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9. f'tadrrsraawSaw. THz prtxeeJS u1 an} award ur alarm for damages. Jur;.1 or conaequen[ral, m ranrretiian with any <br />condemnation or utber saktng of the Property, rx pan thereof, ur fur canveyarrce to rieu of candempriion, are tsereby asstgrted <br />and shah tse pard to Letsder <br />In the event of a hrta( taking of the Property, the prarxedx shah f>s applied is the sane secured by this Dted a£ Trust. <br />with €he excess, rt an Y, paid to Butraw-er to [hc evrnt of a pan:ai taking of the Property, unless 8orrtywtr and Lender <br />otherwise agree to cart?ing, there shall 1rt applred so the wins secured Hy this Cked of Tnw such prtrpanian of the ptocce[is <br />as g rgWi co the[ proponton whirH the atrttxmt of the sums aewred by this Deed of Tnut immediately pilot to the date of <br />taking !rears to the fair marker value of the Property tmaraedtareiy prwr to tfae dart of Taking, with the balance of ilte proceeds <br />paid ra Borrower. <br />If the Property rs ahandorcd Hy Bonuwer, err tf. after mitt by Lxmhr to Borrower that the toradtlraraar aSers to makt <br />aA award or antk a elatm far Jamagss. Borrower fatly to respond to tender wnhrn 3u days afro The date ssaclt tsotice is <br />asaikd. Lenafrr is suthonzrd to calNu:t artd "pply the prw.•ttds. at Lender's optaon, ether to restoratiar or repair o[ the <br />Property ur so the sums xcured Hy rhts [ked uF Trig[. <br />Unless I.tmt.r and Borrower oiherwtse agree rn wnturg, any vu.:h appttcauon of procceds to principal shall not extta[d <br />err postpatx the due dasr of the manthl} insuilmems referred w m paragraphs t arrt 2 herrof or change the amount of <br />such rnstaltrn;nts <br />i@. isrrower Na# Bekrad. f;uenswn of she itrne lur payment ur m.rJrficatan of amortu.tton of the sums secured <br />by ibrs Detd u# Truvr granted Hy 1 ender io am sucrzswr m mrercu of Barrowtr ahalN inn nperare to relusc. rn any rraanr[er, <br />ihr IiaMfity of etre orgmai &urnwer end Borrower's successasrs m mternt- lxnder shall not be reywrtxl so camtraerece <br />prrrreedings ag31r1at aw:h successor or refuse sa extend sane tar paynuw err ..,thmrrse modify amortazarion of the sums <br />seturtd by ahrs EJted of 'trust by rrasun of any Jernand ntaJe by the ongwal Borrower and Borrower's st[crxssors in imerest. <br />i t. karberrarrre by IxtNa Nrst ^ Wrirtr. Any torbearancc by lxntJcr m nefcasmg any nght or remedy Hereunder, err <br />dxberwrst afforded Hy apphcabic ?aw. shall not K a w9tvcr of ur prra:iarJr the exerase of any sorb right err remrdy. <br />The prxuremrm n( insurance rr the paymzat of saxra or other bens or charges by t_asder snap not be a waiver of Lender's <br />nght Yo accderatt the rua[un[y of the mJebtedntss stcar4af: tsy this IheJ of Trust <br />61. Rcare6ies Cawpdrtire. Ali rrmcdres proveued in this Eked of "i`ruv are Jumxt and cumulasive to any other nght <br />ur