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<br />BQ-- s~(l`'07~ <br />,Bair! Moatis.er7 Dote was gi.aa to aeeatae a loam in which t6z ~tl Baaiww eatire, ar waf flat <br />tldtai States +af .ltuerua, has pastirfiPatmd_ la campliaoce wid amrtkoa wxf the Rule and ei <br />than Serail Smrrneae Admitxiatratiom f 13 C:F.R. I8I.i f d1 j, this inettutreai is to 6e suagrmed and eafor¢ed is aaeord- <br />rrttw atith ttgplimakk Federal law. <br />I-?bm Derr oaavasma sad leas as fsllaarac <br />a: Ns rri9 Fa'awlrllr WY tAe aaa erir-b}r aakd paaasirrrnT tttr~ rtt !ha titw arieir thriz <br />saaanar th~ria pt,7+itied. <br />fa. ffe vriH-Par aR Ltsea. aaaeeaweab. wetlr rtetr, tmd aslmr gseerndmntntoc m~Pai'dt~rr.&aur. et <br />itspeatt~r far which Pta+iaiwan hr aat hew made ; attd well Ptomptl>< delisxr the oficittl reed <br />tharefdr to-the wid tatmrtg0ae. <br />t G Hrwill paf awmh sfrtseea atad fea as map 6m irearmd to the Pemiaetiaa atnd 7nN6taraIIOeof,attid- <br />yriapevig, iatmlae$ityk the tewa ~- an> aeta~ey e~b¢!ed by tha #or the eolleetiraa of ar7 or iS w~ - <br />tha inximbtmdster hereby .eesved. or foneelowre by nrsrtFagera sale,-or tour! proeeadirkra, ar in oar other. <br />Ii13i0asime ur Proeeeadsn~ atwtr[gtg raid propr.Ky. Atixsrnees' Eetsr rwraronablc iacmrred in arse ether-wwx~ be <br />paid by the taurtgagor. <br />d. F'or better xraauny of the iaderhntmdaeawr herwkry .rcu. r$, upon the request of the axartgagee, its <br />aasrerarra war assigns, lrr shall srareute:and deliver a. anPplammatai murtga;ce nr nrnrtktagea rsrvaring s4y~ <br />additions, imprrocrraxrnts. or larrtrrmrnta made to the kuroprrtp hrrrinah<ovr ~ie.rribrd and a.ll praperir <br />rasquirrrk irv tt uxftrr the .ia tr heren$ i xlk ire form e;e tiefantorv 7u nwrrre,.a~„«r i. Fortlu~nnr,ra^., Mhauld rnor[ga,gor <br />fai9 to curt anv defaar}t in the pay rnent of a prior rut an farrior a•rrcunxbrarurr ern the perrkrrrty ~h>aeri:he$ ley <br />whir. i¢atru!ntenf,. rarrutgagrrr hereiny agre~rs to ken. rnaii rnrrrtgattar to ruse nnelt ~4r.fault, bttt tnnr[gagre is rxul <br />ar6ligatmd tar slur a+o; .seed rsn:.le arlx~aarrtm~ ~~~leall l~x~nontwa pa:n r+f the imiarhtrdnrr>. ,~..-u red M'ry tftia Vnatrnnwnt, <br />wolajerf trr i~l,e rrm« terms and cand~itions. <br />r. The rights coated by this runvrvance chalk remain in full farm and rffrrt daring am post{mnrrnrm <br />•x etUm»on of tits time of the k;aymeat of the iudrhtednres rvirirnn+d hr -exd prnmi+~ru+n uo7e ar ant part <br />thrrerrf seeurr$ hereby. <br />,f• He will rarttinuaualy maituaia haurd inwramae, of ruck t<~pr ur tygwx and is each atno4mb as the <br />mortgagee may Fram litrre Gx time rr•quirr .m fhe ingrruvemente rnr, ~ r hrrralirr nn ,air{ propr rt a. .md <br />w111 pay promPtiy when dtu_ am paraur.rtrs therefor. All irtatra¢ee rlra}I ire carried in comgamisa aecepiabk <br />to raanrtgagre; send the prdiciem and rrarwala thereof xhrll kar hrl+t kw mortgagee and hove nttarhrwl thereto <br />loan pa}whir; claeaara in favor rr! artd in farm ascefatahlr to the ntnrigagee. In event at Iaaa, naurigagor wrl[ give <br />imnreadiatr aoiacrt in writi4g to mxnrtitxger. sad nxwtragay~kes assay wnakte proof of loss if not rnado prrrtaptly by <br />erturtpya,gtx, a4tl tarp imruramr raampmp carat-rrnrd ie ktmr+t~ny aut#rariacci and a6are•,cted to nrai:c payment dot rur.6 <br />lama d~irrrtly to mwarbxadee imtrad of