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TiC{~'8 MDft7tGKCr[ftf '-ifR~$R (76VENANI'S AND AGAlSEB: c._- <br />TMt -the-- wit? Pay the is ~. hgrrinetdaee _ 8Q-- f) (17 Q 7.~ <br />That the Mnrlgsgtiv i4 Nr 6tRter of said property in fee ~~ z}~ }}aa g,>,ag right an6 iswful autharifq to sei! and <br />convey the same and tttaf the~a+e a fittse arm Cjekarr-oE eery lie>a~vr epettpe: artd that }:itirtgagar will warrant and defettA~ they- - <br />title to said Premitles . RA2~'chii9ttt 'of ~ pees'okta. x~ltEaaset-- _ <br />. Ta [may"ita~tdratittY'rhett-~l'g a$d~payabie ~! airiel rates: a~eetatt~ta, -'=Peas! saerssnrenta. water rhargen, sewei arrv-- <br />tce charges. and nther'Uaes arui ¢fiarges agatnet safer. nrePertq; and aH-lasts tevieri on the riebk ercetrerf hereby. and to tpral6h the <br />Mortgagee. upon t+equrat.: witb• the -origin#t or daP~¢ate r¢cefpts ttmrefor. 2'ite 4ortgagor agrm that tfiere shall biy-tt8ded ta-- - <br />each nansthlr psyrrwnt regtdred hereundep nr under the evidenc¢ of debt aectrteA hereby an amount estimated Ity the Mortgagee _ _ <br />to Ex saSleci:n9t-38's+tUlb1E'lkls~•b~it~l~pa-ta oar. ~ they t}ecarne dlao, at! tszes. aaeeatanerete, anal n;mihr r6arga#StP.on Ybg?ptsam,_ - <br />iaM sabjeCt ttwr¢ta, arty A¢fieietecy tx•¢auae of ftw ire~utTuiency of such addifiona} paYmertbt chap Fte fortttwstit deP¢ndfnd by the . <br />Mortgagor wish the '.19artgager upon tMmand by she Mnrtzag¢e- Any deEavlt under tfii« paragraph shall t>o rlP--reed a defaait in <br />Payment ,rt tarzea, ear asnenhq nr wmi7ar charges required her¢undar. - -- <br />"I'fr Mortgagee agrees that there sltai! also he-added t.. each monthly Payment nt p:incipa! and :merest required he~e- <br />under an amtwnt ¢stimatrtl in tfw Mortgagee to rte suBtciant to .-nabie rhr MarttfaKer to pay, as ii bc.r•omn due, the insurance <br />premium m} any inners ru'e fx>licy At-iivetrd to the Mortgage .Any datu;iancy t}esause cd the insu6tcrertcy of such additiottai paY_ <br />manta stta7l 'lee farthmith Avprtsitar! by eh¢ Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon dm}anA by the ftortgagcr. Any defaatt under This <br />uarngraph shall he rfeerrted a Aa[ault in ttw g,aymrnt'.xf itts>„ranrr prr_nintmr If the prrliey' ur poii¢ies detHnsifad are stub-aa triune- - <br />aamens nr ad! risk prAine~. and the depxtsi t. an• asut}'tc}enr n, tray the .-nnrv pn•mium, ih¢ Morigage¢ may apply the deposR to <br />pap premiams nn risks requ}r¢d to rr tnv}r¢d 6y thin martgage. <br />t'aymenis made by the Mortgagor and+r the~ahrne ;r ra KraPhs n a} ;,t the -•ptian of the Mortgagee, Ere held~hy it and <br />tt <br />cantmingted with other ,ucA funds ::r ; _ .,w mis 5m the ; mrnt .,t Winch aom~ and until se applied. such payments are hereby <br />pledged as security for rhr unpaid balance ,:( uhr mortKUer ~~^d.•hrednws <br />f pr'rrxvre l I ~. t t f r p ar h t r.'~e-. r i' [hq• I p f th-s m r*g,eq ~.:ng}. ai 7 i, em sad <br />'~rerr}ewals t~Jxerrvrf, Chi vt r J V avp tea d~avs Ixdnr.