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<br />3. Thr mottgagt:r rovrt+ants and aRrea that t( he dsafl hil to pay .aid itwltfrtetftsc~ or ant pari tbertnt when <br />dYe, ~ rha[I fail to perform any covenant or a#tretatettf rtf #hiaf»aetaattnt a tha premisrorr note eeeertd hereby, the <br />r~tira indehtednear hrmhy reearrd ghat! immedlattfy 6eeerte due, payabfei grad rol4ctibk withent notice, at the <br />tipifog of iht /nrtgagre err aarigtte. rrytardlex of mattn•#ty, a#~ the tttetlpgsr or his aasittrte may before or after eater <br />aNa eYfti propsrtp witluwt appnisrntent r the trmrtgattw hssiryt vratrtd end atriKnrd to tht nmrtpXer alt rigittt of <br />ary.+tiiarmrnt'r e _ <br />+t t at judicial gale pornoant to the ysoviaioes af-2g i;.S.t;.'ltlftf : at : ++r <br />~. tr! at the optioa of the atertgag«. either by attetioa ar by eelieitatios of aeoidkbida, foe the hi6hat and <br />beat bid compfyiag with the urnts o! sak artd mantes of payment apetified in the paltlished=aortas of.saft; 6n~ <br />riving tone weeki natire of ehc timn_ terms, axtd pl~e of .trrh sale, try a,ivsrti,+rment oat lera than otter. <br />during rack of said four weelu io a tuwspapsr ptibliahed or dieeibated is the rosary is which said property <br />it ritnated, all wher noiiee bring ~hertb. waived by the martgagtsr i and raid tuortgagee, err asp pneaun. as <br />behalf of said t~rtgagce, map hid with the tmpaid iadebtedsew evideaoed bs said note}, Said sale ehaiI be <br />held at or on the proptrty to be sold or at the Federal. cotmty, os rity eoutthooaa for the canary is whi<!t the <br />property is loeattd. The taortgagee is hereby ssthorised to ezattu for gad oe behalf o[ the aortgagor trod to <br />deliver to the purchaser at arch sak a aoieient caavcyanrs of acid property, which eonveyanee shall-caniain <br />Dula a: to the happ~ting of the detaalt iipsa wh6rh the exetartioa of the power of sale heron gtaatad <br />depmals: attd the said tnortRagor hereby ronatitneta and appointa~ths mort{ttt}5ee or any agent arattornay of the~~ <br />martt;ytee, the agent and anorney is fart of sated mortgatytrr to malts. rrtah ~ rt+tiitrtla. ~aad co execute acid <br />tacvtyaoce gad hereby wrenaate ^sd agiser that t9tareeital'a~awmadN;~r~tall~ltt~e:[~Clitr~ktirilao'hsral'['e~;ui1cyor <br />ri}citt of mdrmption, itomeeteat#, dower, gad a1M srther rzcntprrntr of the ntartgaµor. utll. ai' wb.ich are hsrrh} <br />strprtatrly waived sad roavtyeii Ro~tht mostKtttter: rw <br />f,nit to&c gay other appraftreatk actiatt pursuant to wtatc err f•'rderaE neatwl.n ritltsr 'en m4alr•, +~r F'k+{result' <br />r~ouri ar otherwise for the dirpoeiiion of the property. <br />In the sveat of a eerie as htueinbefore provith~, the mortgagor or gay person is posreecion tmrkr the more <br />gagor ahdl rhea become sod he ttnante holding over and shall forthwith deliver pt>saearion to the purehaser at <br />such rak or lax sttmmarily +Iispotataatsd, is aeeordance with the provisioner of law applicable to tenant.. holding aver. <br />The ptswer and rgrtn;q hereby grtuHtzi are cospled with an inureat and errs irrevtrrablr by +ieath err athrraier, and <br />arc Brasted as cttmulativr to the rraaedier for aollaetian of said ioskbtedttes. pwvidrd h. lag. <br />4. The prooeetls of gay sale aC raid prarperty itu. aosardaase wi#h flee percttling paragrapher shall lts ap~piiad tint <br />to gay ehs ezartsgad aaptareaof wdd~.:sak, tlta s:pRyggtsa ~i~•a~rredhytlst ma~rtytagtrdtrra~lrr }:urpaaeof prertestirtg ormaia- <br />raittitrg said propsxty, wtd ttasopaltlc aetrttap~ys` Lout; max:.rndly,. rsr pug. ~tlxt errdrbtsulrtrerr srcuursr# hrrrlat ;and thir+liv, <br />to pay grey attrplua or atrcraa to tyaii prtroa or.prsytruts laftal~~ly srrlitisd tlrsrs^ra. - <br />S. fn theeveat quid prtapeny gold ai a jry:Y_t fsreElantre sale os purtwait to the power of eaks hartiuabove <br />granted, gad the proroeds gee tsar tariGcieot is pay she ttttal iadehtedasar savtod by thfa isatrunreat atnl evidarctd by <br />said preesiaaary note, the mortgagee will ha mtitkd to a dsftrittxy judremeat for the amount o! the de(uienry tttirlroat <br />rynrd ~ ~- <br />6. In tht evrai the tttortgagut fails to pay ant Federal, elate, ur la:sl tag a.seaernranl, inwtne taz err „thee tav <br />Iiswr charge, fee, err otlttt rxpetwc charged agiatsrt the property, the ntori~ee in iu:rrby autftoriaed at hie option to <br />pay alto s:,ats.:Ray =stagy eo peid by the trtortga;ee ehaU tae added W and becunrr a pars of the prineipai antounl of the <br />ipdebtadnwr svideated by raid ttotc. subject to the satse tsrtaa arwl conditions. if the mortgagor shall pay and <br />dfarJtrrga the iudm.btadrwr evidenced by acid praautiaaary tnat.q asd shat! pay sash euais and eltall dixharge ail <br />islN!4M surd li~ttr arul the coarse fees, and of ttratLititg, cufnrsing, and executing ihss mortgage, then this moRgage <br />•Ipttll,hts caturrrled and sttrrendeted. <br />,~ 'Ii The tsasenasu6uain mstaiYad alrU~tiind sad~~the bem6ts and advatttarger ehatltnarr to the rrerpraive euc- <br />+ettt4itlsand aati~w of the pattiaa hereto. ~hweetu toad, the siagslar camber shall iaclade rite plural, the plural the <br />tdM4f@1>lar, asst the user of rray shall all gender. <br />lEu fro waiver of say ruvenattt tteraia or of the abligatiou greased hereby rha10 at ant lime tlterraftrr its held <br />4dt ~g~ a waivsr of the terms heraet or ~ the apte secured hersbt. <br />4. A jadbwd dtxaaa. oeda, err jtrdgaept holding any provision or portiwe uI this iu.utuaxent invalid ur ouru• <br />feria sh ll pot » aaty way istipair err prttclatde the safaa-oeaau of the ramaising f:rori.iorta or pwrtiotm of this <br />• <br />l®t Asy errrlutta Barterer to br itteaod to the utartgwEar ptsrstuW u the provipcna o! thin ingruArent dull ba ad• <br />d to flit t~ a# <br />end atsy writtra awtke Us he isoed to the tswresagaa slult <br />is athfeaaaad err flits tttastgapa y <br />3iA r. VRV 3tr es'".Yie <br />