to moatgagar and mnrtgatew:e Ivintiy"^ amd the xnsura¢ce pearee~da, or any <br />irtat¢ therrm~f, netry lam aPPtital by anottgaklgte at its ogtiora +^:iilter to the redur:tin4 nd the atxlebted4eaa hereby <br />:a.atcrl nr to tlar r«a:aratian wxr raltstir of liar frialts'artr +iaaaea,g>,I or $e-xtrrrvad. in. want of farmclrwtnre of thin <br />~art~a~,e, ar ether trarufer :u titer to :aid ~r its ea:tinguiahtnrat sf the indchtedaess a-«cured het>e$p. a€I <br />a`ikll+t. title, sad imtereat of rite mortgagor in sad to a4y imurattwx policies then in farce shall pass to the <br />purelraarr ar mortgagee or. xt the uptiatr of fhe nrortgager. ma. k,r• ±n:r+•ndrrrrl Gtr a refuse+l. <br />g, lit will heeg all bniidinga and other tmprosernrnta on raid prokrrrty in rrm+k rrpsir and rondilimx: <br />wall genmirfi, emramit, ur an6rs ma wane, intp-airmtnt, dciertaratia4 of caul t.rok,erty ur am pert thereof: <br />im the eveN of feilure esf rise mrttxgwytor w knelt the Fmildings on sate! prnnisn and thorr• rrrrted un said <br />prenriaea. ar improvemeats tiaereran. in R~ rspaa r. the mortgagee max make r•urV, rrkrairr, er• in it+diecretion <br />it xatay wlmeym aerraaary far lire proper prrservati*an ihraaarf; and tkes foil anwunt of eseh aruk even surh <br />pageu>aaa .hail Ire imnerdiatrly dew amt pa;able: atxl shall lie ,rrure+) bs tier lien of this nmrtgatar. <br />fr. P.e xrill rot :<a~ntarily rrrate or permit to br treated agrurat the prvprrty a-otijc~t ro thie 4rartga~e any <br />limnaar.liwyax inferior or superior to the lira of this mortgage wttbaut tree written consent of the mortgagee; and <br />fnrtltmr. ti W. Ire a+~tll keep east maintuira Ihr ,star Irrr Irom the r~iaum ,~1 ai) irrr.on. -~rptrlt ins lakwr err <br />atsatildrials for c-umWrare4ign~+rf arty,road-all itneldiaga or rmp~roreaa^np~ mew {wxra .~rrrtr.! .,r to hr rrrrtrrk nn <br />- AiM~€ pt'eteriaaiw <br />a Hr wilt mot rent ur xasigm any part of tke rent nt sate! nmrigagrrf pnrprrt. nr drmote,rh, nr rrmwrxr; <br />W „snbstantaali* skier am hntlding without Ihr written rrmarrte o! the mortaaaer. <br />' i- ..#lt'arst~ssrf da~n~ea too trxa~witb-sus roadaeaUOS tar pu`ulu use raf ur itrjnry in arty ul the <br />krrargsriv anb}rct to tkxss mortgage are lesrcbx asatgnrd xnd -hail br paxd to rmrrtgagne w~ taay agpir ihr <br />xariu• ao pseytsrnt of the iamtatikrantr la+u drys undsr raid Harr, and mortgagee :. hereby amhortced. in the <br />. -.. - ~WMaw e~ t6g exArlgmppmr, rn raesvr~ oral dali+ner-volts! aryaittaaeem tkrrrrof arnk to apps! (roar arts each award. <br />d«. !hr_aatprtgaaaa• slxai} hour the right to aixa{arct the tn++rtaagr+f prcurwwa•. ar anv rrrsnnablr tour. <br />-~-aeirtns7's'atiye~~ae enMtptaYRa ae emn~timtar of thxr-ant er of the note or loan sgreet~ea! aarnred <br />!' shalt ksnarisare that nxmrtaagor s riaht sea pnreawuam, nae. and ratj.srmrnt of the property, at the aptia¢ of the <br />i~ os hu araigar pit Miwg ag::mrl tha! itu r4ottaagmc rrhall hour sash right email drfaahy. t'p¢m any such <br />d>~prlt, tixwr ssortgaawns akxafl tnxorrrr the- arrner o~~ ~troata sad preftu arrrnang after default ae security <br />faa-dta iadrbardtsras rr!rrmrrd inrtritx'. witk S:+iltas,e~f+Nr rpyWat ;i~itf- Ptoiaariy for tbt purPnar of c.:lkctirag such <br />r+pta ama$ Pr~£ T'his inrtrunarat rla,xli w»atR-a#af atN t«niah m rstd prupmrtr. to that rztmat. <br />sea •<m,. ..s-. a. <br />