is aqua! ro that prapaRion which the arnottrtt of the sumx secured by thin Mortgage immediately prior to the due of
<br />taking bears to the fart trrsrltea value of the Property imtitetiiatety pricer to the data of taking, with the bala~e of the proceeds
<br />pntid to Bortosfer.
<br />if the Prgpsrty is abarfduned by Borrower, or if. alter notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor o9en to mate
<br />as a*srd or settle a diet for damages, Harrower faits to respond to Lender witfiin 10 days after the date s,tctt notice is
<br />tlfiail~, 1-tndar 's atultoriud to atsHect and apply tEte proceeds, at tenders option, either to restoration err ttpair of the
<br />Property Or to the slum sectaxd by this Mortgage.
<br />Uatter [.ender and Horttrwer otherssise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shalt r,ot eztetfd
<br />ctr postpone the doe data of tht rtaontbty ittaaliments referred to in paragraphs !and 2 hereof or change the atnount of
<br />stfclt itfstaBrrtettts.
<br />lt. Ilaarisvar ttkst Rdared, Extension of the time for payrt,mt err tnodification of atnortiration of the sums secured
<br />by thin Matsgage granted tw Leerier to any successor in interest of 8orrawer shalt not operate to rskax, in any manner.
<br />the liability of the or~ierl Hariassat and Borrowers succeasars in interest. Lender shaft not be rsquved to commtnrx
<br />~ agaisrt stxh ~ ~ refuse to extend eime for payment err alterwise modi#y amortization of the sums
<br />secured by Htis Mont~te by tsoson of any demand made by fie original Borrower and Sarmwers successors in interest.
<br />11. ttasiaaarea try leeisa'Wt a 1Yatser. Any forbearance by E_endrr in etetcising any right ar remedy hereunder. or
<br />othmsvise aRwded by apPtiaable law, sfiaH not bs a waiver t,f or prsclttde the exercise of any stmh right or rmxdy.
<br />T~ ~ttt of in~tatxe or tree paytrtsnt of rases err abet urns or charms by Lender shalt not l,e a waiver of Leader's
<br />t w aa~lera~ the toatusity of t!u irtdebtad»eas secured hr this Mortgage.
<br />12. Cratsfatirdve. At# resnadies provided to this Mortgage arc distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy under this Mtntgsga as aBsvekd hY law c,r equity. and may t,e csett',xed cancstrrendy. independmtty er successively.
<br />13. : aid Aasigas IaitH wd 9eret1al fiY; Cartlawa. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />;.~ si:~l bid; amt tifa r:a t~ `.e ~ ~ s,',a:! iaura ter. tt~ n:s~-n~ s,:cccsors arw assign, of Lm~r and Hot'rawer,
<br />stsb~Ct to the prav~iotts of paragraph 17 hereof. Ali carenann sent agrccnxnts of Htxrower shall be joint and several.
<br />Tba txptaxr and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for conranience ixfky and ors not to be used to
<br />intarprat or dt the prarisaoas hereof.
<br />14. NkKre. T3atxpt for attY tfcniex tsspttitsd undea applic:b~ taw to be given in aaather tuanaer. fa) any notice to
<br />Harrower provided for in this Mortgage shah t~ glum by mailing such unfree by certi$ed mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />rtes Property Adtfstrsa err ai ttreh otifar address as Borznwer msY designate try naive to Lender as proridetl herein. artd
<br />tb1 arty sofas ro Lender shaft be given by certified dnaiE. return ra°eipt requested. to Lender's address stated herein err to
<br />stwfi other addrer as Lender may des~tafa by native to Bcarn,war as ara.ided hetsin. .4ny notice provided tar in this
<br />Mortgage ttbal3 be dtsttxsed to bare been given to Bt,rn,wcr or l srtder wfitn girm in the manner designated herein.
<br />is. Usifssr ~ ~ Q,swt Ss*'era6iitY• `Ehts tti:rrrt o{ rortgage cambind uniform covenants for national
<br />tree atfd flora-ttrfidorat corenuttx with tittsitsd variatwats by ;urisdterfan to ct,tmittne a uniform sxttrity inatrurttent covering
<br />teal peoPerty. Ttris EN~t=air shalt Est gorers+cd !,y tits law of the ;urisdictinn rn which the FrepartY is tacatad. In rift
<br />asent t?utt any provision or clatete of this Mortgage Ex the tie canilicts whit appEicabk 1arf, such conflict shall not atec4
<br />other xov-„lass ~ t',m S€as-tg.~a :,r the emote wtt~h f:nn tsc given edect withotrt the cottBicting provision. and to this
<br />esd tbe provisos of tbe Mtn asrti the Atc~a are 3aclarai to be savera~.
