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<br />~a,~..~p7174 <br />E: xrroaAr Covt;r;axss. Btxraaver and laatdsr tlwtnam and epee as follows: <br />t. laayese~t d Trbd*ai aV Ltterne. Barrasrtr shall prompxly pay vrhen dire the principal of and interest on the <br />itdebterhrtss n~idenced by the Noe, prepaytaent still late cbar¢s as provided rn the Na+e, sail the priricipaf of and interest <br />on say Futa:t Advances sawed by this bfartgags. <br />2. FtWr Ear Tteas attd laarwee. S~ject to applicable Law or to a written waiver by lxssder. 8ortorvtt shall pay <br />to Lsndet an the day rnonttdy ietstahttsems o[ principal and merest arc payable antler the Noe, umil the Note is paid in full, <br />a atoll therein "Fun~'J egoai to arte-twelfth of the yeaNY taxes aril asxssttsarts which may attain prfarity ova [his <br />Mortgage, and gromd renu rxr the Property, rf arty, phis one-twelfth d yearly pmtdttm irtxalhmnts for hazard ittarrntrtX, <br />pt+n one-twelfth of yearly prsmitrm vnmHr»nu Eox mortgage itfwranee, if any, aB as reaamablq esifmated itritially and from <br />time to tittle by Lender on tht basis of asaeasnten[s aril hilts std reasonable eatimate6 thereof. <br />The FunrL shall be held in an itntiiwitxt the depssifs w acCOttllb of which are itwtted or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />stale agency t inchding Lender if Lender is sixh an itratitation 1. littler shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assewttutu, <br />i:srRtr•ance premiums aril gourd terns. Letder eras}' not charge for so holding and applying the Furls, analyzing said aixoum, <br />or verifying and compiiLng sad assessmeru and buts. uniexs l.ettder pays Borrower inteteat on tM Funds std applicable law <br />permits t.ettder to make .ixh a charge. Borrower and littler may agree in writing at the time of execution of tha <br />Mortgage chat intttest on the Funds shall tae paid ro Horrower. std unless sish agreemem is made or applicable taw <br />rtquires such intpest to be paid, i.ender shall nM he required to pay Borrower anv interest or earnings an tiu Funds. ltrrder <br />shall give to Borrowtt, without char¢e, an annual accounting of [fte Funds showing credits std debits to the Futtdc std the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Folds was made. The Funds ace piodgrd as additional security for itte cotes secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />if rM artsoum of the Funds held br Lender. together with the future manthiy ire[alivtsnts of Funds payable prior to <br />tlse due dates of taxes, a:sesartKnu, i~ttranm premiums and ground renu, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />arten~, tnaurantx premfums aril grnurrd retm as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Barrawers option, either <br />promptly repaid to BOTrowtt or crtdited to Harrower on monthly tnstalinnenu of Funds. If the amotmt of the Funds <br />httkl by Lender shall nut be sufficirat to pay taxes. ansessmenu. insurance prsmtums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shall pay to Letuder soy amount netessazy to make up rhs deficiency wtthin 30 days from the daft nmice is mailed <br />by Lender to Baratrwer regttestling payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in tuft of all sutras secwed by thrs Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Harrower say Funds <br />held by L.endcr. ff under paragraph Ile herrwf the Property rs sold or the Ptopeny is ahcrwise acqusred by Lerdsr, Lender <br />shall apptry, no tarter than tmattxliately prier so the sale of the Praprny ar iu acquitatia~n try Lcndsr, any Funds held by <br />Lander at the lima of application as a cratii[ ugauut the Burns ^uecurrd try thus Mortgage. <br />3. Ap~tllicafioa of PaYtrtraN- [!mess appEicabls law pravdrks~ atl~rwist, ai€ payments rcc~sivsd by l.c»der uttdsr tlx <br />Nate and paragraphs 1 std 2 hereot slfali bs applied by l.erdtr !tell m payment of amounts payable to lender by Borrower <br />under patapaph '2 hettwf. ihwr to interest payable oa the Nato than to ttu prnncipal of the Nuts. std then to interest and <br />prnncipal on any Future Advances. <br />0. Charges; I3etaa. Borrower shall pay all lazes. assessments and rather charges, fines and rmpassitions attnbutable to <br />the Property which tray attain a pnority putt thts Mtxtgage, std leasehold oaymenu or ground renu, if any, in [he tttanner <br />ptovisttd under paragraph 2 boreal or. ,f not pall m such manner, by Borrower making payment. where. due, dtrecdy [o the <br />payee thermf. Burrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all nuuces w atnswnu due under this paragraph, soil in the event <br />Borrower shall males paymem d;rtxtly. Bo: rower shall prompty fumuh to Lender receipts evdenung such payments. <br />Borrower sha{I promptly discharge any [ten which has pnonty over this Mortgage: groveled, that borrower shall not tx <br />enquired to discharge any such lien so long as Barrawer shall agree in wnung to the payment of the obligation secured by <br />sw:h lien in a man+xr aexsptable to Lender, or ,hall in gaud fadh ctmtest such lien by. or tkfend enforcement of such Jirn rn, <br />iwgat