<br />uxtiroaet Cavtrnsnrrs. Borrower and Lender covenam sad agree as [ollnvrt: `~"' ~"'°°` ;) 4 ~ ; 1. v
<br />f. 7sysaesp of atl fafereN. Borrower shah prompty pay w'hrn due the prindpal of std interest oa the
<br />irsdebtetftttsa evitfettced by the Note. prepayment and Tate charges as provided in the Note. and the prittapaf d sad ittseras
<br />txt say Future Advances soured by tfiit Mortgage.
<br />I. Faatb far Tatar ttsM fassaa~ee, Str6jat m app!r_able law or m a written waiver by (.ender, Borrower shag pay
<br />to Lender on the day rnontNy itmatlmeats of pri?teipat and interest arc payable uatitr the Note, until the Note is paid in tub,
<br />a sttm Ittereio "Ftmds") equal to ano-twelfth of the yearly :axd and aaesstireng which mry attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and grotmd rents an the Pt'oPerrY, if arty, plus otre-twdfth of yesrPy premium irtalslhtreng fet barred itaurfBCt;
<br />pha one-twelfth of yearfy premiwn instaiir~tis for mortgage ttisarance, if say, a9 as r+mortNriy eatimaud iaaiaBq aad (tuts
<br />time to telex by L.erder on the basis of asseasmetua and bi{b and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall & hekt en an institution the deposig p accaunb of w6tch are irtrwred Or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />start agency (including Lertrler if Lrnder is such an irWitntion}. trader shalt apply the Fulda to pay said fazes, aasmstrtmta,
<br />etrwranee premiums and groun6 rents. fender may nest charge for 50 holding and applying the Funds, anilyuag said aa•wtrtct,
<br />or verifying sad uompiiing wed aaaessnxnb and bilbs, unless Roder pays Borrower intertxt on the Ftmds zed applicable lase
<br />permits Lender ro make such a eiurge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of exeeutioa of Lila
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Ftmda shalt be lull to Btxrower, and unless such agrammt Ls made or applicable law
<br />requires such irterest to be paid, Leader shah not be required w pay Borrower any ittietest or earnings oo the tltods. Leader
<br />shag give to Borrower without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing eredib sad debits to the Ftmds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Furls was made. The Futtds are pledged as additional secntity for the snarl aeatrtd
<br />try tttis Mortgage.
<br />tf the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future tnoathly instaltmenb of Funds payalsk prior to
<br />the due lard of taxes, asseaameau, iMUrartee premiums and ground renb. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />asxs~rnts, ittaurance premiums sad ground rrnb as they fall due, such extxas shag be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />prompUY repad to Hormwer or credited to Borrower on rnoattdy instaHrrrearb of Furls. tf the attswmt of the Futida
<br />Fred by Lxzader shall n6'. tx sufficrmi to pay rues, assessments, iasnratxe premiums and ground reins as they fall due,
<br />Borrower shalt pay w Lender any amount neceaaar}~ ?o make up the deHesent:y within 30 days from fire dart notice is mailed
<br />I"Y Lerpder to !3a',rrower regtadbng, payment thereof.
<br />Upon paytisent m full of alt auras su:urcd by this Mortgage, Ixnder shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held bq Lender. If ursder paragraph tg hereof the Property is sold or the Properly is otherwise acquired by I..tnder, Lender
<br />shall apply, no hater tluan isnmediateiy prior to the sale of ihr Prapeny or ib acquiae«on by Lender, any Fends held by
<br />Leader at ttse htrpe at application as a ;:rsdit against the soma secured by this Mortgage.
<br />3, Apps ~ pa5'Heag• Unless applicable law pnrvides mhscwise, ;dl payments receivtd by I.,cnder unt~r the
<br />Nate and paragraphs t and i hrreot' shall bye applied by l.eodtr fintt m. payment of amounts payable to fender by Borrower
<br />unrhr paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payabtc un the Note, then to the principal of the Nae, and thrn to interest and
<br />principal as env Future Advances.
<br />4. f~s"~". [.leas. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, fines and impositions attributable to
<br />the Progeny which may attain a priority over [his Mortgage, and leasehold payments yr ground rents, if any, in the manner
<br />provided onset pazegraph 2 hereof or. it not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the
<br />payee thereof. Horrawer shalt promptly furnish to Lender alt notrces at amounts due uotkr this paragraph, sad in the event
<br />i3orrasacr shat! make paytueni duecxty, Borrower shall promptly fumrsh to Lender receipts evtdeocing such paymeng.
<br />Borrower shall protnp«y discharge any ties whrch hen priority over this Mortgage: provided, that Borrower shall not be
<br />required to disclrsrgt any such lien so long as Borrtwer shall ogres in wn«ng to the payment of the obligation secuted by
<br />such titn in a manner acceptable to Lender, or shall in goad faith contdt rush hen by, or defend enfotcemrnt of such lien in,
<br />tt~al pnrctsdr*rgs whrch optrate to prevent the eatorcetnem of the hen or forfeiture of the Yropeny or any part thereof.
<br />3. Harasd Irntwance. 8otrawer shall kttp the improvemems now existing ar hereafter erected on the Property ensured
<br />against loss try Hre, haxttrda encfuded wtthtn the ternr "et tended coverage ', and such other Itavrrds as [.elder may require
<br />acrd in suck .emrnrnt~ seal fc: sztch periods an lxndtr may reyutre; pravidvd, that (..ender shall not rvyuirv that the amount of
<br />suck c;:tve; age txceed tYtmt aatount of cnveraae required to pay iht sums secrtrtd by thts Mortgage.
