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$o~ >>~jf3s~ ~ <br />(i }month prier to its due date the asnusi mottgage inwrartce premium in order to provide stttfi holder <br />wtt}t fermis to pay such premium to the Secretary of Hrwsatg amt Urban Development purwrmt to the <br />*Litiottat tlousieg Act, as arrieeded. attd tpplfnhk Regtr-atian thereunder: or <br />fill If aril so !a»g ~ saki Hatt of even dare and this irtstrumeRt art htid by the Secretary of lloasirsg and <br />Urt+an Developrrarnt, a rrwnthiy dtarga (hr lien of r trort~gt inwrmree prim€rtnt/ which ahaN be in an <br />a,~twrnt equal to otrr-twcFfth (iif Zl 4i' aQC-haff (1(i} pzr-r~tttsm of the avtragt outswMinfC batam:e <br />due on the note computed without !akhtg into accaunt delinquencies or prepayments: <br />(b} A sum equal to the ground rents, if eery, text due, plus the prerrdums that wilt next became due and payable an <br />policies of fret and other heard irrauramt covering the rttortgaget: ,Qnperty, ptr#s taxes and assessments next due <br />an the mortgaged prrrperty- (at# as estimated by the Mnrtgrrgtej toss .vet sums arzady paid thtrrfar divided try the <br />number of manihs to elapse before orte month Dour to the date when such ground rents, premiums. taxes and <br />assesemenu wWl became delinquent, such sums to be held ny Mortgayee in trust to pay said"ground rents, pre• <br />miurns, taxes and special asseramertu: and <br />(c) Alt payments merttiraceri in the two preceding sirbsectians of this paragraph and all paynxnis to be made under <br />dte note secured hereby shill be added together. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Martgagor <br />each month in a singk paynttnt to trt appfkrd t+y the Mortgagee to the Eaiinwing teems in the order set lotth: <br />fl} premium irargts under the contract of insurance with the Secretary of Housing and Urban tkvelupment, <br />or monthly charge (fn lieu €~/ morrga7rt insurance psemrum), as the case may be: <br />Fli} ground rents. taxes, assessnunts, !ne ant +aher hazard insurance premiums; <br />(I[[l interest on the note ses;ured 2tereby.uiJ <br />(iV) amonization of the prwctpil of said none. <br />Any deficttncy in the amount of any such aggrtgatt monthly payment shall, unless made Band try the Mort <br />gagor prior to the dot date of the raxt stech pa}rxut c.nrsntutz an rvenz ~,+ti default order this mrrtgagt:, Tne <br />~trt trey or,#Itct a `"Nate churgt~" eat to exeetd trrsFr carets fAgj IF+r each dollar Lfi 1 f ref rach'paymtnt mote <br />that# fi1'tten (i 5 p Ways-in arras to cs+mer !ht txtru c'ixprrrsr anvnlweJ in }randltng delinquent pavmenes. <br />;,. `f'ttut i f i'lrn uatal uP the pavmt!atn made key' the 4inrtgagar winder ; f.? rii' paragraph L precrdin~? vhalt excer!d <br />the uunuunt of pavmtvtt;; urrtu'tdiy naatltr by the Mmrtgttpun+ for tntntnd renir-. taxe,; owd a:;.ue.~ment.= or inwaranre pre- <br />mimaw, aK tfrm rptsw!• may be. ktrcft cxcese., if the loan is current, ut ehe rvptirxt of nc~ Marigap(tar, vhull tx,^ c.rei{itett by <br />the ita~rfpsgot eat a'ubwqur~t payment« u'a P~yr+ mud~r by- the NN:rrtKa,~ar, ur nefundted ro rhr+ ktartu,~,,,er, if. httw'ers+rr, they <br />+rnaY3tty paymenP.~ 4traiie by the Mitrtpagctr urtdtr 1F,r cif"'pnragru4ufr .'. ('trccedinpt sh'ali not 17e suCficienc to pwny krcund <br />nxrt, ttrxea and a:sosataetris ar insurancee premium':, a.