=,-4 ~'1 t
<br />.~iv °-®- If(F ~tJ el l~
<br />Lifid /ro>.tiaenay note w>d gitrresr ;e .seem a toss in trhieh tLe Small ~~s+ns /ldasiniatsaties, as aCpmtp rd SCae
<br />!}ri~Suaes vi Atseeiee. Ctr ~. In coeepliasee arith aeefies 19Lt!d) at the Stelm ssrd ILiepdrbrr aC
<br />tht SaiC Bnaiaew Adtsfsertrstiaa (13 CF.R. 101.1 tdT 7, tb~ ieatrseaest i to he usd en{weed a aaterd.
<br />aepr c~tlr ~ Farietri tans.
<br />TLta tttrort~ae sxrerlassta zud ttareaa as fe~ew:
<br />s. Hre trill prtrtepdr pat the 3arr~eedu~ tsCdeattesF h; sail ppae~asy-stafa at t6R titraa asi tt4 tics
<br />thezca presided.
<br />t+. lIa +ti# par a~ uses. raeaa~y swaryar etws, std other jai art tYtx~:etpeial.*a~ra.8iaa, ~
<br />imparaiiiaas, for trhieh presides has rest 6tren ttatde imcisbetore, aed w~l passrptly de8tra•tlae aitdai t~ptli
<br />t6etefar w tha said fie.
<br />u $a .riU pat eau6 ettp,enaaa sad fees r scary he isctvred ie tha preasetias atad.aaisteaanas of said
<br />prtperty, ine}udiss the (area d ass atisrtaey etwptoyed ley the mmyCagee~ for fire ao{leetim_of asp or all oL>
<br />the a }aereisy sacmcd. or foeerloprre Cry rraxtEapx x ease, or court prxtrdiv,Cte, or in as; other
<br />Citigatir~ ~-pmrxed}sK at$eetertt acid peepeety. Alaernevs' faea e+caaonabiy iraeorred in anv other war tdttdl be
<br />paid Cnr fix tsaHttaaor.
<br />d. Far brtrr s~:mx of t~ isdebtetl~ea Lr,-•rehNr -ter-aced, apon the rrqur•at of iLu mortgagee, its
<br />srte+cea,aorn or anaiRtna, Lte s}taiL e~ssmutc and dativer a euppicnre+ntz! mortµaµe ar naart~ages r.^vveri~ng, anv
<br />ndditiana, iaoprovemarusa„ or Lrrtt+ernrants made fro r}ae property Itrrrinabro+r darer, rilratl and. ail proiarrir
<br />acquired by it after aka daxR herrraf ' aLl in L'ornt =uatiatac[<rrr- to rnorty;agee .. Fnrthrrntorr. almuld martgagur
<br />fail [a, crone am rlcfanJt in the i:,acnsant of a prior or anterior <rnrrunrbrarern on the preairerty rlesrri'hed b+
<br />eRris inatr'umcatt, mvrYRaxror hrerrkry agrees to permit rmar:rrr;Xaµree to cexre such default. }tnt enariga,gec ie not
<br />ubligat€d to r}a ~ra: and such advancer :uhatl berronaar Lrart of r}re dndrL+te.irwr• -«-.-asset by chi iurtrrrmxot.
<br />snb~jtrt to the same tarm~s a;ad ranrlitioara.
<br />r. The tiCdtts cteatarl Lry ibis <•+mvrranea shall rennin iu tali farce and effect durinc, and paetpunrnrrtrt
<br />w ratrnaias of the lints of the Cravmrnt of ±he indr}ttedncas rridena•rd b+ .end prntnirsorr note or an+ pan
<br />t'.,~zsf =erarxd hereto.
<br />/. Cie wiH cwttlintmrraly maanain hattard inauranae, of such type or types and in such amoenL as the
<br />,ttartµattee tnay from tittm !o [irau. rewire ux tiro impro+errtartt. now car hrre•aftrr a,r .aid proprrt+, and
<br />wdl pay gromptiy w}tes dse say pnmioma thereior.:ill insurance rhaii 6e carried in compantea aeeeptabla
<br />~ tttertCCagae ~ th+t p atssi rrnawaCs thsrcof shat! Lx held by mvrtee and have attached thereto
<br />Law payable clauses an tzvor of anri in farm ar.•rptabLa ter tLtc snarl gaKe°r, Ln e+•ent. of L:;ra, tnortgagur t.iLi give
<br />rattn;~diatNt ~,;antiee in wattle;-!e nwrtgaCSee, anti mur2ga{ttx auav rrxaka pr<wf of Lola tf nm nxade promptly by
<br />tttortgaRor« and: aavlz insurarta enmpzay corttxrrntd f s hareby auahariaed and dirtcicd to make payment for sash
<br />]rasa directly Be trtvrtgap„ee iautaad rd [a mnrtgsyrvr aced atkarr.tta.geS: gcrintly. and the irtsurarsee praae+ds, ar any
<br />park thrtrsastr rrgy L;ae applied Carr marycagaa•. at its agetvn rit_krr ra tfta reeisswtiasr c6 th€ irsr,C€l,t€dn?;~ itr~r~ciag
<br />a+aarrxarl oar to the rsatmratian ar repair of the trirapetir damaged ar clasrraycd,. In event of toret:losuse of tills
<br />staffer or t~Li€r tsas~far .,f tas}€ to szid property in-+ezsmC+,uis}anent ref. the lade.}riednese aeeeere~d hereby, nil
<br />reel, t3:~ atad-isterest_a€ the-fir it. and to zsir issasaratsee pai}eies then in force sbaCC pass to the
<br />pure-uaer or martf[agee or, at ttre opt}ott cat the mortgagor: nta+ hr snrrrmlrrrd far a refaced.
