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<br />~. - ao7~70 <br />l.etrder'y writeen agreernrnt or applicable taw, Borrower shall pay the arttouW of afl mortgage imuranee prcmiutta in the <br />mattrter provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Aay amaunU drburstd by Linder pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shag betberse adNtional <br />inskbtedncss of Sanawer secured by this Mortgage. Unks< Borrower and Larder agra to outer terms of pagreat. such <br />arrwttrHS shad be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof- artd shag bear ireftrest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from tins to time on ovtstaadmg principal rerder the Nose tmkss payment of <br />inteerest at such me would be contrary ro applicaMe law. in which event such amoureg shag hear itsterrst x the h4ghesl rate <br />permissible ursder applicable law. Norh¢rg contained in this paragraph 7 shalt requite Leader to itectsr soy expmae or me <br />any action hcreuader. <br />8. Iet~eeden. Lender may males or cause to be made rtasomhie entries ttprm and inspeCtiorrs of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shah give Harrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasanabk cartse therefor related ro Lenders <br />interest in the lsmperty. <br />S. Casd~dnn. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or rnmequrntiai. in eonrrection with arty <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for cmveyana in Lea of condemnation. arc hereby assigned <br />and shad be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total caking of the Property. the proceeds shaft be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess. if any. paid to Borrower. In the evrnt of a partial taking at the Property, unless Borrower affil Lender <br />ot/terwist agree in writing. there shall be applied to tke sums secured Isy this Mortgage Bach proportion of See protxede <br />as is equal to that pmpartion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediatety pr"tor to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediateW prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />1f the Property is abarrdoned by Borrower. or if. after notitt by Lender so Borrower thx thx coodemtror alters to mate <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Harrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 day-, afrer the date stilt notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's opton. either to rtxtortttiat or repair of the <br />Prc~rty nr to ehe sums secured ny this Mortgage. <br />Untess Lender and 13arrawer otherwise agree in ~xriting, any inch application of proceeds ro principal shall nm extrnd <br />ar pxxtpane the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such insfal)msnts. <br />IQ, Barro+ser Nest Retcased. Extension of the time Cor payment or modification of amortization of else sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any succesox in interest of Aonowcr shalt not operete to release., in any manner. <br />the 4izhi4iry of the arig;ina7 Rorrawer and Borrower's succesu?rs in interest. [.ender shall oat 6e required is commence <br />pracesdi:ngs against such sta:cessor or refuse io extend time far payment ar otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by- this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Harrower and Borrower's stracessors in interest. <br />91. Forbearamx iy Ixeder Not a Waiver. Any forbearance hey Lender in exercising any eight or remedy Feretmdsr. or <br />otherwise affordesf try applicahte law. shall oat be a waiver of or preclude the exercix of any sucfi right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes ar other )lens ar charges by [.ender shat) oat be a waiver of Lenders <br />right to accelerate tF,e maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />t2. RemetUea Camalative. .41! remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative ro any other right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage ar afforded by law or equity. and may be exercised cextcurrently. independently or successively. <br />13. Sacctslus arsd Botmd; Joint and Severd I.iaiiity; Captbrss. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shall bind. and the rights hereundtt shalt inure to. the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Aorrower. <br />subies-t to the pravisioac of paragraph i? hereof Ali covenants and agreements of Aormwer shalt be joint and several. <br />TtK captions and i><adirgs of *.he paragraphs of this Mortgage are for ronvrnience only and are not to be used [a <br />inierptet ar deftrtr the prarisiarrs hereof <br />76. Notke, Rxcept for any notice rcyuirrd under apphcahrle taw to be given in arrather manner, (a) any notice io <br />Borrower provided for in this Merigage sha}1 he given by mailing each ^olicr by crnified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />t!x Property Address ar ai. such other address as Borrower may desrgnatc by mice to Lender as provided hereto, and <br />it') an notice to i..xndrr Eha)1 4tr g:c-cn Sy certrfred m.u). return rccapt rsgtres2ed. to I.entkr's address stated herein or xo <br />.such ..