Form 3U8 B
<br />
<br />Leader; wrttea agtetnsens ar appficabk law. Borrow sluli ply the amoum of cell mortgage ensurarsce presYtituns in [he
<br />mavrYer provided vrtder paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />My artsoutxs rfi:batsed h}' Lrn&r pursuant to thin partgraph ?. with interest thereat. shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secwtd bt^ this Mortgage. Urtiesa But'rower and Lender agree to other terms of paymem. such
<br />ameurnts shall bt payable upon trotice from Lender to Borrower rcgtteuing payment thereof. and shall bear interest from rite
<br />chat of disMrrsement at the rgir payalsle from time ro time rn outstan~g principal uztder the Note tmtwa paymtai of
<br />inttnxat at such :ate world be conhary to appliabk law„-in which evwt such atwtxtnta droll (Year intuest ai the highest rate
<br />perraisdbk tinder apptinbk law. Nothing txtttairred e-, skis paragraph 7 dwdl regsrite I_atdtt to irstrr aay a:pence or take
<br />any arti[m hereunder.
<br />g. Lapeedaa Lender may make or cattle to be made rerwortabk entries upon and itnpex-tiotss of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shaft give Borrower notice prior [o any such ;nxpection specifying reasonable nose therefor related to Ltntrlers
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. Caadesm•~aatloa. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or cortssgtrenteal. in-contsection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of nc~ Property, or patt thereof. or for ttxtveyartce in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assegrred
<br />and sha!I be paid to Letdtr.
<br />!n tM event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall ire applied to the sums xcured by this Mortgage,
<br />wish the excess, if aay. Faid to Borrower. in the event of a panto! taking of the Property, unlma Borrower and lender
<br />ot!:trwix agree is writing, there shall M applied to iht sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums soured by this Mortgage immetiiatdq prior to the date of
<br />taking Mears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the batance of tlx proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />7t tlu Property is aMandoncd by Borrower. a if, aNer notice by [.ender to Borrower that the rnndemnar offers to rrtake
<br />an award cr settle a claim lilt damages. Borrower falls to rapord to Lender within 30 don after t!x date such notice is
<br />mailed, fender is authorized to crollect and apply the proceeds, at tender's opting. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Propem or to the sums secured by this Mort¢a¢e.
<br />fJnitss L.ertder and $arrower aeherwize ogres m writing, an}^ sweh apptir,;om of prtYCecds to printipal shall nM extend
<br />or paatpnnt the due dare ~.?T the monthly irssrallmenta refrrred to in paragraphs 1 and ? Etereof err chnngp itte amount of
<br />such instalimtntx.
<br />lH, Barrasytr Nat Released. Exttnsian of the aioYC tar par^m~ent or mod,ifk,'~auaa of amcYrYi'zatian of i}te Hums raacured
<br />6y thitr Mortgage granted by Lender tcv any swcesaxar in intertst nC 13t)rrawtr shalt Hat nperatt to retools. in any manner.
<br />rf+e liaiaitity of the .srdginal Borrower and Harrower°s stn:etssars m intcrtnt. i_srnkr shall ram FYC raquired to commence
<br />prxottsdiags against such fiutaCtasor err refuse to rxtend time tar paymam or otlserwix modify a~marNration of the sums
<br />stturrti !zy this Mortgage by rczsan of ;znw demand made l+ ihs origia~a9 Fkrrrrrwtr and Bcsrrawer's siuceswrrs nt interest.
<br />1l. Forhearmcs by !.coder Nat a Waiver, Any furbearanct bp• Lcandrr i'o ca'ercising amt right or remedy hereunder, err
<br />oshtrwise atinrded by applicable law, shall ntx bt a waiver of or preclude the exorcist of any such right or remtxly.
<br />Tht procurement nF insuratxe or the payment of taxes or athsr hens err charges by Lender shat! not he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right en accelerate the maturity of the indtbtedness secured by this Morgage.
<br />- irsmedies CamwlaWs. .411 remedies pro.ided in this Mortgage are distinct amt cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy under <his Mertgage or afforded by law err eyuity. and may he exercrxd cencurrendy. indepcndtndv or successively
<br />L3. Sateeaaaa sad Aadgas littwad; ItY~e sad Seveed f.i:MHity; CapHoea. The covenants and agrtrments herein
<br />contained shall bind, and the rights herturder shat! inure sn. the respective successors and assigns aF Lender and Borrower.
<br />subjnet to the Fravisions of paragraph 1? hermf. All mvenanrs and agreements of Harrower shall be joint and xverai.
<br />Tire t:aptions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience only and are not to be uxd to
<br />iarterpa'et or defra€c the previsttrm hucaf.
<br />k'~. yi=ire. @scspt for any :to€tct reytrrrd under applicable lave t„ be given rn artorher manrttr. (ay any noncx to
<br />8orrawrr pnsvided far :n this Mortgage shalt Mc given b} marling such notice by certdkd mat! addressed to Barrawtr at
<br />32te Pr+.~taerty Addresx err .rt such aixer address as Borrower may deugnare i+y natitx to t..ender as provided herein. and
<br />'., t++ s nrn®ce €a `.cndr,- :ha1S h given by czrtiRtd mail, return rtcespe requested,. ro i rnder's addrtys staled iYCrein or to
<br />such ~=t1'~r addmsc as f.rndtr map rstsegnatt bw racuice re tioree. tr as pr_nvtded hrrr:e.. Any nc+tie:r Fr<+videct for :n t3ti+
<br />iv9 µ..N sha-# ~. .°emra t:.c a ~n g;ven to :f +: rtrnve: ur i..erYS~~ r whoa g_rvaa it tSe manatr tksignated fitrcin.
