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<br />SYid '! Hate ~ ghen is aeeatte a ku-itr whie6 the °.~1 Huvtrinaa A~aue, sa > ~°t1~i' <br />Eitiised-Stara of AaeeiW has pnt7iefpated. Ts r~aaptiaaee wide sttelion 1013{d- of'the Ritlee t~~~' <br />tha?brll Baaenabs Adtttiastratiaa [13 GP.R. 1®1.1[dl J, th4teftuEa~st irb 6e +wdesued ttttd etafarad is aataeot•d. <br />alas wlt6 ayrpliealk Pederal Lw. <br />L 1'hsmetp~eraar~aosenasdag+ewaataRaage <br />s. $s trig Para~pa7 Ptrl tus isdehtadettw_stitlested by aal.psmiaaeer rite at lis taw- tttsd"ii; t6s <br />tsatmer dteeeio prsritled. <br />& fie wiII pap aR taus, aaraamrari, wsty nice, attd other goternaterrtal or tatmit~pd Sswr, ar <br />iatpoaitiws, fry which psovidm has sot hem made hrstroishetme, aed trill pm~tpity diver the tt/Geisl a'e681p$ <br />that»for to the said mortg~ee. <br />c. Hs will pay each e:peotta atad fees a tttay be iacvrred is the protection sad mtiinaneaee of iiafid <br />C :a.. the-lea- of as a <br />iptbperty, lodin6 y ttotaey employed by the rnortgagce for the calfe~tian of asY or it8`af <br />'the indebaedoer hereby secured, or for>:closnre by mortgagee's sale, or mart proeeedinga, or in arty othi_=c <br />litigation to proccediag affecting said propert}'. Attomeva' fees reatwnab)y inettrred in aav other war ehalfhe <br />.paid by the trtortgatgor. <br />d. For better security of the indebtedwtas hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, iL <br />aueeeawra or aauigos, ht shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or martgagea covering am~ <br />additions, impmvementa„ or betterments made to the property° See+reinabove rlostribe~d sort. all proporty <br />acquired by ix after the date hereof i all in form satisfactory to ruortga}tte a. 1'"trrttprnanre„ elrould nsort¢agor <br />fait to cure any default iro tfie paymen! of a prior or inferior rucunthranrte ern z'he pratperty deaceibed by <br />this instrument, mortgagor hereby agrees to Iternai.t mortgagee to r•ure w~ueh default, but mortgagee is not <br />obligated to do sa: and such advances shall become part of the inrlehtrdrrrs+ .xw~urrrl by this instnnuen t, <br />subject to the same, terms and coneiitions. <br />r. Tire righus created by this conveyance shall remain kt full force acrd ri[ect JurinK an} postponrntrnt <br />or extension of the time of the payment of the indebtedness rridrncerl bt -aid promissory cote or an} port <br />thereof secured hereby. <br />f. Ae will coatinttausly maintain hazard insurance, of such tope or types and in such armouate as the <br />auortgager, may from time to time require urr the impruvemtnts now ur 6rreaftrr un .aid pmprrta, and <br />will pay promptly when due say premftrme there[or. All iasuraoce shall be carried in compaaiee acceptable <br />eta. mortgagce and the pnlicia and renewals thereof shall Ire held by mortgagee sad have attached thereto <br />less payable clauses in favor of and in form aeceptaiale to the rnartgaget. fn event of loan, mortgagor will give <br />irttmediata notice. itt.writittg to mongagce, sad rNOrtgagee may make proo€ of loss if not made promptly by <br />mortgagor, and eaclriaaurante company coaetrnrd i a hereby aut}aorized and +lirerted to make payment fee each <br />loan directly to mortgagee ittrxeadof to mrrrtgggor and morigag~te