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<br />3. The tnastRty[ar eorcnsnu and aKr+sta that sf be dptt~ ~ to pttp said iaddtta~ne or env past thereof wh[st <br />dstar as shall tail to prrfor® sny covenant or ap+eernent of tloa bttisamtet or the pramitor mote samrad hereby, the <br />ettt~fee ~de6tedaca. tecreby xcuted shah iraatedisuly beeor ilea, ~,tt7~ +qj odlepiNe rvit6otlt ~tietr, at ebe <br />a~tliea of the nawrtgspen ar ataippts. regardieee of trtatttrity, aed etsetlpjyee of hir'atalaia tia.y before sK after etslrs <br />cull acid property withant sppnisrmmt t elk. mortyytor havirR waived stsd atagpted to the mortfatpee all tiphts of <br />apywitawteeti: .., <br />' t p ai judicial oak pursuant to the provisions al S>l ti.~,L'. 2(!~I ! a ~ : ur <br />s tt 3 at the option of the mortga6ee, a;tlttr by stretiao,aK by a~a~aa ~)~ [~t~ ~ <br />beet bid rompiyitt6 with the terms of sak and senesce of payment apaei6ed seethe ¢iblialmd eotitx of ale. btu <br />Kivityt four weeks' M+tiec of the ume, terms sad plea u( wrh rak, lsy advtrti«cmeot teq lesv than once <br />durin6 each of said fora weeks im a ttewapapu pobtiabed or distribtNed io the ~Y in trjpr~ staid psappaety <br />a sitttated, all other Heise bent{ hereby waived by the toortgt6or {amd acid aautppee, or any peraar trs <br />b~ta$ of said taortgagtq may b~ wild the niapaid ittdebudotas evidenced by said note?- Saki sale thel! lu <br />held at or an the property to he .old or at the Federsl, conoty. or city c-ounhoase fm the count. in trltiah the <br />prepperep is heested. The mortEa~ee is htrebp au:basized to execute fw aed oe behalf of the tttsd [o <br />deliver to the psuehaser at web sak a suiciertt convevuee of said property, which conveyattee shall eaWaia <br />uriub as u the happening of ihr dalauh epon which the rxeavtioa of the power of wk hencin gmtated <br />depoeda; aped else acid aottpaRor hereby eoitpitatea sad appaiego the tnesaipttgee or anx aiymnt ar attorney of the <br />mortgagor:, the agttttt and ataattea^r is fart of acid moreEygar to pnakR paoh~:''"recitale.ttod'to extnRtte acid <br />ermaoyaraa tmd hereby rewtaants and agrees thu rho rreeitah so wale shall he el[sxytta! tar brae ell egaiy or <br />right of radrtret ptian. irumesttatl, dmwcr. aed ail ether rsrnt ptjanna rot thrt naariptaptrc. ail of which arc Irarchr <br />expcesaly waiwird and nanvevtd to Nhe morapaypnu; or <br />i nt) take any oher appropriate rsiian pursuant to state ur 1;'ederai statute either iu rtdr ur F'erktal <br />court or otberwiae for the diaposinm of the propem. <br />Ia Wr event of a oak as hereittbe{ore provided, the taottgttgor or nap perwru in posaeeeion under the mart- <br />gaaor shall then bereme and be tenants holding over and Thal) forthwith rkHvee posecwion to the purrhaeer at <br />rash sak or be xummartly disporreascd. in accordanrr with the prorieiooe of law applitabk to tenant+ holtlins over. <br />The power ertd aRcnry trezebv panted art coupled with art interest and are irrcvcesbir by death m nthrrwirr. and <br />acs gnnttd ae catnnlative to the retnrde:ra for estikction of xatd indcbtedncrx pn>v idrrE hr tar.. <br />dt. Tln! proeeeda of arty sale atttl~'l:#ttr~~inia3ii''1.ith the preccdirtg parapaphs alta:il br applied first <br />to pap !hc sorts asd, tatpz~ars ai'raa>alarr~a:Fr~tl+~y the tnongagate for flat purpose-of prota+etittg or mata- <br />taitsitsp sid; prsge.-is a~ rttvwu al~tatttya" frxe« v»ae~'. to pwu the ltede9tt edstxw mtut~ it~nlxo ; an,1 thir.dir <br />to pap sap' sot nr tatteas tau for pantut ar peravna #egtal lw ena~hiad thereto. <br />3- io tree =_vr~t said pr'almrty it sold at a jadtttal fo[eeIaettre ssk! or ptusnaat w the power of Hale hartinsbovt <br />greened, aed She procaetht tree Hat sttf&eisat to pap the totes ~ severed by thin imtavrnent sad evidenced by <br />said pavteiesatw note. the tnartgatpee will be cxttithd to a de6eiracg jtrd~oettt for the amount of the dc~rr.ierup wirkoett <br />~j w appndanttws8 <br />tt. In the tutor the mortgagor faikt w pap any Federal, ,tats, ut lacnl lax aaveesrneut, ir. vote tax ur other tax <br />lice, charge, hx, or other expanse ehargtd agaieN the property flu otortgagee ie hereby authorized at his option a, <br />pct} the snare. Any sums to paid by the asortgagce shall be added to utd became a part of the primipai amount u(thc <br />ied~tsd~eae rvidrtnedl by said note. wbjrrct 1o the name tertas and conditions. if the stortgagor shsil pas and <br />dlaehar~e rtes irtdebtedoes- tvidemxd by said prwnLsorq mta end shall pay such wane and shalt diaeharg all <br />tees stn! llama and the oasts„ feew and expsw of teakitpl, estiottnieg, ad exeeutiog this mortgage, thm this ntaetgagr <br />.+adi hs ~d and aprxsamdwod. <br />y- 'I'ha aoaMamr rancor eawittad dsall hid and the 6tvtefiu and adwotapi dull inure to the rr-ryr..rlivc roc. <br />as~aaaa said aarstn of the parties lrtoan. >ph~asv need, the si~elar eoether shall inehtde th,e plural, the places the <br />aiMrlat neat rim era al talc censer ahd indstie sH pmdeaa. <br />i' trier wtarar rri tmy eaveatant hesaia or ai' rite ~ serur>•d inrebr riuli at say time thcrcakr-r 1>e M.-td <br />as ha a wmsve~r of t#,e isrtw hercal ~ of aha crane aanrsad iserehs. <br />9' '` f dtasnstr o~• a i!dP*~t ~ t~v~ ar prtattoat of khis iwtrtewen! iarsltd ur uncss- <br />faaaraaiakr shall Hat ~ wry way ittyrair ~ precitads tic rrfotrrawurrt sf Nee erseaias~ rrMriuma .v r,..}r;.,~ .,t rt,:. <br />~' may atsipaan ~efien tr iRr iaataai cadre attergtater par.rpt a rim provisictr sd thin iautresant shall brr ad• <br />dStadt~irattas,ptatNrsppRM q{11l N. fftrtsa,rd, ~r8tttl I~1and, tf~ 589t?S <br />sad rpsy wsitts trtYOa a he irsread to the rsrartpZstpee du11 <br />hsa:~dy~+~.neext i'.1- f=~iat 1`s~;', ,rnrd .steed. 'YE ^S8€~t <br />r#v. t::tlresr srs ~t.*Ra <br />