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T[ilC ~ PSAt79iLR~ [7QV$19xttf't'B AT[U AGR$~S_ <br />That Nee +tN try ttte reddriedtarwe s'~~IKe$atiwGrxr . <br />Tit ~ ~°rttta6ar' ax ~y'dM!tTer ry( said pr*rpwrty in fww umpie and has 6orsi ri~lt and tearful authorffy to swit and <br />tronvey the seals aed thlL itxe wee-/s felrei egad ~ d srtq ~~ ~ ~.: and:tirat Martgagcr vipf warrant and rlefetd the - <br />titk tc said prelaisee sigsititt¢°°-fll~e e)tdetft'A1'>$ gam +'~cttibtnerr <br />To }itTy it~xN~,Aststeiy`9a'hen tide serfi paysiir sE! gtrterM-tar=s.. gxss~Lxi fazes. apeeiaf amesrm«nis. wafer etsargea,--se+ser'swrv- - <br />icw charges, and dtixar taros and %itrxtgwa ayainK-aaih pxoiperty. and aA fazes irwiwrf m9 ttw Awbt xr9`umd hemby, arxd fa Furnish the <br />Mmtaaaee. otxm regoeset; with the origtnal or duptisate rtnxiptn therefor. The Mortgagor agrrw. thag--itxtrre sptsit ire added to-. <br />each airmthig payment required hereunder +fi under the wvitterxrr rd debt aervreri herwfxy an arrr.nrnt estimatr.d hY the MartgeLee - <br />tn }ie stxerrpt{` GF aae[xi6-:t[[a •~. !o txey, ax they t camsr chin. aq Rif[lsa. aexet9r wr9ertta. arM :,imilaT chsrgee ~apsn. Ylxa~pzeai- <br />rsea sufij-i9M tireewti>; any tiwifx~ie:rxev Fra'aarixw rd fhe inauRx9rrry of such adrtifwnat pavmenf ,halt he forthwith depad[ted by tttr- <br />Mart;at~ar snttx tJxe Murlgagee upon demnnA t;p~ Urr Mortgagee. Any delantt vrdrr +h~s <br />paragraph shall M deemed a rpwfault in <br />paymmr of 2asax. asaeasrawnis, nr similar charges requxrert hwrruwder <br />Thw Mnrtgagr:r agrees :hat there :.};all ap.v9 M aArfwA :,. ,•arh m..nthp~• taynirnt -d fr: rtu:~rpap and inmreat required-ixexe. - <br />under an amrwnt <wtimateA trY (irP Mortgagee to hr sufficient to .•natstw the Mortgagee t,~ i - it hrn,mes Aur. the inauranc <br />prrm9um :xt enY ~nsuran::r Ix.iicy ,taiivrrwd in the Mortgage.• .4ny rirficrrrus- israusr• :,f the Yru;:x(ficiency :d such addiiinnal pay- <br />mwnts shat! pa. forthwith deiMSitrri-hy thw Mnrigagnr with the !-ior[gager open :temaruf i,y the ,l4ortgagae- Any-defadk under thix <br />Iaragraph stiatl ha Aerrn.v! a drlauli rn ttn. paymrnr ;,; insaxrarsce premiums I[ the pr9lirv or pensr.ea rtepusited are snrti ms ttrrme: <br />owners err 'apt risk pexliries, and the :irpnai t. n r nvs~cient to. ;fay the rnt~r.-- ; rernium thw Mortgagee mac- apply the deptarit to <br />pay pnrruurna nn Ytales required trs he irrsureA tw thia_mnrtga¢e <br />Pe'r'm-`nt made by the- M.,rtrag..r ~inder r}9e abnv~.. f.;.ragraphs ma at ~. h,~ :mti~n .st the Mertgager h,: held"t9y it and ".-' <br />9vn:mingteA with Mier ,urh funds nr its owe. funds ,'nr the payment ,d suchv,trms .ind rntii ,.,, appbed, such payments are herehv <br />plrcpgnrf a awrunty Sur the untwrd balance :lf the mortgage ,nrtehtrdne+s ,. <br />I'„ yxrrx.~urw 8 1 ir, : p t f n v i ":t ', rage d v aI ll..o- [ 1 tt I9 rttirx^e ur pmd I lwie a rl ' <br />- «wais tpire'euf, rivi err+'.1 xt 1: i it rx 9.a F f, re~ •,! 