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L'srn~tx COF'E?iA;YTS. Borrower and i.ender cavensm and ague as follows: <br />€. Ta7eswr ~ 7!tlneipl tN Lteraai. Borrower Shan promptly pay when due rte principal of and interest on the <br />:~trte~ evidenced 6y the Note, prxpayttxnt and fate chargts as provided rn the Note. acrd the princrpa! of and rmereu <br />on arty Fture Advances secured by this Mextgage. <br />2 Fonds Eer Trues ant Ewsee. Subject to applicable taw or to a written waiver 6y Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />to €,entfer on tf~ day monthly :trstalimems of ptfnt:ipal and interest are payable unrler the Nae, until [he Notc is paid in tun. <br />a slam (herein "Ftm~"} egvai to orwtweifth of the yearly taxes and assnsments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and grotmd rents an else Properly, if any. plus ono-tts=clfth a! yearly premimn irtnaflments for hazard insurance. <br />pros otse-twelfth tsf yeafly Premium ittstaHitrents for mortgage irtsrtrance. if arty, all as reasonably estimated initially and fran <br />tine to titrtt by iutsder rm the teats rd asaasments and bills and reasonable estimates ihe:mf. <br />The Fonds ahan 6e betel in an institution the deposits or accounts at which are irrattred or gwranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency rincitding Lender if Lender rx such an institution). Lender abet! apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />rrntrrance premiums amt gmund reins. Lender may na charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account. <br />or verifying and compiling said asusstnents and bins, unless Lender pays Borrower imercsi on the Furls and applicable law <br />permit Lender to make such a charge. Harrower and luttder may agree rn writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that rmerest on the Funds xhall tx paid to Barrown. and uMess such agreement is made ar applicable law <br />rcgvires strch interest to ix paid, Lender slraA red be requrrcd to pay Burrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. (under <br />shaft give to Bortawer, wit6mtt charge, an annual acr:unirng of the Funds showing credits and debits to rite Funds and the <br />purpose far which each debit to the Funds was made. iLe Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage, <br />if the artrount of the Ftmds ttdd by fonder, trt~thee witA the fusure rttonthly instalhnems of Funds payable pnor m <br />the due dares of taxes, aueaments, itrwrance prcmrums and grourd rents, shaft exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />asseaanxnw, insurance premiums std ground rents as they tall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's apron, either <br />pnxnptfy repaid to Harrower ur credited to Harrower nn reronthty snstal{ments of Funds If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Leader shalt teat "x sttfftcieni to pay taxes, asseavnet+~. insure re pxmrums and grated rents as they tali due. <br />Borrower shad nay to iurder any amount rtecessarv ro rrp,ake up the defiaency within i0 days from the date no[icc is mailed <br />byr lutxker to Harrower regttesttng payment thereof <br />Upon paytt~a~t in full of all soma secured by rhrs l4furtgage, f.rndrr shalt promptly refund to Harrower any Funds <br />hx'M ~'by Lender. 