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<br />${~-. ~)t~'?167 AIi4gTGAGE <br />THIS >AGE in asada tiia.... sth ......... ay d ..... , °.~ <br />19. ~.. katwaen the ldectgt~r pUOLEY. G, .htNGK 1Uiq. 9fT.l`E . J .. MAt:K.. huskand. and . wi to ....... . <br />... . ............. . ................. (hraain "Hoewwer"t. sasd the ldoetp~se, 1 1<)sderat <br />9erLaas and I.aan Aaaociatiee, a eaperatian sad esh~ tssda the bare d The United Ste6ts d <br />Ameeiea, whaaesddt~asa i.241 SosN3 Locuat8tcaet. Grand Ielend, Alebsaalur lhseain "Leese"!. <br />Wmsartis. Bortvwer is indebted to Lender is the prisXipai rarer d ~WRTY. 7}iQUS9ND. ANA lygLl4Dr--z~r <br />....... ................................... <br />--°---- --------------.-' DoNars, wkidr itadebladaess is evidetreed b9.}`brrowatneae <br />mod.... December .8, 1980..... (yer~, °~"}, a ~ try imta~ d p rpsd <br />wiEh the bahmee of the endebtednesa, H as soarer paid, d~ anti payade oa.......tarwarY..t., ;19~........ <br />To Stteutee to Lender (a) the repayment oe the iridebtedrxss eviderrced bS' the Note; wish i therwan; the <br />papmeM of ail alter sems, with in[ctes[ thereon, advanced in accerdaace lretecvith to protect the seenfilV d t~s <br />MortpgF, and rke pedarmsoa of the covcaaau and ageemen[s of Borrower herein eoMained, and (b) the reps~rt <br />d arty !niece advances, with intertst ttrereon, made [o Borrower by Lender pnrsttant to paragraph 22 kreted (heoeira <br />~~P0.1tta Advances'"}, Btrrsotrer doca hereky~Lortgage, grant and. convey to Letrder tke toliawing ~ prflpazy <br />Irrasdad ro eke Crrowty o[ ........... . ...... . ........ . ............... StEte of NebtaaEar. <br />THE SO(1TH ONE HALF (SS} OF LOT EIGIā‚¬T tS) AND ALL, QF LOT NENE t9) SITUATED ON THE <br />WEST SIDE OF THE WEST PORT)ON OF KllESTERS LAKE LOCATED ON THE EAST 4NiE HALF OF THE <br />SOUTiidEST atiARTER CE~SW}) OF SECTION THIRTEEN (13), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (II), RANGE NINE (9) <br />HALL COUNTY, NE6RASKA. <br />SUES3ECT TO A Ri2It1r2 I~ARTGRGE IP3 T;tE ORtGtNAL AMOUNT OF ii'S,UOO.t70, IN FAVOR OF <br />HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS ANp LOAN ASSOCiA710N OF GRANp ISLANp RECORDEC AS pOCUME.NT # <br />77-00176& OF TiiE MORTGAGE RECORDS f)F HALL G(M)Q~'S'Y, :dEt3RASKA. <br />erThis mortgage fs givan,to secure de chattrel pr~xaissory note tno s,acttrity for s~hich i, <br />all ~rstmal ~3nd cf[Si°#e! property IpCatad iu(lon Sai(tl Iot, and a1 ( pf our interest <br />artd axrtarship in the cotnnon stock of Kuaster Lake, fnc." <br />arhieh hoe tke addr~ ot. fi2 i ~iuasters Lake rar)d . I si DP.d .........., <br />tans[ te,bl <br />Neirreska b88Oi ...(herein'PrepertyAddraas"}: <br />taw w rn cwq. , <br />Tmarxaa with st9 tke irsr~°Yeatants now ar trexcaFter erected on tht property, arut all easements, rights, <br />~, taaMs. myakin, atvrecat, oii wed Bas rights and profiu, water, water nBlrts, acrd water sttx;k, a[rd aIi <br />s now or herd auarhnd to the property, slt of whkh, irtclodeng rcPiarxmenes and additirwu thereto, shat! tx <br />daawad tar ke anti rsrmrirt a pact d the pnrperry covered ?ey tens A4ort®sge; and tdl of the foregoing, together widr ssid <br />pea~aty (oc the kaastrini0 artaur if this hkuY~ye ~ on a htistkntdl arc herein referral to as the "Property" <br />iii eza+rarsst~ tksrt Brsrowet h 4avr(eti}y seised of [he estate herdry conveyed and Iran the right to ssortga~, <br />(tress tmd oarprep iMe ?sogmty, rhrt the Prvpcrty es rnrapeumbatnd, and thw Borcower will warrant scut ddcad <br />t ire tltls m !ka 1'repatty t ail giros and desaaadir, sukjeet m anq declwatir~, easements c~ restricttia~ <br />ktWrd io a selradnis d eaespdesst W crsvera~t in arny tak iruararetr policy itvturing J,ender'a inretrat to the Properly. <br />-.) wifrsgrp-6t 75-~-tlrkittR/L tMM~ Rlt <br />