<br />L Tlr ttt aev~t aei ttgraas r fifMw:
<br />"~~~_ i~t,~y~3~
<br />•' ~ `~ P~PdT Pay tJx lad nvide~eed by aid preaaireay twee at [tie ti~ri aed is tL
<br />tttrrer tierena prrvided
<br />b. He rrill Pay aq tasea, aarsarrttag, araty rates, sad outer geveeaseatal or aeadeiFa) ~ fates, w
<br />iwPaiffaaa, for tsleidt Pr'avisiaat itas err bets made h~efoe4 and tri$ pttttttptiy der fire aiatai raadPY
<br />thwefor m the said taoetgasae.
<br />c, fin welt par such espenees aad fees as ma9 be itxarred is tlx protection and mainteaanoe of raid
<br />property, including the fees of any sttortxc empbyed by the mortgagor for the collection of anv or all of
<br />the indebtedaers hereby secured, or for forexlowre by mortgagee's sa&, or caret proruedittgs, or in any other
<br />Iitigation ar proceeding a$ecting said premises. Attorneys' teen reawaably ieteurred in anv other way ahaH he
<br />paid bq the mortgagor.
<br />d. For bdtn atxuritp of the indobtedrwas hereby aecored, upon the regetrst of the mortgagee, iv [ue.
<br />censors or awiRas, ix ahdl extecute and deliver a suppletrtental mortgage or mortgages covering any addition,
<br />intproreanmta, or bettertnmts made to the property hereinabove described : mf all property aegnfred by
<br />ie fit.- the dasF bzssaf ;all in faun wtisfactorv to mortgagee i. Fttrthermoea. should raortRaaor fafl to cure
<br />any dd'enit in the payment of a prior at inferior encumbnrtre on the property rlr:serihed by this ittatneatetaf,
<br />tsarrtgagor hereby agraea to permit mortgagee to care enab dataul4 }wt morigaRer is not obligated to do w;
<br />nerd welt advances aha.ll 6eeome part n! the indebtedneea secured by thin inatrvmmL wbjeet to xhe same
<br />forma attd eonditiom.
<br />r^. 1'Ix rigftts creattd by skis conveyanx shall rrmaie is full force and r$act during soy poatpanetnoot
<br />ur extettsion of tree ximr of payment of xhr. indehtedneas evidenxrd br said promiswry note or anv part thereof
<br />reaetred herabv.
<br />f. Ifs will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of Hoch type or types and in each amounts a€ the
<br />wort@,~,ar may from time to time require nn the improvements now nr hereafter on said propcriy, sad
<br />will pep PramP~7 when duo any premittma therefor. All ittsurarace shall be carried is campaniaa aaoePtable
<br />to tttoetgagee and the politic and reoewab thereof shall be heW by mortgagx and have attached thereto
<br />lar payahk rLttaea in favor ~ sad ie form a«epta6hx to the ttaortgagee, la aura[[ of loses mortgagor will give
<br />imscdiare rtotiae is wntittg to mwtge®ee sad nrort6a6a'a may make proof of lam if trot made promptly b7
<br />+a°d'~t i~r~c+e ssaapaaT ~araed is harelty authorised ao+d directed to toake
<br />loan derealy to ~ ittt6ad of to pepmetforart$
<br />Para theroof. may be a ~~ "'~ ttterigagee jointly, sad ibe iesnr prorawds, ar nay
<br />PPS ht' awrtgaaae u ib option rather to the redaction of the indebtednasa hereby
<br />aeeated or to the renoavyioa a repair of the Property damrged or destroyed. In arm[ of forerlwate of 263a
<br />tiarFgage, or other ttamfer of tithe to said ptoparty in estittguiahtnaat of the iadebtednw aontrod h*~y. all
<br />riEphta uitle, sad iatermt of tjx >e~tfPtgor b and to say iuaetzattas aoliria3a tbm sat force shell peas to 4he
<br />pu'•,rehaser or mortgagee or, at the option of cite mortgsRec, may bie aturcndered for a refund.
<br />,q. lie will keep all buildrttRs and other intprovesaeaU oa said property in Roof repair and rnttdifi:bx;
<br />wilt parmi4 cotttmi4 ur w$ar ns. warts, impairmen4 deterioration of said property or any pari thereof;
<br />ua the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premises and those erected on said
<br />premises, or improvernenta thereon, is good repair, tits mortgagee may make each repsin o in iU discretion it
<br />may dawn ttecesaary for the proper prescrvatieo thereof; sad the :all amount of each and every web paytttsat
<br />shall ba imutealiately due and papabie and shall be seemed by the lien of thin awriRaRe.
<br />k. fin will not volnnurily create or permit to ba created against the property subject to thu xmtrtgagc
<br />auy lien nr lime inferior or wperiwr to the Lisa of thin mortgage, without the written cottxnt of the mori•
<br />gagae; sad further, he will koep sad malntBtn the sniffs fray from the Clmnl OI all persons 6nppl YlOR labor Or
<br />materials for atnarruciiaa of anv and all buildings or improvernrau now bring erected or to be erected on
<br />said pe~c:s:isas.
<br />i. He wilt nut rent or avaigrt any part of the rant of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove,
<br />or €uhrtantially alter nay building without the wrigen content of the tnortRagee.
<br />j. All awards of damages in coauett3oo with nap rnudetaaetion for public use of or injury w any of the
<br />property subject to the mortgage are hereby awgaed and shall be paid to mortgagee, who may apply the
<br />anew to payment of rite inrtallmm4 lot doe under said note, and martgagce is herabp authorised, in the
<br />name of the mortgatot, to ascots end deliver vat arquittenee3 thereat and to appeal frog say sash award.
<br />k. 't'he marigager sha>I hays the tight io inspect tl~ mortgaged prsmi:as at any rz-aaot+ablo tiara.
<br />2 fkfauk.-ia any of the eoveaauts or couditioos of this iosirunprna or of the nose or loan agreement secured
<br />-dt#fl,tarm»tate the murtgagot'srtght w puasearioa, use and enjoyment of the property, at tl:r. option of the
<br />ar his usisw 4it 6eina aareed that the murxaaaar shalt t,a~~ ..,..t, .:et,a . .:t ,era...., __ i
<br />dlGat~, the mortgagee shad become the owncs at all of flea rents :ad profits accruang afecr default as smtrity
<br />fire i1}ti itbtcdmm secured hereby with the right to enter vpoa acid property for [tae purprrse of collxtiaR such
<br />aMW aed praSY. 'Cft» itlaReawesM shah operate es an asaigaareal rtf any reatah wt said proper} to Thai extent.
<br />