pn~enlrags which operate to p: avem the enforesmert cat rise i,en or forfsuure cif the Propzny or any Fart thereof. <br />6. Eiterd limnta®ce, Borrower shalt keep the tmpravernents mw ezrsung or herrafttr erected on the Progeny inwrral <br />against lass by fire, Eaa'sMa included within the term "sztended coverage". and such other ha2ards ns !.seder may rcyurrs <br />and in suelt amaunu ~snd tar such pe:iads :u tender ttwy rtgwrt~, pa~[>vfdtxl, that lender shah eat require [hat the amount of <br />stt::h cavsragr exceai titaf atneunt of coverage requrred i'~,o Jr.ay Jhs ,ua~as cleared try th,s riiartgags. <br />'the rauurnnr:s caxrxt providing the ntutuanct deal) be cirascn by Bcrcn±wcr suhJeet to approval by txtxter: provetkd. <br />that such ~appraval sttt~lt itaf tae ~sr~sonahty wiebts~ld. AFl prtnuuma cat iasarancw pa!te!ea sha!! E+e paid !n the rnaatter <br />provitkd ttmisr paragraph 2 hersaf or, if taw pall in suds manner, ray Barrawer maktng payment, whorl due, dimztly to the <br />inittrarat Ctfil-wr. <br />lilt iasurame poirctes anJ renewals thereof shall tx rn corm acwptabk w Lender and shall include a standard mortgage <br />dtwx in Eavor of and m farm xttptabk to lxr:der. Lerufer shall have the right to hold the: paiicres and renewals thereat, <br />std Harrower =hat! prompel-y ftutwh to Lender a{I renewal rwuces and all receipts .rf paid premiums. !n the event of loss. <br />Borrower shall give prompt notice to the inswarut tamer and I.emkr. Lenskr may make prcwt of loss et not made promptly <br />by Borrower. <br />Uttlsss L~tder std Borrowce otlxrwsse ogres in wrung. Insurance pracesds shat! be applted to restoration ar repair of <br />the Property damaged, pros•rded such reswravan or repair rs ccenamrcaJly feasrble std the security of thes Mortgage i+ <br />not thereby impaired. tt stu:h rexwratian or regale !s eat eeonomtcally teaaibfe ar ,t the securty of this !vfortgage would <br />be itstpaertd, tBe insuratece proceeds shall be applied to the stuns secured icy thts Mortgage, wuh the excess, if eny, paid <br />to Borerawer. If rlSt Property rs abarad+nsed ht ibrrower, or It Borrower tads to respond to Lttder wuhw 30 days tram the <br />dots twtice is ntatled by Lender to Borrower that the ussirraoee :tenor aRers to sertle s dorm for msuranw txaetits, Ixnder <br />is authat'txed io collect an<f apply the ,Ir uraase praweods at Lerxki s optton etcher w reMOrxnon or regale of the Property <br />or to the stJnis secured by this Mortgage. <br />Utslsts Leadtr and Borrower etherwtse ogres m wrrang. any sus:h application of pr xeeds w prmctpal shall nut extend <br />r,r pmtparce the dt~ date of the ttwnthly installttcerts referred to rt paragraphs t and 2 hereof or .hangs the amount at <br />stt~~lt iastalitnsa[s. Jf uadet paragraph ~ B herwE the Property Is arauued by tinder, all right, title and interest of Borrower <br />in and to any' ivsueance palicks sad in aril to the proceeds therm[ rssuJting tram damage to the Property prwr to the sale <br />ar ats}aisinan sha!! pass t4 1»entkr to the extent r>< lbw surds secured by flies Mar[gage tmntediately prior to sash sale or <br />ac+luisititat. <br />G. 14mvtYiao tread 1Nasfteaaacr of Prvpedy= lraaeheldq (:ir®s; 1'lanawd [inN />e.eioparetNS. Hairawsr <br />shall k~cp tits Property in gaol ra:paia and >ha4 cwt commit warts ~:r permit impairtrwtt ar deteriatauon of the Property <br />sled-yltaE4 cu'~gly wi*.ts *t>= provtstoas of aaY tease rf tbls Mortgage o-s .n a !ssstheld. IF this Mortgage is on a :met :n a <br />cmumum ar a piaaned unit lsvtWpmsnt, Harrower ;hall perform aU of tlorrower~s >rWtgations under the dsciaranan <br />ur cos~erxaots creating ar govttttmg the enttdaminattm ar planned unrt devefopastnt. the 6y-laws and regulations of the <br />cortdo~misxttm ar planned anti development. and caMtituen[ eira:uaxnl+. It a condvmimtun or planned unit developuvent <br />rirkr 'is sarcutsd h}' Borrawex aril reeordaf together with this Martgags, flu covenants and agrcemcnts of ouch rrder <br />tdsad! be incatporatad tt>ta and shalt amend and aupplernstu the wvenanu sail agresa'xna of then Mortgage as :f the tiler <br />wens a past hutsof. <br />7. laaa#aedms r>[ Lerafar's 5aetuifl', if Bsunewet tars to perform the covenants -rail agteernenia .onramed m this <br />Mprf{;ags, ar it arty as:licm or Prang a ca+mmeocel which 'uatsrtatly atfteu Lender s murtrE in the Prrspsrty. <br />~ttar-iuditsg, fort east Jsrnited tor. aauttwm dattain. Itttadvsrrc>, u;>?a :attorsxnram, or arrangtmsnts sx ,^.nxesdinttls ~ovaJvntg a <br />iraakrszpi zu t~t~ then t.srdsr at f_wdlrr'z espwn. upon tectltc to Horrawsr, may make such appearances, d>sbuns -uch <br />sores sail torte such as:tpXr as tp rtaceatary w prsytecr trrdeis ,ntcres[. <rao}udtng, taut rnm hmrreai tu, lrshursentsnt :~[ <br />tw,aa~xabis atWrntY : Elea scut sorry uptat the Prapeny to make rspa,rs. if Lender r»alurrW rtrongage ~rrsuran.e as ., <br />csxsdaw:ts of ssuJrrng ttre loan socursd fry thss Mortgsgs, Bonawtr shat: pay t1re prvmitrrm reuutted eo mauuam sas.~h <br />inauaacs se !LTars until axt:,lt tease as +M rlayr+stltmeat tsar such ,ttsuratsce termsna;sx :n au.trdtrur w:th Btu rower-. and <br />