<br />'"the tnsetraoee eart7cr providing the insurance shalt be ctzaaen by Barrawer .stebjee[ to approval ny Exnder; provided,
<br />Ih~r such apprav~t sh.1! not tx uareas:.natrly withheld. Ali prxtniv.~r, rm insurance ga;icets sfiati ire paid in the maorrer
<br />provtdtd ^mler paragraph ~ barest or, if not pxid in such manner. by Horrower rnaking payment, who^- due, directly to the
<br />insurance carreer.
<br />All iasurattce policies anti terxwats thereat shalt be to form acceptable to Lender and shalt include a standard mortgage
<br />clause in tavar of sad eo form acc~ptabie to Lctukr. Lender shall have lire reght to hold the policies and retxwaLs thereot,
<br />and Borrower shall protrtptly furttiah to Leader zll renewal notices and ail receints of paid premiums. In the event of loss,
<br />Borrower shalt give prompt notice to the insurance carrrer std Lender. Lender ma} make prtrnf of loss if not made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unltss Lender attd Barrawtr otherwise agree in writing. tnsurartce proceeds shalt 6e applied to restoration or repair of
<br />tht Property damaged, provided stxh restotatian or repair a erariotnically feasible and the security of thts Mortgage rs
<br />rot thereby imparrrd. If stork restoration ar repau is nut ewnumicalty ftasibte or it the security of this Mengage would
<br />ba tmpairtd, the insurance proceeds shalt be applied ra the soma securW by this Mortgage, with the excess, if any, pazd
<br />to Harrower- II tiff Pr~zserty is abattdorxd by Harrower, or it Horrower fails to respond to Ixnder wtthen 30 days cram the
<br />date rtouce~ is maiierl by Lender to Borrower that the tasunrn:e carrier offers to xttlt a claim for insurance berxfits, Cender
<br />es auiborited to wtitct and apply [he insurance prosxeds at Lxnder's option either to restoration or repair of the Pnrpeny
<br />Or t0 itx annla aafUred by Thies Mortgage.
<br />UnGass Lender and Harrower otherwise agree m wnnng, any sw:h apptica« on of pn+ceeds to pnrzctpal shall nut e~.xtend
<br />or paaiprate the duq date of the monilu} btstal:mtots reEcrred to un paragraphs 1 attd ?hereof or change [he an4rttat of
<br />w,:ta t;utaf};nrents. if under paragraph ig hereof ztte Property +s a:.ywred b} E_endtr, all right, title and interest of Harrower
<br />en and to rely ittsuraaCe po}icim and in and to ttx prua~eda thereof rtstrhrog from datttage to the Ropeny prior [o tt.: sate
<br />ar acyttisition shall pass to Lxwkr to the extent of the sonar xYUred by this Mortgage imtrrediareiy prror tt~ such sale or
<br />acquiaitivn-
<br />6- PatgtQSndan t~ ',sla}nten~ce ~ Ftogtrty; f tC - tgaaurd l;t~ fktiekr~ierrla, Hurruucr
<br />shall kerys iht Properly in goad repair and dull rent commit waster ter pertitrt tmpatrtixnt or determratian of the Property
<br />and a~.al1 ce~sply will t!x pravist:,ns of any tzaie rf tb.a hiartgagc is on a leasehold. if this Mortgage is oft .r rmtt .n .t
<br />eoadesai;eitam iu a planatd unk devtlripment, Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obiigaitons under the da.laraturn
<br />or wvearwsts cfcatirtg or govtrmng rite rondantinium or ptuzned amt devetuptm;nt, the by-taws arzd regulat~ns aE tits
<br />ei+odwniatium ar planned trait development, and canstiiucnt da:ulrrcnts. ff a cundantinium or planntd unit decetoptneni
<br />elder is extxuteai b}' Isorrawer and rcnrded Wg¢[her wtt6 tors Mortgage, tht covtnanb std agrcemenu ut stash rider
<br />shall Ire ?ncorpurated taW ats3 shall amend sent supplemcnz ilx cavettatus and agretmeala cf [his Mortgage as tt the tilts
<br />wire a part hereof.
<br />F. i+wfacYlaq u( f,mtfarr's ;;eeaaia6,y. If Borrower rats to perform ttx coveaaats end agceencents euntatned in this
<br />Mortgage. or tt any action rx prirz':aedirrg u cnmmertced whsc;h materially aH¢::ts Leerdu's mttrdt in. the Properly.
<br />ilaclusling. Ittrt lull }ipni.,sd tor. tmi?tenY donuitt, naartverrcy. c~c eriornttnertt, or arraogemenb ar pros:eedings rnvalvusg e
<br />haatitrulrt ar dactdaot, ripen lrtdtx at Latdet'x opuno, upon rurtice to Horrower, may make such apptatanaxs, dntsurse such
<br />rotor arpd take sash a.-~tton az is ttreessat'y to proisct [.ertdcr's ~nierest, ~~ludtng, but tnri :imt:rd w, dtxburscrnent of
<br />~»x~L attrataay's Lets and tntry upon the Prupenv to rnaka repatn. tf lrrtdsr rcyuir*.d mrcigage insurance ax
<br />caadxuro Of ttsakertg ttrv to?~? tu~ct by ?bu Msttgagn, Btu. rrwer shad. py the g.~sriu its ,~vjutrv.i to rnaintarn stkh
<br />irastsaoc~ is q~t units such time es she e•eyuircaseer E¢r sxit r~rr~^•-= t:aat~•rrazca :o ss.:;a, '-sarss:a astY 13arwwet'r ntsd
<br />