remedy under Thta iyerd of Trust ur atfardtd by Tarr err esauny, ..tai may tK cxucned concurrently, independently err <br />=~~stvtiv- <br />IJ. :nrccrasars and .Aradgrs Baarap; laity awd SevrrtA EjttbilBy, f'apeiorn.. The rovcnanty and agreements herein <br />~.axttartced slh,x?1 btra. and the nghfs fret;ur•.dtr shall inure ~,s, the rrnpechvt aut:ce:ssarra ,usd axargnx o[ I.erWer and B(IrraWCl, <br />subltct ru rht prov[srans of Nsaragra~ph k 7 bettor All ~ veneers .prat agretnstuts nt Bwrrawer xhall fse join? a~pd veverai. <br />Tlx captionn and tteadieags u1 tbt ,Imrugrapln .rt this sherd of Trust aa'c fur ~+tnvcmtnrc only .and are nut 9u I7t used to <br />Rnterprt[ or define [hr pravtsiupa~htfwY <br />iw. Narita. Except for arty nortee rerq.uared unJrr apphcsbir law to Hu: grven iu annt act manner. !al any ^net[Ce Ta <br />Borrower peuvedeal far ut [His iyecd of 1"rust shall be grven by madrreq aucH notice by crn[fitJ nsatk raddressed Ua tllarrawer at <br />pbt Prapcrty AJJrrss cN :n such tnt her address va Borruwzr pray dcsigrwtc by nonce to fender a.> prunded Heron. and <br />~Ibt any natli,ce to t.rn[kr sH,ail ere grven by c.rrnhed marl, return rrcetpt rerluxx.ccd to 1-truters address sw[cd'. herein or to <br />sttcH other addrKSS as l.endrr' may Jtaagrsatc by nah+ce va Ylafrowar as provaJcJ beuefn Any rrot'1ck prErv[drB~d tlor an this <br />t7ttai of Trust shall tar deerrted to have been geven w Borrower ur I.enatzr when grven rn the manner daagnatext hereto. <br />i5. L;asi#raaa heed u#'PraN: Garerwfag haw; SermbUBy. llaes farm ut JeeJ ur vu>t aombrnes undorm covenants fur <br />nazrunai are arul uon~umform covenanu verb IimneJ varraunna by Vwaadrewrn n.t ,:uroutute a uniform secunty tnstrumem <br />avenng real prapeny. ~Thrs Geed of Trust shalt :x govrrmst by the taw of the ;unadtcuun m whtcH the Property is I<xated. <br />in tHr event that any pruvrswn or clause of ihu lNted ul Trust or rMe tVOte ~undrets wuh appftcabic taw, >[uh cunflect shall <br />rent ;titre[ other pprrovrsiom ut rhos Derai of -Peat err ihe'IVOSe whtrh tap err grven d(tci wulwut the tunpmung pruwvun, <br />and to thn end Ff1e pruvtsrons ut the fleead .rl Truaf anal the Nutt arc dtxlartd to He severable. <br />fit. jwrrawtf'b Cwpy. Burrower =a+aii br lurnwshed a ronturmcd cvrpy ut tern Note and a[ thta [}red of (real ar the nine <br />•.t exccudrun arc after rtcordauor. htrcut <br />IR Traawter of eke: Prape[ty: Arrwwpliwr. if alt :u mu Part of the P~perty or au uucrtri thcsem rv soW or eransterrtd <br />ny #hrr_Erwrcr Wt4tuau Fx[sder'a prrur wrnicn a,.atrvatrl, cbchad:ag tar [tae cl'Sanon of :a hrn or enc urnhrancc sutxudmata to <br />9t- '?