--:t#ttr add~_x as Lender Bray dcsignalr 4,v nr!€ice is H<rrr+?u~rr as pro:vir4ed herein. An}~ notice r..rovided for in this <br />Mortgage shai4 4x' rtesor,:d to ::^.avr ireea siren to flcn~rowrr or fender when gh~sn in the manner designated herein. <br />.~. C~nBarm ~lartga+at; itevert Law; Ixs~eralev. 7l:is +rn m sat mortgage cemisiaea uniform ::;rvenaats for natinna4 <br />sm• and non-uniV~:,oar ~z+venants ~-ith !imilesl variatrtns hs iur~+J:sr:w! ¢n constitute a uniform se -uri[y insireemrnt coveting <br />real prapeR}~. This Mrrtgage shall he g.'Fet rred by the taw n( rite iurisJictian in which the Property is located. In tht <br />event that any prevision or clans: of this Mortgage nr the tiote a,nflrcts with applicable law. such conflict shall not affect <br />other provisions' of this Morteage or the -^iom which can be given eBect without the conflicting provision, and m this <br />end tits provisions of the Mortgage and the \ote are Jrclared to tx severable. <br />I6. Borrower's Cagy. Borrower ~hatl M hun~shrd a conformed copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the time <br />of exeeutian ar after recordaeton hereof. <br />t7. Traesfer of tee Prxrperty; ,+lswasption. II all or say part of the Property ar an interest therein is sold or trans€erred <br />by Borrower without L.ender's prior wrinen censeat. excluding tat the creation of a lien or rncumbranre subordinate to <br />this lstartgage. Ibi the creation of a purchase mc,ney ,eatrit}' mrerest for household appliances. (cl a transfer by devise. <br />descent or by operation of law upon the death of s )Dint tenon[ or id' the grant of any leasehold interest of three years ar Itss <br />not cortiaining ar. optio;; t,, patchasr. f ender may. at Lrndsr i option, declare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be <br />immediaief} due and payab4c. Lender ahai! have carved uich apuon u, accelerate if. prior to the sale or transfer, 1_ender <br />and thr~. pcrsua to wham the Progeny is to tie wRd or Iransferrrd reach agre:rmrm m v-siting that the credit nY such person <br />is satisfaratn to lender and iha: the interest payable nn the sums secured by this Mortgage shall he at such rate a~, Lender <br />shat! request. ff [ruder has waived the aptien ro accelerate provided in th9s paragraph 47, and if Barmwers successor in <br />interest has rzrrute~d a written assumption agreement accepted in writing b}' lender Lrnder ,hall reieasr Borrower from alt <br />afeGgatirms umiec this Metzgagr and the Note. <br />/f Leader exercises such optioa to accelerate. Lender shah mail Borrower notice of acceleration ut acrnrdance with <br />paragraph I3 herrnf. Such notice shall provide a period of oat less than 311 daps from fie date the notice is malted within <br />which Harrower may pay the sums dtciared due. if Borrower fai45 to pay such aims prior to the expiration of such pert xi, <br />Leader may •-,ithout furs_I:rr nor; .,r c4smaad an Borrower, :nvake ztt- rst:aedse. permitteC b}• parag; aph ': R ?<rtcef- <br />k'VaH-I:~xtsa=;M C^_v~vnxts. Harrc~-er and Lcndrr further a+ven;;nt arri' agree as ful{ows: <br />tg. Aecrleratiea; Rcmtdies Eattpt as provided ire pvsgrap6 17 feercof. npoe Borrower's breach of say caveeam or <br />etgree~eana of ierrawer ~ flora Mortgage, ittkludi~ tlz xwseeswHS ro pap when dos sap seats scooted by ibis Alottgagte, <br />/+tede`r pslar ro aseeltetadita shag t~ nal/ce to aBrrnrrH as provided ie paragraph t4 hereof syteafyhg: ell tits bnasb: <br />12) tie acHats required to ewe sib beeaeh; 231 a daft, ml lab thou JB days from the date the notice is teailed ro Hnrrasver. <br />tg rriisis ~ti ittttrlt sanst [te remsN +ed fil Nat EtrBwa ro cwt sues brcari as w ie#erc rise die speciSed ea t4 tsofkc <br />!I\tlar (tf~YM ~ sne ' ar the c ~ .~r~.•we~d -_ap elm l_f~.~w~~~~ f_~~"`2 e ~ •. <br />Tie aetite shill Ponher inform Borwwer at lie rlQist ro reiastme attw acceleration sad the right ro sexrt in tie farectosurt <br />pansaedtag flea aneexittcecs of a dafawN a sup otter dtleest stf iarrower to acceleration aed fersctaetue. if tie brtwei <br />~ mat cared on w tsefore tie date spaci6ed le the notice. llt_/.uer st I.twt4r's aptiue may ttesWet aB of fir sums tecated iy <br />deco Martpgc 6n. tit iareudiatcly diet and paraik wiNetM Pottier deseutd ash +aay teteclase by psdMd proseeditlS, I.cader <br />shrM be tsstWeA ro enBrsV hs ratb pnaceaiLg sit expttspes td faeerlasert, iM'~eR. bal eq 1iwWCd ta, owls M decautwtary <br />e+Mietxa. aistsasb sad epee.-ae <br />ti. ilaareaar's tt4,i4 ro ~etrt. h'atwAhstartdiatf f-cn+#~r's a.,:=.tlsrata±va of ti>=. ~•nes ~..currs M thi+ 4t:,rtg3ge. <br />ffarsaswsr ±?xai! ha'rs t)te right to hoer am ercir:aitngs Icgrm by Lender t.j enfori:~ thee Morey;rear cttsc:+ntmired at a _:a r <br />