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. `~~,....~-~~ft5991 <br />IQ. "that [he Mortgagor wiR keeq the tnrildittgs upon Said fttemius in Food repair. and neither commit nor perrttit waste <br />upon sai$ tend. nett satffer [he said premises tube traeA for ate' rasfass'fel purpose. <br />} t . ?'bat H tM premises. or any pmt thereof, be ceedemned under the Bower of eminent domain. or acquired far a pabGc <br />use, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the takatg af. or the caesideraliem for xoch acgrtisition, to tfr extatt of the full <br />asao~tsof indebtrdsrs «pon thi!c ntort~e and dte tulle srhi[h a :s liven to secttrc rrma+ninft ustpaid. are hereby arsi~cG by the <br />Munptgw to the Mortgagee, and shah be paid fenhwith to said Mongagee to be apgktsd by the toner on account of the next <br />rttattairffi instsgrrettts of wch indebtedness. <br />}~. The Mortgagor tofthrr appees heat should this -mott~ge and the note secwed irrehp trot be etig~le for in- <br />strraate under the t9ationat ffouaittg Ate wRhin 6D layer frau the date hereof (written statemem of any olflcer <br />d flit T3eparttetat of kfoasing tad Urban DrvcloprtrM ar authori7sd agen[ of the secretary of Hwsing sad thitan <br />flevebpatent dated subsequent So the titre from tis~ date of this mortgygt. declining W insure lair! <br />ttnhr and des ntortgagte, txtag deemed c~ proof of such itrliAbitity?. the Mnngagee or holder of the note <br />tes4r: omits aqlion. dsefsrt aN sums recurred hereby itnmediatth; due and payable. <br />13. 'Chat if tlr Martgttgor falls to make any payments of money when the sart.e lxcomt due. or falls to conform to and <br />casnply with any of the cot~ielnus a agreements atnrainW in this morttfalte, or the note which it secures, then the entire pritici- <br />pad sxmtatd-accrued intereri shW at ones ttecottte der and ~yabfr, al the etertion of the Mortgagee; attd this rtttnTgage tray <br />Htettupou.~ fes~t¢losed iramrdiatety for the whole of said money, interest, mondtiY paYmr+tts, costs, ground rents. taxes and <br />the cast of extending the abstract of tick from ter daft of this loan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rea- <br />soaablcatiatgtty's fee. aA o! which skadl be itteiuded in the decree of farsebsurc: sad the contract embodied in this mtxipge <br />sad the noel secured hereby, slsalt is ag respects ke governed. canstruaf and adjudged by the laws of lVehraska, where the <br />srtne is made. <br />The cgrenants Itutin conaainad shall ttiod. sad the txaeflis std advant~es sttalF insure te. the reapectivt heirs, executors. <br />admitalaa. suxxesscxs sad assns of the parties htxeto. 14henerer used. [he singular number shall ittchrde the phnal. the <br />pimaitht sitapsiar. atuf the use of anY pettder shall he appiicabie to all genders. <br />The foregaitg conditions, all anti singular. heitgt performed arxarditeg to their natural sad legal import. this cenvtysaice <br />s#taq Abe vdd artd said prcmisea released at the expense of the Mongagor: aherwist to he aad remain in fell force aml elect. <br />IN WfTffESS iFF1f ElIEtTF, the MaueSpstgnrts,4 tea 5*C hesrunan set chsi.x^ lutn~s3 the dap a~~nd Year faa~st <br />altnvee writer. <br />iln prreetvice uf: <br />aCAT>r 4~F NfLd#{fxSly rL, <br />Sf: <br />C1k7lf.fht`tYf)F stall <br />...'''?^'ar ,E;;;-_, ,!~ »~.~~''c= f SEAM. i <br />i.Tlhsaatae A. FJyre <br />1 !SEAL <br />t, ~~-~ ~- <br />'K11 Ut~ \~ . ,~ ~~.r .IR i SEAL ? <br />7tschel R- tNe , <br />(SEAL( <br />t~,t{as lot ~eY ai Coeur . A.f3,. tai uii . glare mr. <br />txet~a'~-y ptst43ic rummlEsx,ardk:i?xrnM1Y,prrrotroaYtiig^r~.amr <br />SEAL <br />.;ate a: f.s ss <br />'1 A. Dye and tLttehel R. Dye, husband and xiEe . prrsunallY to me known <br />skit Ihs,iriettHCai ptasan g whose nmus s aXe ,nixed to the at+ove and ture- <br />gaiaginatrtttneM as Mortgagor. and they stave acknowledged the sail instrument and the <br />exsc~on~xthe eof wbt i; vuluntarq act arti desd. for the purposes therein expressed. <br />In testirsunp whtteof,ihavt hereunto set my hotel aced adixed hr of«ical +eal at Gsastd Island, DIE <br />cut the ~Y and t . ' -.._,~ <br />~'~tM <br />-- ~ ~ t y' ' L _' tit - ~ - -`~.r' : if~~ <br />f7tgle ~aR.~Mta M.Jii, Uotart Pohlir <br />STA?1M1jla.ftFistESftASlGA ss <br />f~rfgd fah record tM+t da} of <br />":~;~ at teClask <br />-~.I"~4-_~ - <br />1''1F tlyE- of <br />t-=!s <br />A.ll. !9 <br />sl., and erected rn M1untcritai furies, and <br />t:~ Rtarigages, un <br />Re19sier ~rf E3ecds <br />~;u-:;ttaaat ~..:s; <br />