- , .t, c ur., : s „r,-t x it :- - rvunnq aK,ar }st .ire ,tn 1 rUter maurah7e <br />lsararda, aswelEiea, and *rnttng nci as die bl r4grtgt . t •euu rr. a rvxt yet tltlal to the indebtadn¢sa wecared by this <br />'Mertgag sr<E en 'rompan _- -,+r r:•ptaPile tea ?9 7:-tc«tler; .F. I~ :., ur ,r:,.x . to :.. ,~er f~,u.:,r=p' and e:t t'rrrnn seer=7tfahi¢ to th¢ Iltfa~rt~ua- <br />genr, irr tlzar er er}t +im k ~t.rv x.u, ..; yea ,+-r { tx~.3 r, I.~r..,. -! <_ ~~~n Fir ~ i- t°;r~ `9 .etx aH',e:e,~ mmbr 4rrnru~c«t axusemnr oeo tdae <br />irmt'}trumwntnetis, prey qhe preemie,}r rl . ~.fnn. a i ~ cL ~u hsh P.ra¢n . r r ;.err. lu~.• ux d: p::a yabFe wrt.h rnferc st at. the rate= a.H <br />Pon^th in suue¢i err}or un it },nn n.nrV sY~}atl Fr .«v. ..1 r rhr+. - arr¢ap;r n.r.., 'v an the Part r,i the ?ate}rkgagtrr tcu [urnnsh much crney wets <br />ust kr th rot rv"o}arrrd a Garin rm r' 1'y y em .4 1 t - t C!.:~n t F.t ,r 'f Ih. W4 tKaN :.:,n. a-t a[- a rleFault <br />umwr' :h¢ ternnm of tN - 'nnxtguKn Y~ he dr tr.-+ r. r.t 9«n l lr } , +, :e rhxrdl .~+ r.. nit r eta Lt- ,casatutr an asxsgnment of the u <br />earned premium. n <br />Any ., r...,1 ! *hr• 17 r.r•Kaecr. }.~ awe. .. ..s, .,r rxKV ... - ,. ., n <br />+' - ~~ ..y;arn«t :nay } re•tam.~:l t:e' i' - tito riKaK••+ <br />.red aPP!}ed toward rt,. v rot ,.f rhr mitt !„.ei.y .,, ured -_ +he np,tn.r. •.. .,• 49ongager, such „ rr(her ,'+.huily +,r r. <br />part may ~r f.axi .w r ,a-~he ll.,rt FaK,•r t,> - rar,+ .:- 7-f,a r . u:l:hnys •.r .(i add t, w hudAtngs ether- place ,,: f::r env <br />other fmrlnxar ,r rd,t ~•t•atrslaet,:r+~ t:, th:•• M,,agager .. r, h•,-,- ~rfi~,r _ < ,rn, n rnr-nw m.n rc ur <br />- - r KaKr tar rhr ['ill a tot s ed here <br />hY tw•tore «ux~.h praym¢nt . vrr ..wk i,tace. <br />To 41r•.,mPtly rzPn .r,t?:rr „ -.~iwald Iw.;l,itt ..r ...-.,. reL ,,,,. rt , r _ <br />nom¢ clamagati ar sta~,tnsY. ~ !. ;tP ,ri :, erdtt, nrS reef fn C t~ t--. - iT~ <br />a-,iatm srf Itett n.,k ar,xprrwiu«ty sttFx,,r. .are«} fN., «n 1'.•n~r.I ,. i d;:utf.r : m.rE rev , rwir wlul ..t err .~ n, entr~ t+. + .. ;n <br />., <br />aatd pt•rAprrty n. T to pa~rrnti waa4.¢.u :m ?aid arty.-x r+r .s thrr ar`t v, i t}~t [• 1 : rt ~ • <br />V ~ r hr p .{ Y -, } ! tl 71 fKy=omP <br />Er±w;a vntluanie .nor Ire di~mxxnah ~S rvnte~mt ka , slue q v .~ r.n u t r r r. v.u I• i~.rr rnl ; u uh ali .,.f„ i ve,«nt ..~. i-i ...., . <br />far r r rnx xrtt;agrA :+ oral. wrorY rt Poe u3/' t--s revA _ _ <br />- e9sr-.- r .. + - <br />„shs.;r,. ~19 . mar {ranee ~n~r r r~ tn¢ t,Ymwtpi r.ul' •tw .I .Yi ulrptd •nap=t•.rrex rb}e~t -. rXtzfinrtatM:rn <br />p~rrreeruiiing ..r r.pnule:r 1hr ngiw". ~rntn«rtt d„n ar:, r ~ -n« ~r@uar rvauar r .hr \k: ran ~-, I - <br />asranls, sttd. sus rx'ra° - ,F .rr~ - t- - ~ i'u 'rr .,stw;n~ <br />y ~ t- Y att... ' -f.r. ,. ~trr+3, :.x r.n€rrt,«ne3. xi ~,E*+ . ry.r~r r+.. t+ '. minr nP, n. q}Pt wuNr , A.n.t I~ ra~aecutr i -fs <br />eY,ti:i i3aRti ~=_ 3C4}frf-. -- ,-'ram'- } -- _ .., -- ., .. ,n - ,r., - , v., , .. r,n'h t:akf n? ' r xtamat[r '~11 r~att'Ft <br />centtaresatwn. acvarda risunagrs, nght e:t• set tun amif pnaeeris~sre hereh-r ass}gnrd t;, rhr tilortgager, wla. note. after do iuctrnq <br />tlrreta¢ra tti: ettt esk+entav. rriawsv may. men - ao veep h•. rt , . apPiv :.. +,n . _ ,n,iehtedne~. ,.