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.~,. Mr_.- ~ _.~._. _. <br />! tur®ethe~~e~ wlth ail tcrurttenfit. heraiiiarrx'xlra and appurtetsaneen heiwtgng thaslo <br />r <br />'leaf) xAw AND tV t30i.D the abex detxxi4ed prerrmaea with atl the prhdi~w sad ~ Uaertun W betosrgt~ <br />"'~ a!t reiHs,-i~rasand profnc tltersofueno-Mort6tAee, fcKever. Aai lkxigagtn hareby earsattHS that MortRa~or is we9 and trtAy tam of <br />a grsod trite to tree prandfn zbaRe eonveYad in the Tarr, et fsr mnpfe, and hs >~ ri~rt and hrvtd a~odty to aonrey the sane. atad <br />that the title sa canusyed h clear, fra and unimumbsred exxpt as a;herwlse notsd and itrgt Aiortga~r wfl! foreetr wamnt atsd de- <br />fend the sattx to Mortgagee agaimt at1 dsirttc whatsoever. <br />'Fhk Ittrxtgage it gran by Hortga~uts W secure ilia pu#ottttana of e~ ageertarttt contamtad hes€itt, aad to sat,Vre the psymenf <br />of-a lane in the ~aeaowtt of the Totai~ of Pi.7rtaants silttwrt above, whidt lean beirgt tvulensrod by a prntnirory ttaae heaeirg a~ ice; <br />tuESw{~ ~td.evitieh u farther dererihad airovt. _ , <br />- PROYFDED AI_WA[rS, and thcsr pteaents arc upon the expressed condition, that [f the Mortpprrs thaiipaq fa fult-to the Mart <br />gst~'tgrantiairiry [rote bea£mg cven date haresr9itt in the amount set forth alwve, payable in instailmavta atxxvrdhtg au tfw teaeetitera <br />of togather with interest as set forth therein, and shatl pay a>r taxes and assesamsnts levied open -said raal estaiebefae the oiric he=- <br />cantes delinquent,and ksep the twddings on said prantises inwred far a sum equal to the iadalstedaess secrt,ed herdrY, too, if arty, paY- <br />at~7Sf3ttte s7ld idartgagse, then thus presents to hs mdl-and vad, otherwise to 6s and temot{t in full Fora. <br />T#IIfi9! MWtI'6AGE in ALSO TO 1lE. ANH CGNTINEfE TO Jam, BROhf TtA~ TO T7ltttr, SEfiUR1'iYFt~R7~PAYbit~'EP <br />OF.; St3l1 AR;~1~ OF ]IONEY AS T4~ MORTGAGEE MAY RROM TfliE TO THE IN THE FITI'[IRRE AHVANCE TCi TNE. <br />It1l~ AND EVfDENCED &Y A S>~!PLEf~!v'f'Al: NOTE OR NOTES, BtTi NOT TO EX(~SD. T~ TOTAL -OF <br />S*.'!*.~27 r1~.. ~:7.~k't~".~~*~XCEP3 FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT A~IY 8E MADE TO PROT'EG7' Tl~ SEC.1HttTY EN AG <br />C/3RDtt(WCE iVlli! THE TERAf.S OF THIS MORTGAGE.' <br />~` ~ Additfonai Terms anc}_Conditiaas on the reverse of thin agreement are reads a pan stereo{ and incorporated herein. <br />~` _ <br />~`' INVFITNE3'S `NiiERGfJF, tt+s said Mortgagors have sxecuted thcise prassnts the day and year fleet abcwa whiten. - <br />'.~'.. <br />SfATEAFN~BRASK,A } <br />.:a ) SS <br />tOUNTY flF- $AS.L } <br />O4'r tith~5thday oC D,°,CII113ER t 9 80 , before me, the under~gned a Notary Public, duty. <br />asmqusatt~ and gtwlified far and~ie said start and county, personally ume DONALD ti. iQtUSE, A SZYGLE PERSON <br />hH[i L97 HIS OtIAI SIGHT _.~ _-__-_ <br />ur me kttovrn to tX the idsntic~ person ar parsrms whose aaaE~ is or aame+ ors affixed to the ioregt»reg instrument sad ackrtovsiedged <br />fire exeention ihersxr{ to $e hifi, ~r ar thole vt~antatY act and decd. <br />~tt `r~_ Ii~i~Mi-Not I Sr+i the ~1aY send Ycar lust abova written - _ ~ ,'d ~i--~ <br />i ~ ~ n ~~~~i (- <br />t,F c «r.~tiit NC)ri'ARY Ptt61,IC' --------- <br />^f,..rn,ii~V.=is,nnfx,eva9s' , <br />tees. i, tl;r<; <br />r" <br />IdY ~ expires the _ day of ~2"fi~ r>,tG/' _ . 1 v~ " <br />- NOTICE SEE aTf[ER StllE "t=ag AUDITfaNAL TERNS .4ND CONIiI"I IONS <br />NER. R.E. <br />ORtG:NAi, <br /> <br />J <br />t~ <br />