'p: ' c ~:v t ' e n9. h I t , reu '.n9r, agta I t ..ire nntd ~Y:hvr ensure a <br />haaarrla, ras9aaltxwa, rxrd cuntingwneies as he Nf:krtgsnRtar .new req Yr9rw ~n stn .mooted yi~xtual Ea,Y the iride5rtadaasa sea^rtred by thbs ,n. <br />Mzurxg snit ir9. n^ mpam... - .m'pt i h ~ •c+ t «. p•ir,etcaex ,:}u !:.'n 1' Y '4~t,:: h x : n Parser ~f rr.9d r.1, form accr[rtabpe tc, the. Ipinrtga.. <br />gee. 8n the ,t+ent. an I d.c:'r :, -. r w~wH rr tm;tar {.9, 'd -.- :~x~Ia nnl::n rF,.., >vt rt Nl trftle'r map pen+rrrrr a,ranc«. „n the , <br />imtYrnNSwrnrrnts, fnY9'y ti u. fur:~tnrnm htr r«tor. sn:N ax.d, n. Iual I«,•~; run~lal I• .pxor~ .. !'. tmu ahN,9 wrtt nt+,rnnt t the rate ~et ~~ <br />9 <br />Fr.rrth 'in surd noble untlS pmnt :ued „frail Iw n .~, t~ ' .,ortuagl rY, n nr .:r. Yht~ t <br />f rn M. f h b A vr.gaga } h G:u h "- n. eta <br />y <br />as sn9 hurn9in req .et rx~rl tariur r- I nu > f t r I h ;nil, nr ph I-'~ ~r I.h \! rtg la -t tlkt f 1 tt <br />!unite ihw re erns rt there nr,rtlgagr. nc~~ .iepi9 r9 I „e~r~. ,.r Il"1 ..l,ald -r.. +hn .~.9 nt .t Irf,ant l't- ,,nfitlelrt+ ,, atv,a9tnm. 09 . f the <br />warned prem.lum. 9n <br />A v sums rrc'e ~.-i l.x~ ,. .~ l1 ortk ¢: - -t magw _ _ - -. ar :-r na the Ucrrzagee <br />and aPPp-.1 !owanf :hvl t:avrru~ot „t the t-ht :,c .unn. t,c .ptu,.,"f t r >L r.gagu. w[ ., ,lrhrr unopiv , <br />part may 1x'• patd :, -o !t.e. `-i.:rtgn>i•~r 1., Iw ..:. ,rIJ}'.. ,..fw9 r - .,- ri.hngs .r r - 9i.t logs , . it t~iar-e :. ,,.. ~r . <br />oticer , vrr - 9 <n ' i ~ ~ bolt,! m - <br /> : r vh;rct, ~a LSfrn-t„ry I, chr. Nr. rt e;.s,e.- .•~th.:o9 ~lltlreecnK ,i,. ,Nn .., ~. h.- ~,,.,rtgagr f.,r chr =uli•ue:l ~. ure•p here}. <br />by hwtmw su:.h paY'ment .-vrr 1,,,,4 ptac. <br />1 , t:rtt.snptt i - .+,tr r. « d 7 °arddrn.+ - - t t - tt - - - hr <br /><:9nar rtarnagad xx A i ., k,vn, , .: i, rx9srs r .ei ,,..utr f: at. ,un..t rrxnrr and 9< - 3 <br />-.faint r-t !.e .n.t :,-sp =^>=aiy. -, zsnilraiecs i.n n : n I9wr.,.w. .,,. ,. 4 I tt9 ' l~en rir <br />~A prrdxnrky n9x tv prrnYitaw~de , +erd , r-t : :,. ]r~ -9ny -~tr+-r .,.. i. rrhy r,,, „; „t r,1 <br />i I I r~ by d -h I i <br />laow. v,apuah}e, na9z to d~u»arsapt yr '. uy,uxvr rte :, i,: t: y a ei t r vY..o, ., ,: ,t'.l ..r ,r.J . 1I„ .l, -+y, ,r. r n . is :f ! .w wits. '. eepeet <br />.c~ ~i9m r$.4.r}k ak'en.: ( .xr9+u :For use rn.-rwwtl <br />t lea .'E..lyi~" Y^•=i- >:a: js,. A. '.. :rc~.a,{ 'nkr., .,r i,uarnn ,iv .s~. n, ,:,,, 1.uf.1,,. :, ". trv!' ,-su,rP. :: ,,.ride rY :a[eiii <br />pwr'.e9vi,enlg run<ir r ~ rght rt :r ni t rkrn xru n ir, rYny .~t17«r ,ue an r :M 'S1' ER YR « .hall to ,., ', ttrd r., .II .....,ly.n~r,;ys- <br />8warit%_ a .I 'ink .It:K N+l~i'+Ev'flt 3" _r.e r+ -5 -, y,;#,1 MllafS IIP, Nrk EYG~ks', #I Ct~ -Ffj'P 3Ft, ,ir ,: •pzllw'ienR`e.. IDp[Y~•!Gr !n altll pl'Y.XNi~Ufr In 1219 <br />Uwn !~ffiiY ARV U~ .: r.ri~'r~. rza, - -.. ^,>k -sF~ - - - T--..~ - ~.