d. Feri better serstreiy of the utdcbtedttes~ hEleby entered. upon the request of the mortgagee. iu suectssoiS
<br />tar ataigns, taor3gagor sha0 extcase atwf dctiver a suppiaseual aaortgage nr tnortgaaes t:ovtxing any additions,
<br />itaests, or kx[ttrmeuts made to the ptogerty here~atgvr drsaibed and erg property ac4uimt by it after
<br />rise date hereof fait itt form satiriscaery to taoet~mei. Ftnbetatorr, shoald mortgagor fadl to curt shy default
<br />~ in the ~,re:aeat of a paior or infertor wee eta the properfY tkrcrfbcd by this instrtnnent. trrartgagor hert-
<br />by agrees to permit mortgagee to wx etch defatilt, but taortgaget is not nbti,mtal to der so; and snclt advaatccs
<br />~ shag becostae part of the i serned by tits irotfttreent, subjrst to the same terms sad conditioets.
<br />E~
<br />~ t. The riahta arnt~ed by ¢hffi canvtyaxe sag rttstaia en fug force and effect the '
<br />~ tuu®aion of ihr tittx of fiat payttattmt of the irtdeb[adx~ ex::w said ~ 8°Y ~ or
<br />promi€~[trY note or Hones, ate aaY
<br />paint thereof ucttrtd hereby.
<br />t~,'} f. To ey mainttn~ htwtsi insitraeoe, ttf sash type tar types and in such amttatsts as the mortgagee
<br />tasY fettle tinse to time regtare tan tlx iplprOVgpen(s Haw or hereafty on said property, artd wig pay prompUY
<br />wttm dac any premmms theeefw. Alt ittsaratace shag be taunted i$ a¢~hlr <A mortgagee turd tine
<br />pohcies sled retteswals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attadxd thereto loss payable cues m favor
<br />of and in fotstt acceptahk €a the tnortgagre. In went of log, gmrtgagor wig give irnmrdiatr notice is wreteag
<br />tv , attd rtsortgagee may make Proof o€ loss if not «atde promptly by mortgagor. and ea¢it insuraue
<br />compaaY concerned is hurby tuttharized and directed to matte PaY~ for such foss diratly to tnostgagce
<br />insuad of to tmxtgngor and mort~cgac jointly. and the insurance praxesls. ~ arty part thEtresf. may be appiir~
<br />b}' mortgages at its optiwt either to fix rrdectltxt of the itadebttdtteas hereby arwrrd ~ to the restoration or
<br />rramir sf the propertty damage+i err deureyeri. in e+^mt a foreclosure of teas mm'~age, err otiu[r aatufer of title
<br />to said proprrsy is exangtsis)tentmt oti €he tttdebttsdness wrcured hereby, erg right, title. and interest of tht
<br />tatawrtgagor i,n atui to arty ir~tarance policies then rn fnrX:c shall mss to fix purchaser or mortgagee or, err the
<br />a~tlota of the morrgag¢t, rrtety tae surrendered far a rarfund.
<br />g. To keep all btriidings and when imprrrvernetns nn said property in good rt'paer and condition: Yo
<br />psr~'t€, utunlttt~it, err staffer no waste. impairsnant, deter^iorateon al' said property err any part ahermf, in the etrent
<br />of iai'lurt o€' rtes rtstxtgagor to keep ilu buildings nor said. prcmisss and thole erected on seed ptemises, or
<br />movements t3useon, in good repair, the mortgagee may snake such repairs u in its discre[enn i[ may deem
<br />tan~tssary fax iht proper preservation therenf; and the frill amtntnt of cult and every such payment shat he
<br />itatuai;st:dy due and dyable; aasd shaft be setvred by the kfn of this mnngage.
<br />h, To neat voitttuariiy create or Permit to kx created agaiaet the Property subjsct to this mortgage any Tien
<br />ear Elena inferior ro the titn of this taortgage without written cottstnt of she mortgagee; atni fuiher, that rrtart-
<br />gagnr will keep and masntain the same free from the claim of all persons supplying tabor or materra)s for cnn-
<br />3tratS~ian ~ eery tzrd alt suitditags w itnprc;antntnts rrow beisf# erected w :o be ercetsrci an said Prem~es.