- the ca-:r may br- when the -sore ~fiall ta:•rame +iue and pav- <br />ahle, then the Nur'IgtiRor .haft pay to the 3lortgtt¢tw env atnrtrrnt to make up the deficrerecy. on or before <br />the dtite when paymen# of 3ueh t;tourtd rents, laze-, a.~e~5ments ur in ~uranre prrmiumx :hail fm due If at am <br />ttaw rtes Hartp!ap{or JralN tsrrider io the vbrt[tagee, in ururdanrr write the prom+ion~ of the note -eruret{ hereby, <br />fu11 payment of the entim indebsetMe<- repre+entrd thereby. the 1MrtRegee ~ha{l. in onmputing the amatmt of ?uch <br />irrdelttc~sa, credit to the acewnr of rite" Mortgagor ail {>asmerits tnadt wider rite pravisrats of ~ ~.:, of paragraph ' <br />hereof which the Mortgagee ha:; twt txrattte obligated to pa) to the ~ecmtarv of Hou-ing and urban i)cvclaptnem <br />and sit}' ttalanr~N r+rmairtWrtg In t~tr ftmti- xcrnmatated r.~ttdrr the pravt;ratt4 of • ^; of pars,graph ! hFr~.f. i# their, <br />aNrtsif Mitt a drfaupt untt+eer any atf the pruvi^ianM of the, ntrrrtir,agr• aatrultiag in a public- ~~sttt, .+f }r.. pn•mi-e•=~. e~o,ert•d <br />hc>+neNk', ar if the'^4part~p+rv argnirer= P~he prrapeKty mbmx'tee after i9efmrlt. rhr yforigaprt shall apply. u.t the limt• of <br />liner tnaatmenctwettt of ~atrit pros•etrdings, ur .u the- t(ma' the p',grrporty ;- iuhvrvt r-a• ,ta'gvrr€rii, thi• tralznrr itren remain- <br />rn~g i.r tfte fund.m xc+ru,~ntpated tin'.h.. , r,; of parrpraph -:r pra•€•€;•drnF..a ....sorter -c,, a a,:«t tt.~ s,m.sue,i ut (rineNpa; then <br />ra~vininp; unpxit~t anader vu4d =arse, uni'i vhafl prs.p.-r11 adt•e±t 'mat {rarnrrnt~ xshie!a -ham tl t'ra+fr tree^n u~dar andw r ~l <br />of fNrttitpi,'t'dpt'. ~... <br />a- 'fibs( t.trt '.!tlaer[¢utxi,r wall nay gwtunai s'enu- to-.e.. -: r,Aiuenl.. Lt r.,r!r. -3. ' ~..~!+.e'. .;;,•-~~•, •"•.,~••~ •••~,.~•,.a! <br />~'tri~tryt+~.'ftac•. ~ t!mpr=,irUtara, hx whn~h ptavRiun Has not Iwr=n iamadt hrtpemtreh~rr_ _md m +irbeu~ thrr~u'i the tionp^apece moo <br />r~--Y ikt=,a .. -.~ liar the ~tcMtt~y-+t wait protnpftlv €he +aYi~rai rectiprs ihttYt.~r t., the itorigayrr. <br />s The 6ttsrtyagr>t will pay alN to Ke+ which moray he ItvieJ rre'».+n the ~tnrtgagre . interr-t m ,aaJ real e,tat<• .rnJ rmprirvr- <br />ratmt,and which may t+e leveed upim this mortgage or the Jrht ,eeurtJ htrei+y tk,ut ~,rrit to the extent that wch i, not pn,hihit- <br />ed by law and ony to the Turn[ thee wrh wilt not make this loner usunuust, but rwiadrriK lino tnn+me t.:<. State „r FzJcrai. <br />errtpasrJ on lttxig;tgee. athi wit? hie the otticie3 recrrpi .haw mK +uch pay mine ur[h the Mortgagee. l'pon ~roiaturn ,J the. under- <br />rakiny. ix J the ttartMagtn- is pruhthaeJ by any !au rtuu +rr hereafter railing from pay mg the u hole or any portion of ehe aforr- <br />saiJ,, or up++n six rendering .+f any +aauri Jrrree pruhrbutng [hr pay rntne hr the Mongagtrr +,r anc ,ueh r:r,e,. ,~r if ,ui:h law <br />ix Jeerer provi+k, that any amount w peat try the Mortgagor shat! 1~ crtdneJ on [he +nrntgagc Jeht, the Mortg:tgrr ,hat! have <br />'tk right (U K,ivt I+dnety da y,~ writitn nUII<'t fU the erN «er irf iht mortgaged pfrmltie,. re4ulYing the payt'.terrt r,i Ihr ~rurtY-,.i'ge <br />debt. tf nuCtt ixrtict ht given, the said dttn ,halt E+e~c'ome du€. pay 2t+le and c<r{leciihie :tt the rxpirad<ra o; nail mrteq day+ <br />6. 1"ha? sh<niid Ste fait to pa} any ,um or kelp env coven aria prervide<t for in this Mex!g:rgr. then ttte \tottguger.:~t n, ~~p~ <br />txxr, n'iuY ta+y ur preform Hx ,sore. atwt alt exptrtdinue, w malt she{! tit added to the principal .um owing on the at+,,,r n.,rc. <br />stud) ht ~eured lxrrb} and shafN t+tnr tnttrsst at !