<br />µ. lie will Ctrpep ail buildings sad WCfe; impruyesnrnts ou said properk~ cn ~aurl repair and cvnrlition:
<br />will ptrmia, eo~rwaik uu.rru$rrr rte. waste, ianpairntenk deterioratiau ni said property or am- part therraf;
<br />io tha cosset u} tartars of the nrartgzaor frs i:eap the buiidittgs oat :.ai+i f~rrmises and tlu,rr erected nn Bard
<br />praaa,issa, at imprev2.yrNats thereuur in gs+od rapair, the mortgagee met' make sncb rrC,airs a, in its ,{isarrtion
<br />it exay deers rte+aeasary far [ba proper prtbervati+an thereofs aml the. full amount of carp and rvr•r+ .ncb
<br />pa,yrrteut siwCl Cte irntwad}tsteEs rttu znd Clay abk: and. aCtzC) Crc .ect+red by rite lien of t},ir rrranyaKc.
<br />h- Hr :..iii sat saluntarily orate or permit to be crezted agaitu[ the property subject to list rraortgage any
<br />limt ar Limzu snf€surr car suCseriar to the Ilex of this mwiµage wiehuut the wri[ten cnnxat of the mortgagee; and
<br />fttrtberr that he will keep and maiulairt the ±amr (rev fntru tL:r• ciarnr ..1 all }rr raunn .n ppl}ina lahr,r car
<br />~eaaY~i~aia for netwaroatan ref asy atui a:{} buildings or tmpravemrnt: nv++ }n=inK ••rrrtrd or to he r r.•.-trd nu
<br />sa}si prea,iritra.
<br />i, }ie will cwt rant car a+w}Rn any part of fire rent u[ said morlgaCtrd pn,prrta or demolish, ar rrtxo+c.
<br />car auia+tanliaily liter anv intifdiog w-ithout itrr +.-ri tree, rousrns of the marteaµrr.
<br />- ' =- Ali~stsrzr~ ~ ~a }n er€€tinn nri-asp -uudrrunzt~ ter p:tbiic rz..a ui :tr injnr+ to any r,i the
<br />p:•vpcrty ~abjre'f to skis a,artgage ass Ircrzby aa.igiserL and shztI br paiii is murtgPa'Re, wiw. relay apply the.
<br />~mr tv f,aa eeernt of the inaiallmentc fart due under said n.:tr. an.i n+rrrtgaµee t- hereb+ aulhvrised, ies thc•
<br />- 'tgttps of liar uvvrtlCaCRVr. to executor acrd del}vc; .slid acsCvittanere th.rr-o} un.L t+, ap#u~a3 tram arr+ rnrM auarr!-
<br />l. 3-be tlra+ttitattee ~9aail have sire ; iaht to in»peet tLtr martµaard prrur,sr. et snr exa.aaablr tines.
<br />- ~- ~ is - at llaa rsvtrarasia ar cestd}ti~a of tCtra itntrttatrnt car of the Hate or Laan agreement seeared
<br />aaali rersiaate s}rs ttrrrrtaragai s right to poarasatao, use, and etrjaytnrM of cite property, at the aptiaa of tha
<br />ar hie awiy~a its 6e+ntC agtasd that the tnertCtaaor shall kayr srarh right antic defzultj. {ipoh any esah
<br />dt the rvtartgagre rMaCL lawcr,rxr tha vvraxr a! all of dre rants and C,raPtia aearuiag after der}salt v scene}ts
<br />qtr: tlae iedahlsdttaaa aaerNed henhr, th rLiltyt4-W.mtaer trsMrAn as}d property tar the purprae of calierting auc~i
<br />r'tt~e sad praUts_'t`Caia, itaWrtttntnt shall eagt~rate. as oar-ar3pprtyrtrt ed sere rctiataCa sm said property to that extent.
<br />yts~- --:-T _.- e. ..
<br />