<br />it4 Haarawat~a E:ts#}. Bgrttwrer shall be ft,rnished a confornxd copy at rho Nore and of this Mortgage at the tittx
<br />of saecutiwt err after ttfeotdatisaf hatmcrf.
<br />11, Tptsttea at tier Ef aft or any part of the Property or as interest therein is said or tratnfetred
<br />by Httrrawxr without Loader's prior writtrn consent, excluding #ai the ceeatien of a Lien or encu+nbtatxe subordinate to
<br />this , fb) t!>s ctaatioo ~ a perrchase mangy sat,trity interest for h ,essehald ap#ftiarsces, (e3 a transfer by dev~,
<br />d cur by aptuxtiotf of taw ttpnrt the death of a joint tenant or #dF the grant of say Ecaset+ol8 interest of three years or less
<br />sot comae m aptiai to pasrehmpc, I.arules maY, at Lender's apt~nt, dilate alt tfm str~ se~uresi by this Mortgage to be
<br />duce and psyiWc, Leadar shag here waived suet, aptiaf to aaekrate if, prior to fix sale err trawdN, Lender
<br />arced tEr pasort to wig the Property is to ba sold or tranafartaA rsactt agreementrn writing thu the credit of such petsm,
<br />is setirtactoty w Larder sad slrt the usterast payable an the sums encored hY this Mortgage sltatl be at such rate as Lender
<br />` abadE tafgami. I# Letsdar Epps waived tEx option to a,sakrahe provided in this paragraph i7, aid if 8orrosrers succeror in
<br />rapt has exs&usad a wtittatr teost agrataaeat accepted is writing by tender, Lander shalt releax Hotrosrer from all
<br />aria uadsr tb~ ~ and the Plote.
<br />di Laar~ etFettisas tadt option to aeeaiettatte, Leader shall rrreil Horrowar notice of asxtEeratian in x'co[datfce with
<br />paetpgraplt ld Ascent. Sneip trotioa shalt provide a penal of tfot Ems than 3U days from the date the ao[ict is mat'led widfin
<br />+*~ ~ P+Y the tataatt dicEaaed duce. If Horroaer fails to pay such shits prior to the expiration of stmt period.
<br />L = rtiaAt~t fittest r or d an for, iny~c any :sttrt~ psrmittad by t'M~ t fi fiat~`.st.
<br />tdgtdsat Oawattartra. Barreststa aid Lafdar further cotenant and agtete as follflws:
<br />its >~wdiea, FiswigR as pisrdded li paipgtaB- i? f_r~ao[, ttgai iasaossa~s 6swalf of aatfi carraittY or
<br />rf lames Ea Otla ladrtittfi dpa tsvasfasOS w ipV' srlpce thte espy areas aae~taaiV i!' tats
<br />Lamas t~ ~ ttatrMafiM shalt +gtit irlEsss as liaaessrar as gsstttfhd lea 1 it lprart apol,}~istfg fli Zia i
<br />~ twat ttstllr ststgaiti~ is atw staeH iagtdt t~ a dils. art tar tlpast ~ Biggs Lsrw tits sites tie settler is itaYnt s: Rrssw!ss!ss.
<br />a!4aftt tauh iwi[i+ rests iqe eawdi aid ~ fist f`apstst M s~ rftai irsici ate a befasr ~s tittle agaai6ad is tier tfalQee
<br />twEr wttt~l ieaisaaMa~Ie+af Mtn saetw sfaeasai tx Ntit tasaetasura tq trrisiat ~aAerssliag astt gab •t tier PeaEpaiy.
<br />shall- #~ws,llaHawata aE tips stlgit a sriasasa. sacdsaadsaf aed ttra ~ w artaua ist eifp larshaaetsr
<br />~~. ~ a1_ a .e sag etttre ei ttssr+.ra !a ntad facedtsfee'si 1t1 tilt tmesti
<br />Ea deli sraai err is idaaa t0i slats fr ttpr sfaltes, twtlsr aA t.rrtlesis astfMo tsta3 deaipse sit d rice suss tataasrd M~
<br />ttltti~Ar ha iaMaifMatt$ tats srtl grgtaAia rti~tart prdra dasptiart aatE nfpfl• losaeifse iF hrteJa+ }srarssii~. Gadsr
<br />tiilf~lti +.eailrili.atidigtaaaeaa~aMsmt;tareasi hssdaws~ ~I. tat tat Yrlyd sale crsb.t irsrriw7
<br />arlittlaor. ttttrAttwttf ttptti ilYl.
<br />>~ eanpaid! ~ is trailttr.Ai` tlkat " I.ardos'a at;oatatition of the ataRfs secwed by tfiis M
<br />BtOipaptMa slMii ta~a-Idp! t~glpt isP itsse ~Y bagsta by tanQat to seforste ttks Mar~sys diacoatiatutl si maorayt t
<br />