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80 tlti`"{'~L <br />9. Cnt.dt®satba_ The pruceeJs of an,. aWZrd <x .seem ;or damage. Jireer or aorsstquennaf, :n conr><Cifon wish any <br />cnnderrrnatian nr oflaer eking of th+~ Property, rn part thereof, or for <onveyanre m lieu of corrdemnation, are hertby assigned <br />and shall to paid to l.eadti <br />fn the event of a rotas lasing at the Propmy, the prcexd+ obeli he applied to the sums secured by this Decd of Trust, <br />with the execs, if any: paid m Borrower In the even! ref a partral tatarng at the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />utlre[wise agree m welling, there shall tee appised to the moms secured hY fhrs fked of Tfwt such ptponion of the ptocteds <br />~s s tywl to that proportion which the atnman[ of the eaters secured by ttus Decd of Tn~[ imniedrately prior to the date o{ <br />takiag bean to the fair market valrx of the Prapeny imrssniiately prwr to the data of takiag, swrth the 6alatrtt of the proceeds <br />paid to Borarwtr <br />!f ttce Property n abaridorrrfi by Borro~vtr, ar if, after Hotta by Linrkr to Borrower the/ Iht LOOdetrinor e~E7S [O tBtite <br />an award or settle a claim foe damages. Barrawer fans to rexpond to Lertdtr wnhin 30 days alive the date srtch notice is <br />rnaikd, Lender as arnha: iztd to cdfeet and apply the proceeds, at Lender's rspuoh, esther to restoration w repair of the <br />Properly sx ao rhr sums scoured 6y this EXed of True <br />!!ekes t znder and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such applrcanon of proceeds to principal shall not extrnd <br />ar ptrstpons the Jue Jatr of the monthly igstailments rcferrW w ,n paragraph. i anJ 2 hereof or citangs ttse aerwunt of <br />such iinaltrrssnts <br />IQ. Rarrawer Nd Rekaeed. Externum rd tht time sax paytncnt ur murtihcanon of arrwnizuron of the moms aecurrd <br />by this Deed of "trust granted ny 1 ender to any sx+c:eswr m interest of Iforruwror shall mu operate to release, in aay manner, <br />the 7iahiirty of rice original Borrower anal 8csrraweri successors in interest. !.ender stall not fx rtyuired to commence <br />prceccdmgs agsimt such succesoor or refuse +o extend time for payment ar otharwrxr modify amortization of the sums <br />seeurM by this !keel of Trust by reason of any rkmanJ made by ttx anginal Barrowtr tied Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11. Forbearaerr by Lrnier iVW a Wwer. Any (orbaarana by E,enrkr m exearvng any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />alhcrwrse aKorded Dy appticaWe law. >hzll rWl tie a syaiver of or prmhalt the ucrcrse of any sttch right or remedy <br />The procurement of Insuranct iu tht pa}intro of axes ar other Irons or charges by !_ender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right w ura:ekra+a [he mammy of eha milrhtWness seulrGd Try the DeeJ of Truu <br />!1. Remedks CrraedYirr. A41 remedies provirkd~in thix IkcJ at Ttuat ut Jlsunct and cumulativt to any other right <br />or remedy under Ihes [heJ of Trust ar afforded by Says oy tyuuy, and may ht c:rr.:iur! concurrently. inrkptndeaUy ar <br />s+tctcurvety. 