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.. r.~r:>a st Narrower and txnrder covenant urd agree Js tuiluwa 80__ f ~ ~' n ~ ~ `~ <br />1. Payseaf ro( Ptiripf and FNerear. Borrower ,hail prortrgly pay when Jrrc the prrracrpe! ut artd mternt .+n tfst <br />:rdehdedne,s esrderia:cs) by thr Ndt, prepayirtcM and late charges as prrwtdeJ m tfsm Note, and [he p:sn;:rpal u( and intzrtst <br />nn env Fctture AJvance, secu(ed by ihn 1kztJ of lnrw <br />k FstNr /er Ta:ea W /Mwanre. Sttbjeci w appheatrk dew ar to a wataen wawtr bY' Ltrsder, Borrower shaft pay <br />to Lenakr uu the day monthly installments of prrnrrpai aad imtust are payable unskr the Nae, unhF the I,rtsie w pad rn fufl. <br />a srsn rtserzm "Fonda"i cyval to axle-twelfth of the yzarty laves acrd Jsszsamzms whtc°h may aHain pr welly over the, <br />Deed of l'rwt. and grntrod rents on the Property, rf arey, plus ortc-twelfth of yearly premMm instalftnems for hazard insuraruc. <br />piw unc-twelfth of yrar{y premevm mstaBrornes inr rtwresa~e imurarr:e, tf any, JII as rs:'awna6ly estrnsatrd imually asd from <br />«roe tv «rtu by LxttJer m the baaia of awaaments atd brNs ant reawnab{e esirmades thereof. <br />The Furtds shat) br tssld +n an rttstitutwn tMe afepoxls w aicounrs ad whrch are rmureJ or guaramceJ by a Federal ax <br />state ageru:y rtrrtluding Ltrtder tf txrtder is vtrcfi an instamra>ny. 1xnJtr ,hall apply the Funak m pav acid taxes. aasessmtnta. <br />,muranr:t prcmtums and ground rents I.e[der may rest charg< for w Msldrng and applying the Funds, analyzrng card arcrwnt <br />or vcnfyyng and cumpilrng varJ autsansents arsd hHla, unfits, I-ender pari Bornswer mtttest an the Fuaafs and applrcabie taw <br />perm^, i ender to make such J charge. 8mrowrr and Lerukr ntay agree m writing J[ the «rnt of estcuirort of thrs <br />pceJ +N Traut that iMtreq +,n the Fund, ,hall bt pain to Borrower, ant unto, ur<h agrcerntnt a made ar apphcabk law <br />rcymre, aanh mtrrtst to bt pelt. i ender :hail nut ix reµusrrd Iu pay Narrower any mteresi ur rarmngs on ttte Funds. Lender <br />:half give to Borrower, wet haw! charge, en amtual accounting ut list FunJ, shawrng credos and Jcbii, to the Funds ant the <br />purpose for which each deCU to the Fonda was ttraJt. 7ht Flints arc pFaxiguf as adatitronai stcrudy for the sums trteured <br />bx_ thin p«J of Tnnr- <br />tf the Jmount of the Fonda held by Lertr9er, together with the Iuture rnunrhiy installments of Fund's payable error «x <br />the .Sue Jatts ui lasts, aasmssments, rnsurarta:c premiurm aru! graunJ rents. ,hall es+tcJ ttx amount required to pay seed !eats. <br />Jsusstnrnts. ,nsueancr prcmrums end gnsunJ rents Ja they !.alt Jur. ,arch r,craa shall tsr. Jt Borrower's upttan, ttthtT <br />presmptly repeal to Borruwtr ur crediird to Harrower ar! mumhiy ntstallmrms ,si Funds. If the aterotmt of the Funds <br />belt try LeroJCr shall not hr urHia:rmnt ^s pay uxcv. as,rvsmrnt,, mwrarrcc prennums and ground reins as t!!ey (aB due- <br />Brsrnawsr :bail pay to I.ernler any arnaxrm rrrcess:uy to make are the dr}ntcncy w,thtn i4 Jays (rairts ttre Jate nwue n nude) <br />by Ix[tdez to Borrower regrxstmg payment thueof. _ <br />I-lease paynrenl in full of all sums +JxurcJ by th+s (Tezil ut '(rust, t cuJct >hJll pmnrpily refund to Burrower any Futds <br />held by i..errtitr If ruraker paragraph ig hereof the Prcrpcrty r, xsW <,r thv Property ra othrrwrst acquired by t.erder. Lerder <br />:hail apply, nu dater' sharp inrentdiatcEy prsur ro ttte aaEe nl' tlhe Prufwrlyy ar us :stquwNan by E-ender, arty Funds held bW <br />i..tnder at [tsc rime aC app}a~.arutrs ur. a rrtdtt agairral ahc. snots ves:urcd by thrs f].:zd of ~truat. <br />3. APpilraKna of Pavtatrtra. l.dndesv appfn'.ahk IJw pruwrtdrs utfx~rwrsc. all paymtnrs rccetvtJ by f.aruler under the <br />Katz anrat paragrapttn i and '_ fi¢rrut :hail (ae apppsttd by I ender first n payment +af amcsums puYablt etc I.znrler fly Bureuwer <br />ursJer paragraph '_ F;r rcuf, rhtn ra rndrrcst payable un tlrc Notr. than t' the prrncrpui ul the Nutr, atd then to interest and'. <br />pnncrpad urn a.ny Future ~Phdvancts. <br />•. 'f'~/lar*M: Lirw. BIM'fawrr shall pay atlt YJ+e,.,. ay>e",atrrrrW" anrt arltlmf ctFargcv, (ins", and arl pcssrl.m(ts art rldrLLFJtrIC f4M <br />rfrt PrasptrFy s.~lrtttr may :roam a prnutty aver thra 1'Artd u( 'True[. and dcasthulJ payrnereia nr ground rrnts, if anY~. in tfae <br />amttmter p~nrc'r. rdmJ n,~nder Inadaga~aph 2 hereof or, r} trot pelt ur arch nunrntr. 6y &rrruwv;r nr~aktng pupment„ wFrcn dots directdY <br />err the paY~tt etstrtuf Bur ruwmr attatl prumptty tunaush fEC t-envier old nutrets of aasuun[w Jtre untl¢r Ih~is paragraph, and rro Else <br />matnt Bwnrwer ahaii make payarsrnt duecuy. Borrower shall promptly r urnxsh to t ender rcce,pts eviJtnctng such paymeMS. <br />ftcsrrawer shall promptly drscharge any hen whn:h has prmniy over thrs IAaJ ut truss: prtrvrakJ, that iorrower shall not he <br />etquued s~ dtuhargr _ny such Itert s,r iur:g a. Hnrtowcr ,haB agree rr •. rt«ng ru slrr paynteM of she ubhga«un scored by <br />such limn en J manner acrelrtable to t.mnder. au ,hall m gax;J lauh contest such Iron hy. ut dtdenJ enWrument of sttch Irtn m. <br />itgad arta;ttdmgs w~i[r..h aMrcratc to pmvent s}u uJureetstcnl a1 71st beer or furfenwe of Iht Property or any part [hereof. <br />~. Fluxed Fawrranre. Burrower shaft keep ttse rmprurrnsnus now ur,img ur herra(ttr err 'led on the Property inwred <br />Jgarnnd lass by hrz ha+arda trn:duded wyahns ittc term 'ratcndcJ +.rrrragr". and such other haurtls as l.trarler may reyurre <br />anal uu was dtmuunts acrd Wr such ptttadv as 1 ender maY reuuerr. prunJul. that Lender shall nett rcadurrt that the amount of <br />arrch +.u.u age c+cetJ that amuvnr a( co crag! reµuoeJ to pay tot suites waurra! by thn prod of Tout. <br />Fht rnxurarsce carrrer praviJing rhtvinsurxa.;.t shall Fse .ltuxn by Harrower sutsyr.