<br />AtleanDaa'1. eorrowvr eon slrweDy mdtgapa. grant ano Convey to larger tM tdbWVg OescrrDetl properly locates m tMCOUnry or HALL
<br />Store of Hebaaaa:
<br />Lots Tveatq-eight (28) and Twenty-nine (29) of Hawthorne Place located on part of the
<br />Rorthveat Qesarter (Nit 1/4) of Section Twenty-tr,i0 <22), Townahlp Eleven (il) North, Range
<br />Nine (9), Weat of the Sixth P.K., Nall Counip, Nebraska,
<br />a~ch Hors the atldre5s of 927 S SYCAHORE ST _._ GRAND ISLAND .NEBRASKA
<br />!Slreerl CCitYI tSlatel Zip Cato)
<br />{Herein "Property Atltlress'1:
<br />TOGETHER with all Ine improvements now or hereafter erectetl on the property, ano all easements. rights. appurtenances. rants, rOyaltie5, miM/81, oil arts
<br />gas nghlS antl profits. water, water rignt3. anC water SIOCk, dntl di1 fixtures now Or heredtl¢y atlacnetl 10 tH@ pfOp¢YIy, ati Or which, inclutling r¢pldcemeHla erW
<br />ageiti0ns tnereto, shay ba tlnrnetl to be antl remain a part of tM property coveretl by tnis Mortgage; antl ail of the doregornq, lopethx wrtn saitl property (a tM
<br />I@a5eho7tl estate it (tits Morgage Is on a IBa5eh01e) are harem reterretl to a5 [he "Property".
<br />Borrower Covenants that Borrower r5 lawfully sersetl OI tM estate hereby conveyed anp has the tight Ia mortgage. grant antl convey Ine Property. that N1e
<br />Properly is unencumberiw. ano foal Borrower wilt warrant and tlelerb generally the title of the Procerty against all claims antl tlemarWS, sublet! to arty tleclara-
<br />hOnS, easements or re5lfittiOn3 h5tritl rn a SGhetlule cY ezCeplrons to coverage rn any Hite insurance Do1rCy msunng L¢ntler's interest to the Property.
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower antl Lenoer covenant ano agree a5 follows:
<br />1. Payman/ of Pnrl0fpal antl InNraat Borrower Shall promptly pay when oue Ine pnncrpal of ano uuerest on the iMeOlednes5 aw0entetl by the Nole. prepay-
<br />m@nt antl late charges as provrtletl in the Nde. arM Ine pnncrpal 01 antl interest on any FuWre Atlrances seCUretl 6y tNS Mortgage.
<br />2. Points IW Taxn antl lyl{pyanpa. Subject t0 apDhcdbie law Or 10 a wrltl@n waiver by Lentler, Bp(rOWe( shall pay 10 Lender on the tldy mommy ln5ld11111enI5
<br />Or pnnciDAi antl inlHesl are payable unoer the Note, unfit the Note i5 partl m Iuii, a Sum (herein "funtl5"1 equal to OnElweltlh Of the yearly loxes antl
<br />n3e34r'rlent5 Wnran may Attain prKKdy Ov@r IhiS Mortgage, ono grOUntl rents on me PfOp¢rty. if dny, plus one-tWBlnh Of yearly premium lnsldilmenl3 }Or hazertl
<br />insurance, plus Ong-[weihh of yearly premium metallmenl5 for mortgage vnsurenC?, .t any. all as reasonably asttmaled imhaliy antl from time, tO lime by Lentler
<br />On the pa513 dl d55esSmenta dntl bills dntl reeSmfaDl@ p4(ImatBa IMreof.
<br />Thor FuMls Shall be n@!0 rn en enstltution the O@pOSits or accounts o/ wnrcn are ,nsuraa or guarantee0 by a F@Oeral or state agency Ilnclutling Lenoer rf
<br />Lentler Is luCH do inalYtUtiDnj- L@Mer seal! apply ?h¢ FUnd5l0 Day Soria (axes. a5a@55fr~Eni4, insurance premiums ano grOU.ntl rents. Lender rosy opt CMrge }Or
<br />90 nrHtllrrg antl applying the FUntlS, dnaly2inq Sdid account. or venlying ano compiling Sara assessments ano pills, unless Lentler pays Borrower interest on me
<br />Fortes ano applieabie taw DermnS Lander to mak@ Such a charge. $ortower ano lender may agree in venting at the time Ot execution of this Mortgage that m~
<br />IdreSt on Ine Funtl6 5M11 M pill t0 BOrrOWef, and unless such agreement r5 made or applicable IoW regwres such intere5l to be paio. Lentler Shalt not be re-
<br />quireq :o pay BOlrower any interest Or earnings on fhe Fun05 Lender shall give to Borrower, wrtn0ut charge. an annual acCOUnbng of the Funds Showing
<br />cretlita and tlebils IO the Funds and the purpose tOr wNCn each tlBDit Io Ine FuntlS was made- Tne FunoS are pletlged as atltlnional Security for the Sums
<br />seWreO by Nis Mortgage.