-a ntr rebv Thr Mort- <br />gaggr a{reac to eaacpke such (urkner aasrgn+mnta rnF asp +. ,nnrr•nwtn,n, nwanra,, . mf nKha+ u( atJ i, en; pnnw.vx an the <br />44astgag¢e may trsttsire. <br />That }n case of tad are [t. prrkunn any r,t ttw r.oaenant, harem zhe '•tortgagre may dr,. un the Ytot tyagur-, ;.<'ha4f .-..~r'. tieing <br />ao eovtuantod; that the Mnregege¢ may also do any at~t rt n:ny :}«.~nr a, r, ,eat rhr Leo rhev,-of. that the 1tnrtgag.,r -w+11 <br />rppgv upsw dcrnared any moneys }slid nr dichtrrsed hY the 'Hurt&ag+~v' t .r any ..t theratxwe nurwnrr,, sort «ut~h :n , c toKether w}th <br />raN,teet titettskm a# !par rate pmv:ttett in said rtctta shalt trecnm¢ xa much addrtianal }ndeAterlnrss hereby w.•ured rand may ks! in <br />clutitYS in env rte¢rse forp,'• thin mortgage and 1>r paFd ,rut ..t the reniF or proc.yx:eia ut ante of anti Premasrs if nut otheewtse <br />paid; 6hai is slnatl r}ut Ix oWigawry uyt:r. the Mortgages fn ftxtu:re rota rhr. ,~aitthty ,+f am her,. <•r.<umYtran. r.. ., r~Esrn: r art- <br />vaaciag mraanys as atraas aptkwriased,. prat rtathing h~rern cnntaa+ed s}tail tw ^e'taatruevt as reriu}rtrg the' :14r1rttpagct- to advaratx any <br />rteggays €or-a#y srKh PsirPnta rwt W rto any act t+ereuttrter. and that Ma-igagee :dtall not .}recur any pecs,uwi habehty because to anY- <br />tixiag it stay dct err umi6 aq do hersvtaiar- <br />In E~ht event ,d ilrv defapti by Murkgaf7ur 9n tiw Payment of a tnetaiimer.}z, as reyui:n! !•y rhr No[e .,sn;urt•d h.•r.-hy'. «,- <br />irr tba Perf¢Rktltwas~e- .d this-cR~gat,ion in this rrwr*.gage ,:r in the not.¢ .a-c :ed titereFy, the !+iortgagne steal! he rntttled to dectarn the <br />6eltrt atosti.r#d. hepb}t t1w :od 7tayttWe wittwpt ttutice, and;he :vlorigalfra shalt tu- rnktl¢d at its option, without rtvtice, either tsy itsett <br />''-~J by a.xst~trer tu. 6e -Ppoitttatd iqr th¢ court therrtrt, sort without regartF to the adequacy u( any atxurity flu fhe indeAtertneas .w~ <br />¢t)EYtrt hate3rjh. to enter tipau and take Ian of th¢ mnxtgagad VromisN, aced to colit}ct a»d rec iv¢ the rents r~uty and Profits <br />?~, '~'at }-i €`~ ~ru. ~- - :.i rakh F a-~,r.` r.;;}ertien. r r, t}w ir:d¢bt,.i nF.,s se ,xrt tsy rh,s ror.rtgage. sand yenta, <br />is6s'res tafxl Ptldt6is bei:rg ~rairy aaraned i,--: zhe lalorzease..• as farti.¢.r ,¢.u irr for ~nt• I,w: rnent of aii inriebtednr~ s.•eur<•A hesrbv <br />Tlte. Mgt4`agar siudi hrvn the pt:wer io appoint a,-ty agent ur agents rt may rF re for th¢ }aurpaw «f rryauetta card pr¢m- <br />iara; reasr#+e the, s#i#e- c-rdlr„c;tg{}. the rents. reren>~s seed ire.-wn¢. and it may {ray out~,f card ineome a!! cspansex enet}rtad }n relit-. <br />-it}p~-.taid~#a.i~ tht tempt aktd- ed cdkcling the rzntafa thest•!K Tt+. ha}ante rrruin:nin&. it any. shah he applied award tar. <br />+tt Ette i1pg3R ~. Thrs a#typnmenl is in terminate aryd kwc..rru• nuN aru{ void ukrtm reiraae of three tretrkR#(t <br />r.. .-- -- - ~n ~ ."~ •~ M <br /> <br />