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$~-- t)(i%d51 <br />Said praomiara€y torte was ,puss b assure a loan in vrhieh the Small Buaiant Administration, as a6enep o[ the <br />Gnhei States o[ Aaeriea, Err panittipemd. In earnpliaace with section 1fil.l(d) of lbe $timme and Re~et}ationa of <br />the Stnatl Burneas Adminiatntion [IS C.F.R. 101.11 d i ), this iastntmrat is to be roasteved and m[oreed is teewrd- <br />attw tt#ith app[iica-Ie Federal kr. <br />1. 'i'hs wwetptger eoenwasOt and a~eaa rie9ww: <br />s. Ha wilt prompth pap the indsbfedes eridewtad hp acid ptteeai~erp note at the titwa cad is the <br />[wanner thtetsia presided. <br />b lie will pap all ta>oea, aaaeettnsnb, water ['arcs. cad other goverwmeatd er man:~pd e6aeBaa, fiaaa, or <br />impttaitfowa, for which ptoviaim 6r wet hem reads htefaa>G and will prompdp deliver the affitdal mnaipn--. <br />thetre3nr to the maid tttort~. <br />e. Se will pay sndt e:penars cad fees as [nap he iecnrred is the protection atad maiatanawee of acid <br />property. iadadfesE the fns of cap atiorrrep empbyed br the foe the aofleetiea of anp or all oL <br />tihe indahtedneaa hereby seemed, or foreelawue by motiRaRer. x sale, ar court. proceediapa, ru in any othar <br />Iftigat~n _rrt proceeding affetetinR said Property. A€tornevs' fees reastmahly ineumnl in am other w:r rhall he <br />paid by the mortaaROr. <br />d Far hotter secnrity of the iadehttdates freeeity serarrd: np<m site rrqur~ of she mortgagee, its <br />eaccrseors ur assigns, hr shall txetutr and dehvtr a supplemental mortgage or rnartRaRee ruvrrinR any <br />additiana, improvements, or hr[trrgtents made to the pruprwrty ltr rei.nabuv+^ described and ell property <br />acquired ley it alter the date htreot ~ aiI in furnu satisfactnr+~ to aurort};aRre ~. Furthennure, shoo#d martgaRar <br />fail to c:um any riefault in the. paynrrnt of a prior err r~neumbranre an the trruperty described by <br />this inatru nrent, mnrtgaRor ktrrehy agrees au permit mortgagee to ~•ure ~urh default. 1'xn mureRaRee it not <br />vltiigatrrl to du 40: and such udvancrx..haft }wenmr pan of the irtdrhtrdm°o-r...-+•u rr,i by thi,~ instrument. <br />suubjert to tFnr same tertna and conditinnr, <br />e, 'llte rights created by this vtnvrvaatr .ball remain iu full [ores end effect rf uriuR any posip.enrnrrnl <br />ar rxtrnsiaa of dte time of the payment of the indrfitednrss rt rdenerrt by -aid prnmi+snn- outs or am #mrt <br />ticereuf :reared hetehv. <br />). fie will continuously maiatain hazard irouraace, of ouch type or types and in such amotmu as the <br />trtortgaRee ttwy feum terru~- to time rrquirt an the itupm.rtrcen:w unw ~.r hrrra[t.•r „er .ai+! pro#n•rtr, awl <br />will pap promptly whin doe sap premiums therefor.:111 insurance shall 6e cerried in cumpanin aceeptahk <br />to cad the-prsliciss sad retaewals ihereaF :hall be held by mortgagee cad have attac)tcd thcreeto <br />fuss pavalda efa+sssa is favor of cad is Furor arccptala#.