<br />d:5, Llardorm Mortgage; i~'ovetaiwlt r.a»; 5ieyertrhiBly, This for~no of mext¢a¢t a:+enhitYat uniform covenants for national
<br />act ana3 nra;--ttniia:rrt c,r>'eaan;s w~h time€ed vartatrarrn 'rn lurredia-€YZrro to rantre€itttte a nniftxrns stcurrty instrutnemt envrting
<br />=~_! ^::.~::. This Mc~.-isart shall M jevi=rnzd by Se [- rf €hz iuris.#ie=rca; to w-hwk tg„; PrapeHV -s iocatrd. to the
<br />event shat any provision err clause of this Mertgage or the4tiote amflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not attest
<br />other pravuiaos of this Mortgage or the Note wtnch can ice given effect witlmm the conflicting provision. and ro this
<br />erxf the provisions of the Mortgage and the 'yore art declared to be xveraMle.
<br />1S, Barexrsver's Copy. Anrrowrr shall I+e furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the time
<br />of execution or a€ter recordation hereof.
<br />17. Trauk'er of die Property; AsstrwPlioa. If all err any part at the i'rtYpctty or an interest thereon is sold or transferred
<br />by Borrower svithaut Lender's pnor wrnten conxnt, euluding tat the creation of a lien or em-umbrance subordinate to
<br />this Mortgage, iMl the creation of a purchase money +ecurity rntcrcst for houxhold appliaaces, icl a uarakr trv devise,
<br />descent err by operaiiars of Eaw upon the death of a ;omt €enant or tdl t!tt grant of any ieaxhotd interest of three years or leis
<br />tux avntaining an option [a purchase, Lender may, at Lender'a apuan. dentate all the sums secured by this Mortgagt to be
<br />inssttrdra€e;y dot a:;d payah?s. Lender shall hive waived such opton to accelerate rf, Frior to the ,ale tar vansfer. I.rnder
<br />and the Person to whom the Praprr t} is to ix s.^id tx trans}er:ed rc~h agrrsmcnt in writing [hat the credit of such pe;s:,a
<br />is satisfttctary to Lender std that the interest payable nn the sums secured by this Mortgage shalt be at such rate as Lender
<br />shell requa~st. 1f !.,ender has waived the Herron to accrirrate provided m this paragraph 17, and rf 13orroweCs successor in
<br />intertst has rxccut<ttf a written assumpt:tin agrrsmrnt uctpttd in writing by Lender. Lender shall reieax Borrower tram all
<br />apsligatirms um{tr this Mortgage and the Note
<br />if Lsndtr txercists such option to ac;.ekratx:, [.ender .halt mail Berrtnvet notice of accckration ra accerdancc with
<br />puagraptr 19 hrrxat. Such not€ce snail provide a pertoti of nsrt )exs than 3t3 days from the dart the nati€:e h marled within
<br />which Borrower may pay the sums dec!actd dtx. If Borrower tails +o pay such .ums error to the expiration of such Period,
<br />Letdtr may, wuiwut further nutter oe dctnatd en Barrt»er.:nvekt any remedies perm,tttd by paragraph ; 8 hereof.
<br />Nob-L'!`ttrl3a~ Cevi:'rxv rv. Barmwrr and : crstet Eurthtr ~c+ve:rant and ag-tte as `srltcws-
<br />fg. AetsJesaaiatrt Rataedi[a. Fsrept as pravir4d M pantgrapi I1 fvreet, apes Bonuwrr's brtach of any coreatmt a
<br />ttgaeeweul td Berttrwsr is this Merge, krcldlq the covtrwrg to Arty wises dot aay swan served by thb tfor~rrgs,
<br />I.ea/Et prior to arttiexatlas rtu® sari netke to Narrawa r provided qt paragrapi 19 hereaa xparNyisg: II) tie breach;
<br />r.Sj the aadas rettaireS to cure sari Dneat6t t31 a tltaK, aer Mao rhea 3i dN'a frtww the lire the aetice is arrTed to iarrwsrsr.
<br />i! wMkh writ 6rsrtrh twwai k cswe~ aai l4;: rhtM failre b care rash 6naci oa a ffeftve the tWt speethd is ttse aWict
<br />rstaslt to ~ ref the woos trsrraed by tbs Mwtprga, fesaciaatae 6y iaaflrl,l preceeGiag sad sale of die Prpaiy.
<br />[tae a6Yrt airtl~ i`wfRRr aworm OarrYwa of 1M rigiu is relaaYfe apt Krrdaarioa awd tie ritRu to aaesrt ire tie [atecaeeae
<br />+pdirerdwg lice stnwrskltaavt of a rirfaah err ay other de(erm of Borwwa fe aecdaatlsa W foeerlaaarc. N the hrearlr
<br />L war ewd an w tretare tee thus speefBd is Urs antler. t.eada r Leader's tpfitaa racy tferlrre aB of the sear sersMed -y
<br />till Mortgage to he iatrad7a4tiy !as ad rwyah4 wtliew frre:er dsasrrt/ awl nary rtYrec{we by mid f^a'~t• i.rnder
<br />a1rltM Ile tsatieEed ~ ra$err is axh psara^d~ cep mews d twsrfawrr, iseaatllaB., b+a sot tisrlyd ra cons of .tocattastatary
<br />svliea~s, ahatsar# sad tid,E raynrta.
<br />f9."s NigAk to Aaiwraate. <<xwtthstarxdtag t stdci s aurkratwa „€ rtx +wns ,.es utrd by rhr• ',forrgagc.
<br />H:.a tu>9;rs ate' tesYr €;e i.-g"-Itt t<-> Itavt .nv Drearsd i , ea¢vrs:r h+s his
<br />mew stun by ^ndEr f" ^ .,e~ifniu:teed a an; :~mr
<br />