1 . , <br />t3- ~t~ ~ ^~ adaarr~f-'. i~.i: rsrid Y;tertai Ilarb:iUr; L'epuoas. The -ovenants and agreements hu'tin <br />contained sha!1 hiriJ, .:,rid rte: rights 1'w.FYtmJ,;r ,hull inure tu, the; rrspatu ra auttessors arrd assrgrts ui Lendu and Borrower, <br />ub>ect [v tlr provu+ans n) paragr' ph b? hercai Ali ~rweauntx and .agreements cat Burrower xhall bt }Dint arrd. several. <br />Tht a:aptionx aad !readings of the j~aragiaphs a! ibis EkcJ of Trust ale for carsvcnirnoe only and arc eat [a 17e used to <br />intrrptcr ar defi+ar lht ixovuiota llcraid. <br />Id. !Vallee, ExctgrF (ox shy ru/'trrr: rryuued under applsx:abk law to tx' given rri another manrttr, ia! any •nonce Ia <br />SkDrsxiwrt pravrda:d tar rri ,lees Dtesi s,f Frost that! ter green Eiy eroding such nonce by carutied mad addressed to Borrower a[ <br />tknc Property Address ur at rticta oaJtar addrtss rs Barrowrr n'ray deoguwte by notnce io !..ender ua provided herern, a.nd <br />t ES) aaa} nwnct qr:r'1cr ,halt tee grvau by ~crutisd asraal, rtturn rcrerp[ rtyuesieJ. to t_rredar's address elated herrtin or ro <br />catch other addrr~~ss as L.raler may JrarRnaar by navice to Borrower as iacrvidrJ herern. Any novice provrded far rn this <br />firrsl of -!nett shag he: rdtrrntd ro have tvctn givtn to Borruwtr aK i.cnder whets Breese its rhr ma:roner designated hcreras. <br />P3. Ual/atr Deed rrE '(roar; f:arrraiwR; SaronbHily. ~i"hn form. ,~[ dad at trust combines uniform covenants (or <br />natkaial ux arlJ nUn~nnil8rm iaYenanfa Willa bnnltJ raflaf!Unx by iiXiadr<ilan fn 1nn311la1e A Un1t0[m aeearlly InstrUtrlerll <br />covering real prorstn}. Thu Deed nt Trws shall he gsrvensW by thq law of the iunsJsuon m which the Property n located <br />in Iht teem that art! pravwon ate •_Isust .rt !ors LkeJ ut Trust e:r file Natr .oniticta with appheabie law, such conUict shaii <br />riot atlttt Whrr [[ rovlswro of Itxu DteJ of l ruo ar the ~NOtc whrch tan "x- prven ettea wuhout the eonflramg pruvnion, <br />and !rr thra test! rhr prarruwns ut rhr t}eeJ of Trust and the Nott art JeaaercJ w t>r xvrrablc. <br />Ib. Borrower's Copy. Barruwcr shell Ise tunnrhed + aaxitonned copy of Shc Nose anJ of the DeeJ at Trust ut tht ume <br />ut +=ha'Nwn u: sittr ra:ardauon hertot <br />!7. Traesfer rri tbt Prvpeft); Arrarmpisa. It alt .,r any pen ul ihr Prgprnr ur an Interco therein a mold ar tranxttrmJ <br />ray l3onuwtt withou4 Lxiakr's pr+u[ wruten ..o:asent. exr:fud+ng ;ai [ter crsauon ui ~ I!en ar tncumtsfana subordinate to <br />rive tlicd ut Trwt,. f h! the cetatsan a.:! a irurchax rnuilM:y sat ut ri y rutCrCra sot fusuar:huicl upphancps, I c i u trarnlrr by Jevrx. <br />3c-~:4r,! cu t=y ,.ps:a4:a~ .