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<br />~T~i~~llfl'E~`~3 <br />,..3. The mongsgar rovenanG aad agora that i# he aha!! Edl b pay mold ~ r u+' ptut'tberest when <br />diiy ore shall tali to perform any eovenaat or agmsant of t61[SrRtvatarrt or the praeiwxy Hate aedred hereby, the <br />aai~le'e ~debtadams brreby secutrd shall imeaediateis he~era,/ae, parable, rod a:ilscpibk tr¢Gatyt notice, at the <br />tuna of the moriRagee or aasigete, rcgardkw of mslvr»r. sltJ life taert~spetpr his assi~tts play :ieE4tra m after etsrty <br />wi~aaid propeexy withattt-apprziatmeeat trite enertpyatr hav0yi waived etatENstaipwd to the ettoetlt~e aN rim of <br />.. 1 1i ~ .` i •. <br />t t at judxciai sale pnrwant m the peavisieaa aE jd U.S.G 2001 + r r : ur <br />i tt t >s the wptias of the ntortaaeee, eirhar by altctiea or by aolieitatiaa of sallied bids; far the bid and <br />bent bid ewaplyiag with the terms of oak aad maaaer of paymtntt speeiLgdia thegrabdi iLtsha~i~atiae a[ aaja Etnt <br />giving fear movers' notice of the rittu, trrma, sad piaer of ouch sale, by ad.ertiwaunt ttsA Ica. titan e>ner <br />desttag_earh of uid #otu wadita in s sewaps}er pnblirhed or eliatribla+Cd ip the cotssty >e tt~ said pnapasty <br />b sitsased, all other a®ti~ beittg iseeeby waived by the maxessanr {atad ttrid m tnetle pews eta <br />btdtait of said aortgagsx, rosy bid with the empaiid iadebtedaesa evitkstxd by uid note). Scid sale tthdl 6s <br />held at.,~.~-ii~p_pteperty w be mold ar at the Federal, cotmty, or cixy coart}aoe:e for flu cotmty is wltie6 the <br />pmpttity id 1dtr~td.'~'!u mortaapee is hmby txtttborised to a:cents for sad op bebslf of the xport~ and to <br />'„a7;-:ar to tit sx asr~ ask a aat~taitvt evaaveyance at aid property, which eoareyswee ahaA e~ <br />xeaiils1lt,`e a flat bappitaisg of xh,s de#~aalt spas, which the exeeutioa of the pawar of uhr herein, gamed <br />~ikpeada sild taartgagor hereby roastitssaa attd, sppoiWr the morCpsfNacer, ~' aipmm. or attutra~ey of the <br />eso F~ _' a,aupt amd axtoraey is fart at acid moexga~nt to malts stash reaitsh rued to etaeente said <br />tetpareyaacs Had htnebp corenaaw and sRres that else srtaigptlt so eprale shrll Ira aifaatnal to hsr a!i trgtdty or <br />right tiE re,kstptioa, bernterutad,'datnar, aad sil otbar rxemptiaaa of the mortgagetr. all of wbicit asrr Ntrmhr <br />ralts+haaiy wrived aad' coaveye!ti as the ptorrFs~eeu, ur' <br />iat t rasa atey otlur appropri.te ataiau puraaaut to atrte ur Fedenl suture ritlur in state ur Federal <br />roan ar othrrwise fee the diapaaitian of the praprnv. <br />Ia the event of a uk u hertdttbeforc provided, the natrtgplor t>r say peesou in poastaai~ tinder the tstert- <br />gagor shall than became and be tenants holditeg Doer and shall ionhwith deiirrr poaaersion Io thr purchaser at <br />sneh ulr or be summarily diaporsrsaed. in accotdamx whir the proviairms of law applicable tar trnsnes holdinte avrr. <br />Tba pttver r~ ageaey hexebv graeettx# are raapkd with an iatere+x sari arc irrcvucabie 6+ death ar athrr»arr, and <br />err Rrarttcst tt e+aatniatire t;x the r<,me=:iiea #ur €sslira~€ixnt of sa.idcadrbtednra> pra~riduA by lap. <br />d, Tlu ptatnads of step sale of said prep~:y is aaaardaacx +ritlt tba•-proeadimyl paragrsplu titull be appitad first <br />xo pay elm a+asta apd aspeaaea ~' said abt, tits sapamae iaattrrad. by titagsge>r tar the psa~ptxrrs of prulta_tie~ ar msin- <br />taiutiag, acid pietaper?y. sad ieasturauble iatiarnari teas:. srrttttaliy, to pay tltw. endrirtedarnx serre~red iearrlty: aeiei't~hiedly~. <br />4. par. any aurpltts a:.~ xo the pers~t ar prastpr kttalie ap~ti#kd t:rarm3u, <br />5. is the ev4tt aid praparty b sold n • jgdieiai Etteeekstue oak of putauam w the poteror of ale hereiaabove <br />gassed, and the praaeeda are rwt ntlheieni to pay the total indabtedaess secuzed by this itairumeat and evidenced by <br />said psemisaory ante, the mangags~e mill be entltltd to a dehricacy judgttxeat for the amount of the tk(tciettry urtleeut <br />~ to appratiaratswt. <br />4. Ep the rvaat thr mongagur fails to pa} aa} Federal, orate, ur loco) tea ae.nsaaeeut. inuatue tax ur utbrr tai <br />hem, cluega_ tc.G, ur other eiprwe char agalsst She propertr tht enertgagex is hereb.- authonaed at her optiwe to <br />Pal Ilea attat..Aay attnaa ao paid by rim gtort6apee abatE be added to aad bewewte a part of she principal amount of the <br />ittislttadture eridancad by said sere, sttbject to the saaae teems and coexditioss. If the mortgagor shall pry and <br />dateb+gae iha ,iadebtedaer evidetxead by staid ptwpiaaory trots, aad shall pay steep ateeeu aad shall discharge al! <br />rases aad Yatu,u and the rash, Eexa, sad of making, eaaftxaisg, sad etWtew,ipg fhb martgs®e., then this mortgage <br />rbnA his e~aaaled and wrrte~lerad. <br />y. 1"brt eoveaants hsraP twataiaed ahrll bind stad the btmeib aad advaeatrgaa viwii inure lu t!u rr>prrlive >ur• <br />asastua quad of the pasties 6eseto. ~betsaeer aced. the aip~nlar nambcr rhall iaelnde the plural, the phual the <br />>€ aad etas lase rd say ' a6s1# iasiade all •!' <br />wriva of arty tMttreaast lintels ar ttt the ~trbligpttiaa secured perch} rhall as any time thcrrattrr Ire hri.l <br />b be • wauree ~ the tarav- iterao# ear rd the emote secured lltareby. <br />'1t. is kcal dparaa, order, err j+td~saeat teoiding say prtwit+wt ur portion uE tlti> ieetrtrttpmti invriid ar ntwm• <br />TrMeWSri4~Ia s#ali seas 'tat say wry iatpsir ar pre+rlude tiu aa[oroement of the raeariaing I,rori.ions rrr Ikartiotre of ebia <br />istttsattaaax. <br />itsasad ~rreafaaa nrsliae err ba issttsd a.:dts pnewtatst N tix paeviYCar aE this inssrueraet spoil 6e ad- <br />sad any wsKxm tssttise to be ktsed is the mo:tgrgaa shall <br />Jr -- -' ~ +~ ~ rt <br />tea x~„ rsf ~,- r. <br />