• t~:. tht arux#ga grr €rt rn rqt of lass. marfRagus wiil Rive <br />imwediirtter notice in writing to smtttrsaarw and mtutgagta ntay ntxkt proof of toss if not made promptly by <br />mortgagor, and ea,rh iruuranrr rnmpany eowcernctl in hereby autlturi:rd and dire. ctn+i to make payment for sorb <br />leas ditwrtly to muregagae insttad at to mortgagor acrd tuwrt{tapcrt jointly, and the tneurartce prueer+h. ar aqy <br />puts iharr+al; rtsap !x appiis+l by msrlgagcr at ire aptson cithtr Lu tfte rrductiun of the indshtedresas herrdtp <br />sacured or to pies n~rturatiart ur repair of the proparip rfamagud iuc destnrycd. In event of forerl~osure of this <br />msttgage, ar other transfer and titic to said propartr in tx2irtRiti~sbmrnt of the iatdehtadrte>ar aaearad hcrcluy, aru <br />t< title; and intertsi st the tnartgagar in seed to any insurance poiitizs than in f rte =hail Poor to fire <br />purth+uer u[ martRagtr m, at tier optidt of the mareraRte, suet fn• +nrrerr.irrrd f,:r .. refrmd. <br />R. He will keep all ixtildinRs cad other improt rment. ou -aid proprrt+ +u Ruud r,-parr .rod ounditiou: <br />will pe€mit, eos~its or staffer tto waste,. impsirtnertt. deterioration ui raid protwnt err an. part thee.^oi: <br />in Ihr rvtnt nE faiiurr of the quortgsRer to keep the 6raildirtRa on said pretttisr+ and [freer rmrtrd ,,n +ai,l <br />premises, ar improrernentr therr+ut, in Rand repair. ehr mortgagee awv mak+• aus~lr r+-parr a. in i;• ~#i.cretinn <br />it may deem treteasary for the proper pteeerva[iwt thereof: and tke full amount of rarh and rsrrs .ocfi <br />#upment ah+ill he itmatrdiaiefp dtie and payable: and shall Frr .eturrsl b. rite hen of chi. nrortgagr. <br />k. 4ie w•ili nut voluntarily create or permit to br erected against the property sab)ect to this mortgage any <br />lion or fiem inferior or superior to the lieu of thi.e monaagc withou# the .. rttttn .-uttsrnt of [fie mortgagee: and <br />furlher, that hr will keep and maintarn the hauw leer from t#n~ .:ono ..I a## pr r.., +..,,pph ins {ale.x .~+ <br />aaalcriais for roas[rttction ut car acrd all but hfings ur rmprosrn+rnt, nu.w hrcnK •~n-~tv'# „r t.. by ~rrrte•d ..n <br />said ptetaisssw <br />Hr wiFl riot rent ur assign any part of the rent of vid nrangaR.d prugre. ur ~irmoti.h. ~+r r~u+s e. <br />err suhstaotially aker auv i.uildinR without [fie written cuaveut ,+t tltr nsonraaer <br />j. ,~;< aw.r3a v-f datatt~ E itt euarttcctitm ttit6 ant, >au:~o~~-tt=~ f.~t p~s~b'-,:= .x .,.... - -, an+ ;sf tl~- <br />pnsprriv su1-+j.•c! to tins nrur€gaRr are hereby ass.gnad and .ha#! hr pai.i to ro.,rt€att~• alto mac apply tkte <br />mama to f+a•ur«nt of thv in.tal#ments #a~t drtr under =ai:l Harr, amt murtraRrr r- herrbv autburised, to tftr <br />t>mrar of tiw mortgagor, to caatutc ctrl dr•liv es valid atquiusrxe. thrrrad and t+. aptw a! tenor ans ,ucb await) <br />A, ~fhe aarortRagrr stall hear the right kr inspect the nrortRaRn1 prewar. ar cut rrasruublr t+xtr. <br />#:- f3tiatslt is coy of fine mv'euawts W taadiitoas ai tires iratrumeat or of the Harr, or ioan aatrrcment severed <br />ireaa6p shall eerminatr the tnortgaRar's ttiR#tt to pwsmaioe, ttaes argl enjoyment n( the propetix. st the aptiaa of the <br />atattpapr nr iris assipor rit 6einR agread drat the mortPager shall Karr curb right nmil defaahf, l'pmt anv ouch <br />dEfw#d!. the eaartttagar dull breutrte the owner e$ a8 of the terrss and pros is aerrui:nR after defsutr sr rrcrru. <br />Parr tYa tttdrhttdeeat setatrtd hataby, witlx ihn:riwftt to statrtr +apoe said prapettp far the Purpu.r of ru[{rrunR surfs <br />saris seed prgf'tia. 'f'hb tttstrtamrn€ [tali ap+r+M+t a6 aw ariramaxt +ad anp rentals tm said prap€rty to that rzt€nt. <br /> <br />