-1 l:aw upset tht ikath +it a ,.srt.t .!.taros ur - <br />~~irretfbaaar' l.rx:Ja€ -^a}. ai 1.e:Wtr v a,ptwn, airclarc .ill the sums :weursJ by thin 13eeJ of Truss to tx <br />:ruiayWralef} out cad pagabit L.crsdtr shall lsrsc watt eel sixv:h upiaar, to a.:~ekraie ,I, ptro! to the xaie or transfer. Lrnrter <br />ru& ,iyr i'arawe iu whaxsas the Praperey sx :u nc ri.d or r:urr fr. r i.. a -g-er near wra3iag ti.a+ she credit ,.t sr»h pet son <br />`tra~ sYac+-r} sa !.cent- rug eb=t rhea rrscrrra p y-hi n aryr„ roe ,.' r °J r+y €h Bard at Truo she},{ t+e at such rare as <br />t , 'roliai ,z:aui;rat if l -a,.ker ^.a 'a -rd rhr rt r -- i a Ire i • u+rc. JrJ ~~ it > mole .graph !? 1i:d +i lliK :, er ss.n:etssar <br />-, nxrrtsi .rs rxta: alto ritten avu. -if.ii..ex agrrtx-asst .IS,cpttd ,rr w- stag tn, kr: xJrr, k.rnder shad! reh:asr Burr_rwtr seam <br />-G{ ufrdrga[wns ursr5er rh. Dae:J ut 1 r?rbt ,alert! rhx Nett - <br />it' >ticix~r ~uctr oprarvrr as ac::rita anc, [ertdrr -hall r air Brrr rt,wci r-its:t +~rt eaatierutrun rri uctordana'r mouth <br />-itaFr_crh la Y.:+t~:i tia;~h saaxs._e sbaU - prrix~+ <:. .~ - - .......t; Jars !taus rhr Jate .tie Honer rs marled wrlhm <br />srfiRix Ltt+x i+lwCr essay fNy fiK sYxna ikii3CSJr atL,t` it Ltatn xrw C! (,irl~~r,ty (;ay treat! rn141] pl last lit ((it CYplfdtian a,t ]Ul'it pCrla(t, <br />LerNlri nsay, without uriht+ ieotaae ur aknwud oil B,>new-er, rnvarke any :rnieJicn ?xrmuteJ t;y paragraph I g hereof. <br />NuM~l. rsu r.x ru Cue tenets ttautuwei .aJ t ender lunhtt ~.•.ruant ,,, J egret as lait<:ws <br />ih. AraslrrWinra; Rereedies- F:urpt as Ixwidrd fa pare{raph 1) hereof, upaa Ebnuwrr'a hrear6 of any eorra0ai ur <br />aamaxat ref Barruwrr is the, Deed of trwy irsctudiwR rbe curtaawis to pay wbcu doe awy srima scented by ihro !keel <br />uE Trfwi, l.eadtr prior to accr4ratiw rWl avail xsaticr rri Ifotruwrr ar proardrd ru party)rap6 Id herern specifyitrR: (!) the <br />brtash; t2l 2k uafioo reyeired to cars rrKh breach: {31 a daft, rwt !ra ihaa 31) days tram Ibe dolt the oaks rs rwaikd to <br />Borrawtr, by which rruh 6raash roams be cwtd; awd (d) ItrW Faitere to .are each btsarh ou or Itefore the date spcrihed <br />sa the fweiat may rewtt des acerieraliaa M tip mores. altered 6r ihfa flrrd of Trull cad .sak al the Pttysny. 'flu natke <br />s~ farther ei7<;t;r l4urnwtr aF t4 rsRb! to rrrraratr after acarkruim arrd rhr riRM io brirq a crWrt artlna to ariert <br />ehs can-txkYeuce o(a datauh or aay Wba deftest of Borrower to wcefararbn aed salt. 1( fief hresKh is nW cured <br />rw av hrlatt Ibt date sptcifitd is tk rialtos, 1<adtr at laadei . apliua may ikceve r8 of the sums sernrsd by 2hiir Eked <br />:sE 'i r-re's to hs iiaardlairiy due cad payable Without farther drraaad arrd miry iaruhe rhr power of sak cad aay Wher remediay <br />prrnritaed by applicable taw. ixtder airafl be ratified to criikct aU rraaaaa6lt tines arrd rsprases iaaurtrd iu perxairaR the <br />rcaaadlr. pturided is this paragraph iR, sat/ediaR, bw teat