<br />If the amount of In0 Funds Held by LBHOer, IOgether wdn the future monthly inStAllment5 of Funds Ddydbie FnOr to Ine tlue dales of taxes, d55es5men15, rn-
<br />8urdnCB premium6 811tl ground reHtB. Shall exceetl Ine amount requira0 20 pay Said Idx¢5, a55@sSmeH(5. rnsuranCe Dremiums atM grOUntl rBHIS as they tall tlue,
<br />sucn ezCe38 sMli De, aI Bormwe~ 6 Oplmn, either promptly repeitl to Borrower er cr¢tlrt¢tl 10 BoyrOw¢r on monmly instdllm@nIS of Funds. If tn¢ amount of Ine
<br />Funtla nettl by Lentler shill n01 be Sulheient t0 Day taxes, assessments. insurance premiums antl grountl rents as they fait due. Borrower shall pay to Lentler
<br />any amount necessary to make uD the tlehciency wilnir. 30 days from tM data notice is mauetl by Lentler Io Borrower requesting payment Nar¢pt.
<br />Upon payment rn full of all Bums s@curetl by this Mortgage. LerMer Sha11 promptly r¢funO to Borrower any Fun05 he.:1 by Lender. II antler paragraph 28 Hereof
<br />Ine Property is W W m the Prpp¢rty is otnerwrae eCquireq Dy Lenoer. Lentler snail apply, no later tnan:mmetliat@ly Dnoe !o the sale of IM Prcpeny or its acquisi-
<br />Iron by Langer, any Funtl3 Mltl D)' Lenoer et the time of apphCalion as a craoil against tM Sums Secured Dy INS MWlgage.
<br />3- Apg11CAtIM et Paytnanta. Un1e35 dpph;,ible taw DrOV:tles Olh¢r«ise, 811 payments reC@ivetl by Lentler antler IHe Note ano paragraphs 1 ano 2 hereof SHdll
<br />D• appt:@d Dy Le!toer prat irv payment o! amounts payable IO Lentler [y Borrower uno@r paragraph 2 Hereof, loan 1o inleresl payable on IHe Nofe, then to Ine
<br />principal OS Ine Note, and IMn to inlerGSt antl Gr:nCrpar on any Future Atlvances.
<br />4. CiWgAa; INM. BOf(dwar Shall ply all taxes. a55835meni4 antl of Mr ghdrg@5. Iln@5 ano impOSilrOnS dllribUlaDle to IM Roperty wNCH may attain a Drmri~
<br />(y ovw Ih{a MOnglfle, atM feas¢hOltl DaYmenlS Of grOUnO rams. is any, in tM manner prawdetl Untlar pdfagrdOn 2 Her¢Of Or ,' not DaiO in such manner, by eal-
<br />Wae maienp payment, when tlus, Ohectly to the pay@e Ihere0l. BOrrOW@( 6MI1 PrOmDtly lurmsh Io Lentler all nolica3 of amounts tlue under [NS Dardgrapn. and
<br />m the Bvanl BprrOWer snafl make psym@nt pirecuy, @ttfo'«'er sHah prgmpuy tWn:sh ;c Lender retaipia @-v+0ancinq Such payments Borrower shall promptly
<br />giacturga my li@n wMpn has pnouty over Iola Mortgage, prowtletl. IMI Borrower shau not De requiretl lO mscha:ge any sucn I:en ao loop as Borrower shalt
<br />tQfea in Whtulg t6IM payment qt the OCIigaY!On SepUr@q DY SuCh hen m ] manner aCC@VIaWe IU Lentler. OI SMII m gilOtl IanH cOnl@SI SUCH hen by. 01 oaf@nd
<br />anfpcerMnt of SYr1i Ibn in, regal procaeoing5 wnrcn operate to prevent Ine enlacement of the hen or lorteiture of tM Properly ar any part Ih¢r¢ol.
<br />5. HaialG tnataanea. sorrow@r atoll keep the lmprOVemeni5 noW @vsbng Ot nereaher erected On the Ropeny msweU against loss Oy Iva, nsams mc:utle0
<br />vent«n top ~arm'aafanoatl GGVerag¢', aM sucn OIMr Hazards as Lentler may require ano m sucn amoum5 ano for sucn pen0ps as Lentler may repwre. prmi:Y
<br />iW. tryl Lenoer Snell /rot requirt IMt the amount ut Such coverage ezCeeO loot amount of coverage reVuvetl 1o pay Ine sums seCUrep by Ihis Mortgage
<br />The irwlaixe tartlet prW,tlmq fM in5uranrs Wn H« chne~n, ~ u,....._.@. _...._.'i i0 aDDrpva~ py LenU¢r ~r UViU¢U. Indl suCH dpprOVdl snail rWl 0a
<br />unreaaanabiy wrllthsl0 Ail premiums on :n5uranCS p~i~c,ea SMII De pe,tl rn m@ manner prpvioeU antl@r paiageapn ~ nereol :,i, ll not paitl In sucn manner b
<br />Ba corer rtyxing DaymMt, wMn tlue. tlitectly Ia the insurance Ldrner y
<br />Ad :nauranC! Dphtie5 ano yeMWAla IMre01 SHali halo tarn: acceptable tU l¢nde~ arq snail mciu0a a SienUarq rriUngage c:iUSe in te'vOr OI ano,n form a~c@p
<br />Iaofe tp Laridar. L![n0er anait M.@!M nqm io HO:tl the pOlic•es and r@newais Ineruer, ano BUnew@r sna,~ piUmutiy 'Ur rnSn :c Lender a:i rerwwai notices and an
<br />reCaJgt; Ot partl p'emiuma !n IHe event p! loss Bprrp«er sna:~ q:re aompt "Oti~e to !nor insurance ter, per ano Linder Lender ma. mare ViDa or ro56 ~l not
<br />inapa p!OHWpy by Barrawe:
<br />
<br />