<br />~_. i}t1'~ : ~#3
<br />3. The nwrtgagor revenants aad agred that if 6e shaft fail to pay said indebtednew or any part thereof when
<br />dine, ar shah fait to perform any rovmant or agrammt of this imtrummt or the promissory torte secured hereby, the
<br />aaeias indebtedness Foereby srrvred shall iatased»tily beeoaae dae, payable, and rnileetibie without forties, at the
<br />aysio~ of the atortgagtr nr aesipsa, regardless of maturity, aad the mor'tCaRee or his assigw may before or after miry
<br />Ian said property without appraisement !the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the ttrortgagee all rigbLO!
<br />mint d
<br />~ t 1 at judicial sale puraoaM to the provisions of 28 Li.S.G 2001 ta) : or
<br />i m s at the option of the mortgagee, either b7 attetioa or by aolieitatios of sealed bida,'for the lti~seat and
<br />beat bid tatmplyiag with the terms of ask and tnamer of paynsmt speri5ed in the peblialted ttatiee of sale, Ent
<br />giring four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and plm a>i ouch sale, by advertisement cot leas than onm
<br />doriteg each of said four weeks in a newspaper published or distributed itt the cmaty in which acid property
<br />r situated, all other notice being hereby warred by the nortgagor {and said mortgagee, .ot aey peaam m
<br />btidt of acid mortgagay clay bid with the ttapaid indebtedirem evidenced by said note)- Sam ask shall be
<br />IbtW at ar m the peeperty to be sold or at the Fe~n4 eotmty, or etty eaurthouae for the oomty in which the
<br />proprty w looted. The mortgage is hereby aatlmriaed to ezeente for and m behalf of the taortgagar aad to
<br />deliver to the parehaaer at aaelt sale a snicieat conveyance of acid property. whirl cmreyaaee shall eoaLffi
<br />reti4L m /8 the !^4opeaing of the detaalt npm which the ezecwtion of the power of ask htntia geaated
<br />d ' ; ad t$~o .aid awKp6or hereby eotatituw and appbiata the tuorilSsRee ar any agent or attoteey of the
<br />mortgagee, the agent aad attorney is fact o! uid mortgagor to make weh recitab and w eseeate aad
<br />saaveyatsae tend hereby eorman4 atsd agteaa that the resists q made shall lfa eRectnal to bar all equity or
<br />right of redemption, h~eNracl, dower, and all other exemptions of the mortgagor, alE of which are hereby
<br />esprarlr waived and ooaveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br />E, tu) take any other appropriate scrim pursuant to sots or Federal statute either is state or Federal
<br />court or othersviae for the diapssrtim d the property.
<br />In the event o(a sale m hereinabeve provided. the mortgagor ar aov person in possession under the mortgagor shag
<br />then 6eeome and be teaaan holding over and shall forthwith deliver poaeeesioa to the purchaser at each ask or be
<br />tatmaariiy diapamesaed, in accordaece with the provisions of law applicable to tenants holding over. The power
<br />and agency hereby granted are coupled with an interest and are irrevocable by death or otherwix, and are grm[ed
<br />sr enmuktive M the rensediee for eolkctiaa of said indebledaees provided by law.
<br />4. The prtsxsda of my sale of said properly in aoeoedarsee with tits preceding paragraphs shall be applsed ftrat
<br />to pay the costs arxd tapeaaes o(Mid wle. the ettpsaam raarsrsil;b3' tbattsartgagtx for the purpose of protecting or main-
<br />taining raid property, aad reasonable attortrcys' fees: serandfy, to pay tbe~indebtednees securevl herebv ~ and thirdly,
<br />to pay say aurphts or ezcesa to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br />S. la the said praperty is sold ai s jtdicial forsxlowre .ale or pnrsttaat to the power of a.k hereinabwre
<br />®raated. aed the praceeda aro trot attfieient to pay >he fatal kdebied___ secured by tbk ia:tramsst aad esidenosd by
<br />maid. proaaimory note, the mortgngee vili be entitled to a deficiesey judgmeae for the aaaoant of the dejicieaey ssirfa0at
<br />~~~~
<br />ti. In the eaene the mortgagor (sib w pay any Federal, state, ur local tax assessment, income tax or other tas lien,
<br />durge, fee, w other ezpestse charged against the property, the mortgagce is hereby authorised at his option w pay
<br />the saase. Any soma eo paid by the mortgagee shall be added w aad become • part at the principal amount o! the
<br />iadebledaeae evidenced by said note, subject to the same terms and cooditione. If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />diseb.rg~r. the indebtedness evidenced by said pronuasory note, and shall pay such awns and shall discharge all razes
<br />and liens and the costs, teen, and expense of making, enforcing. and rzecuting this mortgage, then this mortgage
<br />deli be rsnaekd aad sarreadend.
<br />7. The covenant' herein osatained shat! bind and the benefits and advmtagea shall inure to the respective sttc-
<br />eeraees and ariiaa a[ tht partim hrreaa ~'heaerer rased, the singular number shall inelade the pbtraf, the plar.l tbs
<br />aiutps3ar. aad Cite tors of say ewer shall iaehtds all geadees.
<br />t 1Vo waitm of say soyeaaM herein or of the obiigatiaa sxurad hereby shat! at soy time thereafter be held
<br />m tat: tra;rr= ad *~¢ t~'nai hereef ter ~ notes secured herebv.
<br />9, ~, aaaap}imtee witi; aectisn 101.1 i d) of the Ruka and ReatsLeiom of the Mall Burinms Admiaistratma [ 13
<br />it 16l.ltd) j, tits itaatrosaat i. t: ba eeaatruod aad enfomd is aeeozdaa« with applicable Federal kw.
<br />1S A dam, ordxv, er juddtreat lsoldhsg my Prom ~ portion of ibis iuNrameat in_v_.li,a .,.
<br />asiwsaa~ar assn sot is say way itwpair or pexlade the enfsreement of the remairria6 provisions or portions of
<br />tllfs ida~rmiaat.
<br />sea asrv s+r a~r.*ax c ~ •,^ • ,
<br />