Igaile0 tn. rrwunabk atiwar>'r Fua. <br />!F itre power ref mole is eurnhed, l riartst shag rscr~d a antler of ~taaN m rwb cuawty iu »bfrA she Properly rir score <br />part tbtrael rs !could cad snaN roes! aoplrs rrE teeth rwtice ae fret mttaatr preaa-gibed by applicable saw w Borrower auA to rhr <br />other P'rr~ prtsrribsJ by appBrabie taw. After tbs lapse of rack tines ~ +aay be rryaired by applicable law, Tresree shelf <br />~R++*rrs ta~uYie aaitrt d axle to ris perraras argil M t4 aaaaatr prssctlbed by appikable law. Treats. wahoet rlemarad oa <br />Barraswu, shah stlf tbs Prryarny v prbik aattior to ebt iaigfrtst biddtr N the lilac and pEacs aed ender rig raaaa deatRrwtrd <br />is else aatirs u rants iw oas or rwrite parrsY reel M such order a TrrWa rway rleteraatarr. l tease arty prryoat sak of aV <br />air aay pvicei of alto ih+rpsrtr by puWk aaa@eecirmsm M !ht tit sag plate of aay )xr'tskrasLy ~tttlafed sa#t. Lr~r ar <br />E.eodtrrs desgats cry' portaiair tine Pwptn} u aay Sala. <br />'sipria rcctipr of pry tarot d the prier bid. ~Frautsr ±AMJ deliver t+t the purctsterr Trastct's decd tm.t3%ai SA.r Prrrpany <br />staid. i'he rsr'btds is tLe Trruaeis rfetd abaU Ue Prima lash raidrwt art rbt trW6 of ehr staterrrais rtrirde thereto. 'lrwlte <br />sires! apply tht ptarcreda cst rise ardr is rhr tWb.ri~ rurkr: {a/ tw all rerwoablt cia,ts aad expeasrs ut the sak. faaEudlag, her <br />anwi fkm#s$ aa, "f-r+y#lr's fees of rrW inure thou ~; Z v ~ 1 ". of tbs Rear vk prir<. rtawurWe atturwry's Eees awA cWS of <br />rigs eridsace; (hq ra aY salsa seaantd by ibb Ih+rd rd T rest: all icl Ftr rxcesa, it aay. to Me perwa w pesw>wa kRaYy eathlyd <br />ElrerNa- <br />Iq, Berrawn't ilg-t to ktda ante. 'tiaiu,+issseu~'.ia_R Lx.~rulrr'+ ..i thi: sum. ~; areas h} ;bra i7tex! , ; 3 ru.i. <br />It+Kruwtl tifsitt ty".i ihr rNtfz/ !ti bars Fsi.X tcctrii¢.a beau i r,ssl r {y_ s _ _ <br />aay +iust Crier to ihr teeters su .c.::r c•f E, i +tic h:th .!ay t,r;fu= itui~+uk ur rhr Pruprnyy~pur want rc.r trc'xx ,scij.,f~ talc ....r»uincJ <br />+n €hia Lk>Ka+aa T suet cx bet terry ,d a pirLRrrrni a-ntm.iag rh+. 1.4ud si t rust d let Bois r.wcr pgq, i ru,ier ..h >um, whrlh ,. uariJ <br />hr fiarr. Svc ,::iz€ra stns t3reJ .sl 1 ri.,a ltsr hayp =xwl rwta~s rug Futuia ar.}. ha,t a ,cicrai..ssr ,x.s ur+rJ <br />lEsi Bui>..war ,urv; :.Ii hicxrrr. .. am ,rtistr naiur ,, age ten,aau~, =~t 4esr row-rr . >..aainr.l ~~ ^hrs tyeeJ •,t 'I ru.i <br />tst Br, i:r.e va s:is r~-r;s,r;..t„i r i - - :r.lady?ry lrn.}er arw fr sc i. g rhr ;.,, i,.ota au+t „g, rrnienrs .;t <br />(Rae -.--t - vcJ i -t kyr u r -i l rrl -: J ~i, sag ! s-nJrx , -,} i - - ,;,,tic.. ..Jed -rage i h r <br />e. ~- <br />hest ! xt.r # h~ s .. a rr-t_d i.. ,r.riaMdc twr s ,ter. :s,.f i . Fk r .:kr ~. - s t rnJe ies rr.,.wr.nit <br />r>«•ac s.a a shsr is - t~~,. s i? t3,:,t~.f .~t +-,u i limo. -..__._~. ... .h: f i -,. ~, r.,7jY r. a..a, , -.h~ aa. :. , as <br />sagas, <br />