~ .=ate .;L forth nr t,~ .x;<7 r ,c. unttN pa:d_ <br />'Ihsu trc hcrthy a,outn,. nan,ter6 and ,rt, over ro the Mxtgugee to he .,pplieJ t,~u and the p.n meet of the .cud all <br />sum, stti'ureJ hereh~t in <::+,r of a Jtfaut[ in rhr per(ormarrcr of any ++f the item,. anJ conJai+~n, .,t ihr, M++riKat;e .~, the ,.ud <br />Hutt, m[t i}p: rtaty. rr+enutA an,l rtta:oott u:r tx derived friers tFte menyagtJ prenaisr, fining ,ueh unrr a, nc~ nnrrtgagt !rnlthitd <br />nrss.spaatf ret8.ain unpaiJ; unJ [he Mortgagee ,hall have prrwzr to app<rint env agtrt ear agem, it may Je,nr f„r rhr parrPU+e +~t <br />rtpaitiag said premises sled srf rearing the wore aptil ro7reiurtyc rhr rent,. rectnuts arrJ in.:omr, anJ rt m.r} pap ,art .,! ,aid in- <br />e'ctmes at! eaptt#xs of repairit.~ said premises out! «tcessary commissions and expenses tnrurred in renting and managing the <br />9a9tt sad a# cottt+:tisgt rentals Ihertfmm: the traNarsce rematntryt, if any, to F>ti aPPlitJ wwarJ the discltarKr of ,aid mortgn{tr <br />itadebttilntss. <br />a ~ he =rib ~s the t- - <br />r..:sv~ra'r€s ;taw, extst~ a: tazrcaf-see trestrai .>n the rmmtgagrd t.r t>t'ells. i+t,urr<t ;e, m:+v i,z <br />rtxiuin:d triter. tirrx to time by lire Martyaget against la,+ f+v hrc arxi .,tort har:rrJ,. ,a+uahir, :;rid ,,~nunrtentir, .n su.h <br />and for saett pentads as ma} tit ,tqudtd f+v tlx NC.Ngagtc attti wi(! paF prt.mptiV. when Jue..,nr premium, +•r. ,u.~h <br />uta#traat~:t pravtstott #or p#<ymem of which has oat been trade htranbctore. Alf insuram~t shah ire ~ernrd err <umprimts ap- <br />pravta'N trig the yAorits and list pstiicits sad reitewats thertc f slsatl ix he?d t+y the Mt.. tgagre .md base ,:nacheJ rhrrri., ;.,>, <br />pity~te,;:taoxts m revue irf attd in form accaptatnlt to the Mnrrgagte. to r+em :+f tr;ss Mort,aayur a Jt Knt ~mmrdrate n.nrce he <br />larik ra the Mttrtgaget. rvhp easy maW<t prtwi ai loss iP tWt made pr>amptiy ny ~Mongag.,f . anJ rat h ,row ence 4+~mpnn} u,n- <br />-r<'art~,ds~treteby attihtarta-ed and direr-•ted ra make payment for ='fw f+kys JirteNy to the 3icat-Meyer itrstrsd of sa, ehc s4vrtgagor <br />. Q ..... _. r r tars.q. a-~,r~, c~ i+~rJ r*61x +er1;[F~'+. ,Hat r•r pfxr+CG rii i[K : iC'ritT,atiCt at lt, .+piMtfl Ctihtr <br />ts•the rtdste-.tir~afthe rrrt3,etntdntss herzhy stcurtd ar to the rrsturetrun iw tepau ,rf the proptr!y d:ernagrd to c:rnt,•f f„re<i.. <br />WiEO#-fill! ~ gr eNt'tar iratn~tr u# it4k iu !ht stautgayrd fxirperiy rn exttnyutshmtrtt <,f rhr irrilehtrJite„ < utrJ her rhr . <br />~(t rit~it. ttk red itttertar of ttx Mitt#gratHw in and iv any inwr,rncz r'oiN-its rhe~n en fanr teal( paw :f+ nc~ par, i+=, i - , r rr.unrc <br />fha# Ess addsttc~+saai sad rerttatCra# securnv fen the fait meat of the start dr~cnhrJ. end a#! +~m. ~„ ,.t,.•a,r due ~.:nar; :hr• <br />rttcrrtt aMe Mc+rip[agek hertt*y assikits to the Mortgaytc alt prnfrt,. rrvtnarca. rE+p alert,. r:Kh[, .; ., nets!. ;.-,.:.,,+ _: <br />~- aastfct nap ad ail auk art+i tom; tewtt> on seal prtos «es, u-uh the gftr t . r z r r . • c { r + ~:: _ r. ru t r ~+ <br />rtatm rc+saat tics as raztt t~tart ~s ^trt=. ~Savlt en stet _s!!x4tkxt, of rMr ,n.-rE«+x ...,rc ... , tK,ryr_ s.,n, „<:..,.~ - F <br />spa aisle rs,.:,.rr +.~; ?..x.'a tsxkrwt#ri1 wfttn disc rim. p.++abit. Mee ,hams rrrt `fit -=:a.•t*c.i h - _ -.ianrsrer~ .- i; -^=aoair <br />=er ~ t+e~car+r :.ut3 arvd ,ord rtp€ua rritd+f x+f thrt nxrriyrtKt. - <br /> <br />