3. The eortgagor eovenanta and agree that it be shall esii to par acid indebtedness ~ soy part tbeeed ernes
<br />dae. or shall iail to perform any cormant or agreemaat of this iteriroment or the premi~or- nott rervvid hereby. the
<br />ettiso in~btedetesa herebr scented shall imn,ediauly become Bete, pa7abk, and collectilrk withost aria, at the
<br />option of the mortgagee a aaeitpta.. rcgardkar of maturity, aai the mortgages oz his ~ ma7 6e(aee of afeer estey
<br />ati said property w.itbotx apprai.rment 1 the raortgagnr having waived and aaaigreed to the raettgagce ail tights of
<br />e~aernertt 1
<br />t t V at judicial eak pnesnast to the provisieas of 2E US.G 20Di i a) ; or
<br />(n } at the option o! the tssrtgagee, either by atsetioa or b7 aolieitaties of sealed 6idn,~iaa• the ~ alri
<br />beat bid eompl7ieg evit6 the tertew d ak and teaaarr of PrTmmt apeei5ed is the pebiialsed «oeiee aef vie, iriR
<br />giviteg lost weeks' entice of the time, terms, and place of seteb wk, 67 advertiaereat rat her tha Dace
<br />daring rash of said lost weeks in a newspaper pahlisbed or distributed is the romty in whidt asid proP~y
<br />d atwted, all other notice being hereby waived 67 the mOtt6+6a (ash acid asrtaage, or soy p~ m
<br />behalf of raid martaagee, "M bd with the mpaid indebtsdoeae evidaneed by aa~ ante). Said ads shalt ik
<br />held shat oa the propert7 to be acid or at the Federal, coemq, of city aeorthsene fee ttm sarmty is srbiehths
<br />P-oPert7 b located. The mortgage u heeebp anehariaed to ezeeou tot sad os behaY of the maetga,sr asd to
<br />de}iret W the pnrt$aaer at soeh ak a aol6cient tronve7anee of said Proper!), erhich txa.tyana abaR eanLis
<br />mitaL d m the 6appeoiag of tttc daiaatt.~p~ which the exeeatioa of the pester d nak herein Battled
<br />depaeda: sad the raid mere ~y aseruitatea a~ appbinta the startgagec er arry e~ ar attotsey elf the
<br />• the pgu sad epot~s (actfot said mortga6ttr fo flake norh teotaL sad to esewte ndd
<br />eease7saee and 7 maeoaaH sari agteea tha the reeiaaL ao made shall lm efsesnal u bet alt equity or
<br />right of redewtptien, homeland. dower„ and all m6er exrmptiotts of the mortgngor, ail of whith ate hereby
<br />expreaahv waiived and edrreyed to the mortgage: or
<br />fat} take. gar other appropriau aelian parsoaat w mate or Frderai statou either in state or Fetterat
<br />coact or othereriae for the diapoaitios d the property.
<br />[a flu event of a lair aA heteinabavr. pravided, the mwtgagw or aa7 person in poaatbsiou ender the mortgagor shall
<br />thmr berom„s aa,d' be lananu holding trvrr and shall fortheritle elriiver paauanion u the paredtaer at such ask ar be
<br />srmmarily diapoeaeaard. in aceordaatce with the provisions of law applicable to tmante holding orrr. The power
<br />sad agncv hereby granted are coapkd with an ioterM and are irrevocable by death or otherwise, and arc granted
<br />a emnalaiive to the restdim for e»Ilectioa of said iadeMedaas provided by law.
<br />4. The proceeds of an7 ask o8 said peopert7 ut aorordaoer with the ptereding paragraptu shill be replied foal
<br />m pay the costa sail eapsaam of said sale, the c:Penner iac+rrred by the mortgage for the parpeae of ptoteetis6 or fella.
<br />tailing said property, sad reasonable attorneys fees; seearedly, to pay the indebtedness created hereby; and thirdly,
<br />to pay any sarptea or exeer to the paraott or person legally eutitkd thereto.
<br />5. in firs a*®t said pr~.psrty k sold at a jndieis3 #oreelosnea ask or parw,rst to tha power of sek hereinebove
<br />gr+>~e rand the presee~ are not as~sient to pay the refs! indnbtnrinsi ,errtred by this imtttimm# sad evidenced Ity
<br />said wry nets, tar morkgagee will be eatitiad to • deletiestcy jet for the amount of the deFeiasey eeitkosrt
<br />rvrierred ea supnsiawtase.
<br />4 in the event rim mortgagor taib to pay any Federal, state, ur Iceal to aaseauneot, income tar or other tar lien,
<br />eltaege, ice, w other expeme charged against the property. the mortgagee is hereby sathorized at his option W pay
<br />ebe asses- Aay amts a0 Paid ley the mortgages shall be added to and become a part of the priaeipal amouet of the
<br />indeDudasaa evidenced br acid note, anbjext to the same terms and condilieaw. If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />dindtarge the iwkbtedrasa rvidemeed by said promissory not4 soil shall pay such Bums and shall discharge ail tares
<br />sad lien and firs costa, tea, and expense of making, enforcing, aed executing thin mortgage, then thin mortgage
<br />sk~aR txe.caacekd sled aarreadered.
<br />7. '[im c~rmasts tter~ste centaiaeet shalt bind soil the bme5u sad adraataga shall more u the respective ago
<br />sewua sad anaiptn d flu partiaa hasto. RAbeamver steed, the sisguty number wall inetetde the pletrd, the plan! the
<br />aingtiar, and the flee of wy Bader and! isdetde ell Bailers
<br />& trin warreer of any eevaoant lwris or of the etbligatim aeeaead hereby shall at uy time thereafter be held
<br />k Ile a wriaa e( the testa herao(a of the sou scented hereby.
<br />~• ~ srsetpiiaoes with satins 1®i. t td) ~ tae Rakes and Re{laiatima of the Shall gyiz>ar Adminigratioa (IS
<br />C.F.R. tdt.lidl l+ lids a.trtmttutt is a 6r canatrered and esfareed is nexvrdaaoa with apptieabk Fedora! 6w.
<br />tfr, ,rM~ jpdisisi deeraq etrda,. err ttddiog ar7 prwviaios or paetion of this inetrvanat invalid or uea•
<br />titoR alt is levy way impair er prsehtde the mforenaest e< the raraiaieg preriaioaa or portisns ~
<br />aaa ewe sa sa°nt ~ a .:. .
<br />