3t under Iaragraph tg hereof the Propeety is said car the Property is otherwise acquued by Linder, Linder <br />shall apply, no Eater than imtnedfatet} pnor to lire Hatt of thr Property nr :rs acyu¢xnrnn by Lender, any Funds held by <br />€.ertdtr as t}se time of application ax a credit against the sums secured fry thss Atongage. <br />3. APlikslinn of PaYauntb. Ualigs applicable law pravidis ,~±therwixe. ail payments rccci4ed 6y Lender Hader the <br />':"vote anti paragraphs 1. sad 2 herreaf :strait be appited try t,.tudxr brat in pay mire a( amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragrapfr : ktxreof, they to interest payable on the Next. then to the pnnwpai of the Nata, and than to interest and <br />prtineipai oa any Future Advances. <br />A. Cam: [tea. Borrower shat! pay alt !acts, assessntxnls and ether charges, fines and impositions attnbu[ahle to <br />the Pnipeny which may attain a prmrity aver rhrs Mortgage. and leasehold payments ur ground rents, if any, in the mantic <br />ptgvtded under paaagraph 2 hermf ot. ,t not pad in such manner. by Burrower making payment, when due, d+rcctlr to the <br />payce thereof. tiarsower shall promptly formate to !ureter alt notices of amoae[s due under rhrs paragraph, and in the event <br />Itorrow'cr shall make payment directly. Borrower shalt promptly turnnh to !.ender receipts esrdencing such payments. <br />Barrawtr stall promptfy dtscharge any ixn which has pnnnty aver !his Murtgagr, prcavided, Borrower shall not be <br />ralutred [o drxharge any such lien so long as &xroucr shnli agrce m wnung to the payment of the abirgation secured by <br />such !yen :n a manner acceptable m L.trnkr. ur steal! ie geed Earth central srh (ctrl hy, ur dzfend enfaecemem ar sucfi lien m, <br />legal prtnezdtngs whri:h operate to prevent the tnlarcitrrcnt of the €+c:e nr forfeiture of the Fn:pirty er any pare thereof <br />;t ~, Nnzatd €rsarsrarce. 8anawer shaft kcep the ,mProvements :tar existing ar hereafter erec[ed an tfri Property imurcd <br />agairta;~ lees tw fire, hazards inrfttded within the term "extended cuviragc~. and stub other hazards as Lender may reyuxe <br />atttl it'a ucrch annaunts and ter suet? tetrads ax Lendic nosy reywri; prosiskd, itr=_t Lerrtitr shat! net r+quiri that tf:e amount tit <br />a^rtsa ::xiuweragi e~xsexd chat atnautu of cayzragt requned fu pay 'p tee trmmn secured by itus Mortgage. <br />~IpO insurance tattler eeavidmg the ttaaucatt._-x r,hafi t?c ;h;t~,.n bt €tarrxsxtr s;;trigct to eppravai t:y i.inder: p,`.sy"ltd. <br />titer sXar: k: a;.pzarvai sha#1 not t?e uvriasanahl}° withheld. Ali prtmiatrM on insure race polices shalt bt paid rn the manner <br />f's'Q1k'!dit•+,s='~= 'P.a=ag:a3 ^. 2 .~r~,f o;. ,f trot pa.d in +xh manner. err H-:ra>vm: naaic:n <br />iner'ramuiso carrier. g gayttrtraf, whin d~a;, d+rectiy to the <br />~eii itnWranee pufictes add rettewak fhemat also(! be .n form acctptabfc to Lender end shad include a standard mongage <br />clause in favor of and rn form acteptahk to Lentkz. Ltrrckr shad have the nght to hold the policies and «rrewals rirereof, <br />oral Borrower shaft promptly furnish to Iundu ail renewal nouets and all recespts of paid premiums. In the event of loss, <br />Bnrrv.