tJv;t-crt sr Cos r_na~rs Borrcwtr acrd i_enJer cuverr.:nt and agrxt as tofhws: ~*s"~ ~~~! ~LJ Wit}
<br />1. FaY~ sf Ihiwcyal aai ialerer. Borrower shall prrsmptly pay when due the pnm:ipai of and imerrst acct the
<br />rradrhtedarss ev;denced by the Nate, prepayment acrd late charges as provulul rn (tit Nwe, and the prinxapal of ar+4 inttresi
<br />oat aav Future ,'1Jvarxe> secured Gy ih.s f]tcr of !rust.
<br />f. Ftsis tw 7smee ad Itt~asfY. Subfect to appficabk law .x to a wnstrn waiver by Lender, Borrower shag pay
<br />fu I rn+lcr an the day maarethly instaBmenes of pnncrpal end imerrat arc payable under the Nwe, until tM Note as paid rn full,
<br />sum (here+n "Funds"! eyuat in onrrweKih ut the ytatty faxes and ~ sxssrnents which rtsay attain prrority oast thn
<br />Deed of Trent, and ground reins rxt the Propeny, J any, plus o~-rwelith ref yearly premumm instal}snents for hazard irasrrarsce.
<br />plw unc-twelfth of yearly prcmrum insraflmtnts iru mortgage rrewr/me, i! anY• al! as reasonably tstrmated imnalty and trwn
<br />time to ume by i.ersder ws the basis oaf assestmtnis and MBs anJ rtasanabk estemates thereof.
<br />Tht Funds shall be held to an srntnwion the alepasus nr accounu uE which arc #rssured ur guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency tusxtuding !.ender tf Lender is stash an inwtuuunF. Istakr shad apply the Funds to pay seed uxn, assesaments.
<br />rnsranru~e premiums and ground rents. (.ender may nW charge tar so hddrng and applying the Funds, areatyuag said account
<br />or vtnfyiag and crxnpiling sod assessments anJ bills, unless Lender pays Borrower rolerea on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits t-rnrkr to make srrth a charge liorrow+er and 1 ender may agree m witting at the nine of execwron of this
<br />[)eeJ u1 Trust that intcrrst on the Funds shat! be pouf to Bcxrower, end unless sorb ugrcemem ss made or applitabie law
<br />requires sw:h Interest to be paid, Lender shalt inn 6e rcywrcd to pay Borcawsr any mtcre4 or earnings an the Funds. Lender
<br />shalt give to Borrrrwtr, without charge, art annual accwroung M the Funds +Iwwmg crr:dtts and Jebits ro the Farads and (err
<br />purpax for whzch rxh debit to the Funds was made. The FunJa arc pledged as aaiditearut secunty for the sunss senued
<br />by this DeeJ of Trust. -
<br />ff the arnaunf of the Funds held by Lcrsdtr, tugethrr wnh the tutors mur4hly installments ut Funds payable prior to
<br />the Joe Jares of taxes assessments, Insurairce prenaurm aril grwnJ renb, sisal! escctJ the amount requxed to pay ssed taxes,
<br />assessments rnsurarsa'c preminnss .end gnwnJ rtnes a, ;(sty Nn Joe, +:xh excess shall Fee, at Borrowers opticm, eithar
<br />prnmplly rtpaed to Borrower air credutd to liornw~cr wr mwHhh mvallmcnt+ ui Funds. It the auxamt of the Funds
<br />hdJ by 1_rnder shall trot Fsc sutLlCmnt to pay roan. assessments, insurance premmms tint ground rrnts as they tall due.
<br />Borrower +haiE pay w Ir:ndcr any arraasin! err 'essarv to malt up the Jrfiu,ency wrehm 10 Jays from Iht Jate notice rs mailed
<br />try Lender to Aorrowtr requestaog payment thereof.
