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z3a.., t)(l.~,~35 <br />>. TlrttaartEyerer+rvlaara~tt~rarat+[>aRr~tar: <br />s. Ha xdl Ps''mPVi Pal tie iadebtaiaa.a erittareei fy .tii pesaaitert was a the ~ tmi' ttr~"-. <br />taraear theteia pawfdad <br />b. ~ wf8 pat .H tam. r.aemr.Y„ seer rsssR std odrr Sa..vmnstal w ttaatdaipaf ~ >~ er <br />iipaatiwa, for tabieh pavstden tw trx bees ifada itrad>~oee> tmd :n0 peamyrdt tfttvru the ttidai xeedpr <br />ehrelar ~ the twrepp. <br />r. He wiA par such e:pettsea and teen u may be iaearred in the prtttation and maintenance of aid <br />property, inclvdiag the tees of any atierotr enpbyed by the esortga6es for the twfleetion of say or aH of <br />the intteittedner hereby t+ecared, or for fareeloeare br nertgaHee's oak. or tx>art pcoo~iag, or is sat tether <br />[itigatien or proceeding s9eetiag aid premises. Attorttawti fen reaseaably ittcarred }n aiay ether way alnH be <br />paid ity the ewrtgaaor. <br />d For better .esvrity of the iadetttedatrs hereby eecvred, upon the segtteq of the mortgagtx, iU ma <br />ueason m assiapte, he shall er;ecute seed deliver a auppkatenttl mortgage or mortgages coreria{, ant :dditiotu, <br />impo+rrenertts. or beuermenb m~e to the property hereinabove dtxeribed :nd all property acgaited by <br />~. sf___ a!~~>~•- !m~+ ;s!} in fare asteafxxo~ to :sortaszAStj. Fvrthct-mare, ahxsid ma~.Fattor €ail io cure <br />asy tlefawlt in fire payment ai a prior or inkrior eocumhrs~rnee on the property deseritted by Chia instrument,. <br />mortaagsr hereby sgred+ to permit mortgagee to Burr. sorb defaui4 but mortgagee i.e not obfiRatrd to do ao; <br />and strch advances shall become part of the. indshtndness rr+ntred by this instrument, subject m the same <br />terms and eenditiorta <br />m. 7'}te righes created by tftia conasyance ahatl remain io full toner. anti eBect during any postponement <br />e>r e~atravian of rite ti~mr of payment of the indebtedness evidencexl br said promiasorv note or any pan thereof <br />serttredl hereh~y. <br />J. Hr wil# rontinnousls maintain keened insurance, at sorb type or types and in such amount as the <br />;tragre may fmm time to titre require on the improveroenta now os hereafter on said property, and <br />,rill pal promptly when dos any peemiutsa theeefttr. Ail iw+etance shat} 6e carried in taampaoir aoeeptabie <br />to mortaageer and the po6aties and renewa4 tharesf shall be beM bq mortgagee and here attached tlteteta <br />lee payrhte claws in favor of sad in form atxeptabk to the anrtaagtt. !•8 Brent of loss. taertgagor will giro <br />immediate eetise is trriting to mortgagee, a~ tawrtgaHee may make pros( of for if trot made ptomptty by <br />marfgegar, sad cards iwaeaaoe ewnpany taoeersed is hereby svthsriaed and dirssted to taake pay>wai #or stick <br />for direottp to taortRafyee iealead of w mow, seat tmvrtaagee jaistlr, and rite iawraooe prsteediy or any <br />P~ ~~^~ ~y be aPf~ b']f msu~tgtugpe at iu option either to the reduction of the intfrbtedaer heeehy <br />st+cnred or is tbt reaieratiaa ear repair of tbt property damagtat or dtaarsytd. >n svaat at Earecleanre of thin <br />tti~ ar otftsr trraafer of Bitle to grid propittrty iai r_xl,ittg~tishinttnt of toe inrhlNerfmutss attuned berebt, aH <br />t~t~ title, a;sr3 iatarsat sf tbt• aa~ is end to say ~ po}isiea tbae is tones ahaH pant fo lets <br />pnrcbarar or atsetgagrt w, at the aptisn of the ttm:rtltaKa:t, ntav be aurrem}enad fnr s refund. <br />;G. He will keep a!} buiidfnga and rit}rex im~pso~vsmtn~e ou said prttpertr in good repair and eontfifioo; <br />wiII pernri4 rt>tttniit, o; ev.~er tm wart, impairment, deterioraiioa of said properEy or any pert fhetvwf: <br />in the event of failure of the martgagsr to keep the bniktinrs on aid premieea and those erected tm said <br />premiates or itaprovemenu tiiriesr, in gtwd repair, the aturtgagee mar make such rep:ins r in its discretion it <br />may deem ncrerarr (ar the proprer prsservatioa thereof: and the full amount of each and every sorb payttwat <br />ehsi] be immediately dun anti parahfe and ahaH bt +eeured by the lirn of this mortgage. <br />l.. Hr wilt not voluntarily create or permit in 6e mated against the properly subject to this mortgage <br />ant lien or liens inferior or superior to ti>e litre of Yhis mnrtttaae without the written consent of the tt>ort- <br />gagee; and earthen, he will keep xnd maintain the same free from the claim of all peraoiis euppiying labor or <br />matertaia for coas[ruction of an. rod all t>uitdinga. or imgrovetaeola now bring erected or to be erected on <br />said u««:>w± <br />i. He will not erne or aaritna any part of the rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove. <br />ar~ suf-atantially alter am building without the written earnest of the mortaa¢ec. <br />j. All awards of damages is coa:teetion with any eontkmrwtion for public use of or tnjurv to any of she <br />-~'-' jraperty sebjs¢t to the tnetsEa6s art hereby assittaed and chaff be paid to moreRaHat, w7r awy apply the <br />aaaae is payment o! the iwtittastmts Oat dw ceder aid ttott, and tateatSagae is hereby tuthotiaads in the <br />tatter of the mortgattor, to exrsute and tklive+r valid acgvittsmrs thereof sad to agprat freer any such award. <br />k. The mortgagee shall have tilt riabl to ittspcet the ttwrtl{aged premises at any traaaaiabk fist <br />- ~.:_:~. f~flavA. ut asy st the rnrenants or sostditiauta of thin instroment or of the omr to load agrsrrreat secured <br />:tdiaH termiaate the mortf{agtrre right to paasession, teat, and trojuyment of the property, at the option of the. <br />- ~ ~ his nsigtss sit btitig aperrd that the rnsrtiRagot~ahall hats such rittht until ekfsvltl- t'rwa env sash <br />#~Mtt~+ the trtertgager shall heco+ae for owner of alt of the rrrtta sad profits arrrving after defarlt se secvritt <br />~,Rlt~e indthtadatrit aosured hereby, with the riatht to rwttu open said proptrty for the purpose of rolleetirg twrh , <br />rltttia aA peat}ts. This itpitwpsrl s#wH oPrea: as as sst~lnaswat of ant rsata6 t>a said property to that extent. <br />