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~.'" <br />wgetlxr with all tenatrrratts, he~ditamm# Arai apfwttenantxs bebn~ng.iftcrata <br />TO HAYE AND TO FfOi.D the above descrEbed premises vrith ati the privileges aM apg+atemrtess thetetmio bttottglos i <br />ail resets: issues and prot3ts thetarfnMe t,Mrtgsgte, fnrevw. And Mortygar fisreby covrnanta tent h/ srtgagrsr is Drell aek rrniy .ei~d of <br />a >;~ tltk to the premixs above conveyed in the law, in fa sirttpie, and has good r".ght and law=fut anthOrity to comsY the ame, <br />that the title sa c,m:ayeds clear, free and unincumbered zxcept as ottcerw"ise Hated and that Mortgagor wiB frrrever tnueaat acddts- <br />fend the saute to Ator[gagee agaittst all claims whatsMVn. <br />This ~ott~ge is given by Morxgagots is secure the perfartitsnse of cock agretmatt tsontained ttar[se., sad tss secure the ppymt:ttt. <br />of a loin in tha amount trE tM Total of Payments shown above, which loan bratg evidenced by a-prtrttthrory Hate beati~tvest ~a <br />h~:ewith and.whiehis further described about. <br />R'tax?YH3L~ Af.WAYS, and tfieae ptesen# ase trQrfn the expressed caadition, that if the Mtxtgegon shah ptsY intaf tatiseLlort. <br />gpgoe a pratrissory• !tiate hearing oven date herewith in the arsatnt set forth above, payabk in iitstaBmenss aaeord6tg to the races <br />of tugeiher with intarest as set forth therein. aced shag pay ail taxes and assessments levied upttn'said reilaatsUC~-6aftxe tht>itameb~- <br />comra deiiaguent, and lcsep the t+uiklings :m said premisex insared far a s'um equal [o the indebt~eess secured hereby, ions, if any, pay- <br />ahle to fhe said Mortgagee, thrn these presen# to ba null and void, otherwise to be and rtmain in ftdl fartx. <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE , AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM 7INE 70 TIIIfE, SECURT[Y FOR'#~ ?AY3H~Vi' <br />OF SUCH~I AR SLIMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE 9AAY FROItI THfE TO TIME IN Tl;~ FU1't$IE AIItvAN4E 1C3 TIC <br />MORTGAGOIi<- AND EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT NOT' 70 E T1~ 77fT!'AL ~? <br />*~*7I a 141, s,~s******+tx+~C~ FOR Ah`Y ADYAiVCfiS THAT ~Y f~ MADE '!5D @Rp1FaL.T T~ S>3I.9IR!(fY )It4 AG <br />CORliA1+iCE 1yf7'll THE TERMS OF TFIIS MORTGAGE. . <br />Addiiioml Terms and Candetians on rite reverse of tki'. agreement are made a part hereof and incorporated herein- <br />BV ®IfITNESS WH£R60F, the said Mort~gors have txectetsd these presartts the day and year first absrve vnntten, <br />~"~ <br />/1Mastga~rr r y <br />~------ <br />STAiTE b£'3rEEBRkSiUL ) <br />`~ _.. ~ S~ <br />~r std B~,L ) <br />;~ .. _, .. <br />~ On ~a2iat~y of ~NOVEMBF.IL r` 19 BO ,before me, the uodexsigrted a Notary Public, duty <br />oned and^gitalified fa: and in saiit state and ,:ot:nty, personalty came ROBERT M. BERHIJDEZ /aka/ RZGOBERTO M <br />4~EL AND b}~RY ~f BERMUDBZ, HUSBAND AND WIFE OF EACH OTHER <br />.~--__-- __..r~_ <br />-te tt~ known to ha 11~a idaittl~l pe;aon ~=t t>: whc~sr rsarna ~s ur swore= are affesed to the fnragering iasrrnmant and acknowledged <br />the; eatara4ion thareo~f to ha het, her ar thatr w~~s#stntary ut and dead. <br />~trtess my ltatn~~ahrtd Seai iha da;y and year last abssva written. <br />p, Ott C pyppiUt. F4t't ._ ._ <br />~~ ~~sspaSMrr .`~ _ _/1,~',.{` __ NQTARYP#}81.IC'._., __ _..m ._. .~ <br />~' ~ ii F'NCn'~,y~,~. S ai- ~ZR~T~is'~~ <br />My :~ _.__.____ .,yam . <br />N{;TIt'E tiEiiU"fliFR~IOF.PORAUI>ITIUNALTERM.SANDC'ONllITIVNS <br />NEfi. A.E. <br />C)At V iNAt_ <br /> <br />t~ <br />