=,J to S riri. ' G) ;:SI; a:ttatwn -'k ~ pt;ruhximc - . trc.s sx - er,a y +drrrat fur iu,trtichnid appirencps. i _ r a ~ansler irp aievr>r, <br />drxent or tsy ugatrauon of taw upprr rHe dwath tai a r ~aurp tense t err <br />Ixrptitr utaq, .rt I erwdtr w a~!i rir, Jer.lats - Ip rt[t suers seesrrrJ by thra [yctd of 'P'n,rsf to Inc <br />.,rrurxJtataly e.ut and pawrirte. [.tndtr sfnsJ have +. a.vtaf su H 'tpt rrn ,ti _€rlrtat< .l'. prior to efre lair err scans@er, I_rander <br />t d :. gw'trs t, ¢u w3'awrn [hr ProptrlY ra hr br maid ur uanaftrred xcach ,;grtcnsrtr[ in wrturtg 1ir.E the ctrdtt of aurh peracnt <br />s acR~a?w +.s I.s[r:1r a.r[d iHai ergo amerexd ry?ava'.rlt [~~rr ittt marts vcvurcJ by !hfs fyteJ of TrYS?G sHati tar ad s.[t'H rare !ea <br />N,crnazr shale tc+NUatsr. Mf f..[.nJtr Iran a. vu:~[[ ttrt ~.1 rotor iu av;.citrarz ,prrrv alrsf in !?sea paragraph t 7, and tP fWtr er'e saea:;:ass+:=r <br />err a.~~.~,ria~'s ~srwGers~r~Yoe 9,}.h'rste+la[ utnteasnut ,k~!pclrvattw ax:~{~t{xetJ err ~wer4--.g t }~ i rndtr, t.tnder shaNi rcieast Br;trrtywtr tr~errr <br />IY 1-r[xitr <rErs<s ~H E:~Fr~ _e?Fr ~~a>• ,~?. _. + its; ^nc: rnsttir .~ cek a ,.,. ., iosuancz catch <br />paragraph t: icertoN `cash -caber .r ail pruvrdr a~penW of ran r.. vsaman ,ru~Jays loon the date the nonce rv graded wnhm <br />whn:h INOrruwer nay Pav rbt scans derlureJ .lee If [furruwzr t~.+Is I,r par su_h sums prwr nr {he exprratiun of strch /rertaxl, <br />!-ender pray, wuhuut iurtllrr nur,ee r~r r?emarrJ e:n Bunuwrr env rceueJrzs permrtieJ by paragraph i8 htreof. <br />!vs.rn-U,Yrtuasa i.r Burruwtr anJ fender rurlHer .+.venant aoJ agrrr as lolluws. <br />Ig- Accr4twaaa: Ittwre6ses. F.acept m pruridttd iu parrgryi I7 hrrtof, apse Borrower's brewh of rwy rarraaat err <br />agresmenl afi IIorruwer err +he, lfietd tr/ Team, irrrrdiRg IHt rureran sty pay when dart aAy strain xrured by tih Deed <br />~ Trust, Lewder prrru ru wv~rkaatbw +Mp wail ratite to Borrowrr ws presided iw prrrgrapb 14 haeaf spettlyirrg: 11) the <br />breari; 111 rbe ar'nar regairtd to a-tue rtech bttach; a!ta dra<, Arai lras [hap 30 days frown rbe dale the aaNice is tnrik6 to <br />Bwrrwwar, by whis:h sash krtati mran be rued; awl My Thal friiatrr to curt sash breach ur ur Irt#art ihr nW< rpta'ihed <br />is ihr rtwt;rt awg rcvtLSt ie aacrkrrsirw ai the cacao aeaarrd by [bib Ihrd M 1 twat and sale tat the PropeflY. Tfiar scalier <br />sbadt fattier iwfaraa Barrew<r a# the rtgiw to rreabtWt afiirr arrelrratYrw wwi ihr rigs[ to Isadag r wart rrsirw Io rstr9 <br />the uata•<xiatenta ut a d¢asah au any vier delraae of 6tttnawrr to wrrkrWfor and stk. if tree breath Ya rw ."erred <br />a:a err ihr :oar ryrrtitrd is tin uaairc, ia!at6er w Lrnder'a up[iow mr} tkcirrt a31 of eh< sawn secarrd by this herd <br />a# T'raius Ca be urwrrlirarly der an6 pryaMe atehaW frrlirt tfrwrrad ash [arty invaAe star paver of aaalr seed ray other rrwaedits <br />p<rwgN;RaMN Icy rfitpNhcaf4fe i». I.rndrr sbaN ist rwfdHtd fa evrBerf WI reasuuabk ausfs aaA raprauea ir[carre6 in parsw6ag Iht <br />~aerw~direa ~pravialtg un tWs parwgrtgwt !h, iaciad&rq„ bw sew 1araxe6 ter, rruawrsabk apornty`s Tres. <br />If~ ~tbt puwrr ai artle is iwveled, lrsasice s-WI rrcord a nulfa'r ul rk#mlr is earls rrraniy do wsJrh Ibr Property err same <br />tsars flaamaaf k laerwtd rah sWrtl ttaa6 4:apd<a a6 sYw:h rarriv.