>wer shelf give prontpl notate to the +nsuranct tamer and Leruler. !.ender may make proof of lass i! not made promply <br />by Borrower. <br />Uaka Lentkr and Borrower utherwisx agree in wnung, rnsurancc pra:eeds shall M applied to restoration ar repair of <br />else PropenY damaged, pttvtded such restarauoa or ropa~r :s ec:,rramn:atly tensible and the ucunty of rhrs Mortgage ,s <br />trot therdry impaired. it suet rxsuarauan or repa+r is nut economtcatly f.:asrMc nr rf the securny of this Mortgage would <br />be imparted, the snsuraase proceeds shalt rte applied to rltc stints secured by this Mattgagt, with [he excess, if any, pad <br />w Bazawer if chi Property is abandorced 6} Hatrawtr, r,t st Borrower ta+is to respard to lornfer ws[hsn }p days from the <br />date rag>tice rs Hurtled by I.eadtr to Borrower that tM ;nsuranse :arntr otfin [a settle a s.iarm fnr insurance trinefits. Lender <br />is autb~or izxd to coiitct and apply rice er>u:arn:c pr xxeds at Leitdu s optuat tuber to restoraton ur repau ar the Property <br />or to lire stmt, s;rrurid by :ftis Irfortgage. <br />}'.l''nless Lender acrd Borrower atherwrse agree .n rnuog, ens sash apphca;inu ,`t praeeeds to pssnapal shat! rut extend <br />or postptrne tin due date n( the rtwnrhty mstalfmcnts referred t„ is pa: agr phy and_ Ixriuf er +.hangi the amount of <br />such instaifmxnis. it ursat2r paragraph itt hereof !fie Pu,perty ,s acyu,rcd by Ltudxr. ail r,gM, uN.e and interest of Harrower <br />ut oral tc, arr. sm,uearti;e ptaLcdes arxf in and [o tttK pra:zzd: thereat resuiung from damage to the Property prior to the Bali <br />ex aGStuwitwn xiu:t pare to t,eadar w flax extent of the Bunn sectuW ryy this Mortgage rmma<tiately pnor to such safe ar <br />aeyidaitiao. <br />6. lpsv.atlsn and .'Alaialemce M ltrapesty: L,rase-atds; Condasniwiitas; PYrned finis i)evdapmeata, Borrower <br />abaft foie the Pr:_s;taxry ks ~# ..e~~. ~,~+ t>xt :~~ w.wt;. Ls ~mrt ,sup3,; tr~nt ae detenara[;an of the Pmpeny <br />oral shai3 4ampt5 w-dh the ozavtsrxxns ai aa} feast yt rhss Mactgagt sc ., a ;eascheid. 7. ss Mortgage n tin a amt uy a <br />~'+rs'~esiL„...n, cr } i~++nG$ unsi .k-rsir>'~Aaxni. Hmrawer xhaii pcnarm ~dl of Bortowtr "s,,sryhgaiians under the deciaraiion <br />or cavxxtaata crtaivag os gus~ttasttg fix ~.arrdramsmerm or ptannW unu :ixselogtrent, tht by-laws and regulafians of the <br />i{taunt ztr piaatx,~ u¢st dxxeizpnixzu. and i'unsttttt2nt doettmxnte if a ,;ondcmmium ec planrrW i,nu development <br />tssler a xxa~sttth! iq Boracwat and rtxotded togettret ss~rUt rhrs Mortga~. rite tin-enantx and agtexmettta of such nder <br />xhaH-be incorporated taco amt stern amend std suppktnera the covenants amt agreuitents of dos Mongagc as if the nder <br />rera a part hereof, <br />f, in~teaea xst tdr. <br />--~.rr f•` ~=„-x.i fai.i to ptzfarm deft cavxtuttts an.t agreements conlamed m ehrs <br />1ltzacfiagt, sx if anY acron :;r praueadtgg n commeitcad whtcb ma:tereally aBeets i.endcr's ,merest ra the Pmperty, <br />>•sc8txtmg, but ru.~ hrtated to.. emurety 6omain. srisoiveni.y, cotes tnfarcetuent, or arrangxrrtents m pruc.eedtnga rsr~oismg x <br />isgyknapi or dart-dent. tirxa Letdct x i.xndez'4 option, up<sn no:yce to 8wrs+wer. may nmkt such appnuarrcts. dsstsurst such <br />arsine sad sake rn~h acedrr as ss necewsat} tv protect Landtr'x sn...rsat, rntisxtsnZ, tali rsot 3rmued t,>. d~sburxmtnt ,~r <br />ra!¢tk a4ranteY'i fns sad envy ixPart rlta Pmperiy to make rtpesn. If tender :equirid murrgag¢ insurance as :r <br />tt making !tie (sett tesuzr43 tsy the; Mtirtgaga, Harrawxt shalt pa} the prxmsurns reparrui to mainunr sus.i; <br />alavtanc:4 m id'atf rttsW ayr3t ts~ as tiw r`~tet_'erne;t~, far x:rh ::tsurarr=t tzrtneaatxs m ac,:ordana:c with Hxrawers and <br />