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<br />tc~;;)vt <br />yx~~ tICi~051 <br />~.:v ~+ <br />- --3. T~lte morigs~nr currnan~ and attrtea t}tat if ire ahdi fii) to pity said iedt6ledttea. or an) partthcr~( when <br />d~,or ahall fsil to perforat any covenant or aRt+erment of t®ia iaatruateni a the ptemiarory etstr aeeated hereby. the <br />st4~ee indeMedaara hereby secured ahsl! 'smntediatsly beeexe dtse, prysble, Jtad~6. yriiha~8t notice at the <br />a]~Ius ~ the mnrt}pcper or aasipta, reaardkss of maWrit7. and the mortRi(jee or hL tadpu aany before or after enen- <br />adi-acid pro{rcrtp without sppraiwemcnx ,the eaortgsRor having waived and to the <br />~~1. aeai}tnrd mortFHtn aU ti}~ta o{ <br />t } at jadieir! Bate paroaaM to tier prow}alone of Z6`U.S.i;. 20(ti a a t : w <br />(tt t at the option of the t»ortgapee, either by auc4m or by to$dtatis of sealed bFdy f~ the highest asd <br />beat bid rmnplyiag with the terms of wk and euttaer of paytneat aperi$sd3itilss ptt$LFdted itotit+e o!' ante, Gear <br />civia}t four wrelu' Hoffer, of tM time, terms, sod place of such sak, by advrrtisentent not lens than uncr <br />dsritag each of aid faur weeks in a tuy.apaper pttbliabed or diuribated in the codaty m wLkh said property <br />is situated, alt ether notice being herrbp waived by the mottgager (need acid mortgagee, or aey pans eaa <br />bdtaif of said mortgagee, m:y bid with the aapaid iadebtndneas evidenced by wfd Hefei. Safd ask dull be <br />hehi at w oa the property to be acid ar at rite FerkraL county, or city eouethanse for the cormty is whidt the <br />prarperty is located. Thr atortgagee is hereby aettJseriud to creeette for and ea behalf of the mortEa~r tad b <br />tklircr u the purchaser at aurJt ask a amt axe::sax of acid prapetry« which axtnveyaatc aitafi oantnee <br />tetiUt4 as to the bappeaatg of the aped whuah the saentteoo of the power of ark herein granted <br />depeadst need tits uhi ttmeegt~pttr hereby eatdaitutes and rppeiata the motegagee or nap agamt or,atl+arrtey of the <br />marrtlptipare: the a,gtmt need attorney is feat of said mortgstgar to Hobe attsh rtcitali rod to etteevte arid'. <br />coetesgatsx and heereby sovasadb sad agmoe xhat she rewittla so trade ahril ire r.Beetnal to bar ail equity or <br />n}dN of rrrodsartptitm, Itomeetead, dawn. and all athrr a:enepniatna of the ntortgay[or, slit of which are hreriry <br />rxprrasly yva:"rre. d r~rsd e+atrrrivprd to tier rrroit;ga}tent; h~r. . <br />1atl trice any other ttppraprfate aetimt. pursurnt to start ru t'etkral staitnr Tither in ~tatr ur Fsrktsl <br />.vnrt or atherwias for ttu dorpawtrae ref the-property. <br />in the evart of a a.k u he-einbeforc provided, the tttottgagor ar any petwoa is parreeeioa order the morN <br />,ytgar ahsN then become and be trnanta holding over and nhail forthwith deliver }aosneaefon to the pureitaser at <br />such ~eak ar 6s summarily dispos+eaeaed, in aceordamee with the provisions of law applireble to tenants hohlina <br />1'fte petvrr need aaencr Isere-by granted atrzs soupletl with un intrrret sari are rrrevuerhie 6v .teeth ar uthrry. ass. an.i <br />err granted as emittdativr'to the tetpsdin #ar eolkctirm of said indebterhress prey ailed hr la.«-. <br />~%. 'i`lea proorrde af'aaF e#Xt'gj tni~i pj'aipotl~ in aacatdance with the preoeaiiaa parsmaapha shall be rppbed ftrst <br />to pay titre Deets nazi t:afpanret of amide sala..~the attypsstem inactsred In rite tttortgt}tee fey the ptarpoae of protecting urmain- <br />ta{aeit.~, ea'-`~ =~*~e~~F• his- ~yti" fay: ~y•~ to {set> the i:tcieisirdttrxis sacart i 4rere=sy.; arni tirirrlly. <br />to pry stay sanrpiaa tar sttmeer to the }tsraestror itetaerea iaisily ra4fttked tberrto. <br />S. in the event said property is .cold ai r judicial foteekwre ssk or pnrauant to rite power of oak herefaabove <br />gtaated, nail the proeeeda ax trot ru6ritne to pry the torsi iadr.6tedaer secured by this isuteutacnt rnd evideaeed by <br />said pmmiatery note« the taoetgagee will be entitled to a deGeieocy judgtstcnt for the attwunt o} the dejrciency eaXeftout <br />sayarai to appawiaerwtt. <br />6 in tka wart the +uortgatror fait to pay any f'ederrl, state, ur {aral tax asseeameu4 income tax ur other tax <br />flea, charge, fee, or otbax espense chrrged the properly the taert}}a;ee is hereby autieurired at his option to <br />pry the ssate..~aY samN aB prfd by the mortfagee shall be added to and become a part of the principal amount of the <br />-'>sra2a`a`-`~sa evi~t°.exrf hs.' said aotr. aubjczt to the aarae terms and contiitioas. It the mort}cagor shall pay and <br />diaeha;rge eke itisdeittednpt cvfdenared by grid promianry Hate, and shall pay such ettma aced abet! discharge atl <br />uua aril Beds tad the:,sett, facer, nail ettpeaees of making, ratforcing,. atxd caseating thin mortgage, then thin mortgage <br />sbr~ bs rraealed and nasrattaiaaed, <br />'.`: '~1a oaagrata hsraiw caataiaed mull bidd rnd the 6enefita earl rdvattia}tce slaafl inure to the rrsprctiyr sau~. <br />aosaacaetad asaiPs of she parties besets. Whssver useel. the afagalar number ahail include the plural, the plural the <br />tt~ flee rue ~ age gs tthaii ~ ail gat~ara <br />tE. itfo waver of arty aYSFeaa3l hsxsin er of the obligation secttrrd hereiry shat) at nr+ time therr.flvr isr held <br />tar her s ~wafrer d the lei hetsai ax of the elate aarenred hereby. <br />4. A jasek4iat} daarrta, order, m jttdywau b nay provisian ur pattiwt of Ehm tratrut~tt invalid er wrca- <br />- - ..~~~ <br />°~- -a ~i ~i fir %,~prrc:+.uw feet eafrrrpt#rertt of ipe raaaaiaiegt urorisfone or }aMirrae of thi. <br />ittrt~tstreat. <br />~-~'1 *adtiirrMLttitaatttdtttdYtaaryw~ar patrrttadt to firs ptwaiter of this itd4rmue+et aheli 6a ad- <br />~~t6aaaaftaiAtq}ste~ `#tS l3 ~st-P'tt ?•fawr~-rti, fsu.i to lt~l, Grazs~ Ts leered. ;dE 68k3QI <br />aril trop xriYau setios u b- iaaeted to tits rtaertpttse sbati <br />fIG ~ 4 the sttrrfgirypas at Tr . _ Hr_ x -_ n r =- -.,. ` h , - _ -.. . _._ .,, , - .... - <br />tar.- x'-t+p. ass, ;z.-s: <br />