<br />Unlace LsriMr aM BorroweY dlrMSrbe aglaa Irt wntinq, :er{uranGt Prdfeeds eaaa iM aapked to raMOnNrpn a repay d tM property dMnapad, prarlOad etrrJs
<br />reS<ora}ten w rtspatr is e<ondMCwly faawda sad tM aKteity M ikia kaorigage rf rqr thereby rntpdred- it sWUt rastdatron p repwr In npl aceronacwy Naar
<br />d¢ or If 1M aacunlY of tnq Martgsgs would be rmperrep, tM insurance Wd<eeds 8tW1 W opened fo tM Mans tlacwnd NY this Japtgaga, with iMasdaa, it arty,
<br />paid to 8orrovaer. 1! the RoPMtY rs abandonatl by Bano+rar. or i} Baro.er twls w repose ro tandar wi:tun a0 drys from tM dale nonw m mrhd by Landr b
<br />Borlower that tM irtwrarrce corner offers to eetlM a clwm to irgeralme bersehts. Lents is auttronzed to <dlsct arw apply IM imsaanu pracaada d larrdafa
<br />option eitMr to re'-to..tion ar lapse IN its Prpper(y or lO IM aXrts Secured !>y Shia alortgapa.
<br />Unbse LaMJw and Borrower otnenriae agrN in wnling. arty ouch BppiKafiOn of proceeds io ILlncipal mall not Cztrpsl7 a posipPrla 1M due date ot1M rttprt
<br />inly rnstMtmersta re/Mred to In pMagrpne 1 of W 2 hwpJ or tnarrge tM amount o! yuch inntMimm;s. I! under Paragtapn 19 Mreof 1M Properly M au9ahW try
<br />--.=lsrttler, an HqM. titb aM interest of Borrower in arW to arty msunnce pdiciee sod m aro io its praceada thMeof rewNirsq Iran dana9a lofts prpPa!lyPr!or b
<br />-ine sW ar acquisition shalt pass to t.er+tlsr to the extent of the 9umS secured Dy fh)a Mortgage imrtrediately prier to atrch sa4 a arAtriMtion.
<br />' 0. prsaarYa/bh arW YaMMSterlp of ptopary; t.aaaaapys: (,`drdpmktiym0. ptawtM UrUI WsMeporru, Bmrower SMfI kpp /M PropMty in gppy npW wq
<br />shwl net COTmit wdile a permit Impairment M datenoradpn of tM Property and anal! Comp1Y wifh LM Prowatone d arty tease i} this MOIIgagFb on a
<br />IeaseMW. If iMa Mortgage is on a unit in a conuomrnium ar a planned LLnit tlevebpmen4 eOmower shalt perfomt all of BPnowar'a Pa!f9a!fpna under fM
<br />- Wclxatbn or covenants creating a 9oveming its coMOminium a planned unit developmen4 the by~lawn aM rrydatfans o! tM catdominfum rxDiwxMd fiat
<br />deYetoprrient. arts <tlnstituent tlocuments. if a Condominium or Planne0 unit development drier a executed OY 8amthver arrd rocprdad tagetltsr wdn tlaa Mpr-
<br />tgage. tM cwenanta era agrxments d s„cn rltler strut be ilxorplNatetl into alW shwl amerq an0 aupptement tM corenamawtd trgreartrantsof ttds aap!t0aga
<br />as if tM rider wwa a part beret.
<br />7. ProMCtix d i.wrdars SeerWry. It eonovrer tails to perform the covenants antl agreements comainetl in tots Mortgage, w if arty aetton w procaadilp is
<br />commenced wlucti matenaliy affects LerroeYS Interest In tM Propery, including, dr: not limited ta. eminent tlomain. insolvency, cede rmWrcerttertL a ar-
<br />rirlganlMte Or Proceedings invOlvinq a bankNpt Or decedent. loan LerMef ai LeMer'a pflOn. UDOn rrofice t0 Btarpwer, play lnska;rGn appealMlCes,dslldraa
<br />ntr_n sums arW take SUClt action as is necessary [O protee[ Lentlers interest. including, but oat limited to. tltalwreement of reasonable attorMV's teas arrd ors
<br />try upon the PropeRy Io make repairs. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition or making IM loan SeCUreO by this kl0rigage, 80frpwer snMi pry
<br />tM premium4 roquiretl t0 maintain 50Ch rnauranoe In effect until SUCK lime as the requirements far sUCn rnsursrAe temimales In a<cudance wits BprNwefn
<br />antl Lensfer's written agreement or applicable taw. Borrower snob pay tM amount o! all mortgage insurance premiums in IM manner IxoNtled urMerparagrapn
<br />7 heieo!-
<br />Any amounts disbuiSed Dy Lentler pur6uant to tins paragraph 7, with interest (haven. shall become adtlltional UMedetlneas d eortowar secured by thin
<br />Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other term9 d payment, afro amounte anal) be paYade upon nonce from Lender to Bomowar requBattrp Day-
<br />meni !neteof, antl shall bear rntereat tram the data of di50uraempnt at 1M rete Payebk@ Irony Irma to time On ou151aMing principw Under tM Nde ulileaa WY-
<br />menY of intaeat at ouch rata would be tonlrary to applicable taw, in whltn event eucn amoun15 9ha11 beer mlBreat at 1M higMSt fate permiaMbb under cep
<br />pl'i<ade law. NoLnfng Conlairtetl in tins paragraph 7 shah raqube Lentler to incur any expense or take any actYOfl hereunder.