jointly, sad the insurance pro€eetis, rsr any <br />part th~e~reaf, may. be upglitd by mortgagee. at its option either to the rtdstttian rxf the indebitdnesa hereby <br />secured ;.:tr the r'eataratian ar repair of dbe prapertyr damageail or elestruyed. In emtnt of foreclosure of This <br />rnortgaa"r.; or +athtr teaas2v~.r o[ title to said property :n rs,tinguiahtarnt ...f :}ee indei;tedreas secured hera6y, all <br />right, title, and interest of the mortgagor in acrd to any [traurance policies t}ten in [urea alxall pass to the <br />Irurehaaer ur mortgagee or, ai [he optiota of the mortgagrr, mat- he .wrrnndrrr«i for a reload. <br />g. Ht will keep all btritdings and other impnn-ertmnts otr -aid proprrtt iu voo+i repair sad condition: <br />wi8 permit, commit, or suffer no waste- impaimtent. deterioration of -std pmprrty ur mrc part thereof: <br />in dye event o[ failure of Ehe mortgagor [u keep the buildings on -aid premises and du«.r erected ou ±aid <br />gremiseo, or imgroveotents thtreun. in Kartd regale, the mortgagee nray ufuke ,ueh repair, ,,. in its disrrrtinn <br />it may deem necessary Eor the proper 1:reservation thereof; and the full anruunt of each and cures -ueh <br />Isayatrnt a/tall he imareaiiattiy +ine and pa~ablr: and chart br v.enred b. tier lieu o} tlri.. nwrt~a;:r. <br />h. Eft will rest vula;ntarilyy create or permit to let created against the property sabirct to this mortgage aa~ <br />liem r:r litres inferior or suprriar to the liero of this mortgage without the written consent of the mortgagee: and <br />furt{ter, tlwt 6r will keels acrd rnaiutaia the -sore t'rer from the claim of all per-ou. _«yq,lur.g labor .,« <br />Puulerials tar cuwstrw=lion of ~trt} and ell buildings w itnprovem„mts. now 'rmiuK .n-ctc.i ::r a, is+• , +n« <br />~witi pt+rntitw. <br />is i}e wil€ not rent ur aw:ign eat lsarf of She rent-.;f :ytid murtgageai graprria ur .}a•raalieia. ar rrnw+,„. <br />a'+r substantially alter env Fnrilding witttoW the written corwe-ut of the rnonKaKr+•. <br />/- ..,111 awards rr[ dawages iuctxtuurtiuu wuh an} «rttujtruuatron tar }rublir tree ua ur rotor. to am .,+ tln <br />}frultrrty .abject ao this: anurtgsgr err l,errbv amigue.l seed -hall be Irard ru uaurtpager, wbu ma+ appi} for <br />~i~~arne ttt lra}rurra sf tar intsl}secrete I , r . rwler sait~l note, and axrrtga¢re i- Irrreb+ anti*nr't,reri, in tiu• <br />',MrHSrrtr of tltc raxtrigaE{~rr, to rxectrtr ands=lettuce +alid acquitianeta tbrreo[ and au ephral trune dos .ueh :: a. aril. <br />&_ 'Fht nrnrt¢atttr -ball hoer the nkht fo in.prrttbr rruartgaard grrmr.r- at a . a«.arabtr rrn,«~. <br />-. .$..[itatlit.ia,atsy uf.the oeveoaw4 w eonditirraa of ahra._imatratmnt or a the note nr two aarecment sttttrtd <br />Larehv shall recta=aat._ rise,_._ .~ aye -~} ,ha _ . ~ ~ ~ .fie <br />t«pttg.,agas or hie atsi{toa ;it btirrgtagreed thatrtht mvrtaagrir shall have such nght tmtil dtfaulti. C;por•any such <br />dgtixttlts tba rrtortgaget +irall btrraar the owner o[.atl of t9a rentr. acrd pso[tts accruing after default as srrurit+ <br />for the iodehtedaear rrsurad keerneby. wub lhrt right ter career tarn wid property #or the lwrpusr of r.,lle.-Ming ~w•Fr <br />tr~ta tttwi prwiisa. '1'hia irWrtment shall as.ain'~ ttf say rrata#s oa seed protxrn to that rr,ttat. <br />..:ra antes rzs ~: _. t, <br />