~t s<r aPPruvai by fender: prarvsrkJ, <br />that s~°fa approve! ~alradd oat tx unrz~avorwbly wrdhfiz4d All prrnnum, stn +rasnran.r }v.shcirs sFta.lf t±r peed in dttt nutrttatr <br />gyrovdcd aaipaitr paragsatsb :. hctawf ur, rf nut pall rn sru:h rnantrcr, by Burn.+wtx rnakusg payrrrtM, wfWrr doz. directky to dht <br />potrurattt:t carrger. <br />.hll rrramrutmu P,adra.icy and temewads Btrsrtrt altaB (>tr «a scrim as~,cmafrh ta+ ! errJna and :lull nwaE~fro a atarwlard mnn,lw,gr <br />clau:sc ir, fsuayr a( aruf ao dua~m as.ceprakv;t to E.crnlct t.anduu ,hall ItJ•et tkn: tight ru bolt the pr>hcots aced rttttwala ihemtuf. <br />:rtw' Borruwtr what: proarr;xtfy furnia3s ..r lenakr aid renewal uutscros ar:J aE4 rtctrpsv tsf pa;.t prerayrnrne~ In she rvtnt cf toss, <br />Brurrower shaFi g+vr. promp[nurrcc lac the uusurance Garr tr ~ nu I. crrafct tl.tndrp stmt rrswkc pr. cpai of trxrs ,f na+; tuai9e pearttptiy <br />day Burcrrwtr. <br />r-Itm~d «r ta:sturaa art ur r are as <br />(: rtir~a Frn~dt: artd ti;;€:owea :rab"}e't wrsr ay};es ta: :sere r..g. uas~ur arKc paM1s~cudv aa:.air tx ty tP <br />rNx Prulxrry a!stuaged. man u3eaf amh rtstura«cac ar leper s nnsuaa}ts rca,enic .:,tJ tear aeuu.ty ,r( lhrs tTezJ ad 7nut t <br />taut (:J:rttsy :mtz etJ. t! sucA raYta atrwr a:r rcyars „not es. s.nnn.ati} ta~.a+nk~ „ .s ttrt sc..uruy ut tin, lkcd of -trust would <br />M rmpaueJ. IF1t mwtana.t pnrs'eeds >hd! bt apposed m ttw rant+ etc u+eJ h} the, ,I kcJ us 1 rust. wtth the a+av, d soy, part <br />w Borruwtr I( sire Property as utrauaturxJ by Bawwtr, ur J Burrower lads h, rc,pmaJ to tenakr wrth,n 10 days Iran the <br />true rrcan.e n rtwJeJ by Ixrsakt to Burrower t7tat ttsa: nuurars.e .Jn+cr ,•ilrn :.+ uuia~ ,, , larm tar m.urence herretia. t enter <br />is awhurrrxJ w coifcct and apply the mwamtct pt ts+trds Jt Lcnak(s optwn edhrr to resturahon or repau of the Prnpeny <br />or to tM :urn: sza:wzaf by this DecJ v( Trust. <br />Li ndns f triter arsJ Borruwtr rxhtrwrae agree +n wanog, any :uch Jppts,aoun .+t ptuacrds to pnnapai sha0 not eatenal <br />axe psusµsrrt the Jar :fate of the uw«thty snautltnent> rraerrtJ ru .rr paragrapt;, 1 ant ' hrreut ur change the arttount ut <br />such nsstalimenu. it urulcr paragraph I g hertul the Prup:rty „ J.yuutJ by 1 ender. all right, title ant nuereat ud Banos=rr <br />rn anu ter any crssururtcr I> and rn and to the pratcteJa thzrcut rrauit rng rnrnr vansJgt to the PropmrtY pr roe to the sa{< <br />ur ar:a}~~utsutssr: st:.aSl p-s ;u 1-cuter w the talent ut the auiru acx:urc's4 by this pest ut 1 cwt +mnseilrateiy peter to ouch axle ur <br />axftriartuxr. <br />6~. F`rasarvaticw awl M1Faitaeoancs d PtopCrtY: tataseMrlds; (-arsdomliwsaras; Plaatrtd IJwft t9cvrtoptornta. Borraw~r <br />sf,.tii 6i~c.p the F'rc*gxrts err gaatl rrpJS arut shah nut +urrrmat wasla~ ,~+ t,a'r :.ut ,mp.a 'r:i .layer n.rauasn ,-rf irrt Pr+sprt} <br />amt shXa@k ctmopty wuh tfte p[avtmmtu of Jny least rf this C>CCJ o~( T"ruse .v utr a +cax•Ow3Jnalt thu t?teJ of trust a un a and rn s <br />eartdommsunv air a