~, ~ "~' ~) (-'•`~ x.14
<br />Utt~ot[ea t~o~vettitrts. Borttttsp agd LaMar ~venara and ague as follows:
<br />1. tryr/aiM at Peiee~ sed 6ewsat. Horrower droll promptly psy when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />eve ~ tlu Note, ~t and !are charges as provided in the Nate, and the principal of attd intettat
<br />~ rtes mr "j i't~r6 > spa $tq this iiiaavgage.
<br />[ 1 iP~ t~ ~ sa? ~- '~ trs a~!isatpt!a taw ar m a wtitttat waiver by !..ender, Harrower shall pay
<br />to L. oa the sfay taatxhly itataflas~anta of pxiereipai atuf interest art payable utxrkr the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />s sere (IKtla '7>~ry egteaf to ttaatwtslttlt of the yearty taxes and atsesmmenu which may attain priority over this
<br />~ toad ! rests ~ thst Petipttty. if any. phra ottatwetfth of Yearly premium inataHtnents for hoard itsaunttce,
<br />- ply Ott of y pry ' for tnorgc it!ltrranpe, if any; atl as reasonabtg estimated initially and from
<br />i~ ro tieaC b!r t as the ttdia ~ aamwuarp and bi1M and reasonable txtirrtstes thereof.
<br />'Else Ptards shy be hdd is as ioatittrian ttte deposits or accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />ttittt&t a>,ency (inclodit>j Lsrtder if Letrder is such an imtitution). (..ender shalt appty the Futtcls to pay said, taxes, naaesatrtenra,
<br />i pret~rars atad grorrsd tents. [.ender may clot charge for sit holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />~ "'erF~at sad oorapifias acid anesmararts acid bills, unless Lmdcr pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appliuWe law
<br />ptetstits Larder to nm9te asshA a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Ciirntgage that interest on the Ftm~ alsNf bt pahi to Borrower, att~t unless stxh agrtettrent is rnsde or applicable law
<br />ttatltoiees srdf itt~eu to be paid, header shall test hs required to pay Borrower any interest or eareings on the Funds, Lender
<br />ahaU give to Bttrraarer, without charge, an septa! sicouraing of the Funds showing credits and debiut to the Funds acrd the
<br />pr:rpars for whidr qch debix to the Futtda was rrtade. 't'6e Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this MwtBaoe.
<br />!f the amt of the Futtds hold by Lenater, togtrthtr with the future ttronthly instalttrtents of Funds payable prior to
<br />the doe dtrbn of texas, ate, imurance prpniurta and grouter rrnes, shall exxed the artwtsnt required to pay said taxes,
<br />amts, ituuraaet prttaiwms oral ground rrnts as flop fall due. sw-ls excess shall be, at Borrowers option, either
<br />pisppaptty repaid fo Bnrtower ~ credited to Bortawer oa monthly installments of Funds. if the amount of the Futtds
<br />- httdd by t.eader sin8 pat be suet to pay taxes, assessments, imurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Bprrttwst abet! pav to f.cat3ar any amount trecsssary to males up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by L ~ ~ a8 paYtttent thereof.
<br />Upon paytamt is fttlt a# elf sottut aecurtxi by this Mortgage. 1_snder shall prompdy refimd to Borrower any Funds
<br />iriid ~ !.antler. if tiradetgaragraplt-iahereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acqut[rd by Leader, Lender
<br />shill a~fy, rto !acct than itnmediaetty prior to the salt tit the Property or its acquisition by Lender, soy Futrds heW by
<br />Lmder at the time of as a cttniis agttisat the sums soured 'ay this Mortgage.
<br />~. its P4.pts, Unitas applicable law provides astttrwix, ai! payments rettived by Lender under the
<br />Mott and pang[apha I sad Z hereof shalt be applied by Linder first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />tatrdar patagrapir 2 treretrf, then W interest payable an the Note, thin to tbt principal o[ the Note, acrd then to interat and
<br />pritrcipai ~ app Ftxtrre Advances.
<br />1, Chugsm IJara. Botrowtr shall pay ap texts, assessments and other charges, finis and tmpoaitions attnbu[able to
<br />thsi Property whitdt taay afloat a priority over [his Mortgage, attd leasehold paymtots or ground rents, if any. le the manner
<br />ptvvicied clatter para)tnph 2 hereof or. it not paid in strsb manner. by Benower making paytuent, wtuat dim, directly to tht
<br />payee tfmtsaf. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender a1{ notices of amounts titre under this paragraph, and in the event
<br />Botrotvsr shaft make ptyrarnt direcxiy, Bbrsawtr shall promptly .famish to I,en~r receipts svidettcittg such payments.
<br />;~
<br />.,~.~. sigt pe~piiy discharge ay ti;m which floe priority ever this fAv-rtgagr: provided. that Borrower shall not be
<br />ragweed to dittchat;e airy s»ch ilest so long as Borrower shalt agree to wnang to the payment of the abhgation secured by
<br />stash tip rn a rnantter sotxptsbk to t.eadet, a shalt in good faith contest sut:h lien bY, or defend enforcement of such lien in,
<br />igla! proaealirtp which operate to prevent the ett€areement of the (stn ur forfnturt of the Properly ar any part thereof.
<br />S. lie. Borray,.tr shall kelp the tmprvvtments now esuung ar ittreafter erected tin the Property insured
<br />agaipop loss try the. hazards included within ttx tenet "exttntled cuvtrage"', anti such other hazards as Lender may require
<br />scut in leach amounts ant! for such periods as Lender may rtyuire; provided, that Cendir shall not require that the amount of
<br />spelt cos~ttage exited that atnauttt tit coverage rigwred to pay the sum: srxured try this Mangagt.