<br />!!pun paYmenl m tul! ut all sum> srcureJ by rho Dse.1 of l nrt. I cnJcr ,hah pr+uupny refund ru Brxmwer any Funds
<br />Gtid h}^ reader. tt under paragraph 13 Metros !hc PrtrpenY Is wIJ ur th.: Property +; urherw,se aayuxW by Lender. l.ersder
<br />attar! apply rsa later ttwn umtw~rYiatcfy laser !u the salt at the Irnrl~r•,ny' ~.:u n> .e.yunumwn Gy !..ender. any Fronds held try
<br />f.eaekr of aht ume at appteeauun rs a urrdn aga+rrst the +ums srcurnd Gv thls l.k'+e11 ur it oat
<br />~. ,tp}~eaairm of t'ayap:rtpa. Unless applrs.abt¢ law trsovlr3r+ um+^rwrst. rn q*rxmaus rercntJ by Lender und!:r the
<br />Nose anJ paragsapns 1 anil ; lnrco€ shrM #sr xppp~YY+cd f>y { creder hest :n paYrrnm „1 amxnfrst, pay'aidt to I.tnder hY Borrower
<br />under paragraph ^ #uCrcut. tlsc¢r to ruferrsr laavak~ttc ,ut iht Nutt, !Mesa t.: Ih¢ pnnalprt ut the [+Fmc, grad then to interest and
<br />prrracop-at on any Paiute Adwarnta
<br />4.. Ckn~eatl LinMUr. Bo11a'ru'a:er sa'alY pay rah less, assu~.arnCru+ ^,uru ++t Brea .hargua. nncs .md mrpusrttrYtas aPA r+Gutable to
<br />the .Fan,tpert}• wh~nh (nay attain a pruxny aver this I:h=td of 'I'rwC acrd Iea~n:hatd payasssnta ar graand rents. tl'' any. in the
<br />rnrwnes provided under Paragraph 2 Mica tot' ar, Itl raw isaiai in sash nt:inoer, by -ku'rerwr;r nook mg payment, whin due, Jircedy
<br />#u the !coyer ;hereof, Iku'rower shah prompdy tuurush io t.endcr all Ixwucs ur arnanunes Jac ureter this paragraph, an4 is the
<br />even! Hrxruwsr shalt make paytncnt Jxrxlly. Burrower shat) psonaptly turmsh to t ender rtax:pts eves#encrng sarch payrrtems.
<br />LLurerwrr sGa!! pr:xrrplfy ahxturgs anY ircn which has pnuniy oast rho theJ of 1 ital. punldeJ. that Boucwer shall nut be
<br />rtyurrrJ to Jacharge rnY rrah hcn w limg r+ W.u aswer +ha#) agree m wnnny, e, the paymcm of the ubhg.urun srxurcd by
<br />such l+en m a manner axceptaNC w Lender, ur shall m gotrJ faith aon!cv +uah I:ur hy. of JttenJ onto: cenuN of such hen m.
<br />ergo! ppteKCedrn(t> which rapcrate to prevent the en#ar-.Cment ,:1 the ilert ur furlerturr of the PraprtlL err any part 1htrCUi.
<br />S. Haiti (awrres. Borrower shall keep the :mpravements now c+»rurr ur herealler utcteJ on the Property moored
<br />agams: lass by art, hazards IncliadCd wlthm the tnnn 'ca#rruks! urver.:gr ~ and wch unrer hatarJs as I ender may rcywrr
<br />arad ra suet! at[faants acrd Cur >irch per rods as f cmkr maY reywre-. pruvith J, chat I.tnJcr shall nut reywrr that ttx amount of
<br />suers coverage excecJ that amount .r! :u+rrage reyuucJ w pay the sunr+ sraurcJ by dos DreJ of ~Fnrst
<br />t~ ttsstxar~a carraer pior:Jrog rht asurancr leaf! ise >ha-sect try ilorniwcr suGtsct to approval by t smkr. provrJeat.
<br />That xush appruva€ shalt Trot !>c unruuxtaMY wrrhhCld Alt pttruuurna on unm once pal,crrs shalt Gr oatd to the riteru4er
<br />prtsvtdcd lindel paragraph « trercuf ur., rt :wr paid nr stu:h nrantstr, try Burrower ruaksrsg payrsstrst, when Jar, Jsrntly to the
<br />trmsua#saro Garnet'.
<br />i^.tl ,Insuraat:C laVRtlarCa ianAf re11CW/ta ItIC[e1Nt 'shat! (K In ttaY rri aa..C'prrtnC 1.4 I CnJC( afld ![tall Ifh'IUJC a 3landard fM ftga;gC
<br />:l ar - 0avur at and rn ra acaspiabrs hx l.rnJ3r t em8tr art hnr•t Ire '-gf t to Muhl the puhcrta anJ renewals thcrtraf.