<br />6 Inapadhon. Lerber msy make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and Inspections of tM Property. provided That Lerltler Shall glue eortoww
<br />notice prior to any such inspacbOn specdying rensonade Cause iherefpr related to LeMivr'3 interest in the Property.
<br />9. CPMwrautlon. Tne proC,eeds of any award or claim Ibr damages, Oimct or con5equenhal. in connection with any conoemnatron ar other taking of tM Pra~
<br />party, Or Dart Ih¢raot. or IOr conveyance in lieu of cbntlBmndilan, are hereby a551gnetl and shall De paid to Lender.
<br />In Ise even[ of a total taking of the Property, Ina doceeds5ha11 DB applied to Ne sums secured Dy this Mortgage. with the excess, if any. paid to 8orr~-:var. In
<br />the event of a partial taxirq of tM Prcperty, umess Borrower antl Lender omerwrae agree In wntinq. tMre shah De applied to tea sums secured by thts MrMgage
<br />such prbpwiron et 1ne proeeatla as rs equal to lost proportion which the amount OI t!ro soma sBeurrM try this Mortgap@ rmmetlletely prig to the Gate of taking
<br />tiara to the tau market value of ine PrOpBrty Imrtredeelely prior to the data of caking, with ine balance OF the proc@atls Dwd i0 Borrower.
<br />it the PrpD@rty ra abantlonad by Borrower, or rl, altar nonce by Lender Io Borrower Ina[ the condemnor otters !o make an award Or settle a timm for tlameges,
<br />Bp((aWer IenS t0 respond t0 L@nde+ Wiihln Jq tldy9 rifler the ddte 9uCn notice 19 mallBd. Lender IS aUiDOriZed t0 CdIP.Ci rind dDUly Ina Dloc@etls, d[ Lender a Op
<br />ndn. ei:h@r Iq rESOratlon ar vapory OI ins ?roperty or ro the .sumo secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Unless ! andBr and L+onawet OI.^.erwiaa agra@ rn .vrlirng, ring such app;lcailOn vi DrOCa@tls Po Dnncrpal Shan oat @rland or postpone m@ Oue Oaie Of Iha mon-
<br />th€Y inatabmenls rererred to in paraprepha 5 and d hereof or thongs Ina amount Of such rn5ta11meni8.
<br />70. Bdrower Nof Rtlaaaad. Extension of the time !or nayment or mgdlflcatwn Ot ernorti2abon of the sums secured py Inrs Mortgage granted by Candor to
<br />any successor m interest of Borrower shell not operate to release. m any manner, tM li8dhty of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors In interest.
<br />Lander 9nalf not DB repwr@d to commence proceetlmgs against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization Ot [M
<br />eums secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand metle Dy the Original BOrrOWer and BOrrOWer's Successors in mtarest.
<br />11. Forbeanlsea aY 1aMar Not a WwrM. Any torDearance ey Lander In exerersing any ngnt or reme^y n@reunaer, or otherwise afforded by appbcabte law.
<br />9M11 not be a waiver Of or preclutle tM exercise o1 any loco tight or remedy. The procurement of rn5urance or the payment of taxes or other IlenS or charges Dy
<br />Larldar Shrill nOl t>B d waiver OI LerMer'S ngnt IO dLC@ierdt@ the malunty al the Ind¢Dledness seCUreo Dy this MOrfgdge.
<br />72 RunWba Curmi417re. All renl8dle5 provltletl in Inrs Mortgage era distinct and cumulative to anY other right or remedy under tors Mortgage Or atlortletl
<br />M taw or egwty, and may M exercised concurrently, rndepondenilY or successwely.
<br />tb Bri<LYawa and Asel9na Bound: Joist and Sawn) LiabRiry; Capuona. The covenants antl agreements harem contane0 snau Dlrw, and the rights
<br />tWeUndBl shall Inure ib, the r2apa=uvQ successors and assigns of lender ono Borrower, suD)act to ine provw:ons of paragraph t ] n@r@or. All covenants and
<br />apfaemenl8 01 BOrrGw@r Shell DB jbrrti and aeVe:dl. Tne <BntrOne dntl heatlings G7 thB Paragraphs OI this MO(Igdg@ are for COnvem¢nCe only and drB not 10 b@ us~
<br />ed to interpret or define tM provislon8 hereof.
