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-,.~t~~sss ~I(~RTC~~GE <br />a~ <br />Iyis ~oorsgags aaadrYat~td iato this sari's _ ,,,,, ~ <br />t4 ~ by and battroen s~ttaare C. arts t Nat ~ <br />fharai~tttfuet' ~ stir # ttsrj std Caamerri;•F.t>~a,t sad Tnrat t:oatpatry <br />(hatsas#ter referees to as <br />~. urlsa easiapram an offxr sad plaatof betsiaesa at au rr ~iri erred in tirataf raised, <br />ffdf CAataY, ~- <br />ititrtt, that for tits coeration hdtirtafter stated, receipt of whirls %s hereby acttttttakdgai, the tnangagor <br />doa #tmby . st8, &raat. a~iga, earl coot;rey urxo the marts its sucrestocs earl sssigtts, a8 of tht fol- <br />t dmieriLed isopetty sit@ased earl being in the Comity of Ha12 <br />ad Na6r~tre, <br />Tact 55 Feet tE 55') of cot Tuo'fai, in Rumen's Sethdivision, an Addition <br />to the City of Gland Island. tiebsas&a <br />tetbar srBv't ati €t-,.e rsastrtsttrc smi appt:eena€€ct:. €h eta tx~t3nginr=, uY! Nta rents. isstues artd prtttita tttsrtuf, red a!i <br />tf~ada, r', rtt~, taiiatt`at, tni sttd ~ws rights atxt profits, water, water ri ~hrx, an~Y watFS stoc-, and' including <br />ati hasq,tittg„ ptetnlsing. rafrtation, lights;, etitttpntsnt ami a4i fixturta vt every description ~ttxtging to ;he <br />.ice star `~ t;a-htx ar'tz.',i th~~, ur tt.-~'i ht c~tt.~i~iiw`r~ wuti-r t3`te pr~iis~ hc~s?tt sas~ribed a ire addi?inn <br />t4~rettr ttie foikzwinn daseritxwl yirrties wtti.:h are artd sftati kte dtanxti to hx te.xtures attd a part of titr rat€y, and <br />arts portion of ttce se~atrity fat the trxkt#edtteas herein stated. {if none, state ''none"1 stone <br />Ta have aced to hold the acne utno the ?Mortgagee, as mein provided: <br />Ttte trecxegagcr is lawfuity lazed ami possessed of and has the right to sett and convey said property: that the <br />seats is fret ft~t sit eacuts~+rattoes except as herainabove recited: atul that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and <br />det'ead the tftk aforasid thtstto and eery part thtreof agaitsst the eiaims of all persona whomsoever. <br />' Thib ittstrurttrnt is givtn to sc~t.,ttr. tht paytttent of a prarmiusory rttxe datet6 ~_ tiovemhez 25,,_1980_.._-_.__-. <br />is she. priacipai suet of ~i_ I7, vftGt_44 _„ stgrksl by Theodore C and Jean Ann Ilolczvk <br />is baituii' ~of ___~_~_.. t6rnoaelves _-_,_.-------------~__,_------_-- <br />ui>Ia, Sts. desert cart or rxxt:s story frpne titrce to time bs ttrodiftai„ retsewsti or rxttndtd in writitty. <br />ht ihasr~t t3s title ~ ~ red a rs u'aadared. tx r~aFradaf to bt trtt>uftrrtd, from the undersigtt~ for arty <br />nit=ar by say ra~hatd ~, tha entire principal semi sad accrued inietsst shat! at otae tteeome due and <br />H tbe~dotXiaa ~ €ha holder hsreef_ Fr~+itp'e to estrrcise this option because tyf trattsftr of !*tfs as above stated <br />11lo~~itae4 stets crzeattiRde a.raix er ts#'tht right to ertcrt'isc ttfe satrtr in tits evptt of any xtbaegttett! transfer. <br />- - 1. ~ atavdot~at aa~d tigtes as itttirriYa: <br />- - a.: Ttt psy Elsa et'i~avrod by said promissory Wort at the times and in the mentor <br />t~> <br />ls. Tel.} 7t$ Ea1N4. ads, wrest races. arkf ether goveenrnentat as tinttttcipal charges, fines, or <br />- -. } 4 ; wtuF~lt t has_~ !rasa made htxeiabtfore, ono aiti promptly deiivtr the officrat rcYeegte <br />2hCrefctr tv tbcdaeai ntertgaaec. <br />r, "Fo ~ e.~ott`t sad fees 8s eta fsa iruutrcd to the prttte-tttm and ntatntettancr crt <aW ~-rctt~+e~ts, <br />aa.'fad. # (ae[ s~ 4~t artfiittttY ~ star tt~ morn fo# t t-cr!#c~~~ta ct# ztty Qr a!# os t!te utt~ar_^.-s <br />irtat_ ~ Csats'krt by trsi~vra'a ^, ^; stn itrtxa~~nks, ;:s alt arts :'site'=. !=rt~t:a,,:.., .._. <br />.. r ..~:.r;.;n_ <br />ssfdaxttti; tats prLtfaCrtY <br />