<br />aarl B+,rrawtr shad prumptty fir ish f. nJs rte r 'ze. t I+ulx:ss and .zit autrpis vt p wA premrunf.. In [fat t -•sst o€ tars.
<br />Ibsrxxuut. 3. a_, gt ~ _._t>pt ra*~z :o ehs s.a. ara.,..,rr-.ea anJ F anJxl # c..,.....ray n.aa. fn sitar >,t I+:rss ~, I...t n»w.k pr utnpilg
<br />Efy Brerrowcr -
<br />i,n#aas f - -anJ Isis -r - nturwrat agrur.° !rl ^rsrrt+ag - ur r !t , e J' ~ h tY. ptwJ t,r r;.s:ural x:m ar repa;r u
<br />Eke P'natrmny sLUUageJ. prrrrrJ::J >rx~h rea4uratru,u ur :czsru 1• c..anaau. alh hru!>la urd trait sccu!rty rte th,s Ur+:J ,it fast Is
<br />esai rfierrtty unpaired tt sru:h rtsturatu)a ct rePali Is trot rswrwur,=rely !ca>rGtc u t nc~ .tiur:ty ut this llerJ r;E -(.use woufJ
<br />he rmpaircJ, the nssuraru,e proceeds shall 6t appheJ to the sums se.urcd by this UctJ ,zt trust, a~uh the t+se+s. J anY. Part
<br />to Borrower. I[ tax Property n abartJurreJ by Bwrowsr, u: at tkxrruwCr r"ash I,r st>purrJ r.r t-enter wtlhan 30 da}r (ram the
<br />date nun.e r; nsarltst Gy Cendcr to Brstruwtr that the .n>uranct .ar ncr utters lu >etllr a .?arm for rnxerau.:c bcrcehts, t eriJer
<br />ra aautwrsmd to z.ulkct altd apply tho tnsuratats pruvrrda at i.rnaler's upuuu etcher to resrorruun ur repair ut the Prrtpeny
<br />or to the srrrra, aesurCJ by rhrs DetJ of tent.
<br />Uelas I,tmkr and F3oriuwt. utixrwrsc agree rn watuag, city +wh app!aarhun ul pruireds ru pnrxtpat shall riot e+tcnJ
<br />ar puatpune the due Jalc of rht mm~thiy uWaitmenh rrierrcil lu m puagtaph> ! anJ ? Matsu! ur ahangs the arrxww of
<br />ouch rtratatlnrCms. If under paragraph IN hector the Property r> rsyuucd by treater, atf rfght.:nle anJ futcrrst of Borruwrr
<br />to and to auy fnsuram;c p.,lulta aaJ rn anJ ru ttu: prractt+is Itn:raut rtautung iron, JamagC ru nc~ Property prrur to rtes sale
<br />cu arquiartwn slwt$ pass 7a Itnaler tq the extent ul the sunsa accurCd b} rhza DeeJ of -f ruse unrtrcJrstcly prrsrr [~ ,tech aaie ur
<br />/cquisdioo.
<br />G. 1'rwervasiaa ant MaiNSaarss of Ihaperty: Lerst'9wlia: (, ariuauniums; Planned Unu Ikve{upeaemw Bar rower
<br />+Gst; 6xcfa !#p_ Property !n g.sea! rxpa,r a:rd +trah :wst .::ntl:::t .h .w is°r:::u ;.np.~~v:;°.: n: t_•tcrr.,ranw; , r tt •• Pruper:y
<br />amt vhaU cwnply with the pruveuutu of any feast rf this 1}eCJ .d hr'ust rs un .: ieauholJ II the i~eJ at 1 roar ro on a umr ua a
<br />casndsatntnautn ur a pinatned unit dtseiotmu:ut, Borruwr, shah ptiturnr al. ul Honuwcr > utrhgrrluus uuJxr she Jeclarahuu
<br />w cua'nrsants etcatrng r!r gusrrnmg ShC asr.Jannnrun; or planned afar des clopaceut, the by iawa .uIJ rcgulahor+s ~,t tM
<br />coodomrmum ur planrwJ amt devCto{xrtrnt. end almstnarn+ J.,: unr.~u.+ t# ;r .unJ.,mmlum , 1 ptannrd z nlt dtv<loprnr:.nt
<br />r,dtr r'a txc.:uteJ by Barsuwcr aril rrxurtlCJ tc:getlsaa wnh tn,a IlerJ u{ i roar. errs .uvenau#> anJ rgrceltfenta ut sue:h ruler
<br />xhaiS ha rra:arpaerafW tnw oral stroll xntsuJ anJ wppknrtm the s-uaertams rnu agrsxnxnrs of this [xeJ ut -t ruu as tt the nJer
<br />reerc a put htlest!.