platsrrW unui dtyelopnxm, Borruwtr sha71 pet3urrn JI{ uI Bur[uwcr s c.tetrga«uu+s under the Jeclara«a,r <br />sir W'.urv~trnrads +.gtat utg ur guveruusg ttrt :utniomtneunr ur piauaceJ a n dt,ehtyxare nt, the by-laws .unJ rcgudattuns of the <br />cam(rpunrnaum [u' ptann~md untt akvtivprrxnt. and eam«twtm [Irrctrtprant, li J c+rnafumrnurm ur pl~amszd renrt de>elupnve.nt <br />rtJCt' r~s zrtcauta( 6y Barnrwer aril rp:urJeJ trtgethtr wash thin LTrtd uq I crest, she ,:ovenants unJ age ernserrts u( such reJtr <br />shaft rstcwrporatdl rmo atd slsa(t antetwf arvd supplement the wvcnann ant ag[cenrtrtts a thu [Teed of 1 rw[ as rf [he nder <br />were pt pert lrcrtul. r~~ <br />7.. Peatatlfq rd tenders sserray. It OVrrawtr fads to prrdorm the .,;items JnJ agretnxms cuntarned rn she, <br />[?pW d Truly„ tx tf any a+aaas err pryuzsryFaog a a.urmsrttasxd wbwh nsattoaVis Jiie. s> Eetra(re~, rntermst rn she Propcny. <br />rnri+d~tng, dxitt r>•_x demsttd to, e+xrrum afursusn, nvsasdvtrta:y. ,.uJe mviursrnstnt. Jr rangcnrtnt> ur pr r4ttdmg, ,n s-rng J <br />ttattkrprFtt ut JtctdcAt. then lxtxkr at F-trnlc['a uyruu+r, upon .urrua: to Ilan (owze, n,ay : rJ i.a' , a. t+ .aplreaeanse,. J+shrttsr such <br />sruru atrJ take sruh ar:drun as :s aarY:e>.sary to girttat i.toa(rr~s eruerr>t ut.:ivJ+ng. t,ut nut hntNtJ tu- J.ststtrstnunt of <br />reasuraab4r athuney's fees area} emry uptxa [ht Property to neakt ref*au. it I.zrtJct rrgar •J nr,srigagt nrwresr>e a <br />cr>rlydsEn%r rd makarsg :1st itarn aawtcf by the. fTewi of Trtasr. Burr.swrt -.hall pay :tts• prtnuvun rrµurrrJ hr rr a+mam sere t: <br />rttatar~Mx +» zltect !Hari sued untr ~. ifw rea(urfearitM kx ,ta:tr tnaurau:t trrsnmatrs ur .rccurdartcr wuh Harnrwer~s a<nt <br />f-tulle's wruttn agttmmtnt ut appdreahk Lsw Borrower ahali par nc~ anw,unt ,.t all nautgagt tnsw arsct prcnnunu .n the <br />rrsaryter Frswtrksf utwfrr paragrtph 2 hereof. <br />clot amrwnts Jrs#surstf 1`y i.enJct purawM w ihu Paragraph asth - r-o !ix~ra,nr :halt hzaumc nJJnr, <br />ems u( Burrtswtr sec urtJ try tdus E)rttd ul Trwd t rniei Ihxrn+vrr atrJ i r+alcr agree to other !tans of payment. , n.h <br />amrnirtds :deli ht Payable u}yJn mstu:e tnxn l.trrdtr to Borruwtr rt4 5r,ng tnrynxnr ;isrrc.+l. „aJ shJf( (>rar :nee rest ir,rnr rtha <br />dMe Sf dMburlrmtnt at tilt call paYatik tram tlmC 4r «rFit an aWStanJmg phnsrpJt under d+r s.otr ,rndtsa draYnmei ,rt tnEC teat <br />at rich Cara wuauJ tee cawuary «s appdacabk to awhsa.h rvem ~ wh a rns> ,deli ! ,r:sc(rsr .st the hrgttrat tall <br />prrtturarb4e urerfsr app€+cable law. fvatluitg cwrtatritJ to !has paragraph " shah xcµutre t x+;sdtr t.~ +rrcus any esltertr: ur cake <br />arty aeitaa hereraukr. <br />g. 7naFat%rn. ixtre4r may melee :a zawt trs to retade rtasa.mrbbe +•,urm ,.t*.as anal +n,prc: ua rhr Pruprrrv, pernsakJ <br />tea laaJret haft ;eve Bswrocr ru»-sc;t pnos w auY ss+aAt +nstnt. ek~n apa.+(yusg r a,. nJhk ,,.u,c thrrrfu, r:latc,( t., is^ruier > <br />uaartrai rn she Praea@4Y - <br />