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~~ r~ti`~ ~:~ <br />L The eewatstt r.i ttgtsrs ar fa®asr: <br />.. as iriH pee~Pth Pn the badebtadser r,ddtweei by ..ii psartiataer at ti.e bate. t.i its tie <br />.taa..r :>a~a > <br />b, He ttdll pie all taacra, atwteoeaer ureter rntnr` gad atitar gasesattaeatd rr ~ fltey tR <br />lapoitioat, fK xrhieb ptaarisiaa hr sat heta atria bareitdetete, aai trill lrOeMtl! dsiFaat the anal tsasipis <br />thatetor to the geld <br />r. He will pay auc6 ezpeaaes sad fees u mar be inivrrsd in the protection and tnaiatmanee of said <br />Property, ineludtrtg the fees of aay attorrter empbvcd by the mortgagee for the awlleetiaa of arty or all of <br />the indebtedness hereby aeeur+ed, or far foreriowre by atwtgagee's Salo, or snort peeeeedinga, or m aay otb~ <br />litigation or proceeding affecting said premises. Attorneys' fees ressonably incurred fa aay other wry aball ba <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. For better security of the indebtedttees Leerby eeeareA, apse flee regsest of the mortpgte, its ase- <br />emserr nr aarigoa, hr ahrll rxeeate and deliver a supplemental moKgsge or mortgagee coveting aay rdditissa. <br />impt»rettteata or betterments made to the property hereinabrwe dexribed :~ all ptspesty teaisieed by <br />~it ghee the date hereof i all in form satiafaciory to mortgagee t. Fardtermora shwid tttmtgagor fail to sate <br />any defruh in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by thb iaateammt. <br />mortttagar hereby xgtras to permit mortgagee to ram such defaait, bun mart$ag¢e is not obligated to do so; <br />and attrlt advenrn shall brcnme part ni the indebtedness rn•cttred by this ittalrumen4 subject to the same <br />terste sad eamditrom. <br />,_. 'f'he rights created by this eoflveyanee shall remain in fail force and egect during aay postpanettteat <br />or extentsioa of the time of payment ai the indebtrdaesa evidenced by said promrswry Wore ar any part thereof <br />secured hcrcbv. <br />(. lie well cantinuoualy maintain hasard iasuraace, of such type nr types and in Hoch amovata an the <br />martgager mar fmm lime to time reyuirc on the improvements now or hereafter nn said property, and <br />will pay promptly whet dtte any premittms therefor. Ail inatrana shall be carried is compasiea aooeptabk <br />to tttortgr~e gad the pofiua a~ rmeraL thereof shall be heW by mortgagee and have attached thweto <br />lass parable clears is favor of gad in form ateeptabb to the ireortgagee. In event of bat, toortgogoz tri1I giro <br />itestediate sotioe m areititoa to mortgagee, gad mortgagee may make proof of bas if Hat made P~Pd7 67 <br />tttortsagrDr, gad eseb inaarmoe c~prsr coaeeraed is hereby authorised gad directed to stake payment for ettsh <br />low directly to ttmetpges itttstead of to mortgagor gad mortga free jointly. and the itrsaraoee proonads, or sny <br />past eheseof, mar bs applied b7 mortgagor at its optics either to the redttetioa of the iadobsadaeas hereby <br />secared or to the tesarrtioa of repair nl the property damaged or destroyed. Lx event of foreebsam of this <br />taortgage, or outer trasafer etf title to grid property in estingunhsteat of the ittdebiedrtew secured hereby, ail <br />rig;,t< this, gad intersat of tits mortgagor in gad to aay isrttrrexs policirx then in force sitrU pass rs the <br />pnt=~tassr or rnartgagce ur, at the agtimt of the mortgagee, ens*~ he svrrettder+xi far s rrfum}. <br />g. lie will keep ail buildirryts and other improvements on said property in grxxl repair and wodition; <br />viii permie, summit, nr w$er as warts, impri.rtncnt- dctrrioratioa .,f -aid pwlrerty .,r eny part iLerms,r; <br />is the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the bviidiaga oo acid prrmieES and Ehase ereetsd an acid <br />peemiaes, or improvemeau thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may nuke auc6 repairs as io its diecretioa it <br />may deem neee+tsary iw the proper preservation thereof: geed the full amount of sash and every Hoch payment <br />shall be immediately due and gryable end shall be eeenred by the ties'of ib»-mortgage. <br />h. He will rent voluntarily create or permit to be created :galore the property subject to this mortgage <br />aay lien or Yens inferior or aupuior m the Tien of thin mortgage without the written consent of the mor!- <br />pgee; and further, he will keep and mainUin the same fee. from the claim of all peraone supplying labor or <br />n:steriak for corstrt:etiaa ~i say amdall buildings or improvemcals now besflg seeded or to ire erected au <br />said premieea. <br />i. lie will got rant ar asttiga any par[ of the vent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove, <br />of avbetantiaity nltcr any building without the written convent of the mortgsgesr. <br />j. Ali awards of damages in conitestion with any eondrmnsrion for pvhhe vac of or injury in any of the <br />property sabjecl to this mortgage ors hereby aaaigaed and shall be paid to morigagee, who may apply the <br />seats tat pryrtswtt of the inaiila.dsta last dtte wader said note, and mortgagee to hereby avtboriaed, in the <br />name of the mortgagor, to esscuu and deliver valid acyuittanta thereof and to agpeal from any such awrtd. <br />#.. The mor*~a~e shall hers the right to impost fire mortgaged premiaew st aay reasonable time <br />Y. i?afsah is ear ai the covcatapU eer canditiona of this inatrumrnt or of the RAIL or loan agreratent secured <br />httatlir dwl) lerainate tba saoeytywr i rigfit to puwessio~ uas, and eajoymeat of th< property. st the option of the <br />ttt/a1~e a hu assigns i it being agreed that the mortgagor shall have auc6 right until ddauh 1 ~ Upon env such <br />dtdagtit. tits zaertgagef shall become the owner o! ell of the rents and pm6u acerutng after default ss aecvrity <br />ter tie atdebtedaaas seeared hereby, with the right to aster upon raid property for tier purpwe of caiiartiag ouch <br />reetN asd pre6tw This ittwritswat sha11 oprrrts n as azgasamt of ear rwtals on wed property to that extent. <br />