-„ ae .. a:h ,vc - g yr ,famage .S It ±uCh <br />ctaepsnzatxxxe, awerds, xtemegea, right rd actor. axsd !near+ni r« twreby a.eaignrdt., the ;VSnrtKagew, M> wy, after deducting <br />theasfrt»n sU ifs eap9nxrwa, roiexxau any moneys w rexns~d by sd cr tarpiy fire aatrw on eny rndeWedmcaa se.;urrd F:rra+hY. The ivtort~ <br />tisLuc aerate txt t9raetxie 9ixrtx tu€thgr arxsxgnn9ar+ts of arty n::npwtxeaixun, awards, rtrtmages, sent nghta of a..it9+n and pen`-cede an thw <br />Mtsrtayee tam cequire. <br />That uY care of failure to perform any of the; u.wrwn9., Herein, the 1lortgager :nay de ~~n the Mortgagor's t+ehalf rvrrvthing <br />ao cwwxtaaieii; that the \Aurtgagl-.n Hwy ahu do any act ,t mad :lean „•• sore' n: pr.,tect the I,rn ;hrrrcrf; that the .'vi wtgag<,r well <br />repgyr txptxn ttmxWnd any manes paid m disbursed by the Mnrtgagrrr(rr any nt rite above par}9rsra- and such mnrteya together M-xth <br />intatMN tixereort st fire rrur provided in saix# note shall hecumw so a:w,h addittonap uxdetuwiirten he.seby secured and may he in <br />e{ud~d in aqY decxyr, toreclaairrg true murigaga serf be patd ,~ixl cf the renw nr pn..;rerta ut sapn of ,wed prwmiNU if not niherwise <br />peid; fixer Yi x}nati txoi tea eidi~trry ttpur. the Merigsgee w :rrqu9 into the vaudity :,, any Iren. or9cumbrancws. , r{aim . aA~ <br />vsnchxg xganpyq.a,xt ahaa'e autttariaatt, text xtatttipg hereto ccxrtained ahsi_I k9e cons_truert as r~{utrurg t:x MoHgagee tc advan.-x any <br />nrerrrya iar May attcJ+ purpose txpr to de enY ac't hereunder, aru! that Martgsgxre shaft Hai rricur any I+rnarnat Natality twcau.•r :>( any- <br />tpxtng, sti may' d4.. or 9rdxit ter do hexvtxxxder, <br />in ktre event ref the ,irfauii by ~tvr tgpigur :n the; payxaent of any rnatsllment, as r«µuir«s; by !h+= =yotw secuced }9en=isy.:, <br />in the perfarlisaatcc of fire gLliggtian in this ranrigage cr .ins .fie note steered Etazreby, the Mrxigagre 3twpi ew «nirtped in declare Lhw <br />ti~nq~tsast hexr~$pr ~P agai#,p4Y#ib11C rgtttxwtt rxe4iee. sad the Mor ttagee ni9ais be entitled at its upturn. withuai m lice, either by list!! <br />xxr 6or: s re[siver to fie eppniitf^d try the t?tktrt thete9ai, and without retard to the adagwcy of any security tnr the indabtedaeas m" <br />cured hpxlsy, kx ttrier upon and takt• fxosie%aion of the mortgaged pr¢mizex, atui txa coplect and receive rise rrnW, Yaaues aed profits <br />t:s-rfd. eat' "-w'e~ t~ err°, '~ r ::t ?B;., sv at=e a.-ran. ;r~rn €l~ :ndeixw;;acsa secamd t:.- thra mrrrtgagw: satd rents, <br />ixrluwf atsri pna6& b€rrfff' sasgt+xd Eo the Mnrtgag..~ as further ,urtir- [xnr the pay n9e:i3 of ail in.twbtedrreaa ,r~urrci t9erwhv - <br />~t"tae +1AWaipnit+r shall ha<r$ the pcrwfr W aypsurtt any agent .,r ageatc it may des,re for efae ;wrt+t+w' a( rrpakrirsg vais3 pm~rt9. <br />. tsnGag thu: sN~. asliry{, the Hants, reyenurxx a.e.9t strcrane, and it tray fray ,ut csi ,wed 9nr->ixac alt Frpenses :ruv reed :n rent.. <br />+tx; ~ r9aat AL- the :tPtne acrd stf t'tdprciing Ihr sentala ityerrfram. The twlsnce srtuainirg. if any. sha;i h«~ applied toward th:. <br />a! the ax~t~ga inde6(tnt},t~. 'press aaeygaemrnt ie t., termutate and hetonu• Holt and r+nd utwn rvlresz of arts rnartg.'xg,R.- <br />_. <br /> <br />