<br />k. Fa rsot erns ur assign any pars of the cent ut said anortgag+tcl property ur dsruofish, or remove, err
<br />sai~saatttiall,y adttr any tnti~ettg witltwt the written consent of the reatartgagee-
<br />~g awards =a# daart' in =,:sxna+ty-;ice whit arv rr~.sfemrm;=?nnz fee €ru±>)3c u!sr of or in)uty taw any of tttr
<br />¢srottrtty suiitjct:t eta dais arrortgage -ere hereby aasigtted sled shag be paid to trrortgager, who may apply tltc serer so
<br />paynscst of t~ it~txtallrriettts laser dtx u~~tuier said nitric. #~ tstrar~lgagrr is haireiry aur'isorixri« in rise rtr~r of the
<br />stare. ~ e~ute ~# tl-eifxr vii i a.~u3[-estn-~ t[teszuf ate to =R[yeat fr~tt arty sum award.
<br />k. 7`rtE mortgagee shag have the right to itssPaY the mortgasrd preantsas at any r=asonab[e time.
<br />i. To ctmsply with the provisioru of any lease if this Mortgage is oa a leasehold. !f this Mortgage is on a
<br />unit in a txandonaenium cce a pianaxsl unit dsvefoptntnt, Borrower shall petftmn erg of borrower's oblegationc
<br />under the dtxlurattoa w covenants creatitsg or govtrniag the cottdtxrtinium or planned unit davelopment,the
<br />itY-leas and trgtefations of the cwsdoamniurn or ptartued unit deveiopmrrtt, sort etanstituent dM:uittenta.
<br />S. i,'3tfault in any of the caretr[auts or acandit3fins ayf this ittstrutttmt or of the tna[e or loan agetment sttZtred hereby
<br />s,3ali ttrtai t:':t tttoragagor's right to ixasas°~'ittn, use, and atjayteent of the property, a: the option a€ the
<br />portgagee nr aastigns th t'tein8 agreot) that fix mortgagor strati have such tight until default). Upon any such
<br />delautt, the :<anr+._~+~.. s#tai! btaa~anre the owner oaf all of the rents seat profits stealing after default as security for
<br />tltr irtdainrtdsrrss secured trereby, with rite right to eery uptan said property for the purpose of cviteefing xueh
<br />rents asd ~. Ttsis iewtrttnsent shall opttrata rm. an asaitytment of any rentals on sahl property to that eztrnt.
<br />~, tt the ~ defatrhn, atnl falls tc matte any payments when due err to caatfortn to stet comply with any of
<br />the or ~v =_mtesined its this ~saea» w the nets which ii smet~, ~Ixn the entire t>rihcipal
<br />lord site itdrrrst sftadl at nest= taeerttne due and Payat±k, a~ draw ° pn dent t 15.754y) in[srrst
<br />ttibt t7tad at the ei~Yinrt ssf the ~ and tilts AiOF{gi$e try itMret[pOh tx fntII,£ltt*iQd ttnmtdlSE[Ey
<br />faJ the wh~ate the intkftrsditESa hereby scvatrtd, rttefudittg Uwe eat of rtttcndittg the abstract of title from the
<br />dme of this nwrigagc era [he [imt of t:oautttaattitpt stacit suit. •Fifte2et and three-~uart:ers
<br />4 flan ~ # a f~t~ ur ~~ ®~ hra~a, ilx try gl=_oti at ztAi't L= mr__i~ to the ptas-
<br />.- wc. a~ etryt+yaeeit rai ins irk cease 3itaFCti~~ at;at3 ice Flu r~'taF. ~siissss, rv3alttca, aiu pewees ,- ,
<br />fewer the ac~[rnittg of s rigigs and during the peradetxy of frxerctasure prFaceeditttts rued such possesstuns, rtc~,
<br />shag at ram he d,~raral tact fhc rn~tgegae upon rcpttest. ttpon fatfttrt such ddiverY caf such posscssiott may be
<br />csaforexd fay ~: Rey arty appr=ap+'httt kgAti [aroccediags, inttlraiitag s rcc-eevp~ fix the pr2tpertY.
<br />~. ? fns ~+# sale atf prat'ierty iaa mcerndan'.r with the prec-edStia Paragrapba shalt be appited Itrst to
<br />t ~sscs ar"F~a ~s tat attid stria, rite axperti'rs' ttacarre$ EsY tax truant Fen the portxase of prutrctina sae
<br />lu.y. ~Y= is ~Y Zht t~nesa s~e,:isred t~rthv; a:x3 sittrd7':. ray tray say surplus ~:
<br />t ~ tam -~ ~ ~ ~ ¢r.
<br />