<br />7. !'»tasr[iia ra/ I.sdacra Seeriky. tf Burrower fads w t><rturm the ceverrants anJ agiecntenu aoatauseJ in chit
<br />IIWd .rf Iruat, «.rr :t any aCt Wit ur prusaexJmyf as cuaimerraeJ whwh :urter,atly alltvts ! endsr's litter rat m the Property,
<br />-^'w -~`- trrr Err-~a;~. @-, CsTtsannr .3wr:ain, inaJttir .'Y. a-W.: L:i#arl acnit;,i, cr /rranga'nrrnra I,r pcah-CCJrng> :nr.livrng .,
<br />t?an[rerpt sac ries±afrnt, 7aar. Isnder ai 1 e:nfsr~s uphs€4 upon n,sizir au Borrowcs, Wray orals rah rperearrnaes, drstrursr awh
<br />siar~iu anal raix sash aerzarr as :s rttcesaary ur pr asst isndxr~s ,nserest. ,nvluJlug. hm nut hmrteJ Kr, il,s#wtstnarw ,.I
<br />reawr:aGte aftwary's lees Arad en#ry upwr the Property to utaF.t rcpiu^. It I,rtuicr fcyurrtil Ilrurtgage rnsurawe a
<br />u»tdt+an ref nsakt.`rg tart tsar sCr;.urr:J ay tlyn Ilex.! ref Trust, Barruw.~:; strait pa} Woe rrtmwasx reyulrrJ to r a,ntam s r.G
<br />nsterance sea arks! tmfrl arr:la recess ~ the rCyuucntent fur srxG ,ciwrasrst !enmr;atr., ::t r :.«,rJa<rax wnh fiarruwcr's a+rJ
<br />i.eadsr`s wnuen agrtensent rx appiiaahte law Burrower shaEl pas the anruuw ..t a!I ugrtgayt :.»usaa.c premrwns In the
<br />rnararser pruvidsd urtdef paP ? taste,;!.
<br />RiYY arru3Vtssls cfisberraerf rby Lender pruauaru to the paragraph 7. wnh ens°rut rtterauu >haii #+~a=.,,,nt adJru„hat
<br />_`'° _- - -._` nurrusvsr rearurCd ray tiw Iscsa[ u1 !rust Uratrss Sprrowtr asW I c~wirr ag,rc h. Whet err nrs of paYntenr. r<s.n
<br />atlururtrs stoat! he pay/We upazr nurr,:e from t.erarkr bd Baresrw sr rc4utst,xg pay+otnt r#urtut..,nJ shah Gear :ntertar 'rum tae
<br />dine rsf tfishsuacnastit at fhs cafe payatilt fr+xu rheas !u fiats un uulsraudu.g furnarpai ureter rtx `usz ..,cress pa}teseni of inrerrsr
<br />ai afar:G rata wawtJ t_,s c.mnary ru /pphratsfs t.°w, let whivh -- r.G amuuw,. ,hat! err, :ratercat at the rar<
<br />grit rn~isiEk wwlr appta:aWt #aw Nwhang .o:st:azrxJ ,rr tMs fras agraph " ats,.'1: ,ayuur Lender to !recur any expense ur trtYe
<br />any asferrsz trcrrarmita
<br />g- tifFeCiina: t.ewkr ma'z rraair ur ..rear. Fu Gs made rxaw:tatric ,rune. ,its... : ,nap.:>t .a ..# the Prup,:ay, pl,.. n::u
<br />shat 3 C~ra3ar xJkYSt€ g:Ya tturrsaasa nartrs-e prsar to arty vukb :n~pc;.turn :pt.ayeng ,<....~.wnta~ .aa.a ~at:dot +t1atCJ m i x,atrr ,
<br />_~ :o .~ ~aoeras -
<br />