<br />TT;a itaucec€a carrier pruvisi.•eg t~ ittstuar.~ shall tw chosen by $arnmer submit to approval by Linder: provided.
<br />tfau each approvd s~11 txx be unarasoarablY withheld, All premiums On insurance policies -shat{ be paid in the manner
<br />petmaded trader prragraptr 2 txreof ar, tf crot paid in such maa»er, try iiartower molting payment, wtttn due. diratty to the
<br />itias _
<br />At} iawnmre policiaa sad reese:wala ettmeaf aAatt be m tattn acteptab{e to [xndsr sad shall mctude a standard mortgage
<br />ciawie in favor of amts in form acsxpsabk to C.eudu. Linder shall have the right to bald the policies and renewals thereof,
<br />aess earrrawor shall promptly furttiah to Leader all reaewa) ctatrcts and sit receipts of paw prreniums. In the event of foes,
<br />ai9ait gives prompt uatice to the irataranct water and Lemdsr. Ltndtr may make proof of try if not made promptly
<br />by 13prratsetr.
<br />Udw Leytder sad Bpnawer otherwise agree to wrilWg, instttartce procsids shall be applied to restorstion or repair of
<br />the Property dt-ataged, provided leach restoration ar repair is acanottriwliy feastWt and the security of thn Mortgage is
<br />ant thstabq intpairod. if such restttratxtn ox ripair is pat tcprtomically feasible or if the socurity of this Mortgage would
<br />bs ~. the ituu[aaee proceods shall be appliexi to tilt stoats secured by this i!.ortgaYe, with rite txsess, if any, Paid
<br />to 8urtasrer. Ef the Paaperty is abartdcmed by 8mrower, of ii Horrawt[ fails to respond to Lertdtr within 30 days [roar the
<br />t~ tsatiee is tnaikd bl' Lender to Borrovrtr that the irauratas carrier utTen to stole a Maim for insurance Ltese6ts, Linder
<br />s atr~priaed to t#tect and apply the itsruraaac proceeds at Lsntlcr's option either to restoration ar repair of the Properly
<br />or re tbs cams secerred by tbs ~
<br />- tlsftbaa lender aesi Borrower utherwiae agree tit writing, any such apptleation of prucirds to princtpai shah nix exte~
<br />of pucsprma ttrC tilts dace of the ttwnthiY instaCitttents refartixi to in paragraphs i atttC 2 hereof or :.hangs the amauni of
<br />art+6 iaaaelltrsa4. 1f curler paragraph i $ hereof ttre Praparty is acquired by Leader, a!1 right, title acrd interest of Borrower
<br />is sad rc say insurance petlirjm and its surd to the ptacettis thanof resuttiag frrom darrtage io t~ Property prior to the sate
<br />or attgtttttipaa shaft ptm tcs Lauder to the ratrnt of the stttta secured by this Mortgage imntectiatety prior to such sale or
<br />L Ash rswg 1Hshataaaree ef` Pawpetyi [,eashaikf Cpreiauiaiwti; Plumed Unit IDevaloPmetrle. Harrower
<br />arairr ~ tw`s ~ ire giwd repair and streul rwt catnnti[ wtrae ar permit itnpaicment tx deteriatatian of the Properly
<br />sad +drd3 u4aapiy w~ the prom of any lease if this Mortgage is an a leassho~. If this Mongags is on a trait in a
<br />ar a pfiraasd unit de+ictopment. Borrower siWl perform sit oI grower's oittigatians utukr the decCaratton
<br />' ce ~ eaetdial~ W gel the candomttitrrrt ar pianrtsd unit devtiopmsnt. the by~iaws and trguiatiacts of the
<br />ecaelr~mirsr ~ pismrsd dotre3stpmeatt, and coratiftrsnt docttnlents. If a eatnktminium ar plaatted unit dtvelopntesnt
<br />- rifler ~ e ~ Bt~toesax asst reccrtkd tagrtlxr vetch this Marsgagt, the cuvanants ate agtecmcttts of strth rider
<br />t4[1iY hs ~ it>io sad. shall atoead acrd suppkmest the cavY,oanta atad agreements of thrs Mortgage as if the rider
<br />wars a prfi Ytmalmt.
<br />' 1, lltaslasfllttt ag Iwttithat9s lpat~y. If Borrower falls to perform the txrvtmeras and :ereeatents ctttstateted in this
<br />;! os ~ aAty actapta ar ~ it cstmmans~rs! wttu:tt matsrisily atlp;ts Lemier`s ietttrra; in the Property.
<br />` hpl apt liadimd fry eft dWSrin. ins<direttcy> code snfcuetaspnt, ar atractyerrtenis ar praceedinga involving a
<br />ttASdtttapt Cr tditwdsea. titan Lsntler at (-e~rdar"s option, upon iartticc to Harrawsr, maY tttaire ;,uch app~nntxs, distwrfe such
<br />said sNd+ es h ~` to pra+ect !_anrkr"a itHer@~t, including, tnst not ianitact to, drsburaement of
<br />tip adassssy`s fe0s sad tarry open tFre Property so make rapsrr:. ti i_cetder retuired rttcartgaje i+tsuraerce as a
<br />tie of ate the laces assorted by ttrh Mrxtgap. Borrcw,vr strait pay the premiums raqui[od k+ maiata+a nub
<br />~ ~ aflpst uaTd rxreh fives as the tsrtpi far sut:b inauranst terminates to axordauas with Botaawais etnd
<br />