< irr ibR rnwxwer prrxribed by rppGcaiMt Imr to tNorrtswu rah fo the <br />trhrr p<rswn paascrshed by applitrbit trw. Afrtr the bPrw of [web firrK ere wry be regta;.ed iY gplksMr Irw, Tnste: ahdi <br />gist partaBr naalre at sank b tit tsa'rsrwb arr6 iw rht rgrrraaer prevrrtie6 by appiksbk law. Itrolce, wNhaal dtwwnd u <br />lwrrwwtt. shag aep the Property N pabKc auriiuw an ihr hig6eal bi6tkr v the fleet recd plrcr tad an/tr ebe reran ateaigruted <br />its pn exwice a/ trdt 4 nut err scare prrctb tad iw wrh order to Taertet nary 6ettrwafat. 7 rnsrrr terry pmepuar sale of sp <br />st lay ptweef ai ria i+taptrfY b7t pariwrt wesaauortwrw w the efrwe awd pbecr rrf say prtrxwsiy schedraied oak. Lender or <br />i.ras"ar'r ~eksigrau~e nay pwcisrx fha Prapte/y m way sale. <br />ttpww rttsNta ofi paaywrrat ui tit prier bid. 'firtwtrt sha6# akprer to ebe pwrrhasatr 1'raufe<a dre6 rowreyirtg rbe <br />said. 'l"for rttihtli is tit Trawere i steed rhr4 he priwa #rrie rri6easa:c rtfi 11at umh aI the strstaweats stile Flatreia. Trrasiee <br />sirB alr~uy Nat I~Rr:ntrls of the stdrr in tit PaBawk~g yr t; at b rB rrasaatl6ie rrtw rid txpews<a of the sale, tnrlritrg, bat <br />W iNsa~M4 b, 7lrtrrrr's fin u!' cast rratrt thrw 3 f ~ +?~ ! "* of the grata ark price. rrsswwa0ie atwrawy'a free sad raW of <br />Hire r'rrfltwrrf fM t. aB awn .<sutsd by this I?ee6 u# Trans; rap Ic) eht rectos B awy. la the ~rsor Or persrra kga6ty rwible6 <br />lirtalw. <br />14. Btrrrewt{s fltgit to iteiwsrrat. N<Nwrttartar.-Jots Lender", ~~~tcr.,rr.m .,r rh,~ _ r t,v .>,.._ •,t r ~,.., <br />Bwrsrwer shalN Have rlae rrgAr to her.- any prrrvtcJrergs btgrrn hr I endtt +~ rrd.rrat 4t trrs~tkcd u? taus .lracuntrnr:eJ at <br />soy twat prw:r [u the ratfa•r w crtaur ,>i Ot the hide day vet+xe the ask .d the Prra4>kny pnusaaru to t?;a ~wcr of wit rrmtarned <br />w this ford c[ !-arni rcr urf r+:iry ..t a rrrJgnrtni rafurourg thra 13ctd ut PnnF ri ra; &armwtr p ~, 1 z,uizr a!i cants whr<h woub7 <br />frt. sMy;n riot v. .,r rhos ihrai .~? Sr.M[. tlrt ":etc era rrutrv ves ruing F.rt err ~J+'an,rs <rx shad n< a,.tterafron aus:eJ <br />(bi frkxrnw'ef rw r a^ ixs .3t a ntirtr ;.r.vrnasas . agroemrrar .+f 8.;r. r±,wvr .,mrauxrd r>a rhrv Uced <~a lynr. <br />to Ifsrauwtr res. sit r¢ eeperrssav r w,urod hs I cnckr era f ru:ar= r rntnrruu +ez .., ;etas and .:wte€rneets r>t <br />S a y <br />-f " :.};tar. r+! ^, rt Ik:cJ .+t f f ~+n.l fist tifi~ i toff[{~: efxl t _ HCC ~ 4 as j r~.rv hJCit , f.- tat p}, I Y <br />tY6f r' i, rafriJrreg. t:rl{ :r.rr i -"td ice A trarf}tt anw ys ra'4- _ art tdp tJ+ F a +.str rS .-~?. aa.-,.•: eb ? i:::~r ,. n'-,.a~iv <br />V '+-e ~,- as+=a [*.a- t_ _ _. ~-, e?s~ fhe,3 .-. Trr>3s E cult s ..+<er.--.e .., .nr ti„k yes .-,,:3 ft:3e rr,+et + .~b:rgxno;r r , <br />