<br />N. Notfca. Extepl for any notice r@quuetl under cep DlicaDle law to De given In anolRer manner, Sal any notice to Borrower proritle0 for In IMa Morlgage snail
<br />a Qlvafl by malirnp such nOliGB by CerllfiBd mad 8tldreSSBd to Bprrawe(al InB PlgpBrly Addra53 O! at nUCh Other dtltlr855 d6 BgrrbW@r may deSlgndt@ by notice
<br />lp LeiWer 8S provHietl herein, and (b) any nOUCa to Lentlar snail De given OY t@rtdie0 maU, return vacate( requeStM, to Lender's address stated herein or to such
<br />dMl a~rega aS Lander may deMgnate by nbirca t0 Barrowei as Pronde0 harem. Any notice prondrs0 !or rn mi5 Martgaga snail be deemed to nave been pwen
<br />to Bmrower or Lander when piren in the manner designatatl nenm.
<br />7$. UnBwm Matgaga: OowtNnq tarn: Sewrabiliry. Tn,s farm of rnorgage combines umlmm covenants Ior national use and nai.anhorm carenams won
<br />Ikni!ed rarie;:gns Dy IurYSdiCtiGn;G tOnstitpte a unitwm setln14y tnstrumani Covering rest prbperiy. This Moripdga Shall D@ governed Dy ine law Ot the luristllc-
<br />Ibn In wMththe Property is located- In IM avant IMI any prpviarbn pr clause of Im6 Mortgage Or Iha Note coniticl5 with applicabe law, sutra cwtlticl snau not
<br />atlec2 atnw Pmv:slbna of iMa Mortgage or IM NOta whl<n can Do grvan effect wnhqui me contllCting Provision, and :o inrs grid tM Drorrslons of me Mortgage
<br />arttl ttN Note we tleClBratl 10 t:e sBVar]de.
<br />1R 73a1YOSrera Copy. Borrower shah IW lurnrshetl a confortn5d copy Uf the Note antl of this Mortgage at the nme of execution Cr abet recardahon Mreat.
<br />ti. Trainor of the property; Aa+iNnpUOn.If ah or any put of the Property or an interest therein rs sold or uwislarred Dy Borower without Lander s yrlor wnf
<br />tM GOP§eilt, axCluC+ng tai Ina Cr¢at+On Of 8 hen Or @ncumbrani:e .supO: dinale l0 this Mortgage, Ibl ine creanen of a Wrcluse mover se only rnl^reat Yn
<br />~i9eh-°ti"-r".:'~~-°-b "r' ~ °`r°' ` ""-a "-- ri pr vy np@raiiOn Ol law uWn the tleatn JI a Icin118rrLil or lo) ni@ Drent of any ieasenold interest Or 'brae
<br />rtwra Ol Tans not tOntalnmq'an Op{iOn t0 purtnab@. Landtf may, at LenWr's oGUOn, decrafe ]II ine 6um5 5@t,uted by In•5 Mortgage t0 DB rmmedlalBly Uue an:
<br />WYada. LenOer shah Hare wwrad such ODtiOn e0 atcalerite if, armor to ine sale or trwrster, LendUe ant: M@ person ;o wtrom Nor Propery ~s :O be sbitl or
<br />tranetwtpd ltlath dgINRMpI m wntinq that its credh at such pwagn re aitiaiatlOry m Lender arW Ihal ma :nter85t payide pit Iha soma 5@CWed OY tors Mor~
<br />tgagaanaEi ha at fYtn Iola as LendH anal! roues{, li LlMtsr has WiiWd ins option to aG<BAratB prawded :n Inrs Panagrapn i! and rl BW rOwBr s SuCidSSOr In
<br />11HaleaO has axM:Ute47 • wnitBn alaumptwn agrBemant aCUptad rn wntinq Dy Lender, Laridx shrill rN@aay E3pnower horn an Ob:rgationS under inrs Mongaga
<br />cad rho Nqu.
<br />h LtnPa/ eaer<iaaa aycn r.Ptpn rp;Cta:ata£B. Lender Sha%+ min Borrower rtetrte Oi at:a.arinOn ,:r au.:OrdanCe w~tn paeagldnh ix nerWl Sinn r,OI,Gtl snail
<br />prorttlaa ua.,ac Pi. ~; ,ass roan Y7 ~!ars!rom tea da'e raw O .5.. rw tt. Ace--
<br />a4rtN Wrp i) me exU-raimn sN su!'h penUq LrndM mace, wr!nout IuriMr nOLre ur d0. hv.W on Unr.c.ug•. ,+., e • v :aJ s L@r:n r=a;t .,r ca.ag•~apr a rraircl
<br />i
<br />i _~ikkAt;a kA1i176 =.+u:,=u:¢, .. -- _._- . av^ •..
<br />