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,nct Ci,i''u1~1~ <br /> ~~~~ <br />3. Tax moregtro* eosenanb ~d atReea that it be matt fenY to pay said iadektedaeaa ~ any part thereat whew <br />die: w +hall fail to perform am ravenrnt or agretmettt of thisinaretmeat or fire promissory vole secured herelry, the <br />ettlfiae indebtedaxsa hereto sernreat shall immediately besotae doe. pay-~alr sad rolketikde widteut etetitx, at the <br />of the nwrtpare a assigsaa, reyardkas of maturity, and-the niaftgatcre or Erin nsiges may,beforo or after catty <br />dtdl'slid propertp witlrtrrai appnkemeat f the tsrortgigor har~g waived and aasigaed to the-maittgagu al! rights of <br />emewU : .. i~ ., . _ nr <br />t r at judicial ale puratani to the proviaimra of ?i V 1.(:. 2[101 I a / : or <br />t u) a the optiee of the mortgagee, eitlar by aeatien or by aolieitation at aeaktd bids.'ter the highest awd <br />lest bid eomp{yiag rith the tuna of wk and wtawoet of paytamt a*aeified is the pw~hed taetiee of ode, fits <br />RSvinR four weeks' Warier of the tithe, terms. and plat oP eaelr- Bate, by aelcetttrewtent tat lea then ciao <br />darinE rarh of aid four weelu is s uewapaper pabiiahed or distribated is the city is wErich aa~ pr+apetly - <br />r stttsated, ail other aoUre 6erng hereby waived by the ttoaetgagor laid .sad mertpteaa. K say pries-ea <br />beMlf of oaid mortgages, may bid with the rtapaid iadebtedaer rrithmeed by aid facto). Said ask shall he <br />held at or on the property to be void or at the Federal, coaatr, or city consthoaate for the county in whkh the <br />ptopertr u located. The mortgagee u hereby aathoriasd to execute for sad m bebaY of the mortgagor awd to <br />delirer to the purchaser at •ueh wk a st~eiem converanefe of aid Property, which emveyawee loll eoataia <br />teeib6 a to the happatiag of the tktault upon which the ereetttion of the power at ask hsaeia granted <br />depeadr; and the said mortgagor heserby constitatr and sppoiatr the mortgagor or say sagest oe attoaaayot tkra <br />seartgagec, the rgcat and attotaty is fact od said aortgagor to make sends raeitats sad to asenWe said <br />eewrcyaaee awd hereby co+caanb sad agree that the recitals ear made shall be r.Bectoai. to bar sit egwiq or <br />ripltt of redemption, hvmeatead, dower, and all other ratsmptions of the mortgagor, alt at whidt are hereby <br />capressly waived sad conveyed to the mortgagee: frr <br />I: nil take ray oth,rr appaatipriate season prunnaat tee trite. or Federal etatate either is sea or Fedw,ral <br />coot[. at otherwise for the dupoeition of the property. <br />la the event of a alt a. hereinabore paoridrd, fix mortgagor or am person in poeeessian under the mortgagor shall <br />Ikea become tad be tenants hotdiag over sad shall forthwith rlelivsr poeeeseion to the purchaser at each wk or be <br />rumtaarily dispsmersed, in anordance with the praviaiana of law applicable to tenants holding over. The power <br />and agency hereby grouted :rc coupled with an interest and ere irrcvceabk by death or otherwise, and are granted <br />as cwuwtlatire to the rsrmediee for roiketioa ~ said iadehtedtasa provided by law. <br />4 The pnooecda ad any sale et grid pweperty k acoardanee with. she preccdiag parrgrrpha shall 'be applied fiat <br />to pay tiro cab and etagiwsra at acid wk, the er,peiraa iateutsed b}' eke martgagaua for tine pteptae of proteetiag or tnaia• <br />[tieing acid property, atid~reasoaabk attarateve' teas; serarndly, to pay the indebtedttrss soeared itercby, and thirdly. <br />aopaY any aerplw oar eseesa-ttr the perwaa or ptrsam kga[ty entiitsd_tharcta. <br />5. Ia tiro avant acid property is said aft r juditiirl toiswaiiraparr aria or purswtet to the power at ale inersinabara <br />grwteiL sad the f_ueoaeds are tot saiaisat pay €hs tout[ iadebtedsteaaassgtsid by~ rhea iet:ttittntnt atsd sridesaaed by <br />aid pnamisrory rtoto. the mortgagee will! Irc eetitkd to a deficisrtcy judgment for the aterouat of tbs alrjicicnry taritJsorr <br />Jfpat+d r0 aptrssisartatat. <br />6. In the event Char mortgagor lane to pry a9r Fetkral, mate, or local tai assessment, income taz or other :aa lies, <br />charge, lee, rx other eapeaae <hirged against the property, the mortgagee is hereby authariud at his option w par <br />the aims- Any auras a prid by the mortgagee stall be added to sal became a part of the principal amount of the <br />iadcbtednesa eridencsd by aid note, subject to fix wine rotors seed ronditioras. 1( the nartgagor shalt pay and <br />diacisargx she indebtcdtaeas evideacsd by said Irromiesory oou, aid shall pay such some and shall discharge all to:ee <br />aeai liana and the coots, lies, and e:pewe of ntakiag, tatorcisy6 and etecutiag thin martgaga, then Chia mortgage <br />algdi be csstrcoied "arid atrreadtrsd. <br />1. "Cite coveaamta Isareia rnntainad shall hind and the benefits aad advantage shall iauro to the rospcetive ax• <br />aeatgrs a€td arnirags ad' the pantie hereto ~hatevu used, the aiwgular camber shell inehtde the phtni, the plats!. the <br />tiit~titrs sad the tat at say guwder ihaii isulade iii gsrdara <br />~ ho wair+zr art-soy egvmratt Iteaein or of the a~blagat~3ea secured hereby shall H ray time thereafter be held <br />-a wax:r ;if the teraas bisect ut of tltc mote eaeured heretry. <br />f <br />4. >a assesp~aaee rith rartipa 1[31.14 d) et fire Reka tad RedtFiatioat of flea Sm~ fiwiwaw Admiaistrat~, (13 <br />C.Y.R._ 18!»i ld)). dtis.4orayc~ orbs aeerattadaasaA atthtalaad is aeeraiaataa tt~h+tppiiettbia Fedral few. <br />'~- Jtaal *Sra+aw 'ardor. or jaatgmeat kekiiag .ay previsitm or portion of thin iaatruautnt invalid or un- <br />a saaN sot iw any tr+Y impair ar presieda the aotorermewt at the remits viaiepa or <br />1MKSwncat %~ @+'o pofliaas of <br />era r.>,a sent to--;a, ~ • . .. - „. <br />